• Published 28th Sep 2020
  • 976 Views, 76 Comments


MLP X AMONG US. We don't know who we are. We don't know why we're here. All we know is There's An Imposter Among Us.

  • ...

2, A little Singed


Food's real lovely. I got plenty of course... With being the sole survivor. Not imposter, don't you worry...

At least I think not Imposter? At least not of that ship.

But that isn't important. Is it? Sorry. I get confused at times.

I've ben trying to bake, but... Well, this food isn't meant for messing with the recipe.

I'm rambling. Sorry. Just... Nevermind. Just keep reading the story.


The cafeteria was silent. "S-so what do we do?" Diamond Tiara/DMDTA asked in fear.

Twilight saw so many eyes face her. "I- Uh-" She sweated under their stares. "I don't know! I'm not a leader or-"

"Then come up with a plan!" Rainbow Dash shouted, slamming her hoof on the table and spooking several people.

"Plan!? What plan!? What plan could ever be made to benefit us in a situation like this?" Twilight shouted. "If you think you even remotely have a plan, then just come right on up and-"

Rainbow Dash ran up to Twilight, yanked the microphone out of her magic, and stood on the table closest, putting her near the doorway and in plain view of everyone.

"Alright, listen up! First things first, remain calm or I WILL slap you. Everyone just go and do tasks you know you can do. If something looks even remotely dangerous, DO NOT try to do it. If you don't understand the task in ANY WAY, DO NOT try to do it. Try to memorize the layout as you go about, see if there's something that brings memory. Things we gotta look for, Kitchen or food storage, clean water, and bathrooms. If you find any of those, let us know via the really big button on that table. Afterwords, find some sleeping areas."

They all stared at the Cyan Mare, memorizing every word.

"Any questions?" Rainbow Dash asked.

A hoof was raised in the crowed. Celestia waved her hoof high.

"Yes?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"What about the Imposter?" Celestia asked.

"As of now, there's nothing we can do. Until we get things up and running, we just gotta hope they already think they've won. Prey that's played with last longer."

"What's your name?" a creaky voice rang out. The crowed turned to look at Granny Smith. "Well?"

They all turned back to face Rainbow Dash.

She stood firm. "I am R N B D S H. I am calling myself Ranab Dish. I suggest you all form a name that you can easily remember. Anymore questions that I have the capacity to answer?" No one raised any limbs. "Dismissed."

They filtered out of the several doorways. There were so many halls. after ten or so minutes, either small groups moved through the halls, or people walked alone.

Applejack entered the Electricity she saw earlier. She felt like she was being watch. She suddenly turned around and stared right into the face of a huge red pony. "ACK!" She took a step back, while the larger pony barely batted an eye. "You tryin tah give me a heart attack or somethin!?"

"Nope." Big Mac said calmly.

"Well ya sure did scare me." Applejack growled.

"Yup." he answered simply.

Applejack glared at him for a few more moments. "Why you here with me?" she asked, turning away to check the panels. Earlier it felt so natural to know what to push and whatnot. Now, she hadn't the slightest what she was doing. She glanced back at him.

Bug Mac gained a thoughtful expression, before shrugging with his face. Or rather, he somehow successfully did a face expression that was understood as a shrug.

Applejack turned back to her task. It was official. Now that she knew that she didn't know stuff, she no longer knew a single task here. She looked back aat the big red fella. "You just gonna stand there?"


"What are ya, some kind of guard dog?"

He seemed to think for a moment. "Eyup." he said with a nod, pointing at Applejack.

Applejack frowned. "You're guarding me?"


"You got any more words in your vocab, or is that it?"

"Eyup. Yup. Yes. Enope. Nope. No." Big Mac answered with a smirk.

Applejack smiled. "Name's Ap Jack. Or A P J K." She extended her hoof.

Big Mac pulled out his ID card and showed it, before putting it away and shaking her hoof.

The two gave a single, firm, shake, then Applejack reared onto her hind legs and shook Big Mac's hoof enthusiastically. "Pleasure meetin ya, Big Mac!"

"Eyup!" Big Mac said it return, a smile on his face.

Over in a kitchen, Carrot Cake searched the cupboards, when he saw Cup Cake inspecting the inside of the oven. "Hi! I'm C R C K!" he said politely.

"That's interesting!" Cup Cake said with her head in the oven. "My name is C P C K!"

The thin yellow baker's eyes widened at that. "We might be siblings!" he said, excited that there could be someone he could trust.

Cup Cake pulled her head out, and both regretted it and didn't. Before her was a pony she could only describe as extremely handsome and cute. She felt her heart skip a beat as she discovered she instantly had a crush on this stallion. "S-siblings! Yeah!" she stuttered. Carrot gave her a unsure look. "Uh- Oh! I can't seem to get this oven working. Think you may be able to?"

