• Published 30th Sep 2020
  • 1,390 Views, 135 Comments

Yu-EQ-Gi-oh:Linked Paradox - Quillion9000

Flash Sentry has a couple of the worst days of his life and loses practically everything. Now, he must duel to reclaim what he lost.

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Ranked Duels

Training Room
Astral and Zack stood across from each other while Twilight and Flash stood far to the right and Celestia and Luna stood far to the left. After waking up to take note of Flash, Celestia, and Luna entering, Spiral had gone back to sleep in her corner.

“Let’s duel!”

(Zack 4000/Astral 4000)

“Alright, I’m taking the first move!” Astral declared. “I’ll start by normal summoning Silver Gadget(LV 4/1500/1000).” A silver machine appeared. “When this card is summoned, I can special summon a level 4 or lower machine from my hand. I choose Gold Gadget(LV 4/1700/800).” A gold version of Silver Gadget appeared.

“Interesting.” Celestia looked to her sister since she had been the one to scout these duelists. “Does that boy run a gadget deck Luna?”

“Those two are actually the only gadgets he has.” Luna replied. “Astral’s deck is powerful, yet it requires luck to truly function.” She smiled. “Much like certain duelist of the past, his luck seems to be on point since he draws what he needs to string together coherent plays.”

“Now it’s time to kick things up a notch.” Astral declared. “I overlay my two level four monsters. Dragon formed from darkness, heed my call. Xyz summon Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon(R 4/O 2/2500/2000).”

“So, there’s other duelists out there with my dragons.” Flash muttered.

Twilight had heard that. “Your dragons?”

Flash realized he had spoken out loud and chuckled. “Oh, I mean there are duelists out there with dragons like the ones I use.”

Twilight stared at Flash for a good, long moment before eventually turning back to the duel.

“I got to be careful because this is not the time to go into my deck.” Flash looked at Dark Rebellion. “Still, how does this guy have him? It was a card that didn’t exist until I made it.”

Zack thought, “That dragon looks a lot like my Starving Venom.”

“You haven’t seen anything.” Astral smiled. “I activate Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force. With this spell, I can target an Xyz monster I control and rebuild the overlay network to summon a monster 1 to 2 ranks higher.

Dragon of pitch-black darkness be reborn and show our opponent the requiem of victory. Rank Up: Xyz Change Dark Requiem Xyz Dragon(R 5/O 3/3000/2500).” A larger Dark Rebellion with bone plating all over its body and beautiful wings appeared.

“Impressive.” Twilight looked at the mighty dragon. “Not every deck can rank up their monsters into more powerful versions. Those that can often do not disappoint in effects.”

“He just ranked up Dark Rebellion.” Flash thought amazed.

“I shall end my turn with one set card.” Astral declared.

“My turn.” Zack drew.

“I active my set Secret Barrel.” Astral declared. “This card deals you 200 life points of damage for every card in your hand and that you control. 6 cards in hand means you take 1200 life points of damage (Zack 2800/Astral 4000).”

“An interesting use for an old card.” Zack nodded. “Allow me to return the favor by using one of my favorites. I activate Polymerization to fuse Predaplants Cordyceps and Lilzard from my hand. Dangerous predators of nature combine to create a flower of deadly fragrance.

Fusion summon Predaplant Chimerafflesia(LV 7/2500/2000).” A pink flower attached to a large, green stem and with flytraps for arms appeared. “Chimerafflesia will attack Requiem, and When he battles, I can have your monster lose 1000 ATK while he gains that same ATK.”

“That’s a good fusion monster, but my evolved dragon is one which can slay powerful effects.” Astral declared. “By detaching one overlay unit, Requiem can negate your monster’s effects and destroy it.”

“Looks like I lose my monster or use something I wanted to save.” Zack took a card from his hand. “I activate the evolved form of Polymerization, Super Polymerization. By sending one card from my hand to the grave, I can perform a fusion summon.

That alone isn’t special; however, the fact that I can use monsters on either field most certainly is. Since my effect is on the same speed as yours, it’s dictated that my effect is used before yours.”

“Wait, that means you can use my dragon for your fusion summon?” Astral questioned shocked.

“Every extra deck method has their evolutions and variations.” Zack declared. “This is one of Fusion’s. I combine your dragon with my fusion to create a dragon of true toxicity. Starving Venom Fusion Dragon(LV 8/2800/2000).” A large and vicious purple dragon appeared roaring.

“That one has my Starving Venom.” Flash thought. “Did Uncle Stygian reprint my dragons? That would explain it, but he wasn’t around to see them. Maybe he got it from my data.”

“The evolution and variations of extra deck methods are vast; don’t you think Flash?” Twilight asked.

Flash nodded. “Truly vast.”

“It took looking where most owners wouldn’t think of going, but this team is shaping up nicely.” Celestia stated.

“If the duelists you scouted are as good as you say, I’ll concur.” Luna stated.

