• Published 24th Oct 2020
  • 3,867 Views, 600 Comments

Pride and Joy - Melody Song

When Thorax finds a young orphaned nymph, his life changes in a way he never expected. But he couldn't be happier.

  • ...

A Villain And A Hero

Apex tossed and turned in bed beside his papa, whimpering and squirming. Thorax stirred, feeling the nymph kicking at him. He reached and gently lifted the nymph up, cradling him.

“Apex, sweetie, wake up.” Thorax whispered. Apex squirmed and thrashed, then suddenly screamed, eyes opening widely.

“Daddy!! Mommy!!!”

“It’s okay sweetie, it was just a dream…” Thorax whispered, and Apex stared up at him, then burst into tears.

“Mommy, daddy!” Apex cried, as Thorax did his best to soothe the little nymph.

Eventually, Apex cried himself to sleep, and Thorax sighed wearily, stroking the nymph’s cheek gently.

“My sweet little hyper sprite…I’m so sorry...” Thorax kissed him on the forehead, before settling back down, putting the exhausted nymph on his stomach and falling back asleep.

The next day, Apex woke up to a surprise. Chocolate chip pancakes with a smiley face drawn on them in whipped cream. Apex wiped at the dried tears on his face, leaning forward and accidentally getting a dab of whipped cream on his face.

“Aww!” someone cooed, and a camera flashed as Apex looked up in surprise.

“Heheh, good morning sweetie, do you like your surprise?” Thorax asked from behind Ocellus, who was holding the camera. Pharynx and Metamorphosis were beside him, with Zenex and Hero on their backs.

“U-Uh huh…” Apex nodded hesitantly. “Why…?”

“Because it’s your birthday, silly!” Ocellus giggled, and Apex’s eyes widened. “You’re six now! We’ve got presents and cake for later!”

“Yeah, and we can hang out together! Lil’ Fangs!” Zenex called, grinning at him.

“I… I…” Apex backed away from them, looking terrified. “N-No! I can’!”

“A-Apex, it’s okay-” Ocellus began

“No! I can’ do i’! No’ wi’out mommy an’ daddy!” Apex screamed, opening his wings and flying out of the room as fast as he could, fresh tears falling down his face as he ran for it.

Apex scrambled through the Hive, searching for a good hiding place. He went past the throne room and into the nursery, diving through the crowds of nymphs and scrambling into a corner. He burrowed deep under the moss and covered his head, sobbing.

“Well, look who it is!” a familiar voice sneered, and Apex screwed his eyes shut.

“Go ‘way Pa’quel…”

“Aww, is the wittle baby sad? Why don’t you go cry to your-oh wait, that’s right, you don’t have a mommy!”

Apex froze, stiffening, completely silent. Parquel was still laughing as the young nymph slowly stood up, shaking the moss from his back and turning to face the yellow colored nymph.

“What’s wrong? Did I touch a nerve?” Parquel chuckled. Apex’s eyes narrowed with pure rage. “What’re you gonna do about it? Huh?”

“...‘M gonna rip you’ throa’ ou’!” Apex screamed at the top of his lungs, tackling Parquel to the floor.

Parquel yelled and punched Apex in the throat, but Apex recovered without so much as a flinch, leaning down and biting down hard on Parquel’s shoulder, tossing the bigger nymph into a wall. He slid down and was on his hooves again instantly, as the hit wasn’t that hard. Apex and Parquel launched themselves at each other, one out of pure rage and one out of a need for a fight.


“He has to be here somewhere!” Thorax cried nervously, as Pharynx and Ocellus searched the throne room.

“No sign of him in the mess hall.” Hero said as he and Zenex entered the room.

“Or our rooms.” Metamorphosis added, walking over.

“We’ll find him.” Pharynx assured Thorax, who was pacing around and almost hyperventilating.

“I sure wish some convenient link to Apex’s whereabouts would walk in right about now.” Zenex said, and Hero looked at him.

“King Thorax! General Pharynx! There’s a fight breaking out in the nursery!” Viorel, the little nymph Apex was friends with, cried out as he entered the room. He looked terrified, shaking a little.

“Oh shi-”

“Children present!” Ocellus shouted at Pharynx.

“Buck it, let’s just go!” Pharynx replied, rushing off, Thorax fast behind him. Viorel yelped and curled into a ball as they all ran past him.

The group burst through the entrance of the nursery, where two nymphs could be seen screaming and tussling in the moss, all the other nymphs cowering nearby. One of the nymphs suddenly grabbed the other's shoulders and tossed them away, but not before they were dragged down as well. The nymphs hit the ground to reveal just who they were as they leapt apart from each other, snarling at each other.

It was Apex, and his nemesis, Parquel.

Apex was crouched low in a pouncing position, his nose bleeding heavily and staining his teeth red. There was a sizable gash in his leg, but he still stayed upright. Parquel stood opposite him, panting heavily, bleeding from a gash on his carapace, his tail lashing.

“I don’t know where you got this newfound fight in you, weakling, but I’m going to rip it right out of you!” Parquel yelled.

“Yeah, well I think you forgo’ something.” Apex panted, wiping his nose fruitlessly.

“Oh really? What did I possibly forget, dummy?” Parquel sneered.

“A villain dies a thousand deaths,” Apex began, igniting his horn and charging. “Bu’ a hero dies a’ one!”

He caught Parquel directly in the chest with his horn, blasting him directly with the spell. Parquel was blown backwards, sending him straight through a thinner section of the wall and into the next room. Apex fell into the moss, panting and gasping as his blood stained the green cushion beneath him.

“An’ I think we know which one you ‘re…” Apex breathed, closing his eyes and smiling as the other nymphs slowly crept out of hiding. Before they could reach Apex, a lime green hoof carefully lifted him off the ground.

“My little hyper sprite…” Thorax murmured, touching his horn to Apex’s head and carefully healing his bloody nose, then doing the same for the gash on his leg.

The little nymph opened his eyes slowly, spitting out a little blood. “P-Papa Thorax…?”

Thorax nuzzled him lovingly, eyes watering. “I’m right here my little hyper sprite.”

“D-Did you see…? I go’ Pa’quel.” Apex said, and Thorax laughed softly.

“Yes, I saw, we all did.”

Pharynx walked over, gently rubbing the nymph’s head. “I’ve got to say, I’ve never seen you do that before. I’m proud of you, Apex.”

Apex hugged both the brothers tightly, eyes watering. “I love you Uncle Pharynx! I love you Papa Thorax!”

Thorax hugged the nymph back, tears of relief flowing down his face. “I love you too Apex.”

“Yeah… we both do, grub.” Pharynx agreed, as Hero and Zenex climbed onto his shoulders.

“Cousin Apex, that was so awesome!” Hero cheered. “You’re awesome!”

“Yeah! I thought for sure something bad was gonna happen but then you blasted him like it was nothing!” Zenex added, hugging his friend tightly. Ocellus and Metamorphosis joined in the hug, all of them embracing the little six-year old nymph.

Viorel, who had crept back into the nursery, after spitting on Parquel’s unconscious body, picked up Ocellus’ camera. He held it up, wobbling a little, until Oleander steadied him. The two nymphs balanced the camera as one, and the flash went off.

Apex’s sixth birthday, and his first fight against Parquel, lay reflected in the camera lens. A happy family crowded around in a group hug, all embracing the proud green nymph in the center. The beautiful memory captured forever.

Author's Note:

Just an Epilogue to go...hope you all enjoyed this technically final chapter. I'll see you next week, as usual, for the final, final chapter

~Melody Song