• Published 28th Sep 2020
  • 976 Views, 76 Comments


MLP X AMONG US. We don't know who we are. We don't know why we're here. All we know is There's An Imposter Among Us.

  • ...

12, CARL!

I I gotta be honest. I can't tell if I like being alone or hate it.

It's so silent. And I'm left with only my thoughts. I I got multiple systems online.




Twilight's eyes opened with a snap. She lifted her head, and found herself floating through space. "Where am I?"

"Twilight, look at me." Twilight craned her neck and saw a tall purple unicorn with wings standing through a glowing portal.

"Hi?" Twilight asked. "What's going on? Who are you?"

"I'm-" She looked thoughtfully, choosing her words carefully. "I will be blunt. I am you from The Future. Or rather, A different timeline... Or the same line, just altered..." She turned her head. "Doctor! How would you explain it?"

"Is that Timit?" Twilight asked, seeing Time Turner standing behind the taller mare.

"I'm sorry, wot?"

"Timit. Name for T M T. Am I dreaming?" Twilight asked.

The brown stallion frowned. "The Tardis is canibblelizing herself to support the paradox and this is what we get!?" He looked at the tall one. "Your magesty, I told you we should have checked DAILY!" He shook his head. "If I'm Timit, what's your name?"

"Tiltserk, for TLTSRK. Why am I floating? Am I dreaming?"

"Yes. And No. I am speaking to you through dreams." The mare frowned. "So. She has whipped your minds and spread panic. Twilight, I will make this simple and precise. You must kill cozy Glow."

"WHAT!?" Twilight asked in shock. Her anger of how awkward it was to move disperssed in a flash. "No! Dish may have the guts to pull the lever, but I could never kill anyone!" Her eyes narrowed at the mare, dispite now being "upsidedown". "Nor will I." she said firmly.

The mare sighed. "I see you are set in your view. For the good of Equestria, and all other nations." Her horn glowed.


Twilight could hear a faint noise. It sounded like... pained screaming... Her eyes widened. Twilight jammed her hoof into her eye.

"What are you-"


"AHHH!" Twilight screamed in pain, rolling off her cot. She quickly pulled on her suit and helmet, rushing out of her room. She quickly ran down the halls of the sleeping rooms to where she knew Cozy Glow was.

"AHHHHH! MAKe IT STOP!" Twilight burst the room, where a huge ball of electricity sourrounded Cozy Glow.

Twilight felt herself react before she could even realize it. She dove into the energy, feeling it flow through her. Not harming her, but still it packed a punch. She shoved her way through to the center, grabbing Cozy Glow. Twilight let off a burst of energy.


Twilight and Cozy Glow went flying back as the energy disspeersed. "Ugh." Twilight tried to rub her head, only to rub her helmet. She shook her head. "Are you alright?"

"WINGS!" Twilight winced as a pillow was thrown at her. "STUPID WINGS!" She ducked as now a knife was thrown.



Twilight quickly ran out of the room. Her mind already raced to what she saw in her dream. 'Is that what I become? A woman so cold she would kill a child!?' She shook her head. "Only Cygow- Cozy Glow and I have the slightest idea what's going on, and she doesn't want to see me." Twilight rubbed her chin. 'Who else could know what's going on? Oh! Timit!' "OOMP!"


Twilight fell on her rump. "Sorry! I didn't see you."

"Head in the atmosphear?" the crewmate asked. He had on a labcoat and a stethescope. "Doctor Cyan, at yours. And the cyan suit is purposfule." He reached out his hands, helping Twilight up. "Though we're the same size of 3 feet, aye. Knife in ya suit. Alright, come with me." He started walking, motioning for Twilight to follow. "Up early, inya?"

"Y-yes." Twilight answered. "But I'm not harmed." She quickly followed the crewmate.

"The scanner will judge that. That, and you need repairs. Now then, wots get ye nog in the dizzy then?"

"...Wot? I mean what?" Twilight asked, confused. "What's with your voice?"

"Personally, it's the voice of a brit who gave up long since. Otherwise, itsa scots doc whos delt with folks tryin ta rip his head off. That's my dizzy. Wots yers?"

Twilight frowned. "You keep altering your accent."

"Ey, so wat? So long as it's got the given up but still barely alive voice. Now quit dodgin." Dr. Cyan told her.

"...It sounds papostrous." Twilight said.

"Nah, I've bearly survived bein tossed out a ship as an Impo, ey? That's potpos." He opened the exit door. The two walked through the cold air. Twilight did her best to keep from shivering as they walked to the work site.

Dr. Cyan opened the doorto the medbay. Two crewmates with ballons on their heads sat on a bed, cuddling. "Oi! Charlie, Jake! Get yoi gay tuches out of er!"