“To think there are other monsters that look similar to Dark Rebellion.” Astral smiled. “This is what I’m talking about. It’s exactly what I wanted by stepping out into the world rather than staying in my town. Bring it on Zack.”

“If that is what you wish, I will oblige.” Zack calmly readjusted his glasses. “Fusion Dragon attack our opponent with Toxic Breath!” Fusion Dragon shot poison at Astral (Zack 2800/Astral 1200). “With that, I end my turn.”

“That means it’s back to me, and I’m activating Astral Force’s graveyard effect.” Astral declared. “By forgoing my draw, I can add this card from my grave to my hand.”

“I activate Chimerfflsia’s effect from the grave.” Zack declared. “Since this is the next Standby Phase, after he was sent to the grave, I can add another fusion card from my deck to my hand. I choose another Polymerization.”

“That’s such a cool effect.” Astral smiled. “Next, I’ll activate Roll of Fate. I roll a die, and that roll determines how many cards I draw. The only downside is that I must then banish an equal number of cards from the top of my deck.”

When the die was rolled, it came up three, so he drew and banished the needed cards. “Perfect. Since you control a monster and I don’t, I can special summon Cyber Dragon(LV 5/2100/1600).” A long, silver machine appeared. “I then activate Monster Reborn.

With this, I can resurrect Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon(R 4/O 2/2500/2000). Next, I normal summon Cyber Changer(LV 1/0/0).” A metal sphere appeared on the field. “By banishing a card from my deck, this card makes all monsters on my field that monster’s name.

I choose one of my Cyber Dragons.” A Cyber Dragon slotted out from the deck and Astral put it away. “Now, you’re not the only one who can fuse. Once I’ve changed the names of monsters on my field, I can fusion summon with those monsters.

Since I have three Cyber Dragons, I’ll combine them all into a machine with few peers. Fusion summon Cyber End Dragon(LV 12/4000/2800).” A huge, three headed cyber dragon appeared in the room.

“That’s one of the fusions Zane Truesdale was known for.” Flash declared in awe. “That’s so cool!”

Twilight smiled. “It’s good to know Flash hasn’t completely changed since I last saw him. His fondness of the legends and their monsters is still there.”

“Let’s do this Cyber End Dragon.” Astral declared. “Attack Starving Venom Fusion Dragon with Super Strident Blast!”

The three heads all fire a beam as one which washed over and destroyed the dragon (Zack 1600/Astral 1200). Before Astral could celebrate, vines shot through a wormhole, which opened beneath Cyber End Dragon, starting to drag it through.

“What’s going on?” Astral questioned confused.

“It’s one of my dragon’s abilities.” Zack replied. “If Starving Venom is destroyed, he takes every one of my opponent’s special summoned monsters with him.”

“All special summoned monsters!?” Astral watched as his monster was sucked into the grave. “Cyber End!” Cyber End Dragon was gone. “Man, that stinks.”

“Not as much as what my dragon does next.” Zack declared. “Once every special summoned monster you control is destroyed, you take damage equal to the total ATK of all those monsters.”

“Man, this guy’s deck is unlike anything I’ve seen back home.” Astral smiled. “Alright, bring it on!”

“I was planning on it.” Zack declared. “Go, Toxic Depletion!”

Astral was awash in a purple aura as Cyber End Dragon’s 4000 ATK was subtracted from his remaining life points (Zack 1600/Astral 0). Astral then looked over at Spiral, who hadn’t woken since their duel began.

“She’s still sleeping.” Her attitude was starting to irk the guy something fierce. “I may be out of the running to challenge you right now, but I will beat you one day.”

“Hey, your deck was unorthodox, but it seems to work for you.” The Predaplant user approached and held out his hand. “Good game.”

“Wow, this guy really isn’t like the smart people back home.” Astral smiled and shook the offered hand. “The better duelist won today, but that’ll be me in the future.”

“Challenge me any time.” Zack let go and walked off to the side. “For now, we should clear the way for our teammates.”

“Oh, yeah.” Astral followed him.

“With that match decided, we move onto Flash Sentry vs Twilight Sparkle.” Luna declared. “You two are free to come on out and start dueling.”

The two friends walked out and parted from one another.

“Looks like I’ll get to see if that training you left for was worth it.” Twilight declared. “Just so you know, this duel will determine whether or not I’m mad at you for ditching me.”

“Now, I’m really hoping it was worth it since I could only ever really beat Fluttershy before. With Twilight likely improving these past two years, I may just have my work cut out for me.” Flash nodded. “We’ll see Twilight.”

“Let’s duel.”

(Flash 4000/Twilight 4000)

“Well, this should be interesting?” Zack stated. “It’s rare I get to witness a duel with history like this.”

“Really?” Astral asked. “Back home, anyone who duels has a history with somebody.” He shrugged. “That said, these two were scouted, so it might be interesting to see.”

