• Published 7th Sep 2020
  • 373 Views, 20 Comments

Eternal Harmony - TheOneAJ

It was supposed to be a relaxing camping trip! See a once in a lifetime comet, pass astronomy. What Octavia didn’t count on, was meeting the girl of her dreams, who’s destined to destroy the world.

  • ...

Chapter 3

The next morning, Octavia awoke to three things; Firstly, she found a girl she had only known for a day, arms wrapped around each other. The second, was that they had fallen asleep at the foot of the sitting log, and at some point, one of their friends had put a blanket over them. Although that wasn’t what bothered her. No. Because, lastly, whoever had gone through the trouble of giving them a blanket, had neglected to put out the fire. Evident from the smoke and by a couple of glowing embers.

“Seriously, guys?” Octavia whispered, starting to stand up, but then remembering her company who stirred awake at her movements.

“Sorry!” Octavia apologized, red in the face as Sonata released her grasp. “Sleep well?”

Sonata looked at her.

“Um,” she stared, now recalling the language barrier as she eyes the flames. “Wait here.” She motioned, holding up her hand.

Sonata nodded, seemingly in understanding.

Octavia took a few steps back, and once she was sure Sonata wouldn't follow, she headed towards the campsites water faucet and grumbled, eyes still locked on the dying embers.

“Oh sure! Complain all night about how dangerous the ‘monster’ girl ‘might’ be, but don’t put the fire out. I swear to the gods,” she went on as the water bucket filled.

Then again, she was one to talk having fallen asleep next to a raging fire. As the bucket filled, she looked around the morninglite campsite and ventured to guess it was around six thirty. Pulling out her phone, she saw she wasn’t too far off. Although now that it was morning, once everyone was up and had eaten breakfast, she would drive Sonata to the ranger’s station to see if anyone was looking for her. Which oddly, left a dry pit in her stomach.

“Stop that,” she whispered to herself, turning off the faucet once the bucket was full. “Those are just silly dreams of a silly girl.” She let out a sigh. “I’m never that lucky, so best just to dash those hopes now.” She then walked back to the fire.

“So, sleep well?” When Sonata, unsurprisingly, didn’t answer, Octavia said, “Well, once we get some breakfast in, I say we take you down to the ranger station.” She poured water on the fire, causing a cloud of steam to erupt. “See if your family or friends are- HEY!”

The next thing Octavia knew, Sonata had leapt to her feet and was smacking the water bucket out of Octavaia’s hand.

“What are you-

Sonata that started yelping, dancing around in place, saying words at a mile a minute while pointing to the fire.

“Sonata, slow down!” Octavia said, trying to hold Sonata by the shoulder, but Sonata was having none of it.

“OCTAVIA!” Vinyl screamed, throwing open the door to the van, a baseball bat in her hand. “Stay back! Where is she? What is she doing! I’ll-”

“Vinyl, clam down!” Octavia said over the now childlike wails of Sonata. “Wait, did you spend all fucking night in the van with a baseball bat?”

Vinyl looked sheepishly to the bat. “Well-

“More importantly; Did you forget to put the fire out before going to sleep?!” she said as loud as she could over Sonata’s cries.

“What’s going on?” Lyra said as she and Bon Bon poked their heads out of their tents. Their attentioned focused on the blue banshee. “Huh, so I guess it wasn’t a dream.”

“Why is she crying?” Bon Bon shouted, covering her ears.

“I don’t know!” Octavia answered. “I went to put out the fire, and she just started screaming. Also, did you two fall asleep without putting out the fire?!”

“Of course not!” Lyra protested over the wails. “You saw us go to sleep before you, so we thought-

“Maybe we should focus on your ‘friend’ here before someone thinks we’re committing murder!?” Bon Bon offered.

“Yes.” Octavia let out a breath, as Sonata’s wails turned to whimpers. “Sonata?” She asked gently, stepping back as Sonata glared at her.

“¿Por qué dejaste morir la luz?”

Octavia blinked. “Um, I’m sorry.” She said, leaning down next to Sonata. “I had to. Dangerous. Um.” She raised a hand, and slapped her palm. “Dangerous. Bad. Hurt. Die.”

For some reason, the word die seemed to make Sonata shutter.

“No, No! It’s fine, it’s good, don’t cry.” Octavia offered, taking her hand. “It’s fine.” She offered soothingly as she rubbed Sonata’s far shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

Sonata was still in tears, but nodded in some understanding.

“¿Por qué?”

