• Published 24th Oct 2020
  • 3,868 Views, 600 Comments

Pride and Joy - Melody Song

When Thorax finds a young orphaned nymph, his life changes in a way he never expected. But he couldn't be happier.

  • ...

Twintuition and A Green-Eyed Monster

Author's Note:

Longest chapter so far, I know! I'm sorry, I really didn't want to split this up and make you guys wait! I hope you enjoy the chapter anyway!

~Melody Song

Ocellus was walking through the Hive, nose buried in a book, when she suddenly walked headfirst into something.

“Ow!” Ocellus shrieked

“Hey!” a familiar voice cried.

“Oh, sorry Pharynx.” Ocellus put the book away and rubbed her muzzle.

“Are you okay Ocellus?” Thorax walked over, Apex on his back.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just wasn’t paying attention, this book is really interesting.” Ocellus explained, looking down at it. “I got it from the school library before summer break, Headmare Twilight let me borrow it.”

“What’s it about?” Thorax asked, smiling, while Pharynx merely rolled his eyes and looked elsewhere.

“It’s about psychological processes and how some creatures have a psychological connection deeper than the average creature.” Ocellus lifted the book up again, showing him the title.

“Internal Connections.” Thorax read, and Ocellus nodded, smiling.

“Actually, I think you’d find it interesting. It’s got an entire chapter relating to twins and how they share a psychological connection.”

“Oh, that is interesting.” Thorax and Pharynx said as one, though Pharynx did it more sarcastically.

“What the…?” Ocellus looked between them, as Apex giggled.

“Sorry about that,” the two said in unison, “Hey!”

“Papa Thorax, how ‘re you an’ Uncle Pharynx doin’ tha’?” Apex asked

“Heh, like Ocellus said, grub.” Pharynx prodded her book with a hoof. “We’re connected, with a little thing called Twintuition. It’s like intuition, but only occurs between twins.”

“Oh! Whas’ in’ui’ion?”

“It’s when you know or sense that something’s going to happen before it does.” Thorax suddenly blinked and looked over at Pharynx. “Take two steps to the left.”

Pharynx obeyed, just as Tibius came rushing past. “Sorry your highnesses!”

“Yay! You save’d Uncle Pharynx from being knock’ed o’er, Papa Thorax!” Apex cheered.

“That’s amazing!” Ocellus said, glancing between them. “What else can it do?”

“Well… I’ll bet you ten bits I know what Thorax is going to say next.” Pharynx said.

“Uh, sure.” Ocellus agreed. Pharynx grinned, then glanced at Thorax. His eyes seemed to flash slightly, and he smirked.

“Pharynx, don’t make bets with nymphs.” they stated as one.

Apex giggled and cheered, clapping his hooves. “‘Gain! Do i’ ‘gain!”

“It’s not supposed to be funny, grub.” the two once again said. Apex squealed with laughter, holding onto Thorax’s carapace to keep from falling.

“Okay, I think that’s enough.” Ocellus spoke up sharply, stuffing her book in her bag.

“Is something wrong?” they both asked, and Thorax glared at Pharynx.

“Sorry, force of habit.” Pharynx shrugged. “You were saying?”

“Nothing’s wrong, I’m just… busy. I have a few things to do.” Ocellus said

“Oh, that’s alright Ocellus. Pharynx and I were heading to my office anyway, I need his help preparing for the speech I’m giving at Canterlot.” Thorax told her

“Oh, okay, good luck.” Ocellus said quickly, rushing past so they wouldn’t pick up on her disappointment.

Once Ocellus had gotten a good way away from the two, she sighed, ears drooping. Ocellus sat down in a small alcove in the hallway, there were a few scattered through the Hive, with windows so you could sit and look outside. She dropped her bag on the ground beside her, resting her head on the window ledge.

“Why does he need Pharynx to help him prepare? I’m supposed to be Thorax’s royal advisor, why not ask me?” Ocellus mumbled, kicking her hoof. It immediately came into contact with her book. “Ow!”