“If I’m not mistaken, these were duelists you scouted Celestia.” Luna spoke to get the conversation going. “If I remember correctly, from the duels we saw before, neither were as impressive as their friends.”

“That may be true Luna, but these two have improved tremendously from their middle school days.” Celestia smiled. “Just watch.”

“Flash, you can go first.” Twilight stated.

“If you insist, I’ll oblige.” Flash looked at his hand. “I’ll start by setting my Pendulum scales with Scale 1 Stargazer Magician and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician.” A spellcaster in white robes and one in black robes appeared inside the pillars. “I’ll then set two cards to end my turn.”

“Aw, he didn’t even summon any monsters.” Astral sighed.

“We must keep in mind Flash knows Twilight better than either of us.” Zack nodded. “I’m certain he has a strategy in mind, one which Twilight will need to keep up with.”

“I’m starting to see why you scouted Flash, sister.” Luna stated. “If his skills hold true to the duel you saw, we may very well have another powerful Pendulum user.”

“He has those skills sister.” Celestia stated, remembering his duel with Shadow.

Twilight drew. “My turn!”

“Sorry to interrupt, but I’m activating my first set card, Pendulum Switch.” Flash declared. “Once per turn, I can either put a monster from my pendulum zone on the field or vice versa. So, I will put Timegazer Magician(LV 3/PS 8/1200/600) on the field.”

“I don’t trust that face down since Flash is playing an unknown deck, so I’ll go with a play with comeback potential.” Twilight nodded. “I activate Polymerization to combine King of the Swamp, which can act as any named material for a fusion summon, and Magician’s Valkyrie.

Student and master work together to provide a full range of abilities. Fusion Summon The Dark Magicians(LV 8/2800/2300).” A purple robbed male magician appeared with a female magician in light blue robes.

“So, they’re both spellcaster users.” Zack smiled. “Well, this might be even more interesting than I thought.”

“They’re both Spellcaster users, just like Starlight and Sunburst.” Astral noted to himself.

“I remember that card.” Flash smirked. “A little early to bust him out, isn’t it Twilight?”

“Perhaps, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Twilight declared. “Now, The Dark Magicians will attack Timegazer. Go, Twin Magic Burst!” The Magicians put their rods together and created a ball of magic which they fired at Timegazer.

“I reveal my last face down, Bye Bye Damage.” Flash declared. “During damage calculations, this card prevents my monster from being destroyed; furthermore, you’ll be taking double the damage I take as effect damage.”

Timegazer held out his hands and managed to withstand the stronger blast. The magic residue washed over Flash before collecting and firing back at Twilight as a sphere twice its size (Flash 2400/Twilight 800).”

“That’s what he was planning with that move.” Astral was impressed. “Not bad at all.”

“It was, all things considered, a simple yet effective combo.” Zack nodded. “Still, there are not many who could have pulled it off.”

“I remember a time when he could barely get me below 1000 life points.” Twilight smiled. “Looks like all that training wasn’t for nothing Flash, but this duel isn’t over. I set one card and end my turn.”

“It’s my move!” Flash drew. “I’m resetting my Pendulum Scale with Scale 8 Tuner Magician.” A young girl in orange robes rose to complete the scale. “Now, I’ll summon Purple Poison Magician (LV 4/1200/2100).” A purple robbed spellcaster appeared.

“Neither of your monsters have the strength to overcome The Dark Magicians.” Twilight declared.

“It’s a good thing this isn’t all I intend to do.” Flash declared. “First, I use Tuner magician’s Pendulum effect to turn any Pendulum monster I control into a Tuner monster, and I’ll use it on Timergazer Magician.

“Then, Timegazer Magician will give Purple Poison Magician a tune up to Synchro for 7. Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind. Descend Clear Wing Synchro Dragon(LV 7/2500/2000).” A white dragon with green crystals on its body appeared.

“Another dragon that looks like Starving/Dark!” Zack/Astral thought, surprised.

“Now, swing pendulum of my soul. Carve an arc through space and time. Pendulum summon Timegazer Magician(LV 3/PS 8/1200/600) and Purple Poison Magician (LV 4/1200/2100). I’ll then activate Polymerization to fuse them. Two magicians come together to create a dragon of true toxicity. Descend Starving Venom Fusion Dragon(LV 8/2800/2000). A large and vicious purple dragon appeared roaring.

“He has a Starving Venom as well.” Zack noted. “What’s more, his opponent has at least one special summoned monster on the field.”

“Why does that matter?” Astral asked.

“If Starving Venom is summoned through monsters on the field, and your opponent has any special summoned monsters of their own, then you can utilize its first effect.”

“A Fusion summon followed by a Pendulum summon into a Synchro summon.” Luna nodded. “Truly, he is impressive.”

“I hope he is.” Spiral had woken up and joined the owners with a yawn. “I don’t want to get my hopes up for nothing.”

“He just might.” Celestia was shocked Spiral had woken up. “We won’t know until he’s potentially crowned rank two.”