Feeling like Sonata had just asked why she had killed the fire, Ocativa let out a nervous laugh. “Hungry?” She gave her best answer. “Food, good?” she offered, rubbing her belly.

Sonata looked to her, then to the now dead fire, and let out a sigh. “Yes, food… good.”

“Right then.” Octavia said as she stood Sonata up. “So… What’s for breakfast?”

“Eh, after that show,” Vinyl said. “I’d say we have something cold like cereal bars today.”

Octavia nodded, still holding Sonata close as she led her to the back of the van. “Good idea. Come on, Sonata.”

Sonata didn’t respond, and Octavia knew it wasn’t because of a lack of understanding.

“Sorry about the fire.” Vinyl frowned as she opened the back doors to the van. “Um, I mean by not putting it out. Which, okay, I’ll take full blame for that. Although you're welcome for the blanket.”

Octavia blinked. “Wait, that was you.”

Vinyl looked downwards. “I still don’t trust her,” she added as she pulled out a bar for everyone. “but it doesn’t mean I can’t be nice.”

“Aw, she does have a heart.” Lyra laughed.

“Oh shut it.” Vinyl glared and threw her and Bon Bon’s breakfast at Lyra’s head.


“Vinyl stuck out her tongue as she handed Octavia a pair too. “So, what’s the plan now? Alien monster or not, I think we should at least do more than to keep her here.”

“Quite right.” Octavia nodded, opening one of the packages and handing it to Sonata. Who looked at it, then at Lyra and Bon Bon eating their own, and went to work on her meal. “So, what I’m thinking is; I’ll take her to the ranger station, see if anyone is looking for her. Meanwhile, I want you three to go find the spot where we… Found her last night.”

Her three friends stared wide eyed.

“Not like… I mean… Fine, do an investigation to see if, maybe, there is something to your whole conspiracy theory.” Octavia said in distaste between bites. “But mostly; See if you can find a purse or something she might of dropped to give us a, real, clue to who she is. Also, I’m sure she has a necklace of sorts I, um, may have knocked off of her.”

“I’m calling it now though,” Vinyl said after her last bite. “Alien.”

“Yes, well,” Octavia said annoyed. “At least you won’t be with the ‘alien’ for most of the day.”

“But what if there’s more of them?” Bon Bon said with a shudder. “What if-

“Stop stop stop!” Octavia demanded as Sonata looked at them cluelessly. “If it helps, I’ll put actually money on her being a normal human who simply got lost in the woods..”

Vinyl’s jaw dropped in delight. “Whoa, seriously.”

Octavia narrowed her eyes, about to say she was joking, but then noticed how scared Bon Bon still looked. “You know what, I actually will. Put me in for five.”

“Ten?” Vinyl grinned.

“Alright, ten.” Octavia said, rolling her eyes. “Now, everybody is happy?”

Seeing her so confidently bet on everything being normal did enough to put Bon Bon at ease as Lyra rubbed her back.

“Now then,” Octavia said, pocketing the wrapper her cearl bar had been in. “Shall we get started?”


“Are you sure you’ll be fine?” Vinyl asked after Octavia had shown Sonata what a seatbelt was.

“Yes,” Octavia said plainly. “I’d rather you three find whatever she dropped in the woods than some ‘extra protection’ over something she’s likely not.”

Vinyl crossed her arms. “Alright then… But I mean it, Tavi. Be carful.”

Octavia gave a half smile. “I do appreciate the concern for what it’s worth, Vinyl.” She started the ignition. “We’ll be back.” She turned to focus on the road, but stopped when she saw Sonata freaking out over the noise. “It’s okay.” I assured her. “It's good.”

Sonata stared at her. “Good?”

Octavia nodded. Happy she at least understood that much. “Yes, good. We’re going to help, Sonata.”

Sonata smiled. “Good!”

Octavavia chuckled, and the van began to move forward. “Don’t suppose you like music?” To her surprise, Sonata seemed to recognize that word.”

“Música … Música, Good?”

“Yes it is,” Octavia said as she pushed on the radio button. Causing both of them to wince in pain as blaring heavy metal blasted the car.

“SORRY!” Octavia shouted as she turned the volume down. “That music, bad.” She cursed Vinyl under her breath.

“Ba… Bad music?” Sonata asked as she lowered her hands from her ears.

“Well, some is.” Octavia explained. “Or rather, some people have different taste than others and,” she paused at Sonata’s blank expression. “Um, she turned the volume up a little, and changed to a classical station. “Good music.”