The green and brown quickly ran out. "Sorry doc!" the two said as they passed by. Twilight noticed they wore ballons of each other's color.

Dr. Cyan shoom his head. "Those blighters would be kisin if it wern't for those helms." He walked over to the curtains med scanner, yanking it open. A bright pink hand quickly pulled it shut.

"I'm not decent!" a light voice sounded.

Dr. Cyan shook his head. "Sit down lass, these things take a tad ta scan." A slight hum was heard, along with some noises of cloth, and what sounded like someone humming a war tune.

"Okay, I'm good!" a gruff voice said from behind the curtain. The curtain was flung open, revealing a Pink crewmate with an army uniform and helmet on top. "SIR REPORTING FOR DUTY! CHARGE!" Sir ran out of the medbay, mimicing trumpet music. He returned, saying "Also your dog is on a walk with Shotgun's son. BYE! CHARGE!"

Twilight stepped onto the scanner. "Who was that?"

Dr. Cyan sighed. "That, my wee little- hm. We are equal hight. That, miss..." Dr. Cyan frowned. "What is your name?"

"Tiltserk. Or Twilight, I guess." Twilight answered.

"Ah. That was Lilly Rose Flower, also known as Sir. He-er she? I think of him as a he, though the true name gives me thought a plenty." Dr. Cyan paused, before continuing. "Anyways, he's an enthustic chap who's basicly unofficail security." Dr. Cyan looked at the scanner. "Alright, you're good. Report to Shotgun for suit repair."

"Who?" Twilight asked.

"Shotgun, he- Actually, just look for Brian in the Biotree room. Shotgun always talks to him. Just ask around, miss Twilight. Now if you excuse me, I need to find where the heck Spike wandered off two." Dr. Cyan grumbled, leaving the room.

Twilight left the room, wandering down the hall. "Excuse me, do you know where I can find Brian?" she asked a yellow crewmate in a janitor's outfit and halo.

"Oh! Of course deary!" the crewmate said with a soft New Yorkern accent. "He's in the Biotree room. But I'm afraid I can't talk. The docter needs me to help him find Spike. The poor dear has gone missing." The woman quickly ran off.

"Biotree room?" Twilight shook her head as she continued down the hall. "Why does Spike sound so familuer?" Twilight pondered, not pauing attention to her surroundings. 'Did I know someone named Spike?' She was suddenly slammed into the wall.

"Start talking Twilight." Rainbow Dash growled, her helmet on her back. "Or else."

"A-about what!?" Twilight began in a panic, before her helmet got yanked off.

"I mean about what you promised to-"

"Caarrl! There's a dead crewmate in our room!"

"Oh heey! How did he get here?"

Rainbow Dash released Twilight. "This isn't over." she said, before peeking into the room.

"Carl, we're not doing this again." a llama in a red suit said, the helmet being clear on the front and a flowered hat on top.

"I don't know what you're refering to." Carl said, wearing a lime suit with his toss cap on his head.

"Carl, if they find the body they'll kill us!"

"You and I both know that I could kill everyone here before they killed either of us." Carl responded.

"Carl! It was all this killing that got us banished from our own dimenion in the first place. Our own dimension, Carl! That's how desperate they were!"

"That's just a testiment to my abilities." Carl responded.

"That isn't something to be proud of Car-" The llama stared at the door, then at the body. "I can explain."

"Explain what, Paul? Usually its me who-" Carl whipped his head around. "Oh hey! When did you get here?" His mouth opened, his jaw unhinging like somekind of snake.

At that moment, a lime crewmate walked in. He stared for a moment, before making an angry gasp. "Do you have idea how darn long it took me to clean that carpet!? Sewage duty for you two!" he shouted pointing at Carl and Paul. "And you two, DO YOUR TASKS!" he said, glaring at Rainbow Dash and Twilight. Twilight was shocked at the appearence of floating eyebrows.

"But-" Rainbow Dash began, before getting cut off.

"No buts! I don't care who's dying, I'm not having anyone thrown into the lava! We've had too many deaths already! And if you can't keep the show moving, then you don't deserve that hat!" And with that, he swipped Rainbow's hat right off her head.

"Hey! You caHHHHH" Rainbow Dash started to speak before the lime crewmate stuck a stun gun on her face. She fell into a heap.

"Woah!" Carl exclaimed, his jaw returning to normal.

"Did I stutter? No I did not." the lime said, putting the hat back on her head. "Miss Purple, please report to Shotgun and fix your suit. Miss Cyan, clean up the blood and categorize the body when you're ready. Any questions? No? Then see you later." The lime crewmate stomped out of the room.

"...H-who was that?" Rainbow Dash moaned from the ground.

"That," Paul answered, "was Boss."