“To think you could pull off three different methods of summoning in one turn.” Twilight stared at the dragons in awe. “You really have improved Flash.”

“Thanks Twilight, but my dragons aren’t just for show.” Flash declared. “For instance, what Zack couldn’t show off at the time. When Starving Venom Fusion Dragon(LV 8/5600/2000 effect) is summoned using monsters on the field, he can increase his ATK by the ATK of all your special summoned monsters. Now Fusion Dragon, attack The Dark Magicians with Toxic Breath!”

“I activate Nutrient Z.” Twilight declared. “When I’m about to take more than 2000 life points of damage, I first gain 4000.” (Flash 2400/Twilight 800-4800-2000). “That’s not all as The Dark Magicians have their own effect when destroyed.

I can summon Dark Magician(LV 7/2500/2100) and Dark Magician Girl(LV 6/2000/1700) from anywhere but the banished zone.” The purple robed male magician appeared alongside his female student in light blue robes.

“Not good enough, Twilight.” Flash declared. “I move to Main Phase 2 and activate Starving Venom’s second effect. Once per turn, I can negate the effects of any one Level 5 or higher monster you control and specifically replace this effect with that effect. I negate Dark Magician.”

“What good does that effect do you?” Twilight asked.

“It does good because I can now activate one of Clear Wing Synchro Dragon’s effects.” Flash declared. “Once per turn, when a level 5 or higher monster activates their effects, I can negate that effect and destroy them.”

“When Starving Venom is destroyed, he takes all your opponent’s special summon monsters with him and deals damage to your opponent equal to their combined ATK!” Twilight realized.

“Yep, this is the end!” Flash declared.

Wormholes opened beneath both magicians as vines shot out and dragged them both in (Flash 2400/Twilight 0).”

“That’s it.” Celestia stated. “Flash has his victory.”

“It was a most impressive duel from the two of them regardless.” Luna stated.

Spiral walked towards them. “I wouldn’t go that far, but perhaps I have found a challenge.”

“Spiral, what are…” Luna questioned.

“Hold on sister.” Celestia put a hand on her shoulder. “I want to see where this goes, for it is rare to see Spiral spurred into action outside of duels that matter.”

Luna stopped herself. “I suppose that is true.”

Twilight and Flash had approached each other, smiling after an excellent duel.

“Man Twilight, those fusions of yours are as tough as ever.” Flash shook his head. “If I hadn’t had Clear Wing, I’d have been in trouble.”

“You’ve become an expert duelist with a deck that truly fits you.” Twilight held out her hand. “Even though I wish the girls were here with us, I’m glad at least we’re on the same team.”

Flash shook the hand. “Yeah, good to be on the same team.”

“Flash Sentry.” Spiral interrupted, sounding as bored as ever. “You are the only duelist with potential, and a clear-cut rank two. That is why I’m challenging you to the prize duel now.”

“What?” Flash questioned confused. “You want to duel me now?”

A seething Astral decided to speak up. “This is unfair.” The more Spiral spoke, the more he came to dislike her. “We have a set tournament in place to determine your opponent. If you’re itching for a duel, you can take me on.”

“No thanks.” Spiral stated nonchalantly. “I’ve made it clear you do not interest me.”

“You are being really disrespectful to your fellow duelist.” Astral declared.

Zack calmly assessed the situation. “I don’t care what other duelist think of me, but this could be my chance to garner some valuable information and see Spiral’s skills first hand.”

“Respect or disrespect. Power or friends.” Spiral yawned. “Give me a break. I never could stand the constant battles between ideals.” She looked at Astral with no emotion. “All I care about is finding a challenge; otherwise, I waste my time. That’s what dueling you would be.”

Astral grit his teeth. “This girl really gets on my nerves.”

“I think you’re being unfair.” Twilight spoke up. “You’re free to respect or disrespect the rules of this tournament all you want, but if Flash wants to continue respecting them, then you’re out of luck. After all, you can’t force him into a duel.”

“Good point.” Spiral admitted. “There’s also nothing stopping me from leaving. I don’t have to be the prize in this tournament.”

“No way! You can’t do that!” Astral exclaimed before looking to the owners. “Can she?”

“Spiral is our best duelist.” Celestia stated. “While we don’t allow her complete freedom to do as she pleases, we do tend to grant her some.

If she weren’t as good as she is, we’d be stricter about this.” Luna informed. “She’s right, in that she’s not forced to be here.”

“So unfair.” Astral crossed his arms. “Her arrogance is out of this world.”

“How about a compromise?” Zack came to stand beside Flash. “Duel the two of us.”

“Not a bad idea.” Spiral managed a smile. “How about I take it a step further with a little deal?” Everyone looked at her. “I’ll duel you and Flash in a 2 vs 1 for a little extra entertainment. If the two of you win, I’ll respect this tournament and be a good little duelist.

