• Published 7th Sep 2020
  • 373 Views, 20 Comments

Eternal Harmony - TheOneAJ

It was supposed to be a relaxing camping trip! See a once in a lifetime comet, pass astronomy. What Octavia didn’t count on, was meeting the girl of her dreams, who’s destined to destroy the world.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Tap, tap, tap.

Adagio opened her eyes in irritation. Aria is sitting on the far end of the condo, tapping a pen on the table, glancing up and down at the newspaper.

“Do you mind?” Adagio growled.

Aria looked up to see Adagio where she left her. Crossed legged on the floor in a meditative stance. It had been like that for the past several hours. Concentrating on… What? Sure, they figured Sonata was due to arrive in this world any day now. Although for immortal beings such as themselves any day meant anywhere from that day to a hundred years from now. Not to say Aria hadn’t been excited at first that it might have actually been today. Although the excitement quickly vanished when Adagio said she was only able to pick up on, whatever she could sense, of Sonata for a few seconds. There was a bit of excitement a few hours ago as well, but when nothing came of it, Adagio had ordered Aria to turn off the television so she could further concentrate.

So, who knew how long later, when Adagio asked if Aria minded the purple haired woman said, “No.” sarcastically, followed but a laugh. “Maybe it will help you ‘hone in.’”

Adagio opened one of her eyes. “I know she’s in the world! I just can’t understand why I can’t feel her magic.

Aria blinked to thay. “I thought you said you sensed her.”

“I said I sensed her magic!” Adagio spa, rubbing her head. “Although I have no idea why that shouldn’t be one in the same.”

“You don’t think,” Aria paused.

“She’s not dead,” Adagio assured.

“And how do you know that?”

Shrugging, Adagio lifted up her pendant. “If she were dead, then we’d know about it.”

Aria took in a breath. “That’s very assuring, sis.”

“Oh quit your whining,” Adagio dimmed. “Besides, I don’t see you helping.”

“Oh?” Aria held a hand to her chest. “You want me to join hands with ya and sing campfire songs or something?” Aria laughed. “Maybe we can even roost marshmallows.”

Adagio began a rebuttal, before thinking. “Actually, that’s not such a bad idea.” Secertly she added feeling dumb for not thinking it sooner.

“What?” Aria tilted her head. “The marshmallows? I wasn’t being serious!”

“Not the marshmallow! You joining in by holding hands!”

Aria blinked. Then scoffed. “You’re serious?”

“Get over here!” Adagio ordered. “I don’t want to be stuck in this dingy loft with barely enough of our power to keep us sustained. So the sooner we find that airhead, the sooner we can become gods. Now butt. Over her. Now!”

“Fine!” Aria groaned, sitting in front of Adagio. “So...

Adagio held out her hands. When Aria reluctantly took them, her sister added calmly, “Simply close your eyes. Clear your mind of all distractions. And before you make any smart comments I’ll shut up shortly.” She took in a breath of her own. “Focus your magic, not so much on finding her, or even what she would have looked like. Unless you think of some other color, picture blue.”

Aria had one of her eyelids closed. “And this is how you found me?”

“The path of destruction you left help, but this is similar to how I first got your general location.” She frowned. “The bigger difference was with how you were regularly using your powers, it didn’t take long. So I’m not sure if there’s anyway we can find her unless she uses her own.”

“Reassuring,” Aria huffed. “But I don’t want to not have to worry about absorbing enough to keep our immortality up day by day either, so okay.”

Silence filled the condo. Their pendant glowing red on their necks as green streaks invisible. to human eyes swapping through the walls

Nothing happened for serval minutes.

“Anything?” Adagio asked.

“Nothing but a craving for some pizza,” Aria said sarcastically as her stomach growled. “You sure this won’t drain us dry?”

“As long as we only extend our magic out like an arm that can be pulled back, we should be fine.” Adagio assured. “Until we need to hone in on something, this shouldn’t expand more than a quarters day worth of energy. Probably less now that we’re doing this together.”