Ocellus groaned, then noticed that her bookmark was still in the chapter she’d shown the brothers. Ocellus lifted up the book, flipping it open. Her eyes glazed over as she scanned the page with disinterest.

“Stupid ‘Twintuition’... I wonder who came up with that name anyway. Probably Pharynx… dumb…” Ocellus muttered, turning the page.

-Nullify effects of psychological connection…

The words jumped out at Ocellus, and in an instant she snapped back to full attention. Once again burying her muzzle in the book, she began to read aloud quietly.

“To temporarily nullify effects of psychological connections in order to perform experiments, scientists would cast the Nexum Dissolvere incantation, more commonly known as the Connection Cancellation spell. In order to cast said spell, the user must-”

Ocellus broke off and leaned back, closing the book. She shook her head, rubbing her temple.

“What am I thinking? I can’t do that! Sure, I bet it’s going to get super annoying now that I know Thorax and Pharynx can pretty much read each other’s minds, but they’re my leaders! It wouldn’t be right!”

Ocellus sighed and tucked the book away, though she did dog-ear the page. Ocellus then began carrying her bag back to her room, mentally thinking up a first draft for the speech Thorax mentioned.

“Pharynx may be able to read his mind, but I’m the one with the speech-writing skills.” Ocellus muttered to herself in determination.

Early the next day, before Princess Celestia had even finished completely raising the sun, Ocellus was finished. She set down her quill, yawning, and staggered over to her circular bed, slipping under the canopy curtains and curling up under the pink sheets, hugging one of her pillows. She burrowed deep into the bed, closing her eyes.

Thorax and Pharynx came in to check on her a couple hours later, Apex trotting along behind them. While the nymph immediately ran over to the bed to squirm up and snuggle beside Ocellus, the brothers went to the desk in her room. Pharynx lifted up the three sheets of paper lying on it, next to a very worn-looking quill.

“Thorax, look at this.” Pharynx’s voice woke Ocellus slightly, and she pricked her ears. “She wrote your speech.”

“She did?” Thorax’s hoofsteps could be heard moving towards his brother. “Wow… this is way better than the one I was thinking of…”

“Yeah, I know, I had to sit through it.” Pharynx quipped.

“Do you think we have enough time to go over this?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Yes, that’s great!” their voices intertwined, and Ocellus grimaced, forcing her eyes open as the sound of the brothers laughing greeted her. “Oh, morning Ocellus!”

“Morning…” Ocellus sighed and sat up as Apex clambered onto her head, which was only slightly bigger than he was. “You two are still doing that then?”

“Doing what?” Thorax asked

“She means doin’ the sayin’ the same thin’!” Apex said, giggling.

“Eh, sometimes it’s involuntary.” Pharynx shrugged.

“And we can’t exactly turn it off.” Thorax added as Ocellus got up. “It’s usually just a feeling.”

Ocellus sighed and walked over to her vanity, walking around the brothers. She picked up a dragonfly-wing shaped clip Smolder had made and fastened it behind her ear.

“We saw your speech Ocellus, it’s really good.” Thorax told her, and Ocellus turned.

“Really? Do you think I should help you practice it?”

“I think we’ve got it.” Thorax and Pharynx said together, then glared at each other. “Okay, now you’re doing this on purpose.”

Pharynx smirked, eyes flashing again. “Oh, am I? Then I guess I shouldn’t tell you to back up in three… two… one.”

Thorax scrambled backwards as one of the rods holding up the curtains on Ocellus’ canopy bed fell. Apex and Ocellus both shrieked and ran out of the way.

“Uncle Pharynx yay! You sa’ed Papa Thorax!” Apex said, hugging Pharynx.

“Heh, yep.” Pharynx smirked, as Thorax nuzzled him. “Ack! Thor, get off!”

