• Published 24th Oct 2020
  • 3,868 Views, 600 Comments

Pride and Joy - Melody Song

When Thorax finds a young orphaned nymph, his life changes in a way he never expected. But he couldn't be happier.

  • ...


Thorax smiled as he laid Apex in the moss of the nursery. Apex giggled as Thorax leaned down to nuzzle him.

“Heh, alright, I’ll be back soon my little hyper sprite.” Thorax assured him

“Okay Papa Thorax!”

“While I’m gone, why not try to make some friends?” Thorax suggested, nuzzling Apex and looking over at the other nymphs.

The nymphs in question were playing quietly in the moss. Some play-wrestled while others nuzzled each other and played with stick toys. A few looked over at Thorax. Apex noticed one in particular, a yellow nymph with deep blue accents and eyes. He was watching them with a strange grin on his face. Apex gulped and wrapped his forelegs around Thorax’s leg.

“I-I don’ wanna play with them…”

“Oh Apex, don’t be silly.” Thorax nudged Apex out from under him. “You need more friends sweetie.”

“B-Bu’ I have friends! Celly, an’ Sillia, an’ Fema, Tibius an’ Cornicle, an’ you an’ Uncle Pharynx!”

“Heh, you need more friends your age.” Thorax clarified “I know you have Flurry, Pound, and Pumpkin, but you can’t always see them. And Zenex and Hero are good friends for you, but you need some ‘lings to play with that are closer to your age.”

Apex crossed his forelegs in a grumpy-albeit cute-pout. Then, he noticed the bigger nymph glaring at him with a smirk. Apex’s eyes widened with slight fear, but he was soon distracted by Thorax.

“Come on, no pouting my little hyper sprite.” Thorax nuzzled him, then kissed his forehead. “I’ll be a while, so why don’t you at least try to play with some of them?”

“I-I don’ wanna…”

“Please sweetie? For me?”

Apex sighed, dropping his pout. “O-Okay… for you Papa Thorax.”

“Thank you Apex.” Thorax nuzzled him. “Heh, try to have fun, alright? I’ll be back to get you in a couple hours.”

“Okay…” Apex reached and hugged Thorax around the neck. He chuckled and returned the hug, then set him down in the moss.

“Papa Thorax!”

The other nymphs had finally noticed the alpha changeling. They swarmed around him.

“Papa Thorax, are you here to play with us?”

“Come play!”

“Will you play with us Papa Thorax?”

As the nymphs clamoured for his attention, Thorax chuckled and stepped back.

“I’m sorry little ones, but I just came to drop off Apex. I have to go do a few things.”

“Awww…” the nymphs chorused

A few of them looked at Apex with disapproving scowls. He backed away, blushing in embarrassment. Then, he bumped into someling. When he glanced up, he saw it was the same nymph from before. He was wearing the meanest grin Apex had ever seen.

“When you come back will you play?” one of the female nymphs asked

“Heh, we’ll see.” Thorax smiled warmly. “I’ll see you all soon!” with that, he turned and trotted out, smiling.

Once he had left, most of the nymphs returned to playing. However, as Apex tried to slink away, hoping to hide in a corner, someling’s hoof came down on his tail. He yelped in pain and surprise and looked back. It was the yellow and blue nymph.

“Wh-Wha’ d’you wan’, Parquel?”

“You’re the reason Papa Thorax couldn’t play with us.”

Apex mumbled something, and Parquel got in his face.

“What did you say, maggot?! Speak up!”

“H-He’s no’ your papa…” Apex murmured

“Not my papa, ey? Then he’s not yours either, filthy urchin.” Parquel shoved Apex backwards.

“Eeek! Owww…” Apex whimpered as he stumbled and fell, the soft moss doing nothing to cushion him as he hit the ground.

“Oh stop crying you big baby.” Parquel snarked

“Wh-Why’d you d-do tha’?”

“What’s it matter? Isn’t Papa Thorax’s ‘little hyper sprite’ supposed to be brave?” he sneered

“Yeah! What happened to the little grub that’s ‘gonna be the King-General and protect us all’?!” another nymph joined in, grinning.

