• Published 24th Oct 2020
  • 3,867 Views, 600 Comments

Pride and Joy - Melody Song

When Thorax finds a young orphaned nymph, his life changes in a way he never expected. But he couldn't be happier.

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Even Kings Need Their Big Brothers

Apex padded around the nursery, bored out of his mind. Thorax was busy with boring diplo-madic polo-ticks stuff, or something. The other nymphs were sleeping, so he couldn’t play with them. And he didn’t like playing with them anyway.

Apex had very cleverly pretended to be sleeping when Tibius had come to check on the nymphs. Now he clambered over the edge of the nursery wall, and fell down the other side, sitting on his rump in the hallway. He stood and looked around.

“Noling will notice if I sneak ou’ for jus’ a little bi’… I can catch a bug and take i’ back. Papa Thorax an’ Uncle Pharynx will be proud of me!” Apex thought to himself.

He smiled at the internal image of trotting up to Thorax and Pharynx when they came to check on him, a bug clamped in his jaws. Apex ran a little faster until he saw the sun. He jumped up and over the exit hole’s bottom ridge.

“This ‘s why I like Papa Thorax to carry me.” Apex muttered, scrambling over the stone, scraping his abdomen.

Apex padded out into the open, ducking into the vines to hide every so often. The other changelings knew he was meant to be in the nursery so it was better they didn’t see him. He made it all the way to the Hive entrance and allowed himself a small cheer. Noling was around. Yet, anyway. Apex transformed in a flash, becoming a small cat with red-orange fur.

The kitten raced away, mewling eagerly. It jumped in the grass and rolled around with sheer joy, stirring up crickets, moths, and a few butterflies. Apex then lay still on his back, watching the bugs with amber colored cat eyes, deciding which ones to take.

Crickets were slimy and tough, not to mention their legs had the tendency to stick in your throat. Butterflies were too pretty to eat, and some could be poisonous. The moths, then. They were soft and feathery, and the furry bits made good nest material for the nursery.

Apex rolled back onto his stomach and leapt, swiping his cat paws at the moths. He jumped further and further in the tall grass, chasing the moths. He managed to trap one under his paws, but it got away.

Apex shrugged and simply jumped up a nearby tree to catch another. The tree was actually near the Hive, Apex’s wandering had taken him closer to home than he’d expected. It was just outside it. If a grown changeling were so inclined, they could leap straight from the cliffs of the walls and onto the tree.

He made it onto a very thin branch before grabbing a moth. He smiled, but before he could change back, he slipped, just barely digging his cat claws into the branch. His claws dragged through the branch, which was breaking. Apex spat out the now dead moth, which plummeted to the ground, making a soft thud his cat ears picked up.

“Don’ le’ go… don’ fall. I don’ wanna fall!” Apex pleaded in his head.

The branch did not heed his request. It gave a crack that could surely be heard inside. Apex let out a loud scream before falling down. He banged his head on a rock and his vision blurred. He could feel himself changing back into his original form before blacking out.


Thorax was sitting on his throne, staring blankly at a wall.

“That’s it. Thor, move over.” Thorax let out a small yelp of surprise as Pharynx jumped up onto the throne beside him.

“What is it Phar?” he asked as Pharynx sat down on the throne’s forelegrest.

“You’ve been staring at that wall for the past thirty miutes. So you’re either very bored or getting sick. Pick one.” Pharynx replied.

“The former.” Thorax sighed. “I wanted to spend some time with Apex today but I have all these duties to take care of.”

“Apex can spend over an hour without you and nothing bad will happen, you know that.”

“Still, I want to see him again.”

“You’re killing me here Thorax. The work you have to do is more important than playing with Apex. Besides, it’s only for a few hours, it’s not like anything could go wron-”


Thorax and Pharynx jumped up, eyes going wide. They raced out of the throne room upon hearing the scream. Pharynx opened his jaws, Thorax following his lead. They tasted only scents of confusion, wafting from those closest to the walls of the hive, where the scream had come from.

“You smelling any pain? Shock?” Pharynx asked, and Thorax shook his head.

“No, but… that cry, it was Apex.”

“You sure?”

“He screamed just like that when he lost his parents. It’s him Phar, I know it is.”

“But he should be-” Pharynx broke off, looking over to the other changelings. “Sillia!” he barked at the nearest changeling. “Was anyling in the nursery recently?”

“N-No, the nymphs were all asleep and King Thorax said he’d check in on them himself as soon as he was done. We trusted they wouldn’t wake.” Sillia told him.

“Apex does tend to be mischievous, it’s possible he was pretending, your highness.” Cornicle added.

“Let’s check outside the Hive.” Pharynx took off and flew over the wall. Thorax followed him, worried.

Thorax gave a yell as he saw the scene below. Apex was lying limp at the base of a tree that was near the wall. A broken branch was lying on top of Apex, pinning him under it. Thorax landed and knocked the branch away with a hoof, reaching for Apex.

“Gently Thorax, you don’t want to jar any injuries he might have.” Pharynx warned, voice coming out sharply.

Concern and worry clouded Thorax’s senses, wafting off his brother. It was directed at Apex. Thorax opened his mouth to say something to Pharynx, but before he could, Fema, Sillia, and Cornicle ran up, seeing the nymph.

“What was he thinking?!” Fema cried as she saw Apex curled on the ground. “Leaving the nursery like that! He could have been hurt far worse.”

“The real question is why no one stayed in the nursery with the nymphs.” Thorax shot back, lifting Apex with his magic. “You know he’s stubborn, he wouldn’t have listened if anyone told him to stay put.”

