• Published 30th Sep 2020
  • 1,390 Views, 135 Comments

Yu-EQ-Gi-oh:Linked Paradox - Quillion9000

Flash Sentry has a couple of the worst days of his life and loses practically everything. Now, he must duel to reclaim what he lost.

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Journey to the Top

Practice Building
Flash was floored by that duel. “That was the power of one of five duelist who are the best in the world.” He looked at his deck before smiling. “Even if I dueled her with a partner, I was able to compete.”

Nathan and Sunset’s images flashed through his mind. Those two had devastated Flash in more ways than one, but after dueling Spiral, he was starting to feel like he might stand a chance against those two.

“Flash Sentry.” Zack approached him. “I just wanted to thank you for the valuable information yours and Spiral’s deck. I’m certain the information I gleamed will be valuable.”

“Oh, sure I guess.” Flash rubbed the back of his head. “I’m just sorry you were ranked fifth when you were guaranteed at least rank three.” He shook his head. “I’d even say you could have beaten me considering how much skill you have.”

“As I said, winning and losing means little to me.” Zack stated. “Knowledge is what I care about.”

“How can he not care about winning or losing?” Flash contemplated. “I don’t think he should obsess over it, and I don’t fully agree with Spiral; however, there should be some care. I wonder where his fighting spirit is. Even Spiral has that, she’s just not as vocal about it.”

“Once I’ve taken into account everything I’ve learned, I’m hoping you’ll duel me.” Zack stated.

“Unfortunately, we can’t duel today, or I would take you on right now.” Flash stated.

With everything wrapping up, Celestia decided to take back control. “In this instance, Luna and I would have vetoed Spiral, but all of you did consent to the ante.” She cleared her throat. “On that note, I request all four of you follow me to our team’s planning room.”

“Come along on the double.” Luna added.

Flash and Zack had no problems following while Twilight and Astral brought up the rear.

“Man, this stinks.” Astral declared. “Who puts a ban on dueling for a day?”

“I must agree that it is rather bizarre.” Twilight stated. “Still, we did agree.”

“I know.” Astral shook his head. “As a fledgling team, I think it’s important to stand by our decisions. Still, that Spiral rubs me the wrong way even if I can’t deny her strength.” He smiled. “That means I got to make her duel me by working my way up the ranks.”

Twilight noticed Astral was looking at her with an intense expression. “Can I help you?”

“You’re next in the ranks, so I’ll need to take you down first.” Astral pointed at her. “Get ready Twilight Sparkle because come tomorrow I’m challenging you to a duel!”

In his own way, Astral kind of reminded Twilight of Pinkie Pie. Sure, one loved dueling while the other was more about parties, but the two of them had a lot of energy. If there’s one thing Twilight hadn’t dealt with since her friends left, it was this level of energy.

“Yeah, we’ll see about that.” Twilight shied away from him a bit. “If he’s willing to duel, maybe I can get a handle on the card Shining left me. I still don’t believe in that magical stuff, but something seems different about. I just can’t figure out what it is.”

Planning Room
The room was set up with tables on the right-hand, center, and left-hand sides. Aisles were on either side of the center tables. There were rows, but considering the size of the group, the four duelists sat up front. Celestia sat behind a desk facing them while Luna stood at her side.

“Today did not go as expected, but we got a good look at your skills beyond the times you were scouted.” Celestia smiled. “It is my honor to welcome you all to Harmonious Element, and we hope you four will help lead this team to many victories in the further.

Now, there are a few things we must go over before Luna and I show you to your rooms. First, no matter what your schooling was, you have all been enrolled into online classes. It will be up to you how seriously you take that aspect of your life.

My sister and I are not going to be breathing down your necks, so your future is up to you. That said, I would suggest you not slack since a backup plan for your future is always nice to have. Some of you may even have plans that require a proper education.

Secondly, you are allowed freedom within reason. You four are now duelists on the world stage. It is your responsibility to uphold what that means. If you put in the effort, you can go where you please. Canterlot is a beautiful city with much to do and see.

