• Published 7th Sep 2020
  • 373 Views, 20 Comments

Eternal Harmony - TheOneAJ

It was supposed to be a relaxing camping trip! See a once in a lifetime comet, pass astronomy. What Octavia didn’t count on, was meeting the girl of her dreams, who’s destined to destroy the world.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Present Day, Everfree National Park Mountain Range, Campground Site 42

“Hey, Octy, how’s that telescope camera looking?!” Vinyl shouted from one of the tents she and Lyra were setting up. Mallet on one hand, stake in the other as Lyra held the unfinished tent together.

Octavia jerked as said camera fumbled out of her hands. “Better than it was ten minutes ago, less than what it was five, thanks for asking.” she remarked.

“Here,” her friend Bon Bon said, holding the device steady.

“Thanks,” Octavia said as she screwed the camera into the tripod. “And… looks like we’ll be set!”

“I still don’t get why it has to be this meteor.” Bon Bon complained as she swatted away a bug.

“You kidding me?” Lyra perked up from the tent. “This is only Harmony’s comit! Last seen two thousand or something years ago!” She rubbed her forehead. “I mean, putting aside how badly we need these credits to pass our astrology class, don’t you girls want to witness its full glory yourselves? Think about it; A once in a lifetime event, away from the stress of everyday life in the beauty of nature?” She held out her hands at their camping grounds.

Bon Bon slapped her neck. When she pulled her hand back, a dead mosquito stained her palm. “I’d rather be doing so from the comfort of our apartment, to be honest.”

“City girl!” Vinyl teased. Only for her grip on a rope to losses, causing the tent to topple over on herself.

Octavia raised an eyebrow. “Last I checked, so were you.”

“Yeah, well, this is just what I needed!” Vinyl chuckled as she straightened the tent back up.

“If I’m honest,” Lyra added, “I think we could all use a little break from it all. Besides,” she hopped over and wrapped her arms around Bon Bon and Octavia. “What more could we need? Best friends, best girlfriend,” she kissed Bon Bon on the cheek for clarity. “Free from classes for the next three days-

“And no internet service.” Bon Bon grunted, but smiled in Lyra’s embrace.

“We have a radio.” Lyra pointed to their battery powered radio which was playing some country music.

“Well, I’ll have to agree more with Lyra on this case, Bon Bon.” Octavia said as she slipped out of Lyra’s hold to finish the telescope. “A little break from modern life is what I think we all needed.” In here mind, she thought about her last therapy visit. “Plus, really Bonnie, I don’t think a few bug bites killed anyone.”

Bon Bon muttered something unintelligible under her breath.

“No kidding.” Vinyl mused as she walked over to their van. Not old enough to be considered a relic, but hardly new enough to not be thought of as a rust buck. “So, what kind of beer do you girl want?” She asked as she opened the sliding door.

Octavia’s head shot up. “You can’t be serious!”

“Hey, lighten up!” Vinyl protested as she pulled four bottles out. “Look, it’s the light kind, okay!” She protested at her four friends' stern stares. “Gezz, I can drink responsibly you know! I thought we settled this”

Octavia grunted, but took one of the bottles. “Fine. But if you have too much to drink tonight, I swear you’ll have hell from me to face in the morning.”

“Yes, mom!” Vinyl saluted.

Octavia rubbed her forehead. “Why are we best friends again?”

Vinyl leaned against the van. “Let’s see... Oh I do so love retelling this story whenever you rhetorically ask that.”

Octavia shook her head, but happily drank her beer as Vinyl retold their orgin story.

“We were all in a band together for sophomore year.” Vinyl began as she took a sip of her drink. “At the time, I was a loose party cannon-

“Was?” Lyra snickered. “Are you ever going to start being honest about that part?”

Vinyl held up her hands. “Who’s telling the story here? Anyways; I was, and sometimes still am, a party animal.” She walked over to Lyra and Bon Bon. “Lyra and I have known each other since elementary school, and Lyra had just met Bonnie that morning for the start of the semester.”

Bon Bon smiled at the memory of love at first sight.

