• Published 7th Sep 2020
  • 372 Views, 20 Comments

Eternal Harmony - TheOneAJ

It was supposed to be a relaxing camping trip! See a once in a lifetime comet, pass astronomy. What Octavia didn’t count on, was meeting the girl of her dreams, who’s destined to destroy the world.

  • ...

Chapter 7

“Sonata?” Octavia asked, closing the van door behind her. “Sonata?” Looking around, she soon found the girl curled up in between the front seats, sobbing.

“Sonata, can we talk?” Upon no reaction, Octavia asked in whatever language Sonata spoke, “¿Podemos hablar?”

This time, Sonata shifted, but it was to turn her back on Octavia.

“Hey,” Octavia said, leaning down to her level. “It’s, ok—

“Detener,” Sonata said with a sigh.
Octavia held her outstretched hand back.

“Sonata, you—

“¡No!” Sonata slapped her hand away.

Octavia blinked. “What?”

“No good!” She shouted, chasing Octavia to stumble onto the vans center seat. “No good! Sonata bad!” She gave Octavia a sideways glare. “Saw bad.”

Catching her breath, Octavia steadied her nerves.

“We don’t know what we saw, Sonata. It could have easily not have been real. Um... Mal sueño?”

Even though that was much a possibility, Octavia knew better than to think what she, they had seen, was a figment of either of their imagination. However, it also wasn’t what Sonata needed to hear right then.

Sonata thought on this for a moment, before going back to sulking.

Seeing no better solution, Octavia offered. “If, you were bad, then why act... guilty?”

Was that the best word? The response from Sonata seemed to be a promising enough sign to press.

“Yes, yes indeed.” Octavia pulled herself off the chair, and leaned down to Sonata’s face. “You care,” she placed a hand on Sonata’s shoulder. “That maters. Sonata good.”

Sonata thought this over, then asked, “And... if Sonata, bad?”

Octavia warmly smiled. “You’re not.”

“If!” Sonata pressed, looking Octavia straight in the eyes.

Octavia frowned, but was stern. “I... I... No.” as much as she wanted to better assure her, they didn’t have enough words yet. So all Octavia could do, was squeeze Sonata’s hand, and assure her that everything would be alright.

Sonata shook her head.

“Octavia, stays. Octavia, helps.Friends, help. Sonata is good friend. Sonata—

Her next words were cut off as Sonata lunged forward, wrapping Octavia into a hug, as she started to sob.

‘What a mess you got yourself into,’ Octavia thought to herself. ‘Is this really the best time to make such promises?’

It probably wasn’t, but, regardless, all she knew was this strange, enchanting girl needed her help. And maybe she could explain it as a public service, doing the right thing but, as she pulled Sonata onto the middle seat, that was more than okay for the moment.


“Well they’re not making out,” Lyra said, watching the drivers window.

“Be serious, Lyra,” Bon Bon huffed.

“What?! It wasn’t like we weren't all thinking it.” She looked to Vinyl. “But to answer your question, no, she’s not harming Octavia. She’s just holding Sonata as the girl is crying. They may not be having sex tonight, but—

“I did not need that mental picture!” Vinyl hissed.

“Well,” Lyra continued. “In any case, I think Octavia’s got things under control and Sonata isn’t going to hurt her.”

“Cool.” Vinyl nodded. “Cool, cool, cool.” She then let out a yawn, which soon spread its way among Lyra and Bon Bon. “Hey, no falling asleep!” Vinyl snapped. “We still have to remain on guard.”

“Do you really think so?” Bon Bon asked, rubbing her eyes.

Truthfully, Vinyl didn’t, but she still wanted to stay safe than sorry.

“Why don’t you two get some sleep, and I’ll stand watch?” Lyra offered.

Bon Bon agreed to the idea, but Vinyl wasn’t so eager.

“I'm not tired.” Vinyl huffed.

“Suit yourself.” Bon Bon said, walking up to Lyra and giving her a kiss on the lips. “Feel free to wake up in an hour or two. While I think everything’s alright, it would be dumb not to be safe than sorry.”

“Okay, love,” Lyra waved back as Bon Bon made her way to their tent.

About an hour in, Lyra had sat herself on a cooler, keeping watch on the now sleeping Octavia and Sonata, as Vinyl said on her feet by the van door.

“At least have a seat,” Lyra offered, patting the cooler. “Come on, Vinyl, don’t be stubborn.”

“I’m not,” Vinyl began to protest, before Lyra’s smirk gave away the game. “I mean.... sure.”

“Good girl,” Lyra beamed as Vinyl walked over. They sat in silence for a while, before Lyra offered, “so, want to talk about it?”

“Talk about what?” Vinyl asked, blowing at a strand of her hair.