Lastly, each of your rooms have been outfitted with the latest laptop which has your schooling program on it. If there are no questions, we will take you to your rooms.” No one had anything to ask. “Twilight go with Luna while you boys follow me.”

The group left the meeting room and walked outside. Luna then took Twilight to the right while the boys were taken to the left. In other words, they were taken to the girl and boy dormitories.

Flash’s Dorm Room
Flash had been shown to his room and left there while Celestia did the same with Zack and Astral. At first glance, it seemed rather simple. A bed with a blue blanket, dark purple carpet, bookshelf, and desk with a laptop.

When you took a closer look, you’d notice how anything made of wood in the room was mahogany and the bed was comfortably soft. The bookshelf was filled with anything and everything you could want to know about dueling.

“This will do.” Flash noticed his luggage had been brought here. “Might as well unpack.”

As Flash worked to put his clothes away, he noticed a cellphone with a note on it in the bag.


This phone has my number in it. Call me any time you need me.


P.S: Capper’s number is in here as well. I know you want to see Forward, so he’s your best bet.”

“Thanks Shadow.” Flash thought before taking out the phone and calling Capper.

“Shadow.” Capper stated. “It’s been a…”

“It’s actually me, Capper.” Flash interrupted.

“Flash? Huh, so that’s why Shadow contacted me for a number.” Capper sounded happy. “Good to hear from you kid. I won’t lie. I was a little worried over these past two years. How have you been? What are you doing now?”

“Much better since we last saw each other.” Flash stated. “Shadow and I have parted ways for the time being. He’s gone to Neo Domino City while I’m back in Canterlot, and I’ve just joined Harmonious Element.”

“Good to hear.” Capper stated. “So, is this just a social call or do you need anything?”

“It’s about Forward.” Flash stated. “Over the last two years, I never heard anything about him, so I’m hoping you have information on him.”

“Ah, the young one of the family.” Capper sighed solemnly. “After he went to Spain with Sombra, all traces of him vanished. Not just him, but Crystal Cavalcade itself went silent. Have you heard about it?”

“I heard Crystal Cavalcade pulled out of the league before coming back this year, but I didn’t think there was anything going on.” Flash clenched his teeth. “Considering Forward was somehow emancipated, I’m not sure how well Sombra would take me showing up uninvited.”

“Yeah, I looked more into it from every angle, but it seems Sombra achieved the impossible because the papers are airtight in every legal sense of the word.” Capper stated. “Sorry I can’t be more help on that front, but do you have something else in mind?”

“I do.” Flash stated. “Keep tabs on Crystal Cavalcade to the best of your ability. Specifically, on anything pertaining to Forward. If he leaves Spain, I want to know where he’s gone. Can you do that?”

“Can I do that?” Capper asked feigning hurt. “Who are you talking to? This guy may have risen in life, but the roots are still there. I got ears on the streets and resources to boot. If I ever catch wind of Forward, you’ll know.”

“Thank you, Capper.” Flash stated. “I know this may be sudden, but I appreciate your understanding.”

“No problem.” Capper stated. “I told you to come to me if you need anything. Flash Industries’ resources are at your disposal.”

“I’m glad to still have the company on my side.” Flash stated genuinely relieved. “With that out of the way, mind catching me up on these past two years. A guy can only learn so much from news stations.”

“I’d be glad to.” Capper stated.

Cafeteria, Morning…
Flash had gotten up bright and early to tackle the day giving him plenty of time to get cracking on his online schooling. He figured it was best to work through it even if his dream was to become the next Phenomenon.

Especially considering he still wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and take over the company. Being the Phenomenon wasn’t enough to prepare you to run a whole company. Once breakfast rolled around, he decided to head to the mess hall.

As he approached, Flash smelt an assortment of spices, which were rather pleasing. Upon entering the mess hall, he saw an orange skinned woman with purple eyes and long, fluffy purple hair. She also wore Indian attire.

Flash approached her and she spoke with an Indian accent. “Ah, you must be one of the new duelists.” She seemed upbeat. “My name is Saffron Masala, but you can call me Saffron.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Saffron.” Flash liked how friendly the chef seemed to be. “My name is Flash Sentry, but you can just call me Flash. What’s on the menu for breakfast?”