“King Thorax, he was asleep when Tibius looked in on them-” Sillia began

“He had to be pretending. There’s no way he could have been asleep if he was able to sneak out for so long.” Thorax snapped, using his magic to lay Apex in the crook of his foreleg.

“M-My King, I’m sor-”

“Don’t apologize Sillia.” Pharynx told her, voice emotionless but stern. “King Thorax is merely in a state of shock. I’ll escort him and Apex to the infirmary. Go about your own duties.”

Pharynx then turned and locked eyes with Thorax, who looked down at Apex. At times like this, Thorax was glad Pharynx was the older brother. Pharynx’s gaze softened as he looked at the small bundle curled limply in his brother’s foreleg. Thorax instantly felt guilty for snapping at Sillia, causing Pharynx to take over for him.


“Save it Thor. Let’s get the grub help first.”

Pharynx and Thorax made their way to the infirmary, where they laid Apex down and the changelings on staff took over. Pharynx tilted his head towards the hallway. Thorax followed him listlessly. He leaned against the wall for support, watching Pharynx, who stood in front of him.

“You going to say anything?” Thorax asked, voice raw. Pharynx looked at the opposite wall.

“Well, for starters, I’m going to say I was wrong. Apex did manage to get in trouble.”

Thorax glared at him, and Pharynx looked up. He sighed, continuing.

“But yes, I am going to say more. I know you feel guilty about Sillia, but any other changeling would have acted the same had they been in that position. I know you’re not Apex’s real father but he cares about you as though you were, and it’s no secret you care for him like a son. The others can understand that.”

“But… But I should have-”

“Stopped him? Yeah, I’d have stopped him too if I could, but we can’t change the past Thor.”

“But he trusted me. And I let him get hurt.”

We didn’t let him do anything. You and I were in the throne room, and we’re not a Hivemind, how could we have known he was thinking ‘why don’t I jump out a tree, see what happens’?”


“Yes, we. He calls me… you-know-what for a reason, doesn’t he?” Pharynx reminded him.

“Pharynx, I-” Thorax broke off, eyes watering.

“Thorax… alright, come here.” Pharynx sighed, holding out a hoof.

Thorax realized what he meant and stepped forwards cautiously. He closed his eyes and allowed Pharynx to pull him in. Thorax put his head on Pharynx’s shoulder. He could feel Pharynx’s love flowing out and into him. Thorax closed his eyes and began crying.

“It’s okay Thorax.” Pharynx murmured.

“It-It’s not Phar. Apex is hurt.”

“He’s not going to stay hurt.”

“Why are you doing this?” Thorax asked slowly. Pharynx sighed, putting a hoof between Thorax’s antlers.

“Why do you think Thor? You need me, just like you did in the Old Days. We’re brothers, that never changed. In all honesty, I don’t give a damn if you make me look like a sensitive bug, as long as you’re okay.” Pharynx smiled softly. “Your big brother’s here, that’s all I’m saying.”

Thorax smiled and straightened up, looking down at his brother.

“Thank you Phar. That really helped.”

“Your majesties?” the doctor poked her head out of the room just then, and they both turned to her. “Apex is awake.”

Thorax stood up and ran into the room. Pharynx came in after him. Apex was sitting up in the bed. Pharynx turned to glare at the doctor, who nodded and backed out of the room.

“P-Papa Thorax.” Apex reached out a hoof for the King.

Thorax sat by him, lifting Apex up and holding him against his body. Apex snuggled into Thorax’s chest, hugging and nuzzling him. Thorax looked down, realizing Apex was crying.

“Apex, what’s wrong sweetie?”

“Let’s start with falling out of a tree. How did that happen?” Pharynx asked.

Apex shifted and burrowed into Thorax, who hugged him gently.

“I was tryin’ to ge’ a bug. I turned in’o a cat an’ chased i’, bu’ the branch I was climbin’ broke.” Apex explained.

“Why did you even try to catch one?” Thorax asked.

“I wan’ed to bring i’ back an’ show you, so you’d be proud o’ me.” Apex murmured.

“Apex, you didn’t have to do that, I’m already proud of you.” Thorax said, nuzzling the nymph.

“‘M sorry Papa Thorax, ‘m sorry Uncle Pharynx.” Apex cried softly.

“It’s okay Apex, we’re not mad. I’m here, don’t worry.” Thorax told him, trying to calm the nymph, but he looked worn out.

“And I’m here for you.” Pharynx whispered to Thorax, who smiled at him briefly.


Thorax sighed and laid Apex in the bed of his private chambers. The little nymph had a rough day, but the doctor said with a good night’s rest, he’d be alright. Luckily Apex hadn’t damaged his exoskeleton or his head with the fall, to Thorax’s relief. And to Pharynx’s, but the Prince was less vocal about that.

“Papa Thorax, ‘m sorry I scared you.” Apex murmured as he closed his eyes.

“How did you know that?”

“You tas’ed really scared when you came in. Uncle Pharynx too.” Thorax smiled softly at the nymph and stroked his head gently. “Will you s’ay here wi’ me?”

“I’m sorry Apex, but I have to-”

“Of course he can grub.” Pharynx cut him off, walking into the room.

“Pharynx, what about my duties?” Thorax asked, turning to face him.

“Don’t worry about it, I can handle both our jobs for a few hours. Stay here with him, he needs you more than our subjects do.” Pharynx told Thorax.

“Really?” Thorax asked.

Pharynx smiled and went to the bedside, looking at the drowsy nymph curled under the blankets. Thorax looked over, and Pharynx nudged him in the side teasingly.

“Really. What, you think I can’t or something? Just take care of Apex, Thorax. Leave the work to your big brother.”