• Published 28th Sep 2020
  • 976 Views, 76 Comments


MLP X AMONG US. We don't know who we are. We don't know why we're here. All we know is There's An Imposter Among Us.

  • ...

9, Master Mind



"Speaking. You alright? You sound scared, Over. Sctch."

No. No I'm not alright.

"Why are you whispering? Over."


"What's wro-"

No! You... You broke it. YOU BROKE IT! Eeek! NO NO DON'T HURT ME AHH AHH AHH! Please-... Discord. Discord what are you doing?


Discord get away from there.

"I... I hurt you. I nearly killed you."

I don't care! Don't!


... ... ... D-Discord?


"Captain Cy- Dish, I know you want what's best for the crew but this is insane." Rarity told Rainbow Dash ash they walked briskly down the hall, with her friends, Coco Pommel, Trixie, and Cream Heart/Momma Mash.

"She's just a child!" Coco Pommel told her.

"She's a killer." Rainbow Dash shot back. They arrived at a room marked ENGINE SECTION. Rainbow Dash pushed her hoof against the panel.

"You're the Captain now? Didn't see that one coming." the voice of Blueblood sounded, as the door opened.

The group made their way to the large engines, seeing Cozy Glow sipping from a tea cup at a tea table. "Thirsty?" she asked, electrical wires sparking against the metal ground. The group could not come close without getting shocked.

"I guess you already know why we're here." Rainbow Dash growled.

Cozy Glow giggled. "Yepooruny! You're here to kill little ol me." She dropped her smile. "I'm not afraid of death this time." Cozy Glow's suit reverted to red. "Wouldn't you like to know why I'm doing any of this? Hear my side of the story?" she asked, transmitting a signal.

Chef Cheff removed his chef hat taking a break. She stared at a cupcake. "Screw it." she said, grabbing the pastrie. A butcher knife slammed into her head, lodging deep. Chef Cheff dropped the cupcake as she was stunned. She slowly turned her head to face the very surprised Impostor. "You damn fucking rubber nosed bitch of a cunt." she said, reaching up and pulling the knife out of her skull. "I am going to rip out your spine and fuck your ears with it."

"No thanks." the Impostor said, before diving into the vents.

Chef Cheff placed the butcher knife back into her head, before putting on her hat. She wasn't remade with a helmet, which upset her. But the style of the knife made up for it. "Pardon my mouth, but that really hurt."

Cozy Glow's suit reverted to grey. A message appeared on her screen. {Soldier has knife stuck in brain. We underestimated how durable they are.} "You saw how I acted before. And how upset I was that she didn't have wings." Cozy Glow pointed at Twilight. "There are several... How do I say it? Paradoxes. Yes. That's the world. There are several paradoxes on the ship. We are, and therefore we shouldn't be."

"Enough games." Rainbow Dash said.

"NO! THE LONGER I SPEAK THE LONGER I LIVE SO EXCUSE ME FOR PROLONGING MY DEATH. I may not fear death, but I still don't want to die." Cozy Glow reverted back to red. "Now then... Paradoxes. What shouldn't be, but is... Tw- Er- Tiltserk has no wings. None of you see the point in this, right?"

"Right." Twilight answered.

"In a reality where you have wings, I was forced into stone." Cozy Glow said causually. She leaned foreward, voice angering. "For five years. Never moving, never blinking, never sleeping. I saw the same sight, second after second. Minute after minute. Hour after hour." Her eyes turned red as she began shouting. "DAY AFTER DAY! WEEK AFTER WEEK! MONTH AFTER MONTH! YEAR AFTER YEAR! THE SAME SIGHT, THE SAME STANCE! I WAS A KID WITH MILD INSANITY! I DIDN'T DESERVE STONE!" She panted, curls or hair now hanging ovr her glowing eyes. "You sentenced me to a fate worse than death. You drove me mad. So I seeked revenge. Think on that for a minute, huh?" Another signal sent.

Bulk Biceps lifted a bed, looking around. He heard someone enter. "Oh hey! Name's BULBCP. I call myself Bulb Cup." he said, turning to face a Pink 1.

"I call myself Zekan." it answered.

"Huh? Why Zek-" Bulk Biceps stopped as a knife slashed his suit and stabbed through his chest. He slumped to the ground.

Cozy Glow's suit reverted to gray. {Soldier killed. The huge one with tiny wings. This makes me fear the Pink 3 even more.} "However, you don't have wings. Which means you never did stone me. But that horrible event?" Cozy Glow shook her head slowly. "That's not something you can just imagine." She laughed. "I blame the company. They're the reason for everything. I don't remember enough, only that they were the cause..."


Rainbow Dash raised an arm to the side, instinctively shielding her friends. Sitting at the table was a black withering mass of shadows and blood. The red light seemed dimmest around it. A broken and shredded red suit bled to form around the thing, giving it shape.

"Trixie does not like this. Explain please." Trixie said.


"That is the Paradox Affect. That is what we become... Maybe what we are." Cozy Glow said. "Look again, but not at m-"


Rainbow Dash and the others quickly moved away from Twilight, who now was one of those... things. It moved towards them.


"-from me?" Twilight asked, wondering why the others pulled away so suddenly.

"I-" Rainbow Dash turned to stare back at Cozy Glow. "I-I don't understand. What is this!?"

"The Company." Cozy Glow let out a giggle. "Daddy's gonna die, Jackie!" She started letting out a mainical laugh.


The mass moved through the electricity, removing the cords, before heading into the vents.


"That... I saw her as that. Does that mean she saw me as that?" Twilight pondered.

"BIG MAC!" Applejack shouted, turning around and kicking off the ground. She started to sprint to where she last saw him.

"GOODNESS" The others quickly followed, remembering how Big Mac was acting as father to Apple Bloom.


Big Mac hadn't really expected this whatsoever. He had taken off his suit to take a shower, when someone tried to backstab him! And now here he was, fighting himself!


Rainbow Dash reached the showers first. She saw Big Mac in a pair of black shorts standing over a bloodied body of another Big Mac in shorts, panting heavily. The others quickly arrived.

"Big Mac! Are you alright!?" Applejack asked.

Big Mac rushed and hugged Applejack, before gently pushing her away. The body got up. "It's still alive! Quick, we gotta eject it."

"..." Applejack stared, before tackling her brother.


The others quickly tried to pull Applejack off. Applejack threw them off and dragged Big Mac to the Cafiteria, quickly cramming him into the trash chute. Everyone was there. Lunch.

"Stop her!" Twilight shouted.

"Applejack, let me out!" Big Mac said, pounding on the glass. "I'm not the Impostor!"

Applejack pulled out her mic before the others reached her. "SHUT IT AND LET ME EXPLAIN! THIS HERE IMPOSTOR MADE A FEW MISTAKES. ANYONE WANNA TELL ME WHAT THEY ARE?"

Rainbow Dash wiggled out of her suit, allowing herself to fly/ram into Applejack. "One chance to explain." she growled, holding a knife to her neck.

"Ah got two bits to say." Applejack said. "One, Big Mac ain't never say a full sentence. Mah proof, he didn't even say he was a dad. Simply said Yup and such."

"You bought yourself somemore time. But that's not good enough."

"I said I had two bits. The second, He called me by my name. Not Ap Jack, but Applejack."

The lever was pulled. The two turned to look, and saw Cozy Glow at the lever. "Bye bye, 'Macintosh'." she said, before laughing. She shoved Rainbow Dash aside and helped Applejack to her hooves. "Can't have you dying on us, Jackie!" Cozy Glow turned to face Rainbow. "Now somebody go and make sure Daddio doesn't die on us."