“Somedays it will be dishes native to America while others will see you eating food from my homeland.” She grabbed a plate with rice and a ladle before scooping some curry onto it. “This is my father and I’s famous curry, which we perfected together back home.”

“Curry, huh?” Flash asked.

Saffron smiled. “I know it may not be a traditional breakfast, but I believe curry can be eaten at any time, provided you know how to make it like I do. I also wished to share this dish with all the new faces.”

“Hey, I’m not complaining.” Flash took the plate and placed it on a tray. “I was a just a little surprised is all, but if it tastes half as good as it smells, I’ll enjoy it regardless of what time it is.”

“Do not be shy.” Saffron smiled. “I always make plenty, so come back for as many servings as you like.”

“Will do.” Flash took his tray to a table and had a seat before taking a bite. “Whoa, this is amazing!”

In mere minutes of Flash sitting down, Twilight and Zack entered the mess hall. They grabbed some food for themselves before Zack went off to his own table with a book, and Twilight sat across from Flash.

“I wasn’t expecting this for breakfast.” Twilight was looking at her plate. “I have to wonder where Celestia found this chef.”

Flash swallowed his current mouthful of curry before speaking. “It may not be a traditional breakfast, but this curry is the best I’ve ever had. Just try it, and you’ll see what I mean.”

“It’s really that good, huh?” Twilight sighed before trying a spoonful. “This really is good.”

“I told you.” Flash smiled. “Don’t judge something before trying it Twi. I thought the other girls and I would have taught you that long ago.”

“Hey!” Twilight shouted. “I didn’t say it’d be bad. I just said it wasn’t what I expected.”

“Lighten up.” Flash laughed. “I was just teasing.”

Twilight grumbled to herself, but there was an unmistakable smile on her face. She had missed all her friends since that fateful day years ago. That said, there was the smallest hint of a blush on her cheeks that Flash didn’t notice as he got back to eating.

Just then, Astral burst into room as he was here for a purpose. “Twilight!” He ran over and had gotten everyone’s attention. “I knew you’d be here. You can’t avoid me forever.”

“Avoid you?” Twilight questioned. “I wasn’t avoiding you. In fact, didn’t we talk yesterday?”

“She didn’t seem to be avoiding anyone when she entered dude.” Flash added.

“That doesn’t matter.” Astral declared. “What matters now is Spiral’s ban has been lifted, so I’m going to challenge you for Rank 3.” He pointed at her. “Let’s do what we were supposed to do yesterday. Duel me, Twilight!”

Twilight and Flash looked from Astral to each other.

“I guess we can duel, but can it wait until after breakfast?” Twilight asked.

“Are you kidding? A true duelist can duel any time, with or without a full stomach. Come on, let’s…” Astral’s stomach growled, so he cleared his throat. “I suppose a proper meal is in order. After breakfast, we duel outside, agreed?”

Twilight nodded. “Sure.”

Astral took off to get some food leaving Twilight and Flash to eat in peace. Zack had looked over the top of his book at the proceedings with an interested look. As the situation ended, he returned his attention to his book while eating.

Twilight and Astral were facing off with their duel disks at the ready.

Astral smiled. “Get ready Twilight because this duel will end with my victory.”

Twilight nodded. “Let’s see if those words prove true Astral.”

Flash stood off to the side to observe. “Looks like it’s time to see how accurately Spiral can read us.”

Zack stood in the shadow of the cafeteria intent on observing. “This should be interesting.”

“Let’s Duel!”

(Twilight 4000/Astral 4000)

“Since I challenged you, I’ll grant you the first turn.” Astral stated. “Show me what you got.”

“I’ll do just that.” Twilight nodded. “I’ll start by playing Berry Magician Girl(LV 1/400/400).” A baby magician with fairy wings appeared.

“That card is weak.” Astral thought “Very unlike a card Starlight would start with.”

“Since Berry was normal summoned, I can add any Magician Girl from my deck to my hand.” Twilight declared. “I’ll then set one card to end my turn.”

