• Published 30th Sep 2020
  • 1,390 Views, 135 Comments

Yu-EQ-Gi-oh:Linked Paradox - Quillion9000

Flash Sentry has a couple of the worst days of his life and loses practically everything. Now, he must duel to reclaim what he lost.

  • ...

Scouted Duelists

Neo Duel Sanctuary: Dining room, Evening…
Flash and Shadow were essentially having a feast. Flash had no idea how his uncle managed to pull it off out here, but Shadow had gotten pizzas, a couple two liters of cream soda, and hot wings delivered. Now the two were eating while watching the nearby flat screen.

It was currently tuned to an interview with Shining Armor and Capper. The interviewer was apparently some new talk show host that was quickly rising in popularity called Autumn Blaze. She had white skin, green fingernails, long autumn colored hair, and light green eyes.

“Welcome to Blaze Talks!” Autumn spoke with a great amount of energy, and the people in the audience clapped. “I know you’re all excited to be here, but our guests deserves more of your praise. Our first guest is the current president of Flash Industries, Capper!”

The people cheered once more, and Capper waved. “Our second guest is none other than our reigning Duel Phenomenon, two years running, Shining Armor.” Once more, there were cheers while Shining simply nodded. “I’m so glad you could both make it.”

Capper hadn’t really changed much, and Shining looked about the same; however, his attire had changed. He now wore a no sleeved purple shirt, golden pants with purple stripes down both sides, matching boots, and a blue chain around his neck.

“I think I speak for both of us when I say we are happy to be here.” Capper stated.

“I can’t argue with that.” Shining nodded. “Normally, I am more for direct interaction with my fans, but interviews like this are important. Especially when today is concerned.”

The silence both on T.V and in the room was palpable.

“That’s right, I forgot that it was today.” Flash set his slice of pizza down.

Shadow muted the T.V and looked at him. “Flash, are you okay?”

“It just hit me that this was the day everything changed.” Flash stated. “I hadn’t thought of it until just now.”

“You know that isn’t true.” Shadow stated. “I can see it. You subconsciously think about them every day. Every time I see you about to give up, their memories keep you going. That day is your motivation, and it’s why you’ve become strong.”

“You really think so?” Flash asked.

“I know so.” Shadow stated.

“Thank you.” Flash nodded. “Would you mind unmuting the T.V?” He took a drink of his soda. “I think I’d like to hear what they have to say.”

Shadow smiled. “Sure.”

He unmuted the T.V, and the conversation picked back up.

“…While today is a day to remember, it is not why I’ve brought you two here.” Autumn stated. “You two, along with Stygian who couldn’t make it today, are some of the biggest figures in this new age of dueling. My question is, do you think we’ll be ready if/when The Cipher reappears?”

“That’s a pretty big question considering he seemingly vanished the night he took Magnus down.” Capper replied.

“Though, it is an apt question to ask.” Shining stated. “Two years ago, practically every strong duelist was gone. Now, we see new talent every duel season. If we follow logic, once he perceives we’ve stagnated, The Cipher will reappear.”

“That is what worries so many.” Autumn nodded. “For a solid month, the whole world feared what the Cipher would do even though he never once appeared. It was only through your victory at the impromptu tournament that hope returned Shining.”

“Alright, Alright. Fair point.” Capper held up his hands. “To answer your earlier question, Flash Industries has been working closely with Harmonic Industries to continuously improve the dueling systems.”

“Interesting.” Autumn stated. “Has there been any word on new rules pertaining to play?”

“Nothing will change.” Capper assured. “Pendulums will play as they always have while the newly released Link monsters will not limit any other methods.”

“I believe that will put many duelists at ease.” Autumn stated. “Shining Armor, do you have anything you’d like to add?”

“My team, Crystal Heart, is ready to defend its place as the number 1 team in the world, and that goes double for me with my tittle. If anyone out there wishes to beat us, they’ll have to bring their A game. Cipher, if you’re listening, the next time you appear, I will stop you.”

“Powerful words.” Autumn stated. “I’m sorry to say that is all the time we have for this segment. I’d like to thank you both for coming out. May your future endeavors work out for you. When we come back…”

Flash turned off the T.V.

“Looks like Shining is gearing up to win the tittle a third time.” Shadow stated. “Considering what I’ve managed to see, his game may very well surpass that of Magnus’.”

“It’s practically a certainty.” Flash nodded. “After dad was taken, he was the strongest duelist and the best choice.” He smiled. “This year, things are different. I’m thankful he held the title, but I will beat him. No matter what team I must duel for.”