Sonata smiled at the pretty sound. “Good music.” Then to Octavia’s delight, she started to sway in time to the score being played.

“Ah, music.” Octavia sighed with contentment. “The universal language. Plus, you’re the only friend I have so far who won’t fight me on this station.” Sonata didn't acknowledge her, as she kept swaying, and then humming to the score.

Octavia continued driving, but slowed down when the next song, which had lyrics, repeated one of its lines as songs do, when Sonata started singing, both in perfect tune, and word for word with the song in clear English.

“My, aren’t you a fast learner.” Octavia gawked.

Sonata paused and looked blankly at her.

“Or, I’m guessing you’re not so much aware of what the words are, so much as your just paroting them.”

Sonata blinked.

“Sonata, good.” Octavia smiled.

Sonata beamed, and continued on with the singing wherever she could. Aside from that, the girl seriously had a pair of lungs too. It was almost a shame when they pulled into the park’s community rounds. Although Octavia allowed the current song to finish before turning off the engines and helping Sonata out.

“Well then,” she said, taking Sonata’s arm. “Let’s find your family.” She led Sonata inside the station, and was greeted by the secretary. “Good morning there. I was wondering if anyone had come around looking for my friend here.”

The secretary looked from her paper. “Can’t say anyone has. She lost or something? If so, you’ll have to fill out a missings persons report, then leave her here.”

Octavia had nearly done just that, and was more than ready to leave Sonata in the hands of professionals who would see her safely home. Yet, when Sonata squeezed her arm, looking saddened, something inside of Octavia broke.

“Actually, she’s just waiting on a friend to come pick her up. Mind if we wait in the lobby? Just let anyone who comes looking for a Sonata know she’s here.”

“Be my guest.” The secretary offered, putting the form away.

Octavia nervously chuckled. ‘What the hell was that?! She’s not your problem, so just leave her.’ And yet, they way Sonata looked at her, the way she made her smile.

While she was doubtful Sonata was some kind of supernatural alien, that didn’t mean she couldn’t be an illegal one. And what then if no one came for her? What then? Would she just get bounced around place to place, all alone with no one who cared? Besides, it wasn’t as if she was keeping her from her actual family if they showed up. She was simply… Keeping her company for the time being.

“I suppose since we’re going to be here awhile, we can work on the language barrier issue.” Octavia said as she pulled out a tablet and logged into the stations network.

Sonata blinked as Octavia pulled up a video. Causing Sonata to let out a squeak as the music started playing.

“I know, kind of childish,” Octavia said, twirling on a bit of her hair as she sat down next to Sonata. “But this was one of my favorite shows as a kid, and I figured it might be a better help than some English tutorial while we wait.” To her delight, Sonata was transfixed on the screen, and was already singing the show's theme song out loud. Her attention was broken once Octavia stopped talking.

“Good?” she questioned, pointing at the screen.

“Yes, Sonata,” Octavia laughed, reliving her childhood as the main character came on screen and said what they were going to learn that week. “Good.”


“I’m just saying,” Lyra added as she followed behind Vinyl, Bon Bon glued to her side. “If she was dangerous, why didn’t she do anything to us last night when we were all asleep?”

“I don’t know,” Vinyl shrugged as she pushed a tree branch out of the way. “Maybe she only goes wild under a full moon?”

“Oh be serious.” Lyra scoffed.

“I am!” Vinyl whined. “Okay then, how do you explain, in a ‘natural’ way, why she freaked out over the fire being put out?”

Lyra bit her lips. “Maybe she’s just afraid of smoke.”

“Or she’s some kind of lizard monster who needs warmth?” Bon Bon offered.

“See! Bonnie agrees with me.” Vinyl beamed.

Lyra shook her head. “You’re both being ridiculous! I can’t believe you’re going to be short ten with Octavia.”

“Yeah, well… We’ll see” Vinyl said as they say the X shaped mark they left by the tree where Octavia had knocked Sonata out. Vinyl raced ahead to the bush where it happened, and looked around. “Oh hey! There’s the X. No sign of anything though .”

“Well let’s just look around anyways,” Lyra said, letting go of a reluctant Bon Bon. “Octavia told us the girl had at least some kind of jewelry on her. Can't be far if that’s where she hit her.”

“Sure thing.” Vinyl said with a grin as she started to walk off.

“And, where do you think you’re going?” Lyra questioned.

“Oh, um… Just, focusing my search, in this way.” Vinyl said sheepishly. “I mean… Well you two can look over there! Not like I can get lost in daylight!”