“Time to show my stuff.” Astral drew. “I activate the effect of Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon(LV 8/3000/2500), By revealing Blue-Eyes White Dragon in my hand, I can special summon Alternative to the field.” A white dragon appeared.

“He has Cyber Dragons and Blue Eyes?” Flash nodded. “Impressive.”

“Now my dragon will attack Berry Magician Girl with Alternative Neutron Blast!” Astral declared.

“I activate my Berry’s other effect.” Twilight declared. “By shifting her position, I can special summon any Magician Girl from my deck except Berry. I’ll choose my Lemon Magician Girl(LV 2/800/600).” A female spellcaster in yellow robes appeared.

My dragon will redirect his attack to Lemon then.” Astral declared.

“Bad move.” Twilight declared. “I activate one of Lemon’s effects. If she’s targeted for an attack, I can special summon a spellcaster from my hand, but their effects are negated. Then, your monster’s ATK is halved, and you must attack the monster I summon. I choose Dark Magician(LV 7/2500/2000).” A red robbed version of Dark Magician with white hair appeared.

Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon(LV 8/1500/2500 effect)

The Dark Magician spun his staff generating a barrier that absorbed the attack and fired it back at the dragon to destroy it (Twilight 4000/Astral 3000)

“Blue-Eyes!” Astral shouted before smiling. “Pretty smooth Twilight, but I still have my normal summon. I’ll bust out Cyber Larva(LV 1/400/600).” A machine larva appeared. “I’ll then set one card of my own before ending my turn.”

“My move.” Twilight drew. “I now activate Lemon’s other effect. By tributing any other Magician Girl, I can add any Spellcaster I wish from my deck to my hand. I’ll choose Berry to add another Dark Magician to my hand. “Next, I activate Magician’s Navigation.

With this, I can special summon a Dark Magician(LV 7/ 2500/2000) from my hand.” A green robbed magician with silver hair appeared. “I can then special summon another Level 7 or lower dark Spellcaster from my deck. I choose my final Dark Magican(LV 7/2500/2000).” The purple robbed and haired magician appeared alongside his comrades.

“Whoa, three Dark Magicians at one time.” Astral smiled. “This is what I’m talking about. Show me what you got.”

“If you insist.” Twilight returned. “First, I overlay my red robbed and greed robbed magicians. Masters of dark magic lend their power to create a magician higher than themselves. Xyz summon Ebon High Magician(R 7/O 2/2300/2800).”

A spellcaster in black robes with silver plating appeared. “Next, I activate Dark Magic Fusion. This spell operates like Polymerization; however, if one of the materials I use is Dark Magician, there is an added effect.

The other material I name, from my hand or field, can be treated as any type of monster I choose. I shall fuse my last Dark Magician with Lemon Magician Girl, which will act as a Warrior type monster. Master of dark magic take the aspects of a warrior to become a mighty monster.

Fusion summon Dark Cavalry(LV 8/3100/2300 effect).” A purple robbed and armored magician appeared atop an arcane, purple steed. “This card gains 100 ATK for each spell/trap on the field or in our graves.”

“A Fusion and Xyz summon on the same turn.” Astral nodded. “Impressive, but what can they do?”

“They each have their unique effects, but you’ll see them later.” Twilight declared. “For now, I’ll have Dark Cavalry attack Cyber Larva. Arcane Thrust!”

Dark Cavalry thrust his lance forward which launched dark magic through larva.

“Since you targeted Larva for an attack, I take no more battle damage for the rest of the turn.” Astral declared as Larva was destroyed. “What’s more, I can special summon another Cyber Larva from my deck Cyber Larva(LV 1/400/600).”

“An impressive card and great counter to Twilight’s own Magician Girls which got her to this point.” Flash thought. “How will Astral continue from here?”

“I’ll attack your remaining Larva with High Magician.” Twilight declared.

“I only have two Larva, so I cannot summon another.” Astral declared.

“I shall set a card and end my turn.” Twilight declared. “Your move Astral.”