“Fortunately, you won’t have to search too hard.” Scorpan walked into the room holding the envelop. “Harmonious Element of Canterlot has scouted you for their team.” He threw the envelop to Flash. “Come next week, you got a team.”

Flash caught the envelop and stared at it in shock. “I’ve already been scouted.” He looked to Scorpan. “How?”

“It was your duel today.” Scorpan stated. “Unbeknownst to you and Shadow, I invited their new owner to observe you, and she was impressed.”

“This is great!” Flash smiled as he jumped out of his seat. “It’s the first step towards getting a shot at the tittle.”

“It also means I’m done teaching you two, so I expect your sorry butts off my sanctuary by tomorrow.” Scorpan crossed his arms. “You complain, and I’ll make you run the sanctuary until you collapse before shipping you out myself.”

By now, Flash understood what his master meant. “I’m going to miss you as well, Master Scorpan.” He smiled. “Thanks for everything.”

Shadow came to stand a bit behind Flash and put a hand on his shoulder. “Yeah, it means a lot that you did this for us. You not only trained us, but it’s thanks to you that Flash was given what he needed. 2 years out of the spotlight to grow. Thank you.”

Scorpan’s tough exterior wavered slightly towards a softer expression, but he refused to let them see it. “I’m not going to miss either of you.” He turned away from them. “You two are trouble, and I’ll be glad to be rid of you.”

Scorpan left them there.

“He really doesn’t like emotion, huh?” Flash asked.

“He used to be much softer than this, but I can’t blame him.” Shadow patted his shoulder. “The old guy’s always been tough, but I think the loss of your father really got to him. Scorpan never had any children and Magnus’ own father, as you know, was horrible.

Sometimes, I think Magnus was originally given the wrong father. In the end, I think that’s a big part of his worry about you Flash. As hard as he tried, he couldn’t stop himself from seeing family in you.”

“To him, it must feel like history is repeating itself.” Flash looked at his deck box before gaining a look of determination. “Well, I won’t allow it. When I duel The Cipher, I will win, and I will bring everyone back.”

Shadow ruffled Flash’s hair before moving past him. “Well, it’ll have to wait.” He stopped at the doorway. “Considering the old man wants us out tomorrow, we have some packing to do.”

Outside: Morning…
Flash never really owned much out here, so his duel runner could hold what he had while he rode it back to Canterlot. He would have traveled with his uncle if only he were heading home as well; however, Sector Security’s academy was in Neo Domino City.

Flash sighed. “Looks like I’m finally ready.”

Shadow approached him. “That’s good to hear.”

Flash turned to face his uncle and there was a long stretch of silence between them. For two years, Shadow had been there for him, and that meant everything to the teen.

“Thank you for everything.” Flash hugged his uncle. “Not a lot of people would have looked out for a kid like me the way you have.”

“It’s been my pleasure.” Shadow hugged his nephew back. “You have my number, so don’t be afraid to call.” He pulled back. “If you need me, I will drop everything to come running.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Flash stated.

“Also, walk tall Flash.” Shadow stated. “In the eyes of many, they’ll see you as just a child, but you’re a man.” He nodded. “Now, get going before I change my mind.”

“Yeah, I should hit the road.” Flash got on his runner. “See you later, uncle.”

“See you later, bud.” Shadow stated.

Shadow watched as Flash took off for the dirt road at the back of the sanctuary, and only left once he could no longer see him. “Good luck Flash.”

Scorpan had watched his students from the second story bay window of the housing complex. “Do your best you two, and don’t disappear like the rest.”

Canterlot: Days Later, Morning…
With no need to hurry, since he left well ahead of his scouting date, Flash was able to take his time getting back to Canterlot. That said, he hadn’t completely left his arrival up in the air. He had a plan, and it ensured his arrival the morning of his scouting date.

As Flash rode through Canterlot, he smiled as it was still recognizable. He feared his old home would have changed far too much in the past two years. While some things were bound to be different, the duelist felt he could navigate this place with little difficulty.

While he would have enjoyed stopping in at Sugar Cube Corner or Flash Industries, he wanted to make a good first impression on the team he was looking to join. Once he was settled in, there’d be plenty of time for that, so he rode on through the city.

Heart of Canterlot
Flash parked his runner on the street and took off his helmet to stare at the complex before him. It was a huge, walled off section of the city that had seen many changes over the years. Every so often, someone would start a team here only to disband once they couldn’t hack it.

As a result, the state of this place was constantly in flux from abandoned to occupied. In truth, what laid inside those walls didn’t particularly scream city. It was acres upon acres of land with trees and ponds. All the buildings were placed to live with nature.