Apex felt tears forming and wiped them away with his hoof. “S-S’op i’...”

“Heh, and that’s another thing! Why’re you talking like that? Everyone else can talk normally!”

“L-Like wha’?”

That! That dumb broken Ponish!” Parquel snapped. “What, do you think it makes you sound cute?! Think it’ll make Papa Thorax love you more?!”

“N-No, I don’!” Apex protested

“Alright guys, cut it out!” a male lavender nymph called

“Shut it, gaybug or you’re next!” Parquel shouted, and the nymph retreated. “I run this nursery, why should I have to stop?!”

“You’re making the poor thing cry!” a pink female nymph protested

“So what?! Everyling knows he’s Papa Thorax’s special little nymph! He deserves this!”

“How do you figure?”

Parquel turned to face Apex, who was sniffling and crying on the ground. He smirked as he opened his mouth. “He needs to be taken down a couple notches, before he starts thinking he’s better than the rest of us.”

“I-I wouldn’!” Apex sobbed

“Yeah you would! You’re just gonna become a big spoiled brat because Papa Thorax is your new dad! You said so yourself!”

“H-He’s no’ my new dad!” Apex cried. “I-I don’ wanna r’place m-mommy an’ d-daddy…”

“Heh, then what is he?” Parquel asked, smirking.

“He… he’s jus’ my Papa Thorax…”

“You hear that!” Parquel shouted to everyone. “He said it! He admits it! His Papa Thorax! He wants Thorax all to himself!”

“N-No! Th-Tha’s no’ wha’ I mean’!”

“Sure it is! You’re always going to be Papa Thorax’s bratty nymph!”

“I-It did kinda sound like that…” the pink nymph murmured

“Exactly!” Parquel sneered at Apex. “What, you think you’re something special just because you’re a pitiful little orphan?”

Apex gasped and began crying harder.

“Aww, what’s wrong? Pouting like a baby just because I told the truth?”

“‘M… ‘m no’ a… a baby…”

“So? I still know what you really are.” he stood over the sniveling nymph and grinned down at him.

Apex shrank back, curling into a ball and looking up at Parquel. Fright showed in his wide eyes. Parquel grinned as he finished his thought.

“A stuck-up brat trying to suck up to the higher ups because your mommy and daddy didn’t survive. What, you think one of them will adopt you or something? Huh? Do you? If you do, you’re a dumb orphan.”

Apex whimpered and curled up into himself. Parquel smirked.

“Papa Thorax will never be yours. You may think you’re hot stuff but really, he just feels sorry for you. You always have been, and always will be, a dumb, little, orphan.”

Apex began bawling. Parquel laughed cruelly.

“Go on! Cry like the little pathetic baby you are!”

“Now what?” one of Parquel’s fellows asked.

Parquel reached and hooked his foreleg around Apex’s neck, lifting him up. He lifted the nymph by his neck, nearly choking him. As Apex struggled to get free despite the tears rolling down his face, Parquel smirked.

“We teach him a lesson.”

Parquel waited for his followers to surround the nymph, then dropped him. Apex hit the ground hard and continued sniffling. Parquel smirked as he calmly gave the order.

“Sic ‘em.”

Apex screamed in terror as they pounced. All the techniques that Pharynx had taught him went out of his head, and he was forced to simply wail as they began punching him. He screamed and yelled in pain as the blows struck his soft chitin and began bruising instantly. He felt his fragile tail being stomped on, his jaw was struck multiple times.

The whole time, he heard Chrysalis’ cruel laughter ringing in his ears. Their blows were hers, and hers were theirs, until the whole thing blended together and he couldn’t tell anything apart anymore. Except the pain. The sickening, blinding, pain. Tears streamed down his face as his breathing quickened, nearly entering a panic attack, before a cry rang out.

“Stop!” Parquel shouted after thirty minutes of this. He strode forwards, grinning. “I get to finish him.”