Dark Cavalry(LV 8/3200/2300 effect)

“Time to take this up a notch!” Astral drew. “Just what I need. I activate Power Bond to fuse monsters from my hand and/or field.” Dark Cavalry(LV 8/3300/2300 effect) “That’s not all as whatever monster I summon through this card gains ATK equal to its original ATK.

I’ll combine two Cyber Dragons from my hand. Two dragons of the cyber merge into one. Fusion summon Cyber Twin Dragon(LV 8/5600/2100 effect).” A twin headed cyber dragon appeared.

“That is a powerful monster.” Twilight stated.

“Not only that, but it has a powerful effect if I recall the history pertaining to Zane Truesdale.” Zack thought.

“I activate Magician’s Defense.” Twilight declared. “With this continuous trap, any damage I take is halved as long as I control a spellcaster.”

“Not bad, but this turn is still going to hurt.” Astral declared. “I activate my face down Lost Wind. With this, I can negate the effects of a monster you control and cut their original ATK in half. I’ll target Dark Cavalry.”

“Not a bad trap, but Cavalry can counter with his quick effect.” Twilight declared. “Since you’re targeting a card with an effect, I can discard a card to negate and destroy it.”

“You stopped that card, but I can still attack.” Astral declared. “Cyber Twin Dragon attack Dark Cavalry with Twin Strident Blast (Twilight 2850/Astral 3000). My dragon can attack twice, so I’ll wipe out your High Magician with Twin Strident Blast (Twilight 1200/Astral 3000).”

“An impressive combo. I could use High Magician to cover my field, but any spellcaster I summon wouldn’t be enough by itself.” Twilight nodded. “You are no ordinary duelist.”

“Same to you.” Astral stated. “Not many back home could have survived my combo, but I’m starting to realize the world isn’t what I thought it’d be. Still, I’m here now, and I will rise to the top no matter what.

Count on that. It’s your move Twilight, and since I’m ending my turn, Power Bond’s negative effect activates inflicting damage to me equal to the ATK gained by Cyber Twin Dragon (Twilight 1200/Astral 200).”

“Everyone here is so powerful, and many of them have the drive to win. If I want to keep up, I got to match them. That means I can’t be satisfied with where I lie now. I need to improve like they will.” Twilight’s eyes went wide as she looked to her extra deck.

“Is that why Shining gave me that spellcaster? That must be it. Even if I ultimately want to be a teacher, I’m a duelist now, and my friends are out there waiting for me. If I can’t go all out, then what help will I be to Flash in bringing them to their senses?”

“Hey, is something wrong?” Astral noticed Twilight had gone rather quiet. “Please don’t tell me you’re giving up.”

“I still don’t believe in all that magical nonsense, but maybe my duel disk acted up because I was not sure of my move leading to a technical glitch. There’s only one way to find out.” Twilight put a hand on her dual disk. “This is it!”

Astral smiled. “Oh, did you draw something good?”

“I drew just what I needed to summon my ultimate monster.” Twilight declared. “A magician with power enough to rival Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.”

“I’m getting excited.” Astral nodded. “Show me this power.”

“Does Twilight really have a card like that?” Flash wondered.

“I activate Magicalized Fusion. By banishing the materials for a Spellcaster fusion monster from my field or grave, I can fusion summon a spellcaster from my extra deck. I banish Dark Cavalry, Ebon High Magician, Dark Magician, Lemon Magician Girl, and Berry Magician Girl.

5 spellcasters become one to bring about the ultimate magician. Fusion summon Quintet Magician(LV 12/4500/4500).” A colossal magician in purple and seafoam green robes appeared from a magic circle on the ground.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Astral declared excitedly. “When you summon a monster from your extra deck, I can set Lost Wind to the field from my grave.”

“That doesn’t matter because when Quintet is summoned using five spellcasters with different names, every card you control is destroyed. That leaves you wide open for a direct attack. Quintet Magician attack Astral with Supreme Dark Magic!”

Four Magic circles surrounded Astral while a fifth appeared beneath him. Dark magic surged forth from those portals and washed over Astral (Twilight 1200/Astral 0).”