“So then, as Lyra was introducing me to her ‘new friend’” she received a punch in the shoulder from both girls. “Oh even back then it was super obvious! Anyways,so in walks this new girl who looks like she’s from some boarding school and beneath, Miss Vinyl Scratch.”

Octavia cringed. “I thought we agreed to leave that part out!”

“So! Then she goes looking for a place to sit,” Vinyl continued without acknowledgement. “And who happens to have a free seat?” She pointed at themselves. “So at first, I thought she’d be a total bore. They type I thought wanted nothing more than to survive a semester with me, and I can’t say the feeling wasn’t mutual.” She chuckled sheepishly. “But to my surprise though, she said her name was,” she blew an imaginary trumpet. “Miss Octavia Melody! Former crystal prep transfer, and wouldn’t you know it? She was looking for some friends!”

Octavia contently sighed at the memory. Only having transferred to their public school because of some confusing property zone regulations when her family moved houses, and ending with her finding the best friends she could have ever asked for.

“So we invited her to ‘hang out,’with us, and spent the years becoming friends. Learning bout each other, a few hiccups along the way, that one day at the fair.” She winked at Octavia.

Octavia turned red in the face and Lyra and Bon Bon burst out laughing.

“Well it was a fair assumption to make!” Octavia protested. “I mean, at the time when Lyra and Bon Bon officially became a couple, how was I supposed to have known? You're forgetting how sheltered I was, so it just made sense when I... Can we move on?”

“Sure thing, sweetie.” Vinyl teased with a wink. Although, for one second, she frowned. Octavia caught it, and despite still fuming, she let out a calming breath and gave Vinyl an asureing smile.

“But yeah,” Vinyl said, sitting down on a log and taking another swig of her beer. “We saw each other through some of our worst times, and when we graduated, we were able to pick each other up when we needed it the most. You helped me with my grades, I helped you with your parents in telling them you weren’t going to take their shit anymore. And that you were going to follow your own dreams and not their stupidly laid out plans.”

“Not quite how I put it,” Octavia corrected, sitting next to Vinyl. “But more or less, it was, undoubtedly, the best day of my life.”

“And now we only have two more years of community college, and who knows how long of student debt. But not as long as those IV losers!” Lyra cheered.

“Hey, I had my doubts,” Bon Bon said, “but yeah, your dad was right; It’s not different, and cheaper, and I couldn’t be happier either.” She added pulling Lyra into a hug.

Octavia and Vinyl sighed in contentment at their friends.

“Alrighty! Story time over!” Vinyl anouched standing up. “We got about an hour before the comet is visible! I say we get something to eat before the show begins.” They all looked the the campfire and the darkened sky’s. Not quite dark yet, but just at the edge of twilight. “I’ll get the fire started. How about you pick out dinner, Octy?.”

“An excellent idea!” Octavia agreed, heading to the back of the van and their portable fridge. “What do we pack?”

“Well,” Vinyl said as she lined the fire pit with sticks. “We have eggs, hot dogs, hamburgers, and tacos.”

Octavia hummed to herself as she opened the back of the van. “I suppose I’m in the mood for-

As she opened the fridge, a handful of papers that had been haphazardly stacked on top fell off. Octavia picked them up without a second thought. Only to look at the heading curiously.

“Vinyl, what are these?” Octavia called out

“What’s what?” Vinyl shouted back, match in hand.

“These!” Octavia stepped away from the van holding out the papers in question. “Comet myth and legends? I thought this was supposed to be a, scientific, camping trip.”

“Hey now!” Vinyl snickered. “What’s a good camping trip without some ghost stories to set the mood?” She struck the match, and lit the fire

“Um,” Bon Bon swallowed. “Horror stories?”

Lyra crossed her arms and smirked.

“Not that I can’t handle it!” Bon Bon added with fake confidence.

“Oh yeah,” Vinyl grinned as she took the papers in question from Octavia. “I did some additional research. Found some seriously spooky stuff. Why don't I do some good cooking and I’ll share?”

Octavia sighed. But it was a far more content filled sigh if anything. Compared to where she would have seen herself right now just ten years ago; on a camping trip with some of her best friends? That would have been a laugh. A good fucking laugh. She took in a deep breath as she realized that she had been crushing the taco packs.