“Uh-huh,” Aria nodded. Her mind focused on the type blue she thought she remembered Sonata was. What had it been? How long had it been? At least a thousand years, if not two, since she last saw her airheaded sister.

“I’m not sure,” Aria started to say something snarky to cope with her worries, she thought she saw a blue light in her mind pass by. “Wait… I think I saw something!”

Adagio’s eyes shot open. “Really?” When Aria squinted her eyes tighter, Adagio closed her own again and instructed. “Okay, try moving your magic back to where you saw it.”

Before Aria could ask what that meant, she felt as if her head was being turned back to where she had previously been gazing. Shortly after, the blue light came back into view.

“You see this Adagio?” Aria asked with a short breath. “It’s dim, but I definitely see something similar to our aura.”

“No, I,” she shook her head. “Focus your magic now on it. Dont open your eyes!” She shouted right on time to stop Aria from cracking one.

“Okay, but didn’t you say it will start draining when we focus on something?”

“Just do it!” Adagio commanded. “It should drain either of us too badly. At worst you’ll only feel dizzy for a day or two.”

“Your assurance is comforting.” She breathed, but did as instructed. Focusing her magic on the blue light. “Yes, it’s definitely a life force.”

“I’m starting to see it as well,” Adagio smiled.

“Well, now I’m seeing two.”

Adagio frowned. “Two?”

“Yeah. I think she’s standing next to another being.”

“You sure it is her then?” Adagio question to the word she.

“Um,” Aria tapped her fingers. “No it’s just a blue light. A blue light stand, no, sitting, I think, next to a purple one. Much like I think the blue light might be her.”

“Well alright.” Adagio sighed. “Hey, I think I see the second life form as well now.”

“Really?” Aria questioned. “Cause now I’m seeing multiple ones. Four, no five in total. Not right next to her but in the same vicinity. Can’t tell where or,” there was a sharp intake of breath. “I can’t see what she looked like, but it’s definitely Sonata!”

“I don’t,” Adagio began, before having a thought. “Hang on, I’m going to channel my magic into yours.”

Aria kept her eyes closed, but her mouth dropped.

“You’re clearly getting better reception, so let’s not fight on this. Our priory is finding Sonata for the moment. We’re but strong witches without her.”

“O… Okay.” Aria nodded, tensing up as she felt additional magic flow into her. Immediately, she got a full view of—

“Sonata.” Aria mouthed. The blue hair girl perking up to the sound.

“You see her clearly?” Adagio panted. Keep describing what you see to me. Tell me any and every detail as they come! I’ll shut up now.”.

“Good,” Aria snarked, oblivious to how the room started to light up red to her gem. “She’s looking around. No, now she’s looking up at something. She’s sitting next to that purple light. Two of the other lights, a green and yellow-ish one, are sitting together too far away for me to make out. A white one… Wait, a sixth? No! It’s a fire. A campfire, I’m thinking. I’m starting to make out the human she’s sitting next to.” She paused.

“Something up?” Adagio questioned. “What is she doing? Trying to drain the humans?”

“That’s just it.” Aria mouthed. “She’s not doing anything. The girl, yes, human girl next to her doesn't even seem distressed.” She laughed. “Playing with your food as always, Sonata?”

She missed Sonata’s raised eyebrow when Aria said her name.

“She looks safe and happy at least.”

“How generous,” Adagio scoffed. “Can you see anything that might clue us in on where she is?”

Arias' body teased. “Um, oh! I think there’s a vehicle by that fifth light! A white one.”

“Perfect!” Adagio beamed. “See if you can’t focus more of your magic on the white one and the car.”

Aria didn’t answer.

“Aria?” Poking open her eyes, she saw Aria in distress. “Aria! The car. That’s how we—

“She’s now wearing her pendant.” Aria took in a deep breath. “I think, I think it’s buried on the other edge of the camp. I see something glowing with Equestria magic.”