It helped that traffic around here was rather limited. Anyways, the buildings themselves had been beautifully crafted from stone that only added to the feel of nature with calming blue roofs. When you can’t hack it as a team, even a great place like this isn’t enough to keep duelists on.

Flash approached the gates only to be met by a guardsman in black attire. “Hold it right there. This facility is off limits to the public. Unless you have proof of business here, I ask that you take your runner and vacate the premises.”

“You don’t have to worry about that sir because I was invited.” Flash removed the envelop from his jacket pocket and gave it to the man. “See, Celestia herself scouted me for her team.”

The man took out the paper inside and studied it before nodding. “I see.” He put the paper in the envelope and gave it back to him. “My apologies sir.” He walked over to the guard station and pressed a button to open the doors. “Please, proceed in.”

“Hey, it’s no bother to me.” Flash stated. “You’re doing your job and doing it well.”

“Oh, uh thank you sir.” The guard stated shocked.

Flash shrugged. “No problem.” He walked in and the gates closed behind him. “Alright, time to head to the training center. I wonder what other duelists have been scouted?”

Training Center
Flash walked into a huge building with a retractable roof and four total duel fields. “Alright, this is what I’m talking about.”

“You’re early.” Celestia stated as she approached him. “That’s nice since it means we can get everything sorted sooner than I assumed.”

Flash turned to his former principal. “Celestia, am I your only scouted duelist?”

“Not at all.” Celestia stated. “There are three others currently awaiting your arrival. There just in one of our smaller training centers is all. Unfortunately, Harmonious Element hasn’t taken off as quickly as I hopped.” She shook her head. “Anyways, follow me.”

Flash nodded. “Alright, lead the way ma’am.”

Smaller Training Center
Twilight Sparkle was currently waiting in a corner of the room by herself. Over the past two years, she’s developed into a fine young lady. Other than gaining some height and changing her hair a bit, her attire became a little more formal, and her hair was now in a ponytail.

She still wore a purple skirt but replaced the boots with shoes. The white blouse was changed for a long sleeved, light blue shirt underneath a dark pink sweater vest with a purple tie. Currently, she was not alone as two other guys were in the room.

One of them sat against a wall of the room reading a book on duel strategies. Every so often he’d give a curious gaze to Twilight or the other person before going back to reading. This guy had light purple hair, dark blue skin, and pink eyes.

His attire consisted of a purple shirt with blue jeans, white shoes, and a silver amulet around his neck. The other guy had been here before anyone else and had been sitting in his own corner going through his deck.

He hadn’t even noticed Twilight nor the other guy enter. This person had dark green skin with fire red hair and cyan eyes. He was rather tall for his age. He wore a dark-red tank top, dark red cargo pants with green accents, a dark green belt, and a pair of matching boots.

The guy put his deck together and jumped to his feet. “Alright, I am ready to get this show on…” He stopped as he noticed Twilight and the other guy. “Huh, when did they get here?” He noticed the other guy reading a book on dueling. “Is he reading a book on how to duel?”

Twilight watched as the deck guy approached the book guy. “Hey there pal, are you reading a book on dueling?”

The book guy looked up at him with a calm expression. “That is what I am doing. Why?”

“It just seems counterproductive to me.” Deck guy stated. “Who needs to read a book on dueling when all you really need is practical experience?”

“That is one method to grow as a duelist while another is rigorous study.” Book guy stated. “I’m certain countless other methods exists, but this is one which suits me best. I would appreciate it if you could respect that just as I respect your method.”

“I suppose.” Deck guy crossed his arms.

“Then, we have come to an understanding.” Book guy stated. “My name is Zack Rider, by the way.”

“Huh, oh yeah!” Deck guy blinked. “Name’s Astral Flare.”

“Well Astral, I do not mean to be rude, but I would like to get in as much studying as possible.” Zack turned his gaze back to the book. “Perhaps we could talk more about subjects like this at a later date.”

“This guy’s the smart type, but unlike those back home, he doesn’t seem arrogant. Maybe I can get along with him.” Astral nodded. “I may like that.” With the conversation going no further, he decided to approach Twilight. “Hey you!”’

Twilight blinked as she thought neither of them were going to talk to her. “Oh, uhm yes?”

“Hey, I’m Astra Flare.” Astral stated. “I just thought I’d come over and see how you’re doing?”

“Oh, well I’m Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight stated making Astral’s eyes go wide. “I guess I’m doing fine.”

“Whoa, I thought you looked familiar, but I didn’t think it could be you.” Astral stated in amazement. “Your Shining Armor’s little sister. Man, you must have some serious skill yourself.”