If I win, this event comes to an end, I decide your rankings, and no other duels can be held today. Of course, I’m being generous by even thinking of compromising, so if you deny me, I’ll leave anyways. This is a limited time offer, and the clock is ticking.”

“What do you say Flash?” Zack looked to him.

“I don’t know.” Flash looked to Celestia and Luna. “Is this even allowed?”

Celestia was quite intrigued to see what the outcome of this duel would be. “I’ll allow it.”

“You heard her.” Luna stated.

Flash was still uncertain.

“If it helps, you got my blessing.” Astral declared. “I’m out of the running to duel her anyways. While I would have liked to duel your spellcaster friend, I think it’s more important Spiral gets knocked down a few pegs.”

“Astral does raise a good point.” Twilight stated. “Spiral has already made her intent clear. No one gains anything if you back out Flash.”

“Well, that solves my dilemma. Spiral may be skilled, she may even have the right to be arrogant, but if she’s going to be disrespectful, I got to duel.” Flash nodded. “Alright, I’m in.” He looked to Zack. “Let’s work together.”

Zack nodded. “I look forward to seeing what we can achieve.”

Spiral moved back from the two of them. “Let’s get started then.”

“Spiral Sol, the 2nd best duelist in the world.” Zack thought. “Her Odd-Eyes deck is no joke. Win or lose, I’ll gain valuable data.”

“Spiral Sol.” Flash thought. “She’s just under the current Duel Phenomenon. If I can beat her and her Odd-Eyes, even with a partner, perhaps I’ll stand a chance against Shining.”

“I may not know what you two are thinking, but I understand one thing clearly from your eyes.” Spiral gave them a bored smile. “You’re thinking you might actually stand a chance against my Odd-Eyes.”

“Odd-Eyes?” Astral questioned. “That sounds like a weird name for a deck?”

“Perhaps it is, but it’s also the name of a powerful deck.” Twilight stated getting his attention. “Spiral isn’t 2nd best for nothing. From what I last gathered, the deck is a powerful Pendulum deck with two Ritual monsters to boot.”

“Tsk, it can’t be that impressive.” Astral crossed his arms. “Granted, my deck doesn’t Ritual summon, but I got every Extra Deck method.”

“Even before the upgrades she made this year, Spiral was second best in the world Mr. Flare.” Luna voiced. “With the upgrades she’s acquired, it is with no hesitation that I say she’s at minimum capable of dueling Shining Armor to a standstill.”

“Spiral has exceptional skills to go with her deck.” Celestia stated. “Even before her upgrades, she only had two official losses on her record, and they are to Shining Armor at each end of season tournament.”

“Really?” Astral looked at Spiral. “Hard to believe someone who only cares about entertainment could be that great.”

“You’re Odd-Eyes is a deck that warrants close observation.” Zack put his deck into his duel disk. “Let’s see what can be gleamed from this duel.”

“If I want to reach the top, I can’t let anything intimidate me.” Flash put his deck in his duel disk. “Let’s see how strong you really are.”

“So be it.” Spiral gave them another, bored smile. “Let’s get this over with.”

The three of them drew their starting hands. “Let’s Duel!”

(Flash 4000 & Zack 4000/Spiral 4000)

Spiral began. “Alright, I’m setting my scales with Scale 4 Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Scale 4 Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon.” A red dragon with bone armor and a purple dragon with bone armor appeared within blue pillars.

“What?” Astral questioned. “Those two have the exact same scale meaning she’s not going to be able to Pendulum summon anything.”

“Remember Astral, Pendulum monsters are more than their scales.” Twilight stated. “They can also have their own, unique effects while in the Pendulum zone.”

“While you are right Twilight, I can almost guarantee that’s not her intention.” Celestia informed.

“I activate Pendulum Card Burst to destroy my dragons, who are pendulum monsters, and draw two cards. I’ll then set my scales with Scale 0 Odd-Eyes Phantasma Dragon and Scale 8 Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon.”

A silver dragon with colorful jewels along its body, and a pale purple dragon, with multiple crystals, appeared within pillars. “Swing pendulum of my soul. Pendulum summon Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(LV 7/2500/2000) and Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon(LV 7/2500/2000).

Now, I overlay my two level 7 monsters. Dragon with dichromatic eyes and spirt of the frozen tundra, descend. Xyz summon Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon(R 7/O 2/2800/2500).” A brown dragon with armor and scales of ice appeared roaring.

“That monster doesn’t seem all that tough compared to what Flash and Zack have busted out before.” Astral noted.

“Did Stygian create other extra deck Odd-Eyes besides the combinations I got?” Flash contemplated. “No doubt such a monster has only made Spiral that much stronger.”

“An extra deck Odd-Eyes.” Zack nodded. “It must have quite the effect for her to bust it out like this.”

“I’ll end my turn with one set card.” Spiral pointed at Flash. “You’re the only duelist I’m interest in, so you go next.”

“Is that okay with you Zack?” Flash asked.

“My deck is fine going whenever.” Zack stated. “I have no objections.”