“What?” Adagio gawked. “No, the car! The car, Aria! That’s how we find her.” Not that she wasn’t worried about the development, but it wouldn’t matter if they couldn’t find her.

“She’s… Is she holding that human’s hand?!” Arias’ pendant started to vibrate.

“Aria! I know you had some bad experiences coming here, but you need to focus on the car if you want to help her! A license plate, serial number, sticker, newspaper, something—

She never got to finish. Within Aria’s mind, she saw Sonata lay her head in the mystery girl. Smiling like a colt who’s first fully crush told him he was cute. It wasn’t what set her off. That happened, when the human ran a hand through Sonata’s blue hair.


Aria jerked free from Adagio’s grasp, arching her back while watching Sonata push off of the girl to hold her head. Aria watched her mouth a soundless scream, and herself passed out to the pooping of lights in the apartment...


“Good?” Octavia asked between bites of her cheeseburger

“Hum. Sonata spoke with her mouth full. “Okay. Eh, tacos better, but good too.”

“You know, I’m the opposite funny enough.” Lyra mused. “Give me a burger over tacos anyways.”

“You mean because you can’t handle anything spicy?” Bon Bon teased.

Sonata watched them with a smile. Since the poker game, the girls had settled down to dinner. The whole time, Sonata trying to get Octavia to lighten up from whatever it was her parents did to upset her friend. Mostly by imitating those colorfully creatures she watched with Octavia today that made her smile. Clowns, from what she recalled. While truth be told, they creaped her out, it made Octavia smile, and that made Sonata feel good.

“Octavia, look!” Sonata said when she noticed Octavia was looking sad again. Taking her empty plate and balancing it on her nose. It fell off right away, but it had its effect of making everyone smile for a moment.

“So what other tricks did you teach her, Octh?” Vinyl laughed.

“Vinyl!” Octavia shouted. Feeling somewhat bad in not being able to explain what a fool Sonata made of herself when she acted like that. Even if on the other hand she couldn’t help but feel less desperate at the girls attempts to make her laugh.

“Don’t worry about it.” Octavia assured Sonata. “You do good.”

Sonata beamed to that, and Octavia smiled.

“That was good,” Vinyl said standing up. “I should,” she stared towards the van, and Octavia stood up to meet her.

Vinyl rolled her eyes. “Thank you, Octy.”

Octavia took in a breath and started to walk forward. Only to be pulled back by a concerned looking Sonata.

“I’ll be fine,” Octavia assured, patting Sonata’s hand. “I’m more making sure Silly will be fine.” As Vinyl snorted, she added, "Estaré bien."

Sonata let loss her grip, and turned to Lyra and Bon Bon as they started in some other conversations.

“Still thinks she is evil?” Octavia asked once out of ear range.

“You know I can turn this on you in making sure I only take one beer.” Vinyl said, pulling open the vans rear door.

Octavia blinked. “That’s… That's completely different!”

“Why?” Vinyl shrugged, pulling three beer cans out of the fridge. “All I’m saying is you, should, keep in mind that we still don’t know who she is. Just like you’re about to say I shouldn’t have more than two beers.”

Octavia stopped herself as she was about to yank one of the cans away from her friend. “Yeah, well,” she rubbed her elbow. “I’m not saying you can’t drink at all. And I know you’re responsible enough to know what happens if you get carried away.”

“Exactly!” Vinyl smirked, putting away two of the drinks, and popping open the third. “Hey, I’m all for you two getting if she turns out to be gay and not a soul stealing troll.”

Octavia’s face turned red and she was about to say something when Vinyl pulled out and held the slip of paper from the card game to Octavia’s face.

Octavia will admit to if she thinks Sonata is cute or not.

“It hates you sometimes,” Octavia growled.