“Tacos it is then,” she told herself. “That’s behind me, this is now.” Ground beef and pan in hand, she walked over to the campfire where Vinyl was starting her story.

“So, the story of Harmony’s comet,” Vinyl began as she sat down. A devious grin on her face. “Now, it is a fact that this thing has only ever been seen twice in all of human history. Can you guess what those times were?”

“Um,” Lyra mused over. Sarcastically answering; “When the first invented infomercials and health insurance?”

Vinyl laughed. “Well, you’re not too far off the mark in a way. Supposedly, the first time this comet was seen by human eyes, it was by Egyptian eyes. Not only that,” she held up her paper, “it happened just a few years before it’s rule as an empire came to an end.”

The three looked at each other.

“So... So what?” Bon Bon asked, holding onto Lyra’s arm. “Did the next time it happened, happen during the fall of the Roma or something?”

Vinyls eyes widened, but quickly she smirked. “As a matter of fact, you’re one hundred percent right there!”

Bon Bon gulped and shrank further into her girlfriend's embrace.

“Oh yeah.” Vinyl laughed as she held up the papers.” Not a decade before the dark ages became a thing, there was Harmony’s comet again. A coincidence?”

“Thats,” Octavia shook her head. “Really now! You’re saying a comet caused civilization to end? I think even a novice historian can tell you both empires had issues long before then.”

Vinyl shrugged. “Fair point.” She turned off her flashlight. “But, who’s to say, the comet wasn’t there, not to bring ruin, but to warn them? And you’re right.” She nodded and stood up. “But with all the drama in the world today, who’s to say, the comet isn’t here to warn us now. Who’s the say, when we even head home on Monday... That they’ll even be a home?!”

Bon Bon screamed and jumped from her seat, toppling backwards in the dirt. Taking Lyra with her.

“Seriously, Vinyl, stop that!” Octavia chastised by swatting the papers at her friend.

“Okay, okay!” Vinyl laughed. “Still, one hell of a cowinkodink, don’t you think?”

“Ye... yeah?” Bon Bon stammered as she stood herself up. “It... It wasn’t even that scary!”

“Phew, yeah!” Lyra commented. Goosebumps visible on her arm. “Relax, Bonnie. Nothing bad is going to happen.”

“If you say so.” Vinyl concluded. “Still, wouldn't that be something if anything happened?!”

Octavia deadpanned as she set to work stirring the meat in the pan. “How would the fall of civilization because of a comet in any way be a ‘good’ thing?”

“Never said it would be.” Vinyl corrected taking her seat. “Just that it would be something. That’s all.”

Octavia couldn’t find an argument in that.

“Oh please,” Lyra said crossed armed. “As messed up as things are, we dumb humans care too much about beer, football, and cable television to actually let the world fall apart anyways.”

Octavia blinked. “That’s a bizarre set of priorities.”

“But not inaccurate when you think about it.” Vinyl added.

And with a laugh from all of them, with a more nervous chuckle from Bon Bon, the conversation about the end of the world was dropped. The ground beef had browned by then, and they all had their fill of tacos before the comet was due to arrive.


“You see it?!” Octavia called to Vinyl who was standing on top of the van.

“Not yet!” Vinyl replied, looking up at the night sky through a telescope. “What about you girls?”

“Nope!” Bon Bon called out from the eastern end of the camping ground.

“You think it wouldn’t be that hard to find!” Lyra said from the western end. Stomping a foot in frustration.

“Well, space is a big place,” Octavia pointed out, rubbing her eyes.

“Yeah well, I’m not failing my class because space wants to be a big dick!” Vinyl huffed.

“Is that really necessary?” Octavia deadpanned.

Vinyl shrugged. “Yeah well, beats thinking about how small you are.” Her shoulder slumped. “How little the universe cares if you exist.”

Octavia frowned and looked to Vinyl quizidly. And was about to say something, when Lyra shouted,

“Hey! I think I see it!”

“Where?!” Vinyl said, fumbling and nearly dropping her telescope as Octavia looked in Lyra’s direction. She turned her own telescope to where Lyra was looking, and sure enough, there was the comet.

“Huh, smaller than I expected.” Vinyl commented.