“Heh, fine. Come on, let’s go practice this speech.” Thorax said, and Pharynx nodded, following him.

“Oh, sure, don’t worry about me.” Ocellus muttered, using her magic to lift up the curtain rod. “I’m fine…”

After Ocellus managed to put the curtain rod back in place, she sighed and turned to her bookshelf. With nothing to do she might as well rearrange them. As Ocellus began shifting some of the books around, her eyes fell on a framed picture on the bottom shelf. She smiled softly as she picked it up. It was a picture of Thorax, Pharynx, Apex, and herself. She held it close and whimpered softly.

They were all standing together. Ocellus was right between Thorax and Pharynx with Apex on her shoulders, not as though separating them, but connecting them. Though it seemed now they didn’t need her to connect them, they already had a bond. They could do it themselves. Ocellus growled softly and threw the picture onto her bed, then stormed out.

Ocellus soon found Thorax and Pharynx, in the alpha changeling’s room. She could hear their laughter, and peeked in. Apex was playing with his toys on Thorax’s bed, while the brothers stood nearby, practicing the speech Ocellus had written. Ocellus sighed, listening to them.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is-” Thorax broke off as he saw Pharynx grinning. “What?”

“You just skipped five whole paragraphs.”


“Heh, kidding.”

“Pharynx! Be serious!” they said as one. “Hey! Quit it! You quit it!”

Pharynx let out a laugh and cleared his throat. “Alright, alright, I’m done. But you have to admit that was funny.”

“I guess… but can you please stop? I need to have this more or less memorized by tomorrow and this isn’t helping.”

“Alright, alright.” Pharynx rolled his eyes and muttered something before flipping back to the first page. “If you ask me, this isn’t going to help, you just need more confidence.”

“I am aware of your opinion, Pharynx, but I have my own, and I'm trying to memorize this.” Thorax said, somewhat sharply.

Ocellus’ eyes widened, and she stepped away from the room, walking down the hall.

“Pharynx has his own idea on what helps Thorax, and instead of helping him, he’s just mimicking him… he’s acting like it’s a game.” Ocellus murmured. “So they don’t always get along, even when they’re using their ‘Twintuition’... that’s it!”

Ocellus smirked and raced down the hall, rushing into her room and dragging the Internal Connections book from her bed. She flipped it open to the page she dog-eared, and grinned slightly.

“Perfect. Maybe if Thorax realizes Pharynx thinks this whole thing is just a joke, he’ll let me help him instead.” Ocellus giggled softly. “I mean, obviously Pharynx doesn’t want to help him anyway, and I know some good methods to memorize things. Yeah, this is okay. It’s the right thing to do.”

Ocellus stood up, then walked out of the room and headed to Thorax’s room. She glanced in, seeing Thorax cuddling with Apex.

“What are you doing out here?” Ocellus squeaked and turned around at the sound of Pharynx’s voice.

“Oh, just… looking for you.” Ocellus told him.

“Me? Why?”

“I just thought it was really funny how you mimicked Thorax earlier. Can you do it again?”

“Heh, I live for it.” Pharynx smirked, walking in. Thorax looked up.

“Oh good, you’re back, now we can keep going.” Thorax and Pharynx said together, and Thorax blinked. “Pharynx, what are you doing? Stop it. I mean it Pharynx, stop it.”

Pharynx began laughing, and Thorax glared at him.



“Stop it! Hey! Pharynx, shut up!” they said as one again. Thorax glared at Pharynx furiously, and Pharynx shrunk slightly before him.

“Pharynx. Ray. Elytron. Will you please quit that? It’s not funny.” Thorax said in a dangerously low voice. Apex ducked under the bed’s blankets, hiding.

“Alright, alright.” Pharynx rolled his eyes. “I was just trying to get a laugh.”

“Well I didn’t enjoy it!” Thorax raised his voice, glaring at him. “I’ve had enough, it was funny when you obviously weren’t doing it on purpose but joking around is the last thing I need right now!”