“Alright, my move!” Flash drew. “I’m setting my Pendulum Scales with Scale 2 Timebreaker Magician and Scale 8 Black Fang Magician.” A child in a black cloak and a man in black robes appeared within the pillars.

“Now, swing pendulum of my soul. Carve an arc through space and time. Pendulum summon Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(LV 7/2500/2000).” Flash’s red dragon with bone plating appeared.

“Odd-Eyes, Clear Wing, and Starving.” Zack noted. “Three of the four dragons we’ve seen that share some form of similarity. Wouldn’t surprise me if he has Dark Rebellion in there.”

“I can confirm he does.” Celestia called out.

“Whoa, then that’s one powerful deck.” Astral commented.

“Now, it’s time to enact my strategy.” Flash declared. “At the cost of Black Fang’s destruction, once per turn, his pendulum effect can half the ATK of any one monster my opponent controls until the end of this turn.

You only control one monster.” Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon(R 7/O 2/1400/2500 effect). “Now, I’ll attack your dragon with my Pendulum Dragon. Since you are the true Odd-Eyes user, you must know by now just what this accomplishes.”

“If this card battles an opponent’s, it inflicts double battle damage.” Spiral noted. “The key word here being ‘if’. I detach one overlay unit from Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon(R 7/O 1/1400/2500 effect) allowing me to negate that attack. Go, Absolute Roar!”

Absolute Dragon roared waves of cold energy which saw Pendulum Dragon’s attack being halted.

“That’s the same effect Number 39 has!” Flash exclaimed.

“No, it takes this effect a step further.” Spiral declared. “After the attack is negated, I can special summon 1 Odd-Eyes monster from my grave. I’ll choose my own Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(LV 7/2500/2000).”

“Hold a second, how did Spiral’s Pendulum monster get in the grave?” Astral questioned. “I thought any time a Pendulum monster is used for something, unless a card specifies it, they go to the top of the Extra Deck.”

“You are correct, except when it comes to Xyz monsters.” Celestia explained. “Whenever they use their effects that require the detaching of a monster, that monster goes to the grave.”

“That means, Spiral set up an almost unbeatable defense that’s only going to make things worse the longer this duel does on.” Twilight realized. “She can not only block attacks, but also summon Odd-Eyes from her grave.”

“Given her dragon’s overlays are Odd-Eyes, she’ll always have a target.” Astral declared.

“I’ll set one card to end my turn.” Flash looked to Zack. “It’s your turn. If you got anything good, bust it out and leave dealing with Absolute Dragon’s effect to me.”

Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon(R 7/O 1/2800/2500)

“Good to know!” Zack drew. “I’ll start by summoning Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio(LV 3/1200/800).” A scorpion plant appeared. “Whenever this monster is summoned, I can send any one monster from my hand to the grave to special summon almost any Predaplant from my deck.

I summon Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra(LV 3/1000/1500).” A long, plant cobra appeared. “When this monster is special summoned through the effect of a Predaplant monster, I can add any fusion spell from my deck to the hand.”

“Oh, that’s actually a fairly potent combo for a fusion deck.” Twilight noted impressed. “Rather than needing three cards for a fusion, he essentially only needs two.”

“That must mean he’s got a fusion that can get past Absolute Dragon, right?” Astral asked.

“He’s clearly got something in store.” Luna responded.

“I activate Polymerization to fuse Predaplants Darlington Cobra and Ophrys Scorpio.” Zack stated. “Dangerous predators of nature combine to create a dragon of toxicity. Descend, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon(LV 8/2800/2000).” A large and vicious purple dragon appeared.

“If Starving Venom is summoned, he gains ATK equal to all Special summon monsters I control.” Spiral shook her head. “Your monster will be strong; however, Absolute Dragon’s effect doesn’t just defend himself.”

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon(LV 8/8100/2000 effect)

“Figured that would be the case which is why I set Breakthrough Skill.” Flash declared. “This trap allows me to target any 1 effect monster you control and negate their effects until the end of the turn. I’m obviously targeting Absolute Dragon.”

Absolute Dragon’s eyes were grayed out.

“Alright, now they don’t have to worry about Absolute Dragon anymore!” Astral declared. “That means one attack is all it’ll take to end this duel.”

“I wouldn’t count Spiral out yet.” Twilight noted. “She set a card of her own just last turn.”

“Twilight is right.” Spiral nodded. “While I applaud the attempt, it is meaningless. I activate the quick-play spell I set last turn, Rank-Up-Magic Quick Force. With this, I can target an Xyz monster I control and rebuild the overlay network to summon a monster 1 rank higher.

I target Absolute Dragon. Dragon with dichromatic eyes and spirt of temperatures below everything, descend. Rank Up: Xyz Change Odd-Eyes SubZero Dragon(R 8/O 2/3600/3300).” A larger, brown dragon with ice blue armor appeared.

“That’s a massive monster!” Astral exclaimed.