“Well what did you expect?” Lyra said. For it to take up most of the sky? It’s not like in movies. Hey, we got the telescope camera rolling?!”

“On it!” Bon Bon said, racing to the device to aim and record. “How long do we have to keep it running again?”

With that, Lyra walked over to ‘help’ her girlfriend out. Which turned from setting the camera, to Lyra wrapping an arm around Bon Bon. Whom playfully protested at first, but relented as the two sat down on a towel. They leaned into each other, and Octavia had no doubt they would be sharing kissing in between. She laughed in amusement, before turning her attention to her other friend.

“Vinyl?” Octavia said.

“Huh?” Vinyl blinked out of her stupor. “What! I, mean,” she let out a cough. “Yes?”

Octavia sighed. “What’s wrong?” With that, she pulled herself up to the roof of the van and offered her friend to sit down next to her.

Vinyl bit at her lips and started to protest, but sighed. “It’s kind of silly.” She admitted, taking a seat next to Octavia. Feet dangling in the air.

“Neon?” Octavia ventured a guess.

Vinyl looked downwards. “I mean, it’s not like he’s my first boyfriend. Heck, even as we were dating, I could have guessed he wouldn’t be my last. Still, you know how it goes. No break up is ever easy.” Vinyl jerked up as she realized something. “Oh, no! I didn’t mean it like that!”

Octavia snickered. “It’s fine.” She let out her own breath. “It’s not as if pain of any kind is ‘fun.’”

Vinyl chuckled and looked back up at the comet. “So, speaking of, never got to ask; How’dit go with your doctor's visit last week?”

Octavia rolled her eyes.“She thinks I’m about at the point where I don’t need to visit as often, if at all.”

“Tavi, that’s great!” Vinyl beamed. She frowned at Octavia’s less than enthusiastic reaction. “Isn’t it?”

“Um… Maybe?” Octavia said, laying down onto the van, hands behind. “I mean, can you really just be ‘over’ years of emotional trauma I went through like that?” She snapped her fingers. “I mean, I don’t think she means I should just stop having therapy, but if I’m honest, I guess the idea scares me more. Sounds silly, but, what if I spent my whole life in therapy? Or rather, what if next year I’m not… Sorry, this making any sense, Vinyl? Or am I overthinking things again?”

“Eh, a little.” Vinyl admitted as she laid down next to her, hands crossed on her stomach. “Although; What is it you want? I mean, there’s no shame in still needing therapy when we’re one hundred years old.” She added for comedic effect, but was disappointed when Octavia didn’t react.

“I guess,” Octavia said, missing the joke. “However, I doubt that. Or rather, I know one day I’ll have to be able to fully handle things on my own. Oh gosh, Vinyl, what if I’m never ready after all?”

Vinyl let out a snort. “Sorry. But no, seriously? When are we ever ready for anything? Were we ‘really’ ready to have graduated high school? Really ready to tell your parents to suck it? Or,” she tapped her fingers. Wanting to make sure she said the next part right. “Or ready when we think we found the person we love.” She cringed. “Or for when that person says they don’t like you back?”

Octavia sighed and turned her head to face Vinyl. “You still feel guilty about that?”

“I mean,” Vinyl fidgeted. “I did turn you down pretty hard that day.”

“To be fair, I was the one who tried kissing you without any warning because I thought if our friends were dating, that you’d just naturally e into me.” Octavia laughed.

Vinyl blew a raspberry. “Yeah, well-

“Plus, I was also trying to follow your own advice you gave me prior to think less and follow my heart, so really!”

“Yeah, well,” Vinyl said with a smile, which quickly evaporated.

“Hey,” Octavia said, using a hand to rub Vinyls shoulder. “Yes, it hurt. It hurt really bad. Also, I wish the following two weeks didn’t have to be as awkward with us as they turned out to be. But in the end, I think it was an experience I needed. And we were both able to stay best friends in the end. Better then ever from what I recall. So stop feeling bad just because you made me cry for a bit.”

“Yeah, well,” Vinyl said, blowing a strand of hair out of the way. “That doesn't mean you shouldn’t try to find someone.”