“But Thorax, I-”

“I don’t want to hear it! I’m nervous enough without you piling on! If you want to joke around and mock me instead of helping, then you can just go!”

Pharynx hesitated, then glared at him. “Fine!” he then turned and stormed out, past Ocellus.

Ocellus closed her eyes and lit up her horn, then began chanting under her breath. “Irritum facit dissolvere, societatis vinculum disrumpant. Irritum facit dissolvere, societatis vinculum disrumpant. Irritum facit dissolvere, societatis vinculum disrumpant!”

Ocellus opened her eyes again, looking around. Pharynx was gone, presumably having stormed off somewhere. Ocellus then peeked into the bedroom, but Thorax was simply calmly nuzzling Apex, whispering to him. It didn’t seem like he’d noticed anything.

“Did it work?” Ocellus whispered to herself, as Thorax looked up.

“Oh, hi Ocellus.” Thorax smiled at her, getting up. “There’s been a change of plans, do you want to help me with the speech? You wrote it after all.”

“O-Oh, of course Thorax! But I thought Pharynx was helping you.” Ocellus said, stepping in.

“W-Well… he needed a break.” Thorax said quickly.

“Oh… can you tell how he’s feeling?” Ocellus asked, sitting beside Apex on the bed.

Thorax frowned and closed his eyes. “No… I can’t… b-but it doesn’t always work, that must be why… anyway, I could really use some help.”

“Of course, let’s get started.” Ocellus smiled at him.

After a long day of preparation, Ocellus and Thorax stopped to go eat dinner.

“I think you’re definitely going to nail the speech Thorax, you’ve memorized pretty much all the key points.” Ocellus assured him.

“I hope so… it needs to be perfect… I just… what if I forget?”

“You won’t.”

“But what if I do?”

“Impossible, you’ve got all the important parts of the speech memorized, and I’m sure I’ll be able to prompt you if you need me to.” Ocellus reassured the nervous looking King.

The two entered the cafeteria, Thorax cradling Apex. They headed over to the table where Thorax and Pharynx usually sat (and where Ocellus occasionally joined them). However, Pharynx was nowhere to be found.

“Where’s Uncle Pharynx?” Apex asked.

“He’s probably lost track of time. Too busy training.” Ocellus rolled her eyes slightly.

“Can’ you tell Papa Thorax? Wi’ your twin’ui’on?” Apex asked. Thorax bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes.

“No… nothing. It’s all clouded…” Thorax said after a minute. Apex looked upset, snuggling into Thorax, and he smiled at the nymph halfheartedly. “Don’t worry sweetie, I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”

But Pharynx did not show up. Neither Ocellus or Thorax saw him for the rest of the day. That night, Ocellus smiled as she laid down in bed. She was a bit worried about Pharynx, but she’d heard one of his guards saying they’d seen him go to his room, so he was at least in the Hive. And tomorrow, she’d get to witness Thorax giving a speech she wrote for him.

But things don’t always work out the way we want them to.

Thorax was worried, he hadn’t seen Pharynx since their fight the day before, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get his “Twintuition” to activate so he could make sure he was okay. Ocellus, of course, knew why, but she was intent on making sure Thorax knew he didn’t need his brother, not when he had her.

“It’s okay Thorax, just breathe.” Ocellus encouraged, as the king paced around by the balcony in Canterlot where he was to give the speech.

Ocellus was glad Apex wasn’t there, having been taken to watch from the crowd by Princess Cadence and her family. As sweet as the little nymph was, he would probably just get worried about Thorax himself, which wouldn’t help.

“I-I just… Ocellus, I think this is my fault.” Thorax said in a rush, and her eyes widened.


“I yelled at Pharynx, a-and I upset him, h-he was just trying to cheer me up, he hardly ever does that… b-but now I’ve made him upset, a-and I think that’s why our Twintuition isn’t working. But it has to work! I need him!”