“Given it’s clearly a ranked-up version of Absolute Dragon, no doubt it’s powerful to boot.” Twilight added.

“At this point, I have no recourse but to see what this dragon can do.” Zack shook his head. “Staving Venom Fusion Dragon, attack SubZero Dragon with Toxic Breath!”

Fusion Dragon fired off poison at the opposing dragon.

“I utilize one of my dragon’s effects by detaching one overlay unit to negate your attack.” Spiral declared. “Go, SubZero Roar!”

Just like with Absolute Dragon, Odd-Eyes SubZero Dragon(R 8/O 1/3600/3300) roared out cold air which stopped Starving Venom in its tracks.

“Er, she’s weathered both their Battle Phases!” Astral exclaimed. “In the process, her field just keeps growing!”

“Thanks for expending your trap on my turn Flash, unfortunately she has us pinned.” Zack voiced.

“It’s fine.” Flash declared firmly. “This duel isn’t over yet.”

“Yeah.” Zack nodded. “I’ll set two cards and end my turn.”

“Looks like it’s my turn.” Spiral drew. “I’ll start by activating Giant Trunade which returns all spell/trap cards on the field back to the hand.” Flash’s one Pendulum, Spiral’s own Pendulums, and Zack’s face downs all returned to their respective owner’s hands.

“Now, I’ll utilize my dragon’s first effect. Provided he has overlay units, once per turn, I can special summon 1 Odd-Eyes from my hand or grave. I’ll choose the Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon(LV 7/2500/2000) I just sent to defend last turn.

Now, I activate Polymerization to combine Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Phantom Dragon. I call upon the dragon with dichromatic eyes and spirit of a roaring tempest. Fusion Summon Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon(LV 7/2500/3000).” A black dragon with light green scales appeared.

“A fusion Odd-Eyes this time.” Astral commented. “Given what Absolute Dragon could do, this one is bound to be powerful.”

“You’re right as when this dragon is special summoned, I can bounce one of my opponent’s cards back to their hand. I chose Zack’s Starving Venom, so it’ll instead return to the Extra Deck. Go Vortex Return!”

“Oh no, Zack’s defenseless and all Flash has to defend himself with his own Pendulum Dragon!” Twilight exclaimed.

“It’s worse than that.” Celestia stated. “Since Spiral managed to fill her field with effects over the course of these last turns, she can still Pendulum summon now.”

“When you perform all but Xyz summoning with Pendulum monsters, they get sent to the extra deck.” Luna stated.

Everyone knew what that meant.

I reset my scales with Scale 0 Odd-Eyes Phantasma Dragon and Scale 8 Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon. Swing pendulum of my soul. Pendulum summon Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(LV 7/2500/2000) and Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon(LV 7/2500/2000).”

“Her skills are no joke.” Zack then looked Flash’s way and noticed he was still resolved. “Even facing these odds, he doesn’t seem phased.”

The Predap user supposed that made sense since Spiral couldn’t finish them both off this turn.

“This is the end because Phantom Dragon has a unique effect.” Spiral declared. “Whenever this Pendulum Summoned card deals damage, I can inflict 1200 life points of damage to my opponent for each Odd-Eyes I have in my Pendulum zone.”

That stunned Zack, Astral, and Twilight while Luna and Celestia didn’t react considering they knew Phantom Dragon’s effect well. While this was news to Flash, it didn’t impact him like the others.

“Regardless of that effect, I was planning on using this card from my hand.” The Pendulum Magician user declared. “Now, I’m merely using it to stay in the game and protect my dragon. I activate the effects of Dimensional Kuriboh.”

“Dimensional Kuriboh?” Spiral asked.

“First effect, I can pitch this card from my hand to the grave and pay half my life points.” Flash(2000) declared as a black Kuriboh with white wings appeared. “Now, for the rest of this turn, I take no damage.”

“That means Flash will survive no matter what!” Twilight exclaimed.

Everyone was just as impressed as Twilight, save Spiral who looked on with mild intrigue. “You said effects? What else can that monster do?”

“By banishing this card, I can banish one monster on my field until the end of the turn.” Flash informed. “I only have one monster to banish, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!”

“He just managed to spare himself a monster to!” Astral exclaimed.

“Not bad.” Spiral admitted before turning her attention to the Predap user. “In the end, you have no such protections, so this is your end.”

“I figured as much.” Zack nodded. “Win or lose, it doesn’t matter.”

“Oh really?” Spiral gave a small smile. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind when deciding who duels. I mean, I may seek entertainment, but the greatest entertainment is victory. I won’t let your lack of wanting the win hold me back in the coming team duels.”

“Surely she can’t do that.” Astral turned to the owners. “You guys want a team, right?”

“Calm down Astral.” Celestia stated. “Of course, we want a team.

“Rest assured, Zack will duel should we see fit to utilize his talents.” Luna added.

“Phantom and Pendulum Dragon, attack Zack directly.” Spiral declared.