Vinyl smirked as she slowly took a sip of her beer. “Feelings mutual when you help me.”

Octavia started to get angry, but found that she honestly couldn’t and laughed. “I suppose it wouldn’t be fair if you didn’t.”

“What are friends who love you for?” Vinyl crumpled up the can and tossed it into the trash bag. “Speaking of which; honest feelings about your parents text message.”

Octavia deflated. She was tempted to try and drop the matter, but figured it would be easier to get it over with Vinyl. “Honestly, I wasn’t lying about it not bothering me that badly.”

Vinyl nodded her head. “But...

“Um,” Octavia twiddled her thumbs. “I’m not saying I forgive them, they hardly seem like they were,” she thought about the right word, and then said, “that sorry.”

“You’re not serious?” Vinyl glared, crossing her arms.

“I’m not!” Octavia said loudly, causing the three girls from the campfire to stare. Octavia waved sheepishly at them. Lyra and Bon Bon turned around immediately, but had to cox Sonata into minding her own business.

“I’m not,” Octavia breathed after that. “Still, would it be wrong, or would I be the bad guy, if I didn’t at least somewhat throw them a bone if they seem to get it at least a bit? And don’t just say no. It’s not as if I’ll ever truly be rid of them.”

Vinyl started to, but lowered her finger.

Octavia placed a hand on Vinyl’s shoulder. “I don’t need them, I just want to be the bigger person now that I’m mostly recovered and no longer not in control of any part of my life.”

“Well I still say fuck um,” Vinyl spoke. “But I suppose I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t think people could change or mature.”

“All I’m asking.” Octavia assured, pulling her friend into a hug.

Vinyl hugged back, and whispered, “We can talk more about this later. Now don’t you have your future lesbian vampier girlfriend to try and make out with?” As Octavia’s hug tightened into an uncomfortable squeeze, Vinyl quickly added, “You just worry about the making her happy so if she dose turn out to be she’ll be conflicted on drinking us dry and I’ll worry about the keeping an eye out and being ready if she is evil part!”

Octavia loosened her grip and pulled away from her friend. “Alright. But no walking around with silver steaks, knives or holy water all the time, and no trying to force us to get together.”

Vinyl puffed. “Who do you think I am?” When Octavia deadpanned, she added. “Well, fine! But I ’m keeping my knife handy, but under one of the tires and not on me when next to her, and, the worse I was planning was to simply nudge you two together at some point.”

“You know what? I’ll take that!” Octavia said, knowing she’d probably wouldn’t get a better deal.


“So, aren't bad clowns scary?” Sonata asked, relieved to find she wasn’t the only one to consider those things creepy.

“Not at all,” Bon Bon shivered.

The three of them’s conversations turned from when Sonata tried to make Lyra and Bon Bon laugh but trying, and failing, to balance a plate on her nose. Lyra asked where she got the idea, Sonata mentioned the clowns on the show she and Octavia had watched, and from there Bon Bon mentioned her own fear of clowns.

“I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to have a bunch of men dress up in face paint, allow them to get close up in children’s faces, and think that was a good idea.” Lyra shuttered.

Sonata tilted her head to that. “Octavia liked?”

“To each their own, Sonata.” Lyra shrugged, rubbing her girlfriend’s back. “Although I guess if Octavia found them funny, I can see now why you’d want to imitate one.”

Sonata stared at her.

Lyra laughed and started to say something, before realizing Sonata’s cluelessness may have come more from her not fully being able to understand complex english sentences yet.

“Ah! Yes,” Lyra sat her empty plate down by her feet. “So, what else—

“I’m not!” they heard Octavia cry out. All at once turning to stare at her and Vinyl. Bon Bon and Lyra were just as quick to look away at Lyra’s nervous wave, but Lyra had to coax Sonata’s attention back towards the fire.

Sonata sighed “More complicated?”