Lyra rubbed her forehead as Vinyl continued in the direction they had seen the light last night.

“Should we stop her?” Bon Bon questioned.

“Oh just let her get her curiosity out of the way. Besides, maybe she will stumble onto something important.” Lyra then started to look further along the bush.

“So, who, or what, do you think she is? Being serious!” Bon Bon added as she joined the search around the area. “You honestly as sure as Octavia that’s she just a normal girl?”

Lyra bit her lip. “To be honest… I don’t know. I mean, truthfully, I think both Vinyl and Octavia make good arguments.” She pushed a branch aside. “But honestly, until we have some clue, we treat her like a human being.”

Bon Bon smiled. “Fair. Even if I’m a little more on board with Vinyl.” She paused as she saw a hint of red in her foresight. Coming into view, she clearly saw a ruby red pendant lying on the forest floor. “Hey! I think I found-

She reached out to grab it, when Vinyl shouted, “Girls! You may want to come see this!”

Lyra immediately ran towards the sound of Vinyl’s voice. However, Bon Bon stayed where she was.

“What is it?!” Lyra called as she found Vinyl. “You find- Holy shit! What happened here!?” she gawked at the clearing of trees. Most of which had been violently pushed to the side as a small crater lined the ground. “Meteor strike?”

“Then we’re not the first one’s here if there’s no meteorite.” Vinyl said, pointing to the center, which was clear of any kinds of rocks. “Also, you think we would have heard an explosion rather than just seen a blue light.”

Lyra’s jaw had slacked as she looked at the sight and started walking into the crater. “Dang. Still, you’re not thinking-

She was brought to a halt as Vinyl held up a hand. “As a matter of fact,” she pointed to a set of footprints in the crater. Which started straight from the middle, and made their way out in the direction they had found Sonata the night before. “I am.”

“Okay.” Lyra nodded, taking a picture. “Still, this doesn't prove it was Sonata, or that she’s any kind of… Bon Bon? Bonnie?!” she cried out upon realizing her girlfriend wasn’t behind her. “Oh no. Bon Bon!” she cried out.

“Hey wait!” Vinyl cried giving chase. “If somethings out here, we need to stick together!”

Lyra didn’t hear her. All she cared about was the safety of her girlfriend. Which, to her immense relief, was still very much alive, and right where she left her.

“Oh thank the gods, Bonnie! Bon Bon, you’re not going to believe what we found.” When Bon Bon didn’t respond, Lyra nervously reached out a hand to tap on her shoulder. “Bon Bon?”

Upon contact, Bon Bon hissed, causing Lyra to fall backwards. “Get your own!”

Lyra blinked. “What the?” she somewhat got her answer upon seeing a glowing red gem in Bon Bon’s hand. “Hey, Bonnie… Where did you get the glowing red stone?”

“Well fuck out!” Bon Bon hissed. “Get your own, this is mine.”

“Bon Bon,” Lyra said standing up, slowly walking towards her girlfriend. “This isn’t funny. Put the necklace down, and we can-

“Screw you!” Bon Bon said, jumping to her feet and defensively holding the rock. “This is mine, MINE! You’re always been such a hog, no matter what it is. The food, our bed, why the fuck did I ever fall in love with you to begin with?”

Lyra felt her heart stop as tears began forming in her eyes. “Bon Bon, this isn’t you! Just drop that thing, and we can all go home and-

“NO!” Bon Bon shouted as she picked up a stick. “Stay back, you whore. Don’t think I won’t use this. It’s mine, you hear me? Mine! You’ll never have my-

Having seen what was going on, Vinyl snuck around behind the two, and tackled Bon Bon into a bear hug, causing the girl to drop the stick. She however, held on fiercely to the necklace.

“Hands off, you scumbag!” Bon Bon snarled

Taken aback for only a minute, Lyra rached forward to try and pull the stone from Bon Bon.

“I will fucking kill you all! You’re regret ever-

She blinked as Lyra yanked the stone away from her grasp.

“What the… What the hell was that?” she said holding her hand to her face as Vinyl let her go. “Lyra, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean any of that. I love-

“Don’t come any closer!” Lyra sneered, holding the stone close to her chest. “So, you think I’m a whore, huh? Fine. I don’t need you. I never did! You were always just holding me back. Well, now-

Lyra let out a pain filled cry as Vinyl whacked her across the stomach with a stick. Causing Lyra to drop the pendent.

“Thank you.” Lyra croaked as she fell into Bon Bon’s arms. “I’ll apologize when the pain goes away, sweetie.” She assured her girlfriend as she held onto her stomach.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Vinyl shouted as the two nearly stepped on the glowing gem. Causing all three of them to backpedal.