“Well, what isn’t there to talk about?” Lyra offered.

Vinyl crossed her arms. “Geezs, I mean; my best friend is crushing on an alien girl we found in the woods who’s connected to some evil amulet, I’m torn between feeling great that Octy may have found someone while worried for her safety, and unless some forgin family comes looking for her by tomorrow we’re no doubt going to be taking her home with us like she’s some lost puppy, all because it’s the right/nice thing to do!”

Lyra nodded. “So we are going to take her home with us and do that ole skit then?”

“Looking more and more like it.” Vinyl simply offered, slouching. “I mean, it won’t be simple, and be a lot easier if we just turned her over to someone else, but at the end of the day, can you really see either Octavia or Bon Bon saying no to her.”

“Least of all you?” Lyra asked. “And yeah, I’m in favor. We could get her a job, help pay with bills. I was only half kidding on taking her to the sorority poker night.”

Vinyl chuckled. “Well, that definitely won’t be the reason why I’ll eventually say yes.”

Lyra kicked at the ground.

Several minutes passed in awkward silence, before Vinyl said, “You know what first drew me to Octavia freshmen year?”

Lyra perked up. “You thought she was someone who could use a friend.”

Vinyl tried to say more, but chuckled first. “That about sums it up, yes. Oh and believe me, she was a hard case to get to open up with for the first couple of months.”

Lyra cringed at the shared memories.
“But I thought, sure, she can be a bit stuck up and this might be worth way more trouble than it’s worth, but, it was clear she did want to be our friend. Even in those first few days it is as hard as it is to believe.”

“Huh,” Lyra thought. “I mean, I guess it wasn't as if she had to sit at our lunch table. Although for the life of me I can’t remember when she went from some privileged rich brat to upbeat optimistic youth.”

“You don’t remember?” Vinyl rubbed her chin. “Oh! Right, I mean, I’m sure I already told you two, but being there, it's hard for me to forget….”

Vinyl closed her locker and looked to her phone. One new message from Lyra, two from Bon Bon, none from Octavia. Not that much of a surprise, still, she thought a text message once a week from their intervened friend was a nice start.

The school day was ending, and most of the students had already left for the day or were in their clubs. Vinyl merely had to exchange her math books, and then had nothing to look forward to other than some music mixing that night. She hadn’t really expected to run into any of her friends, but was surprised to see Octavia stepping out of their English class.

Smiling, Vinyl was about to wave at her, when she noticed Octavia frowning. Then, a much older woman Vinyl could only assume was her friend's mother, stepped out of the classroom behind her.

“Honestly, Octavia,” her mother said, in an accusatory tone. “I don’t see how difficult it is to be praised by all your teachers like before.”

Hesitantly, Vinyl hid behind her locker door to watch.

“I mean,” Octavia said, nervously fiddling with her hands. “I’m doing well in all my other classes.”

Her mother let out a huff, as Vinyl felt her blood boil.

“Besides,” Octavia countered, “I’m set for first chair in the school orchestra.” She then glanced to the side, eyes widened in fear as she caught a glimpse of Vinyl.

“I suppose that’s something,” she commented, fortunately not following Octavia’s gaze.

“Er, do you mind if I stay awhile for practice?” Octavia asked, looking back at her mother. “I won’t be long.”

“Fine,” her mother waved, walking off without giving her daughter a second glance. “But you better be home no later than six this time.”

“I won’t,” Octavia sighed, but then turned to glare at Vinyl. She pulled out her phone, texted something, and a second later Vinyl’s own phone buzzed.

Octavia: didn’t anyone teach you eavesdropping is uncouth?

Vinyl deadpanned Octavia, who had turned and headed to the music room.

“Octy!” Vinyl said, following Octavia into the band room. “Are you... I mean…

Octavia let out a breath. “I’m fine, if that’s what you’re inquiring about.”

“I mean,” Vinyl rubbed her neck trying to think of what to say next.

“Yes. If you’re wondering, that’s where I get my stick up attitude from.”

“I wasn’t going to say that,” Vinyl mumbled.

“Really?” Octavia said, turning sharply to look Vinyl in the eye and pointed a finger. “So what? You’re going to tell me you know what it’s like to come from a family like mine or something?!”

Resisting the urge to tell Octavia to ‘calm down,’ Vinyl took Octavia’s pointing hand and lowered it.

“No, but I think your mom is full of crap if she thinks that little of you for getting one bad grade. And I don’t think you’re an unpleasant person.”
‘Most of the time,’ she told herself
Octavia deflated. “I...” she shook her head and pulled out of Vinyl’s grip.

“You’re delirious.”
Vinyl smirked. “And you should smile and do more things that make you happy.”