They all stood aside, creating a small aisle for Parquel to walk through. He watched Apex struggle to stand, nose bleeding. Parquel waited until Apex was able to look up at him, and then reared back, punching him in the gut.

The force of the blow sent Apex reeling backwards. He hit a wall and felt his carapace crack. Apex cried out in pain as his head banged against the wall. His vision blurred and he began to see stars.

Parquel snarled as he headed forwards. He reared and slammed his hoof into the wall, inches from Apex’s head. He boxed Apex in, then growled.

“Listen up brat, here’s what you’re gonna do:” Parquel began, “You’re going to sit in a corner and let us throw rocks at you. Then when Papa Thorax gets back, you’re going to disguise your injuries, and don’t even think about telling him or Pharynx. Just don’t tell anyone. And you’re going to let us play with Papa Thorax when he comes to get you. Got it?”

“Uh… uh-huh…” Apex whimpered

With that, Parquel let him go. Apex sniffled and staggered over to a corner far away from the others. He flopped into the moss, staining some with his blood, and continued crying. Rocks began to be tossed his way, hitting his back and sometimes his head. He snuggled down into the moss, wishing for Thorax or Pharynx to come and save him.

After a long while, he heard hoofsteps. Apex sniffled and made his magic surround him. When it faded, it revealed the little nymph as though he’d never been harmed. He still felt all the injuries, but forced himself to sit up, quickly burying the bloodstained moss under some fresh moss.

“Papa Thorax, you’re back!”

“Playtime now?”

“Play! Play!”

Thorax chuckled as the nymphs clustered around him. “Just a minute guys. Where’s Apex?”

“Forget about him, play with me!”

“No, me!”

Thorax ignored the nymphs, his eyes scanning the room. Then he spotted Apex, sitting in a corner.

“Apex, what are you doing over there? Come on, come over here.” Thorax urged

Apex gulped and prayed that his disguise would hold. He stood and walked over quietly. Thorax smiled and lifted him up, nuzzling him. Apex squeaked as Thorax’s muzzle brushed against his tender jaw.

“Heh, how was your day?”

Apex glanced at Parquel. He narrowed his eyes at the younger nymph. Apex forced a smile.


“Papa Thorax, play with us!”

“Heh, alright, for a little bit.” Thorax set Apex down. “But then Apex and I have to go.”


Thorax giggled as one of the nymphs tagged him, then they scattered. Thorax smiled and began running after them, trying to catch them all.

Apex smiled softly, then Parquel approached.

“I-I didn’ tell him…”

“Good. Keep it that way.” Parquel punched him in the shoulder, where he was already nursing a bruise.

Apex clamped his jaws shut so he wouldn’t yelp, eyes watering from the pain. Parquel laughed and then flew after Thorax and the other nymphs.

“Heh, gotcha!”

“Nooo! Papa Thoraaaax!!”

“Time for nuzzles!”

“Hehe, help me guys!”

“We’ll save you!”

Apex whimpered softly. He could play, but he knew moving too much would risk his disguise dropping. And even then, Parquel wouldn’t like it if he joined in.

Thorax pretended to fall, hitting the moss and laughing along with the nymphs that “overpowered” him. They giggled and squealed, crawling all over him. Apex then caught Parquel’s eye. Parquel grinned, proudly swaggered over to Thorax, and… sat down between his forelegs, nestling against the alpha.

Apex’s eyes widened and he bit back a sob. That was his spot. He should be snuggling with Thorax. He pressed into the moss as fresh tears sprung up. After a couple minutes, Thorax ignited his antlers and lifted up the nymphs, setting them aside. He then stood up.

“Papa Thoraaax…”

“I’m sorry guys, but Apex and I have to be going.”


Thorax smiled softly. “How about I come back tomorrow and we can play?”



“Thank you Papa Thorax!”

Thorax chuckled and then headed over to Apex. He reached and lifted him up.

“Heh, come on sweetie, I have a surprise for you.” Thorax said as they walked out of the nursery.