Both Dragon’s fired off a purple and colorful breath attack respectively (Zack 0)(Flash 2000/Spiral 400).

“That’s all she wrote for me.” Zack looked at Flash. “Don’t waste this turn, Sentry.”

“Wasn’t planning on it.” Flash looked to their opponent. “You have anything else Spiral or is it my turn?”

“I can’t deal you damage, and my hand is empty.” Spiral nodded. “You’re move.”

“At the end of this turn, my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon(LV 7/2500/2000) returns to the field. Now, my turn!” Flash drew. “I’ll start by activating the graveyard effect of Breakthrough Skill, banishing it from my grave.

This, in turn, fully negate the effects of your SubZero Dragon. I can do this provided it’s my turn, and not the turn it was sent to the grave. Next, your field is too cluttered for my liking, so I’ll use Raigeki to wipe it.”

All of Spiral’s monsters were destroyed.

“Alright, Flash just turned this around!” Twilight cheered.

“Yeah, go for it!” Astral cheered.

“They’re celebrating too early.” Spiral stated. “While it was impressive you cleared my field, I am not defenseless. When you destroy an Odd-Eyes I control, Arc’s Pendulum effect, once per turn, allows me to special summon an Odd-Eyes. It can come from my deck, grave, or hand, so I’ll return Odd-Eyes SubZero Dragon(R 8/O 0/3600/3300) back to the field.”

“Can you deal with that?” Zack asked.

“I still got cards in my hand.” Flash answered. “I now summon Timebreaker Magician(LV 3/PS 2/1400/0). Then, I set Scale 4 Fusion Magician in my Pendulum Zone.”

“Only one monster for his scales?” Astral questioned.

“Well, setting that with Timebreaker wouldn’t have done him any good since Black Fang is a level four monster.” Twilight explained. “That falls outside the scales presented by Timebraker and Fusion.”

“Now, I utilize Fusion Magician’s Pendulum effect.” Flash declared. “Once per turn, I can conduct the Fusion summon of a Dragon monster utilizing cards from my hand or field. I combine Pendulum Dragon with my Magician.

Spellcaster and dragon become one to create a dragon of true toxicity. Descend, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon(LV 8/2800/2000). You know the drill. Since the monsters used were on the field, he gains ATK equal to all your special summoned monsters until the end of the turn.”

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon(LV 8/6400/2000 effect)

“Alright, this time Spiral can’t simply get rid of it.” Astral declared.

“Now, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon will destroy your SubZero dragon with Toxic Breath!” Flash declared.

Starving Venom breathed poison on SubZero Dragon to destroy him (Flash 2000/Spiral 1200).

“SubZero Dragon’s final effect.” Spiral declared. “Whenever this dragon is destroyed and sent to the grave, I can special summon Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon(R 7/O 1/2800/2500) from my grave and attach SubZero to him as an overlay unit.”

“Those are insane Xyz monsters!” Astral exclaimed.

“They’ve become Astral’s walled combo.” Luna informed.

Celestia nodded. “While they are new monsters, I’d still say it’s impressive Flash and Zack managed to bring her to her final wall.”

“Absolute Dragon is tied with Starving Venom’s original ATK.” Twilight noted. “This means it all comes down to that final card in Flash’s hand, or what card Spiral draws next.”

“Unfortunately, this card in my hand is a brick at right now.” Flash shook his head. “I end my turn.”

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon(LV 8/2800/2000 effect)

“It’s official. You are the challenging one of this group.” Spiral drew and gave a small smile. “In the end, it wasn’t enough to beat me. Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon, attack Starving Venom Fusion Dragon with Spiral Arctic Strike. Then, cease your attack with your effect, Absolute Roar!”

Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon(R 7/O 0/2800/2500)

“Why would you cease your own attack?” Zack asked.

“It’s because she’s utilizing one of Yuma Tsukumo’s signature combos.” Flash figured, stunned.

“He’s right.” Spiral stated. “I activate the quick-play Double or Nothing. When a monster’s attack is negated, I can target that monster and have them attack again. This time, during damage calculations, that monster’es ATK doubles. Go, Spiral Arctic Strike!”

Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon(R 7/O 0/5600/2500 effect)

Absolute Dragon blasted Starving Venom with ice blue breath, destroying him (Flash 0/Spiral 1200).

“So, that is the strength of one of the Big 5?” Flash/Zack thought.

“Man, that was intense.” Astral smiled. “Never could see something like that back home.”

Sure, he was bummed the mini tourney was over, but he wouldn’t let that get him down. It’s not like he couldn’t duel Twilight another time.

“No kidding.” Twilight stated. “Reminds me a lot of Shining’s duels with stronger duelist.”

“That’s the end.” Spiral stated. “Per our agreement, no more duels for today, the tournament is over, and I get to rank you. Flash 2, Twilight 3, Astral 4, and Zack is 5 for interfering. You also had no drive to win, so consider it your penalty.”

With that, Spiral walked out of the building.