Octavia removed her hand and turned her face away. “Vinyl! I thought we’ve been over this; You don’t need to set me up because you feel bad.”

“Come on, Tavi!” Vinyl said as she sat up. “Look, if being single your whole life will really make you happy, I guess I can’t fight it.” She shook her head. “But come on; Let me try setting you up on one blind date. Please?”

Octavia clenched her fist.

“Okay okay!” Vinyl held up her hands. “Sorry! Dropping it!”

“It’s fine.” Octavia said with a sigh as she pulled herself up. “I appreciated the gesture, but really!” She pulled in her knees and smiled. “What brought up the idea I may be done with therapy, is when I mentioned that I’ve been the happiest I’ve been in my entire life.”

Vinyl raised an eyebrow.

“I mean it!” Octavia cleared her throat. “Look at us,” she motioned to Lyra and Bon Bon who were now cuddling. “Away from home, roommates against the world. I never said it was perfect,” she chuckled. “But if I could have it my way; I’d have you be completely over your current heartbreak and quilt, and then I’d want nothing to change from this very moment. Even if it means I never have a girlfriend.” She smirked at Vinyl. “Technically, I already have three.

“Tall order to fill.” Vinyl said rolling her eyes in the direction of the comet. “That’s your shooting star wish? Also, when did you become funny?”

“I have terrible influences.” Octavia stuck out her tongue. As Vinyl shook her head, Octavia asked. “Shooting star wish?” Although she wasn’t that surprised to hear it from Vinyl. “Well, as tempting as it is to wish for something that would require reality to be bent over backwards for me, if I really do get one from this comet, and for something more realistic to happen,” she looked to the rock in the sky. “I’d just wish for someone who would treat you better and is worthy of your love and kindness.”

“Ah! Don’t waste your wish on me!” Vinyl said, holding her hand to her chest.

Octavia giggled. “So what your wish then?”

Vinyl paused to stare at the comet. “Well, it depends. Do I get one of those reality alteratering wishes, or do I have to wish something for yourself just because you did so for me? If so, I’d just say I wished you would get laid once in your life.”

“Vinyl,” Octavia hissed.

“But!” Vinyl said quickly. “If I don't get the reality bending one and have to stick with something ‘realistic, and for myself,” she cleared her throat. “Then I’d just wish for good grades and finding jobs after college.”

Having relaxed, Octavia pestered, “And if you could get any wish you wanted?”

Vinyl twiddled her thumbs. “Maybe that I never had a drinking problem to begin with.” She huffed. “Or a habit of picking jerks. Hell! Maybe I could not be straight so we could just hook up and we could be happy and stress free on this topic!” She let out, rubbing her face.

Octavia let out a half smile and pulled Vinyl into a hug. A hug Vinyl was all too happy to return.

“Thanks for being a good friend, Tavi.” Vinyl said several minutes later. Octavia could just catch her day under her breath, “Even if I can’t love you the way you want me to.”

Octavia smiled. “Hey, you and the girls show me more love than I’ve ever known as a kid, and that’s enough.”

They laughed and stayed as they were for awhile

“So!” Vinyl said, kicking at the air sometime later. “Still hungry? Still have a few tacos left, or some rice treats for dessert. I’ll go get them.”

Octavia glared.

“Hey, relax!” Vinyl protested. “I have will power.” She looked around nervously. “Well... Okay, so maybe I was thinking of another beer, but this will be a good test of that! Plus, you’ll be right here to make sure I’m not sneaky.” She saluted. “Scouts honor.”

“Fine,” Octavia shook her head. “Although, I think I could use another beer as well. But just one for each of us. Got it? Or you’re sleeping in the van. Locked, and with the remaining beer removed.”

“Harsh.” Vinyl cringed. “But fair enough.” She hopped down and made her way to the back where the food was kept.

Desipte all the reasons she shouldn’t have, Octavia, in the end, trusted her friends word enough to continue star gazing. It was sure a night she wouldn’t forget. In more ways than one. She mused as she caught sight of Lyra and Bon Bon locking lips with each other.

She started to look back up at the sky, when a hint of blue caught the corner of her eyes. Blinking, she turned to see a glowing blue light off in the distance of the forest.