“But he wasn’t helping, you said so.” Ocellus objected.

Thorax sighed and glanced at the balcony. “He was trying to, in his own way. I know what I said, but I’ve always needed him, needed our bond.”

“Why? I’ve never seen him do anything at these events. Other than growling at anyone who gets too close to you.” Ocellus said, and Thorax chuckled softly.

“Well, yes, he doesn’t say anything, but that’s because he doesn’t need to. Our ‘Twintuition’... it always helped him convey his emotions to me, in a deeper way than most changelings can.”

“But how? That doesn’t seem possible…” Ocellus murmured, and Thorax looked back at her.

“...With these words declared, let the feeling be shared.” Thorax said after a minute, and Ocellus looked up at him. “When one of us was hurting, or scared, or sad… we could share that pain with our twin. It would even out the emotions, or give another of us an extra boost of an emotion we need.”

“Oh… s-so, when Pharynx was saying you need more confidence…”

“He was talking about our ritual.” Thorax sighed and looked down. “Before every big meeting, Pharynx and I talk, he calms me down, and then Pharynx uses our connection and natural magic to share some of his own courage with me. It makes me brave enough to go out there and speak with everyone.”

“So what you’re saying is…” Ocellus felt a creeping feeling of dread entering her chest.

“I literally can’t do this without him.” Thorax looked down at the ground, tears beginning to fall. “And now somehow I broke our bond… and I can’t sense anything from him at all.”

Ocellus gulped and looked away. “Um… Thorax?”

“Y-Yes Ocellus?”

Ocellus sighed and lit up her horn, closing her eyes and beginning to mutter another spell. “Revertetur in nexu, ab secure vinculum. Revertetur in nexu, ab secure vinculum. Revertetur in nexu, ab secure vinculum!”

“Ocellus what-” Thorax broke off, gasping, Ocellus closing her eyes in guilt as she knew Thorax must have felt his Twintuition return. “Pharynx!”

“I’m sorry… I’m so, so sorry…” Ocellus whispered, her voice breaking.

“What do you mean Ocellus? What do you have to be sorry for?” Thorax asked gently.

“She did it.”

Ocellus and Thorax’s heads both jerked up, staring. Pharynx walked up to them, his eyes slightly red, which only made Ocellus’ guilt worsen. She’d never seen the general cry before.

“Pharynx!” Thorax rushed over and hugged him. Pharynx hugged back briefly, then walked up to Ocellus. “Phar?”

“She stopped our connection.” Pharynx looked down at Ocellus. “I’m not sure how, but it’s too big of a coincidence. She was there when I felt the bond break, and she just so happens to be standing here when the bond came back.”

Ocellus ducked her head, tears falling now. “I’m so sorry…” she whispered. “I-I didn’t know…”

“What?” Thorax walked closer.

“I cast a spell to nullify your Twintuition…” Ocellus admitted, voice cracking. “I just wanted Thorax to notice me, I’m supposed to be his Royal Advisor, not Pharynx. I-I didn’t understand how important the bond between you two was… t-then Thorax told me about that emotion-sharing thing and…”

“And you realized just how much we needed it.” Pharynx finished for her. Ocellus nodded, choking back a sob.

“I’m so sorry…” Ocellus whispered. Surprisingly, she found herself caught in a hug by a lime green hoof.

“We’re the ones who should be apologizing, Ocellus.” Thorax told her, holding her close. “Of course we notice you, you do so much and you’re so important to us. We didn’t realize we were upsetting you. We’re sorry you felt like you had to do something that drastic to get us to notice you.”

“I…” Ocellus hugged him back. “I know you said you see me as a daughter, b-but then Pharynx and Apex see me as a sister, and I just… I’m so confused… I always felt like Pharynx and Apex got most of your attention… I act more independent, like Pharynx… but because I don’t live at the Hive due to Friendship School…”

Thorax hugged her tightly. “Ocellus… I never meant to-”

“Thorax!” Twilight trotted up to the group of three. “Celestia and Luna are ready to start.”