“I suppose.” Twilight rubbed the back of her head. “Honestly, I’ve never thought of it that way. I just like to duel.” She shrugged. “Since I’m decent at the game, I figured this was a good road to what I want to do in the future.”

“Oh, you don’t want to be a duelist forever?” Astral questioned.

“Not particularly.” Twilight moved her glasses a bit. “I do love the game though, so I was thinking of eventually becoming a duel trainer to show others how to play. Essentially, I wish to follow in Star Swirl’s footsteps.”

“Two smart people?” Astral thought. “Even though they seem nice, why can’t one of them be normal like me?.” He didn’t have anything against smart people, but it was hard to relate to their interests in his opinion. “That’s a nice dream…I suppose.”

“Thanks.” Twilight smiled. “What do you want to do?”

“I’m aiming to take my dueling to the next level.” Astral stated confidently. “My hometown was small, and it’s no fun to be a big fish in a small pond. Out here, win or lose, I feel like my dueling skills will be put to the test. Hey, if I can hit the top, all the better, right?”

“I suppose.” Twilight scratched her check. “I wonder just how strong Flash has become because I’d like to say he’s heading for the top, but I just don’t know.”

Everyone’s attention was drawn to the door as a girl, around the age of the teens, walked in. She had pale skin, white hair, fire red eyes, and was extremely fit. She wore a gray tank top with orange cargo pants.

Ultimately, she seemed to not want to be here, and it wasn’t because she wasn’t comfortable. In fact, she seemed rather comfortable. It was more like each person there didn’t interest her in the slightest.

“This is a waste of time.” The girl sighed. “None of you are anything special.”

Twilight didn’t know what to make of this, Zack was studying this duelist, and Astral was seething at his skills being called into question.

“Who are you to say that when you haven’t even seen us duel?” Astral asked.

“She’s Spiral Sol.” Twilight informed. “She competed in the Phenomenon Tournament these past two years and came in second against Shining Armor both times. She is, without question, the second-best duelist in the world.”

“What?” Astral asked. “Someone like her is just under Shining Armor in terms of skill?”

“Not only that, but both years she got in through the single league bearing Harmonious Element’s name.” Zack added. “It is harder to maintain the required win record there, so it’s a more impressive feat.”

“Do you see now?” Spiral asked. “I’ve seen many duelists, and none of you scream big leagues to me.” She shrugged. “Still, you are my ticket into a more competitive realm of dueling, so at least you’re good for that much.”

“Watch who you’re talking to.” Astral stated. “I’m going to be the next Duel Phenomenon!”

“You’re too loud.” Spiral complained. “So annoying. Guess you put all your skill into being loud rather than a good duelist.”

“Don’t look down on me.” Astral grit his teeth. “You have no idea what I’m capable of, so let’s go. I’ll show you the skills that got me scouted.”

“Big accomplishment.” Spiral just shook her head. “Let me guess, you were either scouted by this team or would have had to go through tryouts with any of the others out there.”

“Yeah, so what?” Astral asked.

“For someone aiming for the top, you’re clueless.” Spiral walked past him. “Like those two…” She made it to a wall and crouched sat against it. “…we’ll duel if you’re dubbed rank 2 among the team.”

“What are you saying?” Astral asked.

“You really don’t know?” Twilight asked.

Astral looked at her confused. “Know what?”

“Team Harmonious Element is hoping to break into the team circuit; however, it’s history does not lend well to this endeavor.” Zack stated. “They’ve fallen under new ownership more than any other team out there and spent long stretches of time disbanded.”

“As a result, Harmonious Element is actually viewed as the worst team by everyone.” Twilight stated. “Even with Ms. Sol’s impressive reign as second best, it says more about her than Harmonious Element.”

“Didn’t you notice we are the only ones here today?” Zack questioned. “We all have a secured place on the team. Normally, that would mean we’d be here to watch try outs today. Currently, we are missing duelists for the tryouts because of the reason listed before.”

“What?” Astral questioned. “I thought my talents were finally being recognized! You two seriously already knew this about Harmonious Element?”

“To pull a team up with your skills says more about your abilities in the long run.” Zack stated. “I was aware of this and decided to lend my aid. If all pans out, my goals will be more in reach than ever before.”

“I’m here because I know the owner from my middle school days.” Twilight stated. “She gave me every opportunity to grow and succeed, so I’ll repay her by coming through as a duelist. Also, a friend of mine wanted to join this team, and I’m hoping to see him.”

Astral seemed shocked by all this new information he learned, but that quickly turned into a smile. “Well, I’m not going to quit. If this team needs duelists, I’m glad to be here.”