“Um, Vinyl.”

“I haven’t touched any beer yet!” Vinyl called back, head deep in their food supplies. “I’m just looking for the rice cake. I swear I packed them-

“Shut up and look at this now!” Octavia shouted as the light was already starting to dim.

Vinyl rolled her eyes, but pulled out, and was able to catch the blue light, along with Lyra and Bon Bon, who had stopped kissing to see what all the fuss was about. All four of them started, as the light grew smaller and smaller, and simply vanished into the distance.

Not one said anything for a moment. Not sure if they had actually seen something. Let alone what to think or do about it. They simply stood there in slack jawed disbelief.

Eventually Vinyl was the one to break the silence. “Oh... Oh, yeah! I got to check this out!” She pulled out a flashlight from the van, and without a second thought, raced towards the woods.

“Wha- What the hell are you doing!” Bon Bon shouted.

“Getting myself a supernatural encounter story to tell!” Vinyl cried out as she disappeared into the trees.

“Vinyl, get back here!” Octavia yelled as she hopped down from the van. “Vinyl? Vinyl! Gods dam it!” She said, rubbing her head.

“So,” Lyra said, twiddling her thumbs innocently as she reached for a flashlight of her own. “I mean, we should probably make sure she doesn’t get herself killed.”

“Seriously, Lyra?!” Bon Bon protested as Lyra stood to her feet. “This screams bad idea!” She protested as Lyra raced after Vinyl. “Octavia?” Bon Bon nervously asked her remaining friend

“Um, I mean,” Octavia made an unsure gesture, but picked up a flashlight of her own. “Just stay here then. Sadly, Lyra’s not wrong.” Shaking her head, she races off after the others.

“Sure.” Bon Bon nodded. Pulling the blanket around herself. “Just stay at the campsite. All alone. Nothing wrong with that while something spooky is going on.”

She eyed the empty and quiet campsite nervously. Until, somewhere in the distance, an owl broke the silence.

“Wait for me!!!!!” Bon Bon cried, jumping to her feet and running after her friends. Not even bothering with a flashlight.


“Do I even need to stress what a bad idea this is?!” Octavia hissed.

“Relax,” Lyra assured as Bon Bon held close to her. “As cool as it would be, I bet it probably nothing supernatural.” she said more to Bon Bon than anyone else

“Yeah,” Bon Bon said, holding Lyra’s arm tightly. “Like the natural explanations are any better when you think about it.” She swallowed. “Government experiment, radiation, hostile aliens-

“A camper using a device with a blue light?” Octavia offered.

“Yeah,” Bon Bon nodded, “a blue light to lure naive college girls like us too-

“Shush!” Vinyl called out, causing all of them to stop in their tracks. “Listen.”

They stopped talking to do as such.

“Really? I don’t hear anything.” Octavia noted after a second.

“Exactly!” Vinyl declared in a whisper. “Nothing. No bugs, animals, wasn’t their even a light breeze earlier?”

Bon Bon held even closer to Lyra. “Maybe we should head back.”

Octavia rubbed her forehead. “Tempting, but let’s be honest; Nothing is going to stop her from finding out what we saw. Plus, if we don’t, we’re just going to scare ourselves silly all night by thinking we’re being watched by ghosts or something.”

Bon Bon quivered.

“That’s not what I meant!” Octavia said rubbing her head. “Well I do hope your happy, Vinyl.” When Vinyl didn’t answer, she pressed, “Did you really have to-

“Dose anyone suddenly feel like we’re being watched?” Vinyl asked.

Octavia glared. “Really?”

“No,” Lyra added as she held Bon Bon close. “I feel it too. Tell me you don’t as well, Octavia.”

She started to protest, but all of the sudden, she too felt as if a pair of eyes was off in the distance, watching. While she reasoned it was only because she had been dumb enough to bring it up, still...

“Vinyl,” Octavia whispered. “I really think we should head back to the campsite. Now!” She hissed.

“What, and missed such an adventure?” Vinyl tried saying confidently, but couldn’t hide her shake voice. “Just... Just a bit longer. You said it yourself. We’ll ust be wondering and scared all night if we don’t solve this mystery. Plus,” she took Octavia’s hand. “We stick together, and whatever it is, it’s four to one. Plus, if something is out here, would we really be that much safer not knowing what it is?”