“O-Oh, right.” Thorax released Ocellus, sighing. “I’m ready, just give me a minute.”

Twilight nodded and trotted off again. Thorax turned to Pharynx, who stepped closer.

“Ready, brother?” Pharynx asked, and Thorax nodded. The two leaned close and touched their antlers to each other’s.

“With these words declared, let the courage be shared.” Pharynx murmured, and Ocellus saw a small trickle of magic spread between them. Unlike Pharynx’s red aura and Thorax’s cyan one, this magic was a light golden color.

“With these words declared, let the fear be shared.” Thorax spoke in turn, and this time a gray magic flickered between the two.

“Alright, there you go.” Pharynx stepped back, then flinched. “Wow, Thorax, you really were scared.”

Thorax chuckled nervously, then turned to Ocellus. “We’ll talk more after the speech, I promise. Pharynx, could you escort her down to the crowd?”

Ocellus and Pharynx both nodded, and the beta changeling gestured for the nymph to follow him as Thorax took a breath, then strode out onto the balcony. Ocellus wished she could have shared something with him too, but she could only hope Pharynx’s shared courage had been enough to quell his anxiety.

“-To conclude, we may have once been a species to be feared, and we know it will take time. But we hope all of you can find it in your hearts to grant us a second chance. Because without that, I’m not sure we can truly move on.”

Ocellus stomped her hooves in applause, though it was drowned out by the stomping hooves of the entire crowd. Upon glancing to her left, Ocellus could see Pharynx looked like he was nearly tearing up. He wouldn’t be the only one, Thorax had done beautifully. Apex was perched on Pharynx’s head, beaming at his father figure. Ocellus smiled at the two, though her heart wrenched slightly.

No matter what Thorax told her, she was never around enough for him to give her quite the same bond that he had with his brother and Apex. It was her own fault, but even then, she knew Thorax would never ask her to give up going to Friendship School just to have a better bond with him. Ocellus then realized Thorax was still talking.

“Thank you, everyone…” Thorax fanned out his gossamer wings. “But I would like you all to know I did not do this alone. I had some help from two changelings very close to me.”

Ocellus’ eyes widened, and she saw Thorax scanning the crowd, eyes landing on her and Pharynx.

“One of them is my older twin brother Pharynx. Without him, I wouldn’t be standing here right now. He gave me the courage to do this, as he always has.”

Pharynx smiled softly, locking eyes with Thorax. Thorax was silent for a moment, then smiled wider. Ocellus smiled softly, realizing they must have been using their bond to communicate something.

“The other is a changeling who isn’t biologically related to me, but I have always felt a special bond with her. She’s the one who wrote this speech, and helped me practice. She is the smartest changeling I’ve ever met, and I know that my family would not be complete without her.”

Ocellus’ eyes widened, as Thorax continued.

“She attends Princess Twilight’s School of Friendship, and because of that we don’t get to talk often. But I do appreciate and love her. Even if she doesn’t have the special connection my brother and I have, or even the one my adoptive son and I do.” Thorax smiled widely. “I would like to offer my endless gratitude to her. Ocellus Iris, my future Royal Advisor, and the nymph my brother and I have always seen as our little sister.”

Ocellus gasped softly, placing a hoof on her chest. She didn’t need “Twintuition” to feel the love and gratitude Thorax was sharing with her. Thorax had promised they would talk more after the speech, but he had rendered that unnecessary. Ocellus smiled widely, a tear trickling down her face. She finally was sure of where she belonged in their little family. A sister.

She would never have the bond Pharynx and Thorax did, but upon reflecting, Ocellus realized she didn’t need it. Twintuition was Thorax and Pharynx’s special bond. Ocellus didn’t need Twintutition to prove she was their sister. The three of them knew it, and that’s what mattered.