“Impressive card.” Zack walked away. “Leave it to a spellcaster user to have something like that up their sleeve.”

“That was amazing Twilight!” Flash ran over to her with a smile. “I didn’t know you had a monster like that, and you summoned him in such a cool way.”

“I didn’t always but Shining gave it to me when I was scouted.” Twilight was blushing at Flash’s compliment, but she nodded. “In the two weeks I’ve had him, I couldn’t summon him.”

“Really?” Flash nodded. “That’s strange, but the card seems to be working now.” He shook his head. “Man, leave it to Shining Armor to give you a card like that.” He looked at where the monster had been. “Unlike most monsters used in the game, I could feel its power.”

“Hey Twilight!” They turned to see Astral pointing at her. “You may have won this time, but don’t think this means I’ll accept my rank. Just you wait because I’m going to grow stronger and beat you one day.” He ran off. “Mark my words!”

“That guy may be a little to excitable.” Flash put his hands in his pockets. “Anyways, I’m going to head to my room for a bit.” He walked off. “Later Twilight.”

“Oh, see you Flash.” Twilight called out.

Planning Room, Next Day…
Everyone had received an email telling them to meet in the Planning Room that afternoon. Like the day prior, Flash, Twilight, Zack, and Astral sat in the front. Unlike yesterday, Spiral had joined them yet sat in the back.

“We would like to thank you all for answering our call.” Luna declared. “You are gathered here today because we have received word of who our first opponent will be for the start of Duel Season in two weeks.”

“Before we get to that, I would like to address something with all of you.” Celestia stood. “Normally, a team would have this discussion a little closer to the day; however, our team has much to prove since we’re starting from the bottom.

Our reputation will be on the line in every duel we partake in, and the world will have their eyes on us. They will expect us to fail, but I believe this team can turn that expectation upside down. You all must give your best, so use these two weeks to ensure you are ready.”

“Every team will compete for a place in the World League, but only eight teams will earn a spot.” Luna continued. “In order for us to have the chance to compete, we must rack up points. Do not rest on your current strength. Aim to surpass it.”

“Naturally.” Astral declared. “It’d be boring if our team rested on their current strength.”

“Our first match will be against team Duel Crusaders.” Celestia took her seat as the screen next to her desk turned on displaying a duel monster card with a shield layered over top. “When you see them, keep in mind they may seem unimpressive, but do not let their age fool you.”

“Spike.” Twilight stared at the screen. “I didn’t think we’d have the chance to duel this soon, but even with a year of experience over me, I won’t hold back.”

“Does this mean our opponents will be young?” Flash asked.

“Young indeed, but as we’ve said, their skills are not to be questioned.” Luna declared. “Duel Crusaders was one of the highest ranked teams last year, and they proved their worth. Train hard for this will not be easy.”

“The members who will compete are Spiral Sol as captain, Flash Sentry, Twilight Sparkle, and Astral Flare as the sub.” Celestia declared. “Zack Rider, do not slouch on your training during this time for you may very well be picked to compete down the line.”

“Rest assured this will not impede my training.” Zack stated.

“In two weeks, our first match will be fought at Canterlot Stadium.” Celestia informed. “I hope those of you competing will give it your best. Now, you’re all dismissed.”

“This is it.” Flash was staring at the screen intently. “In two weeks, we’ll be dueling in the big leagues. Since this will be my world debut, I’ll have to give it my all.”

“I may just be a sub, but I could have a chance at competing.” Astral thought hopefully. “Even if I can’t, I’ll be there to cheer my team on.”

“I can’t let everyone down.” Twilight thought. “I’ll need to give it my all.”

“At least I’ll have a seat in the stands.” Zack thought. “I may not be competing, but that doesn’t mean this won’t be an informative experience.”

Spiral had fallen asleep after she was announced as the leader.

Author's Note:

Hopefully this puts any fears to bed moving forward. Spike will not be a dog in this story. If you would like to suggest deck ideas for any character, feel free. I have ideas of my own, but if I feel yours is better, I'll use it.