“Alright, so,” Vinyl said as all three of them stared at the necklace. Which, by doing so, she suddenly felt a small desire to reach for it. Take it, maybe even kill the only two witness-

Vinyl pushed that thought out of her mind as she threw her jacket over the enchanted object.

“Can we all agree that, even if we don’t know what, this is something to worry about?”

Lyra and Bon Bon nodded vigorously.

“And… Oh gods! Octavia is alone with that thing!” Vinyl realized. She pulled out her phone, disheartened to see it had no service.

“What about,” Lyra coughed, pointing to the jacket. “We can’t just leave something that dangerous around.”

“Right.” Vinyl pursed her lips. “Here.” She handed Lyra the stick. “Don’t feel hesitant to give me payback if I go nuts.” She then cautiously made her way towards the jacket. Once upon it, she nervously pulled it back, revealing the stone. Perhaps it was because she knew what to expect, but this time, the same pull from before didn’t affect her. However, she wasted no time scooping the pendent up in her jacket, and holding the offending piece of rock at a distance like a sack of dirty laundry with no effect.

“Right. Let’s head back to camp.” Vinyl suggested. “We can put it in a box and bury it until we figure out what to do. Meanwhile, you two try to find a signal and call Octavia as soon as you can.”

“Okay.” The pair nodded, phones hovering in the air as they searched for a single bar in the forest as they carried the gem back to their camp.”


“Spe… Special means… Very good?” Sonata questioned after one of the episodes concluded.

Octavia smiled. “Very good.” She rubbed her shoulder. “At this rate, we’ll be having full conversations in no time.”

“Time.” Sonata repeated, even if it was clear she didn’t understand the rest of the sentence. Which didn’t matter as a song about being special started to play.

“Oh! This was one of my favorites as a kid.” Octavia started to sing along, when her phone rang. “Excuse me.” She turned to the side, to see it was Lyra. “Hello?”

“Oct,” Lyra said, static cutting her out. “… away…. Her!... Danger…. Octa-

The call cut out as Octavia felt a sinking pit in her stomach. Nearly jumping when Sonata tugged at her shit.

“Octavia, okay?” Sonata asked.

“Um,” Octavia chuckled nervously. “I'm fine.” She hesitantly scooted forward.

Sonata frowned. “Octavia… Lie?” Sonata asked, having learned what the word meant two epsidoes ago.

Octavia cringed. ‘Great, now what? For all I know… Actually, who’s to say they’re just being silly because they found some rock in the shape of Abe Lincoln? No, so far, she’s been nothing but a sweet girl, and nothing so far has convinced me otherwise!’

“No, Sonata,” Octavia said after taking a breath. “Friends just being… Silly.”

Sonata lowered her head. “Friends think Sonata bad?” she said clearly and without pause.

Octavia sighed. “Yes.” She put a hand on Sonata’s shoulder. But you’re not bad. Friends are silly.”

Sonata looked up hopefully. “Re, re... Realsies?”

“Yes,” Octavia laughed at her poor attempt at saying, real. “You’re not bad.” She placed a hand on Sonata’s shoulder. “Sonata, not bad. Sonata’s good. Understand?”

Sonata nodded, and if anything, Octavia was more than happy she taught her what understanding meant.

“Octavia, leave me, if bad?” Sonata added.

“What, no!” Octavia protested, but held her words before saying anything else. “No, I… Sonata, not bad. Even, if, Sonata was bad, Octavia, stay.” She moved her hand from Sonata’s shoulder to her hand. “Octavia, helps Sonata. Understand?”

Tears in her eyes, Sonata nodded and brought Octavia into a hug. Caught off guard, but happy for the physical embrace, Octavia hugged back. “But… Maybe we should, head out?... Leave? Show friends, Sonata not bad?” she asked once they pulled away.

Sonata tapped her toes, and looked to the screen. “One more?”

Octavia laughed and nodded. “Okay.” She pushed play on the next video. “Let’s see what we got for this one. Oh! You’ll really like this one.” She explained as the theme song played. “Well, it was one of my personal favorite.” She explained, not caring that Sonata couldn’t understand. “Now, it was speculated one of the characters had a disability-

Author's Note:

So, busy couple of weeks. Major victory with my mental health, See the A/N of my latest story so I don’t have to repeat myself.

Kofi offer to support this story still unclaimed, but otherwise have a blessed day ❤️