Octavia blushed. “Well, I... Thanks, Vinyl.” She twirled her hair. “Is... Is asking for a hug from a friend a bit too much?”

Vinyl laughed. “Course not. Come here.” She pulled Octavia into a hug, which Octavia returned with vigor.


“I mean,” Vinyl concluded, “it wasn’t as if that instantly made her as cool as she is now, but there was definitely a massive change from the usually stuffiness she showed around us.”

“I think I remember now,” Lyra nodded. “Of course, I do think more the Octavia we know now versus the one molded by her mother by freshmen and sophomore year.” She tapped her feet. “I tell you about the time I told my parents I was gay and dating Bon Bon?”

Vinyl stared. “Um... don’t recall.”

Lyra grinned. “Well let me tell you...


It was their joiner year, and Lyra had invited Bon Bon over for dinner as she had several times. This time, however, she was nervously looking from her parents, to Bon Bon, who simply gave her an assuring smile.

“Hey, mom, dad,” Lyra said with a gulp.

Her parents looked up to her.

“Yes, Lyra?” her mom said.

Taking in a deep breath, Lyra took Bon Bon’s hand. “Um... I know this may come as a shock to you but... I’m sorry, but I’m gay, and in love with Bonnie!”

Her parents blinked, then smiled.
“Oh,” her mother began. “That’s wonderful!”

“Well, I’d say a pleasure to meet you, Bon Bon,” her father said, offering a hand to her girlfriend. “But I think we’re already well acquainted.”

Lyra let out a sigh of relief as Bon Bon took his hand.


Vinyl mulled the story over. “And, this relates to this situation, how?”

Lyra shrugged. “I thought we were just telling awesome stories to each other to pass the time.”

Vinyl stared blankly, before bursting out laughing. “Yeah. Good times,” she added with a half smile.”

“And I’m sure even more ahead,” Lyra added, patting Vinyl on the shoulder.

“No doubt,” Vinyl mused. “No doubt.”


“SONATA!” Aria cried out.
Adagio pushed off of Aria in pain as the lights in the apartment went haywire, before a few of them popped, and Aria fell on her back.

“You idiot!” Adagio cried, racing to Aria’s side as the purple siren came around. “I told you to focus on the car!”

“I’m okay, thanks for asking,” Aria said, rubbing her head.

Adagio snorted. “Yeah, well... good.”

Rolling her eyes, Aria then asked. “So what was that all about? Me being able to detect her easier than you?”

“Educated guess,” Adagio supplied, “spending less time in this world makes you more familiar with Equestria magic. That said, you sure she wasn’t with her amulet?”

“Positive,” Arai confirmed. “Those bastard humans she’s with must have done something to her.”

“Yes,” Adagio agreed. “This does complicate things, but I suppose it’s not all bad. We can at least find her.”

“So what now?” Aria asked.

“I can’t believe I’m about to say this,” Adagio groaned as she helped Aria up and led her to the couch. “But you, rest up. I’ll take care of the hunting for both of us.”

Aria stared. “Okay, did that magic blast do something to your head?” A flick to her skull confirmed that it was still her sister.

“No, but, like it or not, you need to build your energy back up so we can try again. We’ll wait a week, and if we’re lucky somewhere in time Sonata will find a way back to her pendent. If not, we’ll give that another go, and this time,” she grabbed Aria’s shirt collar and glared daggers at her sister. “When I say focus on something, you focus on that, got it?”

“Yes, my queen,” Aria answered back with as much venom.

They stared off for several seconds before Adagio released. “Good. Now... Relax,” she ordered, picking up the apartment keys and heading out to collect some negative energy.

Aria let out a huff, but once Adagio was gone, she sat on the couch, and flipped on the TV to a news station.

“-tensions continue to rise as relations between America and—“ the reported droned on about some dumb shit two countries were doing as Aria slacked into the sofa, her mind drifting to Sonata and that human she seemed, if Aria didn’t know any better, happy with.

“Sonata,” Aria let out a breath. “What dumb mess have you gotten yourself into now?”

Author's Note:

so my old phone died, lost all the little work I had, focused more on my TLM story 🧜‍♀️ pulled myself up from my boot straps to get this chapter off.
While my kofi is still a thing, if you’d like to help, more, I need people to sponsor artist so I can turn this story into a dramatic reading (ask below in the comments about that)

ESunset Shimmer Discovers Her Feet
Little mermaid Sunset Shimmer Crossover... oh and shipping somewhere in there ❤️
TheOneAJ · 26k words  ·  43  10 · 3.3k views

Happy MerMay, everybody 🧜‍♀️ One day I shall revise this! ✍️

Comments ( 1 )

Interesting story. Added to my read list.

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