Spiral shook her head. “What an idiot.”

Astral clenched his fist before turning and holding it out to Astral. “Just you wait Spiral because I’ll reach rank 2 and defeat you in a duel. That’s a promise.”

“One which you can’t keep.” Spiral yawned and let her head fall. “Now, I’m taking a nap.”

She was suddenly asleep while Astral seethed.

With Flash
Celestia had pointed out all the buildings within the compound as they made their way to the training building. “…That’s essentially everything you’ll need to know as a duelist of Harmonious Element. Any questions?”

“No ma’am.” Flash stated.

They had approached the building to find Luna waiting for them. “Hello Celestia and Mr. Sentry.” Luna nodded. “You left before your name was cleared, so I’d like to offer my sincerest apologies for my accusations two years prior.”

Luna was sincerely sorry for that day, and she didn’t want it to get in the way of their professional relationship. After all, she was a co-owner with Celestia. It wouldn’t do to have a duelist angry at you. Honestly, it taught her that Flash was an honest guy.

“Yeah, I don’t really care about that anymore.” Flash shrugged. “Many other things happened that day than being wrongly accused. Not even the worst thing that happened to me that day. If you really need to hear it, I have no hard feelings. Now, I’m here to duel.”

“A good answer.” Celestia nodded. “So sister, have you been keeping your eyes on our other scouted duelists?”

“Indeed, I have sister.” Luna stated. “They are an interesting lot.” She sighed. “Of course, Spiral got involved and riled one of them up.”

“Not much we can do about that.” Celestia looked at Flash. “Are you ready to get started?”

Flash nodded. “I’ve been ready since I got my letter.”

Training Hall
Flash walked on in and looked at the other four people inside. He obviously recognized Spiral since she was a duelist to look out for. Then there was Zack and Astral, who he knew nothing about. Finally, Twilight.

Flash smiled and ran over to her. “Hey Twilight, I was hoping I’d…”

“Flash Sentry…” Twilight stated angrily. “…how dare you leave me nothing but a text before taking off for two years.” She crossed her arms. “Do you know how worried I was, especially with how recent everything was for you.”

Flash hadn’t realized that Twilight could be angry, nor that it would scare him. “I’m sorry Twilight.” He legitimately flinched. “I needed to take off, and admittedly made a mistake by not coming to see you in person. I just needed to get away.”

“It’s hard to be mad at you after everything that happened.” Twilight sighed. “After the girls all left to pursue other teams, I was alone.” She shook her head. “I’ll forgive you, but you got to promise you’ll never do something like this to me again.”

“I give you my word.” Flash held up his hands. “I won’t do something like this again.”

“This is the son of the former Duel Phenomenon?” Spiral shook her head. “So far, not impressed.”

“I recall hearing about him.” Zack thought. “Supposedly, he went off to train for two years. I wonder how strong he is?”

“Alright, finally someone that seems normal.” Astral thought relieved.

“Alright, that’s enough.” Luna declared. “All four of you new duelists need to gather around so we may begin.” Flash, Astral, Twilight, and Zack lined up before the owners. “I shall now turn you over to my elder sister.”

“Team Harmonious Element is aiming to become the best in the world. While some of you may think we gathered whomever we could find, each of you were scouted personally by Luna or me. We are glad you accepted.

Now, there are some details we must discuss, but first we’ll rank your skills. Ordinarily, this would happen naturally, but you four, plus our top duelist Spiral, are the only duelists we have. As such, we shall hold a mini tournament.

The pairings have already been decided. Flash will duel Twilight while Astral shall duel Zack. The losers shall then duel before the winners. The winner of that last match will have the right to face our very own Spiral Sol for Rank 1. Any questions?

“So, that’s what she meant before.” Astral glanced at the still sleeping Spiral. “Just you wait because I’ll be winning rank 2 before taking you down.”

“We shall begin with Zack and Astral.” Celestia stated. “The rest of you need to move to the sides.”

Flash and Twilight moved off to the right while Celestia and Luna moved to the left leaving Zack to face Astral.

“Get ready Zack because I never hold back.” Astral held up his duel disk. “My deck and I are taking this one home.”

“We shall see.” Zack calmly fixed his glasses. “I’ve worked to refine my deck, skills, and knowledge for the day I join a team. Even if I lose, I will not fall easy.”

“They both seem determined to win.” Flash smiled. “This may just be interesting.”

Twilight nodded. “They sure seem determined to do their best.”

“You may begin when ready.” Celestia called out.

Author's Note:

Astral Flare is owned by AstralFlare42. Hopefully, I've done the character right by him.