“Y-You do?”

“Mhm.” Thorax nuzzled him. Apex flinched slightly, but Thorax didn’t notice. “After all, today is a very special day.”

“I-I’ is?” Apex asked softly.

“Of course.” Thorax kissed Apex’s forehead gently. Apex swallowed a whimper, he had a bruise just under his horn. “Heh, you do remember, don’t you?”

“U-Uh…” Apex gulped, fearing if he answered wrong then Thorax wouldn’t like him. “I-I’s no’ my birthday, r-righ’?”

“Heh, no…” Thorax nuzzled him and he winced slightly. “Today is the anniversary of the day I first found you, my little hyper sprite.”

“Wh-When you foun’ me?”

“Mhm.” Thorax kissed his cheek. “The day when I promised myself I’d take care of you.”

Apex snuggled against him, his eyes growing heavy. His bruises were throbbing and he felt his magic slipping. He struggled to hold up the disguise.

“Apex…? Is something wrong?”

“N-No… j-jus’ sleepy…” he mumbled

“What? But… your naptime isn’t until a few hours from now. A-And you never admit that you’re tired when you are.”

Apex gave a small shrug. Thorax nuzzled him nervously, and this time, Apex yelped.

“Apex, why’d you yelp?”

“I… y-you star’led me, Papa Thorax…” Apex whispered, eyes closed as he cuddled against him.

“Apex, I’m getting concerned, is something wr-APEX!” Thorax shrieked

Apex’s eyes shot open. His disguise had dropped. He quickly shut his eyes and concentrated, making it return.

“‘M-‘M ‘kay Papa Thorax!”

“No, no you’re not! What happened to you?!” Thorax began nuzzling him, feeling for injuries through the disguise. “Oh, my baby boy. What happened, who did this?!”

Apex began tearing up as Thorax inadvertently pressed on his injuries. Thorax then began moving quickly down the hall.

“P-Papa Thorax, ‘m fine…”

“You are not!” Thorax looked down at him.

“I-I a-am…” Apex sniffled

“Thorax?” Pharynx trotted up. “There you are, where have you been?”

“It doesn’t matter, Apex is hurt!” Thorax exclaimed

“What?” Pharynx looked at Apex, who held up the disguise. “He looks fine to me…”

“It’s a disguise.” Thorax carried Apex away, Pharynx hurrying after him.

Thorax entered his bedroom, and gently sat Apex down. Apex noticed a cake nearby, probably what Thorax was taking him to see.

“P-Papa Thorax…” Apex whined softly.

“Apex, change back.” Thorax said

“‘M-‘M no’ dis’ised.”

“Yes you are, I saw your disguise drop.” Thorax said

Apex looked away. Thorax nuzzled him and he yelped, shying away.

“Grub?” Pharynx asked, confused

“Apex, why won’t you drop the disguise?”

Apex fell silent, then mumbled it under his breath. “...el… no’ to…”

“What was that?”

“...Tol’ me no’ to…”

“What?! Who told you not to?!” Thorax nuzzled him.

“S-S’op i’!” Apex cried, backing away.

Thorax looked hurt, stepping back. Apex continued to back up. As he bumped into the wall, he cried out in pain and fell forwards. He fell onto the bed, landing on his side, and felt himself naturally undisguise.

“Apex!” Thorax reached and lifted him up, getting a better view of his injuries.

“Oh sweet hivemother… how the heck did this happen?!” Pharynx exclaimed

Apex sniffled and began crying. His nose had dried blood around it, one eye was bruised, and there was a reddened area on the back of his head. The bruise by his horn was bad too, and there were numerous cuts and bruises on his body. His tail had a rip in it and his carapace was cracked. Apex opened his carapace slightly to reveal undamaged but slightly bent wings.

“Oh Apex… my sweet baby boy, what happened to you?” Thorax asked, cradling him.

“I… I didn’... th-they…” Apex sobbed into Thorax’s chest.

“Shh, it’s okay sweetie, it’s going to be alright.”

“Grub, who did this to you?”