“E’yup,” Bon Bon said. “She’s good,” she assured, reaching over Lyra to pat Sonata’s hand. “You do good, Sonata. You do good.”

“So,” Lyra said, leaning up next to Bon Bon. “What else can you tell us?”

Sonata showed she understood the question, but wasn’t sure how to answer.

“How about,” Bon Bon said, not seeing any other way to make conversation, picked up a rock, pointed to it, and asked Sonata, “What do you call this?”

“Um, rock?” Sonata answered .

Picking up what Bon Bon actually meant, she smiled as added, “No, I think she means what you would, you call it, in own words.

Sonata blinked before perking up. “Oh! Roca!”

They stared at her.

“What?” Sonata said with a neutral smile.

“Nothing,” Lyra said, laughing in amusement and picking up her plate. “So what do you call this? a plato?”

“Yes.” Sonata plainly nodded.

Bon Bon looked as if her brain was shutting down.

“Um, I,” she looked and pointed to the campfire. “That! Please tell me that’s at least different enough to not possibly be a coincidence!”

“Hoguera,” Sonata answered with a smile.

“Ah good,” Bon Bon sighed in relief.

“For a campfire,” Sonata grinned. “If only fire would be, fuego!”

“Aahhh!” Bon Bon cried out, while Lyra burst out laughing.

“Oh, you’re okay, Sonata,” Lyra assured. “You’re okay.”

“What is she okay about?” Octavia asked, walking back to the fire right as the fire started.

“Um,” Lyra said once her laughter died down. “Just learning some new words. We found out what in her language this means.” She held up the rock to show.

Octavia looked at it quizidly. “Piedra?”

Lyra jaw slacked. “What, no! That’s not,” the all looked at Sonata, who had started to whistle.

“Yes, la piedra,” Sonata began to explain. “Mean, pebble small stone to me.” She took the rock from Lyra’s hand and began to finger it. “Rock, but rock means Roca.”

Bon Bon held a finger up in the air, moving it too and from as she tried to figure this one out.

“I think she just fucked with you guys,” Vinyl concluded.

“Correct, Silly!” Sonata cheered. “Octavia and Vinyl all good?”

“Yeah,” Vinyl said after rubbing her head. “We just,” her eyes widened. “Wait a minute, you knew silly wasn’t my name the whole time?!”

“Not as if it isn’t,” Lyra chuckled.

“Si!” Sonata added.

Vinyl simply shook her head in bemusement. “Not helping the not evil case. Although speaking of fucking,” she gave Octavia a scoot towards Sonata. “Should be able to see the comet soon. Lyra, Bon Bon, why don’t you set up the telescope, Sonata, Octavia, keep an eye on the fire, and I’ll be looking out from the van.”

Before Octavia could smack the wink from Vinyl's face, she looked at the sweet, indifferent smile from Sonata, and tried to say grateful, “Sounds like a plan.”

“Great! Come on, Bonnie,” Lyra said, taking Bon Bon’s head. “Let’s go before she tells us air means air-O or something!”

Sonata gave them a wicked smile, and the two shot off.

“Great!” Vinyl patted Octavia on the shoulder. “I’ll go... Not here. Play safe you two!” She dodged Octavia’s right hand and made for the roof of the van.

Octavia shook her head, then took a deep breath before sitting down besides Sonata. “So friends fun?”

“Much fun,” Sonata giddied.

“Well I’m glad.” Octavia let out a content sigh.


“This is nice,” Octavia confirmed, pulling her marshmallow back from the fire as she showed Sonata what a s’more was.

“So, fire okay?” Sonata asked, her marshmallow burning. “As long as out quick?” she asked blowing out the flame. Her previous experience not-with standing when she freaked out and flung the flaming orb away.

“Yes,” Octavia giggled. “Now you put it together like this,” she put it between a pair of gram crackers and chocolate chunk.

Sonata fallowed suit, and nearly took a bite before Octavia cautioned her on it being hot. To which Sonata let out a sheepish chuckle.