Octavia groaned in frustration. “Fine.” She took Lyra’s hand. “But the second we get any hints of danger, we leave. Got it?”

Vinyl nodded. “Ye... Yeah.” She stopped talking. They all stayed quiet as they made their way forward, each of them watching different parts of the woods for any signs of anything that-

“There!” Lyra cried out, pointing her flashlight into the distance. “I think I just saw something move!”

The other three girls huddled in close to Lyra.

“Where?” Vinyl said, shining her flashlight in the direction.

“It went behind that tree,” Lyra said pointing to the tree in question and keeping her light shone on the trunk. The other two flashlights are focused on.

“Well,” Bon Bon said to Vinyl after a minute of staring at the tree. “This was your idea. You go check it out.”

“Well, I mean,” Vinyl stuttered, “all for one, and one for all, right?”

Octavia rolled her eyes, but kept her eyes fixed on the tree. “Lyra, could you tell what it was?”

Lyra shook her head. “Moved too fast. Just saw an outline behind a bush and it went behind the tree I think. Look to be about the size of a deer. Maybe.”

“Okay,” Octavia nodded. “That’s probably all it was.”

Bon Bon picked up a large stick laying in the ground. “How much do you want to bet on it?”

“She’s right.” Vinyl nodded, scanning the floor, and finding another such branch for her, Lyra and Octavia to use.

Octavia took the branch with little reluctance.

“Okay, let’s just keep our heads.” Lyra instructed. “Vinyl, Octavia, you both go right. Bon Bon and I will take the left.”

“Why left?” Bon Bon moaned.

“You rather we take the right then?”

Bon Bon clung to Lyra tighter.

“Let’s just get this over with,” Octavia insisted as they moved towards the tree. Octavia whispering to Vinyl, “If we die, I’m going to kill you.”

Vinyl hushed her as they got closer. Once they were next to the tree, both parties looked at each other. Lyra raised three fingers, and Octavia and Vinyl nodded.

‘1, 2... 3!’

They raced forwards, sticks in the air, to find-

“See!” Octavia said, letting out a nervous breath. “Nothing to worry about.”

“Ye-Yeah?” Vinyl said, still holding her branch tightly. “Didn’t mean there’s still nothing out here.”

“Can we please just turn back now?!” Bon Bon called. “There’s nothing here!”

“We don’t know that!” Vinyl protested. “What if-

“That’s enough!” Octavia declared. “No. No no! We are leaving. Or at least I’m leaving. And you’re more than welcome to join me.” She stood up straight. “All we’ve done is worked ourselves up over nothing! There’s nothing out here.” She turned to leave, even if the campground was in the other direction simply to make her point. “But if you want to waste your night chasing nothing, Vinyl, be my-

As sharply turned around to demonstrate, she was met by pairs of blue eyes, and a glowing red mouth than was hiding, and watching them behind a bush she had walked into. Octavia let out a blood curdling scream, and swung it at the creature with all of her might. There was a loud crack as the stick shattered upon contact. The force caused, whatever she had hit, to wallow in pain as it’s mouth... No!

As Octavia came to rationalization, whatever the red glow was, it wasn’t a mouth as it flew from the creature and sailed and disappeared into the woods. The thing itself, after it’s hallow had stopped, fell to the ground. It was only then did Octavia realize that it hadn’t been so much a hollow of pain, but a cry of one.

“Whoa!” Vinyl commented. “Nice swing, Octy!”

Octavia blinked and shook her head. It was then, as she looked to where the thing had fallen. Nothing as she got closer that it had a distinctly humanoid shape.

“Oh no.” Octavia said, holding her hands to her face. “No, no, no, no, NO!” She said, pulling the bush aside. Lyra shone a light in her direction, and sure enough, there laid a normal looking, human gir, female, blue hair tied in a ponytail, around their age if they had to guess.

“Oh shit!” Bon Bon cried out, racing forward.