Carrot Cake shrugged. "I'll do my best!" He inspected the back of the oven. "Here's the problem! The plug's wire is broken."

"We need to find some tools to fix that..." Cup Cake said.

"I got tools!" a Pink 1 said, poking her head in. She jumped from the doorway, over to the oven. "Wow! This kitchen is huge! And hurts to look at with how white it is." The Pink 1 headed to the back of the oven. "Okay, so I just gottAAAAA!!!"

The Pink 1 had reached for the wires, when her suit suddenly did something she didn't expect. The pink hoof covering folded up in a mechanical like manner, exposing her hooves as she grabbed the exposed section of the still plugged in oven. The electricity traveled through her, before the power shut off to that room. The oven had a small fire that provided light, showing a Pink 1 with singed hair. "Ow." she wheezed.

Click. Applejack turned to look at the panels. "Huh. A switch flipped." Applejack flipped it back on.

The oven exploded as the lights turned on, sending the Pink 1 flying to the opposite wall with a splat. A black ooz of blood and ash appeared as she slid down the wall, leaving a streak.

"OH F*** PARDOM MY MOUTH!" Carrot Cake shouted.

"She's dead!" Cup Cake wailed.

Applejack gave one last look, before shaking her head. "Can't do nothin here. Let's go."

Carrot Cake walked over to the body, hanging his head.

"oooowwwwwwwiiiiiieeeee." a voice wheezed.

"She's alive!" Carrot Cake exclaimed. He froze. "Oh gosh. She lived through that. Where's a medbay!?"


"Help me carry her!" Cup Cake said, standing on her hind legs and lifting the Pink 1 by the legs. Carrot Cake quickly helped, lifting her head. "I do hope they found a Medbay!"

The cafeteria was filled quickly. Applebloom stood on the table with the button. "Ah found a medbay!" she shouted, as she didn't have a microphone.

"Where!?" Carrot Cake and Cup Cake shouted as they entered.

Applebloom's eyes widened. "I'll show ya." she quickly said, hopping down from the table.

"Someone strong help those two with the pink!" Rainbow Dash quickly shouted.

Celestia and Big Mac quickly threw the burnt Pink 1 onto their backs, before running synchronized. They ran following the small child in yellow.

"Here!" Applebloom said, pointing towards a medbay. Inside was eight beds, four on each wall. At the far wall was a med scanner with a large green panel and what seemed to be a trash shoot.

Celestia and Big Mac quickly set the Pink 1 on the scanner.

"Weight detected. No lifeform detected." the system said in a familiar voice. Redheart recognized it as her own.

"What!?" Cup Cake proclaimed. "System, heal her!"

"I am afraid I can't do that. The Red Heart System only heals lifeforms it's designed for. Please Recycle the Pink 1."

The trash shoot opened up.

Redheart entered with determination. "Red Heart System, the Pink 1 holds possible information on a Saboteur. Recycling the Pink 1 may remove the memory and thereby the information will be lost."

"Processing. Pink 1 has two more years to live in current state. Do you need to be reminded of their many functions?"

"Just heal them! Please!" Redheart scolded the machine.

" That will do. Scanning Error. Unregistered entity. Please register entity." the system replied.

"Singed." the Pink 1 wheezed.

"Entity registered. S N G. Scanning." A ring of green formed Multiple problems found." A diagram popped up onto the screen. It displayed a newborn baby and what seemed to be Singed. "Error: Entity Cell Age and mass does not match. Several missing organs. Reproduction system missing. Several mutated organs. Severely burnt flesh. No sex. Possible Alien Lifeform."

"Ignore the age problem. Fix what organs are there to a stable state. Do not attempt to add any organs." Redheart told the system.

"Warning, this goes against multiple health codes. Verification required." the system said. A red circle popped up on the screen with dashes beneath it. "If you are to continue, please input ID. "

Redheart walked over and tapped the dashes. The alphabet popped up beneath the dashes. RDRT.

"Please say your name."

"Radrit." Redheart answered.

"Proceeding." The red circle turned blue, before fading. The rings of green glowed stronger as the diagram showed Singed healing. After many minutes, the green glow stopped. "Be sure that she he Error Unknown sex gets plenty of rest. And water. Avoid any hazardous tasks and Error Continue to do your tas Error."

Redheart put Singed onto a bed. "Everyone, continue the tasks that you were doing. Singed needs her rest, and doesn't need us disturbing her."

"But what about the imposter!?" Spoiled Rich asked. "You said she has information!"

"Yes, she must have. Otherwise, why else would she be so severely injured unless to hide information? But hey, you all heard the nurse. Get out and let her rest." Rainbow Dash said.

The others listened, and shuffled out. Redheart decided to stay and watch over Singed. It... just felt right.

Rainbow Dash returned. "We've figured out it's lunch time. And a couple others found food. You coming Radrit?"

Redheart stroked the hair of Singed softly. "You go on ahead. I have a patient to care for."