“How about a trade?” Vinyl offered, walking in behind them with a blanket.

Octavia raised an eyebrow. “What, too lazy to make your own?”

“And get between you two and such a tender moment?!” Vinyl held a hand to her chest.

Octavia rolled her eyes in bemusement, but accepted the trade. “Thanks.”

“Just don’t fall asleep in front of the fire together,” Vinyl teased, taking a bite of the traded s’more right away. Only to spit the piece out and fanning her tongue.

“Don’t forget to put out the fire if you’re the last up,” Octavia mused to her friends pain.

“Don't be silly!” Sonata said for no other reason than feeling the need to say something as she cozied up under the sheat.

Vinyl gave them the middle finger, and headed back to the roof of the van to continue her hawk watch.

‘Guess you can have a wild college weekend in untraditional ways after all.’ Octavia mused to herself, oblivious to Sonata gazing from the comet to Lyra and Bon Bon, as they were holding hands. Honestly not seeing the harm, Sonata scooted closer to Octavia and took the own girls hand, causing Octavia’s face to heat up.

“Bad?” Sonata flinched, pulling away, but Octavia stopped her by taking her hand.

“No!” Octavia said with squeak. “I mean, uhhum... Good.”

Octavia slipped her hand back into Sonata’s. Lost in such thoughts, she didn’t notice Sonata’s ears perking up, and head swiveling around to some invisible sound. Or how Sonata’s face lite up in confusion to a green mist only she could see. Which consequently, at the edge of their campsite at the foot of a tree in a bare patch of dirt, the ground began to glow a sickly red as it shifted about. However, when Octavia didnt reacte worriedly to the sight,, Somata looked to the girls by the telescope, Bon Bon having rested her head on Lyra’s shoulders. This time Octavia did notice where Sonata was gazing.

‘Wait, she isn’t thinking?’ Octavia said with a worried gulp.

Sure enough, Sonata rested her own head on Octavia’s shoulder.

‘Oh gods!’ Octavia thought, her heart beating faster. ‘What am I supposed to do if those two start—

Sonata let out an ear piercing scream.


‘Okay.’ Sonata thought to herself. ‘So I guess that’s what these creatures in this world do with their friends as well. Although if I didn’t know better, I’d say they were a romantic couple.’ Without a second thought, she leaned her head on Octavia’s shoulder.

‘Either way, this feels nice. I wonder if Octavia-—


So far, ever since that light green haze rolled in, Sonata had sworn she heard her name being called three times from none of her friends. She was able to brush them off, focusing on the warm feeling in her chest as she got closer to Octavia. Then it screamed at it, and she pushed off of Octavia to hold her head in pain.

“Sonata!” Octavia cried as Sonata held her hands to her head and visions started to flood her mind. Still screaming, she kneels forward into Octavia’s lap.

Vinyl jerked upright to the scream. Having laid back with her hands behind her head on the van to stare at the comet. Swearing she was starting to see some green when she heard the scream. Her first instinct was to draw out her knife.

“What is it?!” Vinyl shouted, jumping off racing to the campfire, Lyra and Bon Bon already there.

“I don’t know!” Octavia stammered, doing her best while Sonata continued to wail on her lap. Not helping, was when Sonata began to shake.

“Oh gods! Is she having a stroke or something?” Bon Bon said with a hand to her mouth

“Girls, get away from her!” Vinyl shouted as another possibility crossed her mind.

Lyra and Bon Bon did as instructed, before their own gears began to turn as they glanced at the knife in Vinyl’s hand.

“Hey hey hey!” Lyra said, racing over to Vinyl. “What are you thinking?!”

Octavia, heed them no mind. For more concerned if Sonata needed to be taken to the hospital. Suddenly, Sonata reached out a hand to grasp on Octavia’s shoulder in an attempt to sit herself up. In the moment, as Octavia leaned down to see Sonata lifted her head up, causing their foreheads to bump into each other, and then there was white.