“H-He tol’ me no’ to tell you!” Apex cried “H-He sai’ he’d hurt me more!”

“Apex…” Thorax nuzzled him.

“Grub, he can’t hurt you if we know who he is.” Pharynx said

Apex gulped, sniffling. “...P… Parquel…”

“Parquel?!” they both exclaimed as one.

“H-He s-sai’ I w-was a d-dumb or-orphan a-an you jus’ fel’ s-sorry for me…” Apex whimpered

“Oh Apex, of course that’s not true! I love you sweetie!” Thorax nuzzled him, careful not to cause him any more pain.

“H-He s-sai’ tha’… tha’ I w-wan’ed you all to myself…”

Thorax sat down on the bed, concerned. He cradled the little nymph, giving him his forehoof.

“When I get my hooves on that bratty grub-”

“Pharynx, that can be dealt with later. Alert the infirmary that they’ll need to prepare a bed for Apex.” Thorax said, as Apex took his hoof and began sucking on his hooftip.

Pharynx nodded and raced out of the room. Apex snuggled against Thorax, whimpering and still crying. Thorax soothed him, concern etched across his face.

“P-Papa Th-Thorax…?”

“Yes Apex?”

“‘M… ‘m I in t-trouble?”

Thorax gasped softly. “N-No Apex, of course not. My sweet baby boy… I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that…”

Apex sniffled and nuzzled against Thorax. Thorax smiled softly and nuzzled him.

“I promise, Parquel is going to be in a lot of trouble for what he did to you, sweetie. No one gets to hurt my little hyper sprite.”

“B-Bu’ th-tha’ll jus’ prove him r-righ’... th-tha’ ‘m sp’led an’ a b-brat…”

“Sweetie…” Thorax nuzzled Apex. “Just because I want to make sure that someone is punished for doing something bad, doesn’t mean that you’re spoiled. I would have done the same had it been any other nymph.”

“G-Guess he’s righ’… he s-sai’ you on’y took care of me ‘cause you fel’ bad for me…”

“He’s right that I care about you. But it’s not because I feel sorry for you. Look at this cake.”

Thorax lifted Apex up to show him. Apex looked at it. It was chocolate, the little nymph’s favorite flavor.

“I got this for us because I want to celebrate that you came into my life. Now, I’m not trying to replace your parents. But I do want to be there for you, in any way I can.”

Apex sniffled, and Thorax smiled.

“Y-You really m-mean it?”

“Of course I do, my little hyper sprite…” Thorax kissed his forehead gently. “Now, how about, if you’re good for me and I take you to the infirmary, we can eat that cake once they’re done bandaging you up. It would be a shame to waste it.”

“Hehe… okay…”

Thorax smiled and lifted Apex, carrying him out of the room.

A while later, Apex lay in an infirmary bed, asleep. He was cuddling Blizzard, which Pharynx had retrieved for him. Chocolate stains were visible around his mouth, and he was smiling. The little nymph was covered in bandages, but Stinger had promised that he’d be alright.

Thorax and Pharynx, after assuring that Apex would be okay, had gone to the nursery. Thorax entered first. The nymphs all took notice of this.

“Papa Thorax, you’re back!”

“Are you here to play?”

“Play, play, play!”

“Where’s Parquel?” Thorax asked, his voice stern.

The nymphs all stopped bouncing and grew silent.

“Where is he?”

A lavender nymph approached them.

“H-He’s o-over there…” he said, pointing to the nymph, who was napping in a corner.

“Thank you… um…”


“Heh, thank you, Viorel.” Thorax said, his gaze softening as he smiled kindly to the nymph. He then grew stern again as he headed for Parquel.

Pharynx came in behind Thorax and stood at his side. Thorax reached and nudged the yellow and dark blue nymph awake.


“Parquel?” Thorax asked sharply.

“O-Oh, hi Papa Thorax!”

“Parquel, did you harm my son?” Thorax asked, eyes narrowed.

“S-Son? Papa Thorax, I didn’t know you had a son.”