“Hang on!” Vinyl said holding her hands up. “Who’s to say it’s not some shape shifting body snatchers who only want us to think we killed it? OUCH!” She cried as Octavia swatted her on the head.

“Not the fucking time, Vinyl!” Octavia hissed as she leaned down to turn the girl face up.

“I was being serious!” Vinyl protested to Lyra and Bon Bon’s glare.

Octavia picked the girl up, and felt for a plus and sign of breath. “Oh thank the gods! She’s alive.”

Everyone but Vinyl let out a breath.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Vinyl shouted. “Weren’t we just looking for something supernatural and, well, seriously?! How do we know she’s not a vampire that will drain us dry once she-

“VINYL! SHUT UP!” Lyra shouted, fire in her eyes as she held a shivering Bon Bon. “There’s a time and place, but not right now!”

Vinyl took a step back. “Fine, but when she-

“Finish that sentence with something stupid, and you’re hiking home!” Octavia warned. “This is serious. Come on, grab her legs.” She instructed as she stood pulling the girls upper half up with her.

“You can’t be for real.” Vinyl protested.

“Oh yes I can!” Octavia warned. “We’re taking her back to our campsite like responsible adults. And, if she doesn't come too by first light, we’re taking her to the ranger station. And I’ll make sure you get the full front of the blame since I wouldn’t have reacted as I did if you hadn’t worked up on your ridiculous ghost stories.”

Vinyl fumed, but a shove from Lyra convinced her to grab the girls legs.

Octavia let out a sigh, but didn’t say anymore. Looking down to see the spot where she hit the poor thing was swelling.

“I’m terribly sorry, Miss.” she apologized. “If you can hear me, don’t worry. We’re going to help you.”

If or if not the girl heard her, one of her arms wrapped around Octavia’s.

Octavia blushed, but then remembered something. “Oh shoot! Um, is there any way we can mark this spot?”

Lyra looked at her. “Why?”

“Well,” Octavia clicked her tongue. “I think she had some kind of jewelry on her, but it got knocked off when... You know. We need to get her back to camp and it’s too dark to try looking for it now. But I’d hate to not try and find it for her if it was important.”

“Um,” Lyra thought on it.

“Just use your sticks to make an X against the tree. That should do until we can come back.” Vinyl suggested.

Octavia gave her a look.

“What? Being helpful.”

While Octavia has no doubt she wanted to also come back later to do some more investigating as well, it was a small price to pay at the moment. Lyra nodded in agreement, although they had to use Vinyls stock as Bon Bon refused to let go of her own.

“Right then!” Octavia commanded once that was done. “Let’s get moving!”

No one dared to protest as they made their way back to camp.


Halfway across the world in Italy, a pair of girls sat around their apartment building. One had golden curly hair, the other had her purple locks tied into a pair of pigtails. Named respectfully, Adagio and Aria. Whom from a distance, looked like normal human females. This of course, wasn’t true. As in fact, they were from another dimension. Banished for becoming power hungry monsters. Expected to have died by their banisher centuries ago. However, what he hadn’t expected, was that they brought their magic with them. Enough to sustain themselves through the eons, and even manipulate the mortals to get the luxurious apartment they resided in now. No, they couldn’t call the humans mortal, being so themselves. Needed wall three of themselves to obtain immortality, and only having a fraction of their powers for the time being.

All of sudden, the one known as Adagio, jerked upwards. Holding her red pendant, the source of her powers, close.

Aria looked up from the magazine she had been reading to pass the time. in Italian, she asks, “Something up?”

Adagio didn’t answer right away. She took in several breaths, and rubbed her pendent. Shortly after, her pendent started to glow bright red. Her eyes shot open, and she spotted a wicked grin.

“Yes. She has arrived.”

Author's Note:

And so, my big epic fantasy story begins...

Also as a reminder, you can sponsor this story by pledge for me at kofi (atm I have mine set at $2 a cup). Each cup will get your name and channel feature at the end of three chapters and YouTube videos.
Also, for a limited time, until chapter four gets posted, after you’ve pledge, come back to this stories comment section/my Kofi page, and say; id like to see more of Eternal Harmony so I can know who’s who, and you’re name and channel will get promoted in chapters 1-6, regardless of when you pledged.
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