There was a village. The type that had straw roofs, horses and—

No, they weren't horses. Ponies? Yes, ponies who seemed to be the ‘people’ of that village. They were going about their lives, when suddenly, one of their eyes glistened. Then there was an argument, and more and more ponies eyes started to glow as they began to bicker and fight. All around then, a green mist was forming, although from this point of view, there was joy. Joy as the green mist started to creamy towards themself and be absorbed. And then, there was laughter…

Then there was fear. Fear as the world started to spin and toss around them as two horse-fish creatures were tossed ahead, and then vanished. Now there was fear, and loneliness.

There was a flash, and then the world was dark. A forest of some kind. Looking down, their was terror as what once had been hooves were hands. With nothing better to do, the trees came forward as if walking out of the crater and into the woods.


Then there was shouting! Ducking low, through bushes, four bipedal creatures with lights in their hands. Talking in an alien language.

Prey? A source of negative energy to be siphoned?

“Si.” one of them said. “Una luz azul para atraer a universitarias ingenuas como nosotras también—

Another one made a shushing sound.

Not a mussel is moved until they start talking again. Backing away, but always keeping a watch. More intrequied than any kind of worry.

“¡Por ahí!” one of them calls out. Pointing in your direction. Only getting behind one of the trees just as a light shines at the previous spot. "¡Creo que acabo de ver algo moverse!"

Slowly moving back, avoiding the lights, making a sharp left and finding a bush to hide behind as the creatures circle around the tree. Maybe a bit too close for comfort, within arms reach of one of them. Curiosity holding in place to try and get a better look.

¡Eso es suficiente!" The closest one shouts. "No. ¡No, no! Estamos saliendo. O al menos me voy.”

Before being at ground level, the scene rises along with the creature, looking at the back of its grey head.

“ ¡Todo lo que hemos hecho es trabajar por nada! No hay nada aquí, pero si quieres perder la noche persiguiendo nada, Vinyl, sé mi—

It turns around, it’s purple eyes switching from anger, to confuse, to fear, faster than can be reacted to. It screams, raises something in its hands, and then there is nothing....


Octavia and Sonata screamed and reeled back from each other. Octavia fell into Bon Bon’s arm, as Lyra raced over to where Sonata lay.

“Are you okay?!” Lyra asked, slightly relieved to see Sonata had stopped shaking.

“Octavia!” Bon Bon asked as Vinyl turned her attention towards them. “Are you okay?”

“I’m... Fine.” Octavia tried to say assuringly, rubbing her head, and looking up at the same time to meet Sonata’s gaze. No one said anything as the two locked eyes. The look between them saying they somehow knew something. One glance told Octavia all she needed to know. Whatever she had just seen, Sonata had seen as well. And it didn’t paint the blue girl in any kind of positive light.

“Son… Sonata?” Octavia asked, lifting herself up and reaching a hand out.

Sonata pushed away from Lyra and began to backpedal on her back.

“What just happened?” Vinyl said wearily as she walked towards Sonata.

"¡Quédense atrás! ¡Todos ustedes!" Sonata shouted. "¡No! No vengas a ningún armario o lo haré, lo haré ...

She looked around nervously as Lyra and Vinyl tried to inch closer.

“Sonata!” Octavia said, forcing herself off the ground and simply walked forward. “We don’t want to hurt—

"¡MANTENTE ALEJADA DE MI!!” Sonata picked up a clump of dirt and threw it into Octavia’s face. As Octavia recoiled at the action, Sonata sprang to her feet and started to run.

“Stop her!” Vinyl ordered. To which Lyra was able to block her path closest to the woods. Vinyl responded by flanking Sonata to the left, cutting off a southern escape, which along with the Van and Bon Bon in a spot she could of easily tackled Sonata from beelinning Easter edge of the camp.

