• Published 28th Sep 2020
  • 976 Views, 76 Comments


MLP X AMONG US. We don't know who we are. We don't know why we're here. All we know is There's An Imposter Among Us.

  • ...

3, 1/7


The heater's broken down. Everything got icy really fast.

Engines aren't working. I'm sitting out here like a duck in water.

I managed to shut off all power to the engines, which means I have lots of energy to spare now. Oh! I've baked a cake!

I mean, it's not really good... or tasty... and taste better separate... but I did something. Yay?

Sorry. I'm rambling again. Just.... Story


Fluttershy stood behind the counter, giving out rations of dinner. Two Bed chambers had been found, and a single boys bathroom was discovered. It was also discovered that a fully functioning kitchen was connected to the cafeteria.

Singed walked up. "Oh! Hello Singed. Good to see you're okay. Oh- or as okay as you can get." Fluttershy said meekly. She hid behind her mane for a moment. "What can I get you?"

"A Pink ration. I don't know if I can actually eat normal food, so I'm going to play it safe." Singed said.

"Good idea!" a Pink 1 said from within the kitchen. She walked up to the counter. "Hey, why'd you name yourself Singed?"

Singed shrugged. "It seemed funny at the time."

Fluttershy and the Pink 1 stared. "It seemed... funny?" the Pink 1 asked.

"Hey, I was dying and hit my head really hard. I wasn't thinking clearly." Singed retorted as she bit into the brown cube of Pink Rations. "Hm. Bland."

"EIIIIIEEE!" The scream traveled through the halls.

"Big Red, Tall White, Singed, with me! The rest of you, stay here!" Rainbow Dash said as she threw aside her food, leaped over the table, and headed down the hall in ten seconds flat. Big Mac, Celestia, Time Turner, and Singed quickly followed, while the rest stayed. An Imposter cursed under their breath, as only a few left.

Rainbow Dash entered a room and found Rarity bleeding on the ground. The room seemed to be an armory. "White! Are you alright!?"

"My suit's torn." Rarity stated. "I'm on the ground. I'm covered in blood. And it's my own." she said, looking up at Rainbow Dash. "so dearie, WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK?"

"Geez!" Rainbow Dash said, rubbing her ears. "Alright, lets get you to the Medbay. Can you walk?"

Rarity tried, only to wince in pain. "I don't think so." Rainbow Dash grabbed her by the midsection and hoisted her up. Rarity bit into the thick fabric around her neck. "What the heck!?"

"You can walk." Rainbow Dash said, shouldering beside Rarity to help her keep balance. "Did you see your attacker?"

"Yes. They were in a red suit."

"Alright. Keep that information to yourself."

Rarity and the others stopped. "I'm sorry, what?" Celestia asked.

"The imposter doesn't know that they were seen. We have a better chance of catching them by surprise this way."

"Eyup." Big Mac said with a nod, noticing that something was off.

Rarity frowned. "I don't know..." she said. "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm RTY. Still looking for a name that holds glamor."

"No." Rainbow Dash scolded firmly. "Choose a name you can remember. Something simple, so others know how to call you." She positioned herself so she near the wall, with Rarity being closer. "That cut looks bad. It's all bleeding out, not even in your suit!"

"Yes, I know." Rarity answered.

"Thing is, these suits are large enough to cover my wings and not leave a bump." Rainbow Dash explained, before ramming Rarity to the wall. She gut punched the white unicorn. "Also, White's cooking in the kitchen."

The Imposter's eyes widened in mock shock. Too large eyes. Sharp teeth grew from her mouth as she lunged at Rainbow Dash. Big Mac and Celestia slammed into it. The Imposter let out a hiss, before running down the hall, screaming "THEY'RE THE IMPOSTERS! THEY'RE THE IMPOSTERS!"

The five chased the alien into the cafeteria. All six of them were quickly caught by Twilight's powerful magic.

The false Rarity was very powerful. It was absolutely terrified that a unicorn could have such powerful natural energy. Twilight looked in confusion at the odd looking Rarity.

"Alright, let's all calm down." Rainbow Dash said. "Okay so-

"THEY'RE THE IMPOSTERS THEY'RE-" The alien sent a shock to Twilight, knocking her out and ending the spell. It grabbed Rainbow Dash before slamming her into the ground. It's tongue lashed out with incredible speed, severely harming several ponies.

Rainbow Dash crawled towards the trash chute. "Get her over here!" she shouted over the screams of panic.

Celestia lowered her head and ran at the imposter, skewering it right as it was about to eat Diamond Tiara. She ran towards the trash chute, flinging her head as Rainbow Dash opened the chute. The imposter was flung in.

Rainbow Dash closed the chute as the creature hissed. "Tall, Big, Lana, get over here." The three quickly did. Rainbow Dash looked back towards the Imposter. It now had one giant eye and HUGE teeth. Rainbow Dash pulled the lever and opened the chute. "I'm willing to spare you for information."

It hissed, before lunging. It bonked off the thick glass of the chute as Rainbow Dash slammed it shut.

Twilight got up with a groan, only to be quickly dragged over by Rainbow Dash. "Alright. Question one. Who are the imposters?" Rainbow Dash asked, hatch open.

It laughed. "You found out. You knew how to find us. Then, you forgot." It grinned slyly. "I know who all of you are. I know your strengths and your weaknesses. I also know-" The hatch was shut as it's tongue shot out. The tongue hit with a thud against the glass.

"You wasted your chance." Rainbow Dash said coldly. She held the lever down. The imposter's eye widened as the vacuum of space sucked it out, sending it flying into the cold dark of space. She turned to those near her. "Chow time."

Celestia stood in shock. "I'm covered in blood..." she whispered to herself.

Dinner was eaten in silence, with the injured in medbay. The crew was on edge, with some wondering if they should celebrate the departure of the Imposter.

They soon headed to the beds, with many sleeping in the halls. Those who wanted blankets used them. Others simply laid on any surface they found soft enough. The hallway lights dimmed to night mode, giving a soft glow.

Big Mac laid on a lunch table, staring at the ceiling, when he heard someone sniffling. He reached for his helmet and headed over to the source of crying. Big Mac walked over to the window, and saw a child crying.

Apple Bloom tried to quiet her tears as Big Mac sat beside her. She turned and saw him looking, a confused expression on his face. His very expression seemed to ask "What's wrong?" with genuine concern. And so, Apple Bloom told him.

"I'm afraid. I heard a boy saying how he wanted his mommy." Apple Bloom let out a sob. "I don't know who my mommy is."

Big Mac sat beside the crying child for a moment in silence, before pulling her close to him. She instinctively hugged him tightly. Big Mac patted her on the head, humming a song. She sobbed into his chest for some time, before pulling away with a sniff, her breathing under control.

The filly wiped her nose, before looking up at Big Mac's face. He, being a master of faces, could see she had an important question. He rubbed her back, helping her relax slightly. His expression said enough: "Go ahead. Ask."

"Mister?" Apple Bloom asked. "Will... Will you be my daddy?"

Big Mac pulled the child into a tight hug. "Yes." Apple Bloom returned the hug, a happy crying now being heard from her.