“Apex.” Thorax clarified. “Are you responsible for his injuries?”

“Wh-What? Me? I wouldn’t hurt a fellow nymph!” Parquel said

“I think you would. Those wounds didn’t just show up on him out of nowhere.” Pharynx remarked

“B-But I didn’t!” Parquel cried

“Yes you did!” Viorel ran up. “Y-You had your gang beat him up, we all saw it!”

Thorax and Pharynx’s eyes widened.

“You pathetic little traitor! I told you to keep your mouth shut, gaybug!” Parquel hissed

Viorel whimpered and backed away. Thorax reached and scooped him up.

“Don’t be ashamed of who you are. Being gay is perfectly alright.” Thorax told Viorel, who nodded and hugged Thorax.

“So, pretty much an admission to your guilt.” Pharynx said to Parquel.

“H-He’s lying!”

“No he’s not!” a pink nymph raced up. “I tried to stop him at first, your highnesses!” she said “I-I’m ashamed but… I took his side for a minute…”

“It’s alright little one.” Thorax told her.

“Traitors!” Parquel shouted.

“I think that’s enough out of you, Parquel.” Thorax said sternly. “I want you to go to your parents and tell them what you’ve done. Pharynx will make sure you do that. They’ll decide what to do next.”

Parquel crossed his hooves. “I’m not apologizing for putting that brat back in his place.”

Pharynx snarled and lifted the nymph in his magic. “That was not a suggestion. You will be confined to an empty room and you will deliver a truthful apology to my nephew.”

Parquel squeaked. “Y-Yes s-sir.”

Pharynx snarled at him again, then deposited him in the moss. Thorax looked around at the other nymphs.

“Which of you were helping him?”

A few nymphs sheepishly raised their hooves. Thorax nodded as he looked at them all.

“You will each also tell your parents what you did. I’ll leave the rest up to them.”

“Yes King Thorax…” they all murmured

“Wh-Why do you call him your son?” Parquel muttered

“Because he is.” Thorax glared at him.

“No he isn’t, not really! And I don’t see why I’m in trouble!”

“You purposely and without being provoked, harmed Prince Apex, adopted son of King Thorax and nephew of myself, Prince-General Pharynx.” Pharynx growled at him.

Thorax nodded. “You’ll go to your parents now and tell them what you’ve done to Apex.”


Thorax nodded. “And you’ll leave these nymphs alone.”


With that, Thorax set Viorel down and watched the nymphs trudge out of the nursery.

“Pharynx, could you make sure they go to their parents?”

“Alright. You go check on my nephew.” Pharynx replied, trotting out after the nymphs.

Thorax smiled and left the nursery. He headed back to the infirmary and entered Apex’s room. He was greeted by a welcome surprise.


“Papa Thorax?” Apex looked up from the coloring book.

“Heh, hello sweetie.” Thorax trotted over and nuzzled him. “How are you feeling?”

“Better… Stinger ga’e me thi’ to ‘cupy me.” Apex said, looking down at the coloring book.

Thorax smiled and nuzzled him. “I talked with Parquel. He’ll be telling his parents what he did, I’m sure they won’t let him off easy.”

“O-Okay…” Apex nuzzled Thorax back. “C-Can I have more cake?”

“Heh, of course sweetie.” Thorax kissed his cheek. “Did Stinger tell you anything about your injuries?”

“Jus’ tha’ I had t’ stay in bed for a bit…”

“Well, he told me that as long as you’re resting, you can stay in my room, just like usual, okay?”


“Heh, alright then.” Thorax nuzzled him. “Mind if I stay here with you for now?”

“You can stay Papa Thorax.” Apex nuzzled him.

“Heh, thank you my little hyper sprite.” Thorax nuzzled him. Apex giggled and hugged him, wincing slightly. Thorax hugged back gently.

“I love you Papa Thorax.”

“I love you too Apex. My sweet baby boy.”

Author's Note:

All who would like to kill Parquel, raise your hands! ✋

~Melody Song