Breathing heavily, Sonata looked around, realizing only one of the van’s doors were opened, and made a dash for it before Lyra and Vinyl realized this. Sprinting off, Sonata threw herself into the van locking the door as Vinyl slammed into it.

“Open the door!” Vinyl ordered as she rattled the locked one. Once again, realizing too slowly that the van had other doors, right as Sonata managed to hit the master lock button on the drivers side.

“Dang it!” Vinyl cried as she tried the drivers door, glaring up and scaring Sonata into the passenger's seat. The poor girl pulled herself into a tight ball as she cried and hyperventilated.

“Bon Bon, get the keys!” Lyra shouted after she tried the back.

Stop!!” Octavia howled, having cleaned out her eyes and now able to see the situation. “Stop stop stop!” she said in response to Vinyl hitting at the window. “Vinyl, stop!!!!”

Vinyl froze, fist inches from the window. Slowly turning, she shrank at Octavia’s gaze.

“Well, I,” she looked between Octavia, and the cowering figure within the van, then shook her head. “It was a very justifiable action given the circumstances!”

Octavia nearly slapped Vinyl across the face, but her hand was caught by Bon Bon. “You’d rather she be running aimlessly out into the woods?”

Octavia took a breath. “I’d rather she not be terrified of us.”

“Look,” Lyra spoke up from the back of the van. “What maters now is that she’s not going anywhere. We have the keys, and have all sides of the van surrounded.” She walked out of sight, and appeared at the hood of the passengers side. “So for now, why don’t you just tell us what happened, Octavia?”

“Yeah.” Vinyl leaned against the drivers side door. “I’m sorry, Octy.”

Octavia took a moment, then explained what she had seen.

“Sapient horses?” Vinyl said, arching an eyebrow.

“Yes.” Octavia nodded, not bothering to correct her on the things looking more like ponies. “And, if what I felt is true, she seemed to be some type of predator.”

“So we should be worried about her then?” Bon Bon grimaced .

“Well, I,” Octavia rubbed her head. “I don’t know!”

“If it helps,” Vinyl spoke up. And to everyone’s surprise, said, “She’s definitely acting more like prey, and clearly hasn’t turned into some kind of werehorse or something, so, Lyra, give Octavia the keys.”

They all blinked at her.

“What?” Octavia asked for confirmation, not sure if, of all things, this was real.”

“Well I’m clearly the last person she’ll talk to,” Vinyl said sarcastically. “So being the one she trust the most, it be up to you to save the world, Tavi.”

Octavia deadpanned. “Charmed, but, I appreciate you not saying we have to burn the van down.”

“That’s not to say we’re going to leave you alone with her,” Vinyl looked over Octavia’s shoulders and nodded, letting Octavia know Lyra stood behind her with the keys. “I can acknowledge this may be the best course of action. Or at the very least I couldn’t stop you and you’d eventually slip inside hours later.” She added kicking at the ground. “So no reason to let her suffer longer than she has to.”

“Thank you, Vinyl,” Octavia said warmly, handing out the keys. “Would you do the honors?”

Smiling, Vinyl took the keys and started for the drivers side lock, when Octavia held her back. She motioned for the drivers side sliding door. Vinyl nodded, and made some hand motions to Lyra and Bon Bon to keep a close eye on the other doors

“Sonata?” Octavia asked after she knocked. “Sonata?”

"¡Vete!" Sonata yelled between a hiccup.

“Sonata, I’m coming in,” Octavia spoke as a statement, not a question. “Please don’t try to run away. I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to talk.” She then added in her language the same thing.

When there wasn’t a response, she nodded to Vinyl, who simply shook her head, unlocked the side door, and slowly opened it. Once both were sure Sonata wasn’t going to lunge at them, Vinyl gave Octavia a “Be careful,” and Octavia made her way inside the van.

Author's Note:

Back to work 🍔, move may still have to happen, so every bit helps
