• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 2,105 Views, 54 Comments

Digital storm - SeiryuofEast

Two siblings where coming back from school, but in the way home an unfortunate accident occur, and now both of them wake up in a new and unknown world, together they must find the way to get back home

  • ...

Chapter 9: The dark mind

Ponyville, Jim and Lizzie's house, morning time

Jim’s POV

It have been a few months after the events with the gala party in Canterlot, our relationship with Princess Luna improved a lot. After the revelation that she gave to me and Liz that she was Nightmare Moon, I'm not going to lie to you but I was very angry with her at the time, but I can't stay mad with Princess Luna, after thinking about everything that she has done for me and my sister since we started living in Ponyville, the past is the past so I forgave Princess Luna and to be honest after doing that I I felt a lot better with myself.

Our days in Ponyville were still 'normal' within the parameters of being with Twilight and her friends, I do still work at Sweet apple acres, after doing it for so long I got used to farm life while helping Applejack's family while Liz still goes to school receiving Miss Cheerile's classes along with her group of friends.

Speaking of which, I heard that they have a tour in Canterlot to visit a specific historical site, like a museum exhibition I think, Liz unfortunately would not be part of that trip, Liz fell ill with a fever and is now bedridden. Today was the said day for the excursion trip to Canterlot and Liz was lamenting for not being able to go, she was being attended by Fluttershy who was her turn to take care of us.

I was in the living room reading a book while relaxing, meanwhile Fluttershy took care of my sister who was resting in her bed. Unexpectedly, I heard someone knocking on the door of our home, shortly after I got up and went to the door, when I opened it I ran into Twilight accompanied by Spike.

"Good morning Twilight, Spike, what brought you guys here today?" I ask to my friends with a small smile.

"Good morning Jim, we stopped by to see if Fluttershy was here." Twilight said to me smiling.

"She is here, come in." I said nodding as I gave way for Twilight and Spike to enter in.

As soon as Twilight and Spike entered, I lead them to the living room and then I called Fluttershy who show up moments as she flew to us and stopped next to me in front of Twilight and Spike.

"Good morning Twilight, Spike, did something happen?" said Fluttershy with the pair.

"Well yes, you see, I received a letter from Princess Celestia, who is calling us and the rest of the girls to meet her at Canterlot, saying that it was very urgent matter." Twilight said informing Fluttershy what happened.

"Oh my, nothing bad happened right?" Fluttershy asked to Twilight with a concerned tone.

"I hope not..." Twilight said to Fluttershy, she then turned to me. "Jim, while we're going to Canterlot, Spike will stay here with you two okay? If something happens, don't hesitate to send a letter with him.” Twilight said to me.

"Sure Twilight." I said nodding to Twilight.

"Spike, Liz is recovering from the fever and she just needs to rest, before I left I will leave everything ready just in case, okay?" Fluttershy said to Spike.

"Don't worry about this Fluttershy, Twilight, we'll be fine while you girls are in Canterlot, leave this matter to me." said Spike proudly to Fluttershy and Twilight.

"But isn't Spike a baby dragon? Do that still make him ok to watch us?" I thought as I pondered about our dubious situation with our 'babysitter'.

"Okay, we are counting with you Spike." Twilight said to Spike who was nodding in replied to her.

After this, Twilight stayed in our home until Fluttershy finished preparing everything for Liz in case if she needs something. Some time later both mares left to look for the other girls to go to Canterlot and attend the meeting with Princess Celestia, leaving me and Liz at home with Spike in charge of us.

Spike is a good friend of us, technically, despite being a baby dragon he is older than me, something that surprised me when I heard about it and there have been times when he handle the things in a rather mature way. While we waited for the girls to return as my sister was still resting, Spike and I spent some time playing table role-playing games to not make noise that could disturb Liz, it was quite fun playing these kinds of games with him, he put his vibe into the game.

After finishing the game, we checked that Liz who was still asleep, that she completely recovered from her fever, probably she gets up with alot of energy. However, I wanted to give my sister a gift for her recovery, so I came up with the idea of going to the lake, I asked Spike for permission to go out to bring something for Liz, of course without really saying where I was going, to my luck Spike accepted as long I don't stay too much time outside and after a few moments, I left the house in the direction of the lake.

Ponyville, noon time

An hour had passed since I was at the lake which I was fishing for some fish for Liz, today I tried to do it in a more traditional way, I took a rope and using a tree that have the ideal figure for the job and made a fishing rod, I didn't have tallow and I sat at the shore of the lake while holding my fishing rod and with difficulty I barely manage to caught one small fish.

"Grrr...I should have rather used my own method." I said irritated seeing my only catch of the day next to me.

I didn't want to waste my time here on the lake anymore, so I tied the only fish I caught with a rope and left my fishing rod hidden in a safe place among the trees near the shore. After this, I began my walk to go back home before Fluttershy returns from Canterlot and find me on the way carrying a fish, knowing her, I don't think she would like to see me doing this.

I made my way past Fluttershy's cabin carrying the fish I caught on my back as I walked down the path. Strangely I saw a somewhat grayish but very familiar white figure of a mare further down the road, it looks like that to be that she is pushing something that seemed to be a huge rock bigger than herself, then I finally recognized that she was Rarity when I heard her voice laughing a little strangely, so I decided to go with her to say hello.

"Hi Rarity, I see you're back from Canterlot, huh, what are you doing?" I asked Rarity a little surprised to see her push that rock.

"Jim? Well, here I am, taking this huge and beautiful diamond to my house, it is so precious.” Rarity said to me while looking at her 'huge diamond' while she caressed it, in fact the way she referred to it reminded me a bit of Gollum from Lord of the Rings.

"I-I see, don't you want me to help you carry your 'diamond' back to your home?" I said to Rarity being polite despite my friend's strange situation, however she didn't seem to like this as she turned to me and seemed very angry.

"NO! It's mine! I don't want you to come near to it, did you hear me?!..." Rarity exclaimed furiously at me and surprising me in the act, she then turns again with her 'diamond'. "Is mine and just mine." Rarity said embracing the 'diamond' with her body while she laughed strangely.

"I-I understand, I'll see you later." I said astonished by Rarity's sudden reaction as I walked briskly away from her.

I don't understand what was happening with Rarity and for why she was hugging that rock, on top of that she yelled at me when I offered my help, I know Rarity and she is not like that. While I was walking and Ithinking about what was happening to Rarity, I noticed that I was coming to the crossroads to Ponyville and I could see that from the direction that goes to the town, I observed Applejack walking and she seemed to be heading to Sweet apple acres, at that moment I decided to approach her, maybe she knows what is happening to Rarity.

"Applejack!..." I yelled from my position as I waved to Applejack with my right arm as I approached to her. "Is good to see you, tell me, do you happen to know what happened with Rarity?" I asked to Applejack who I then noticed her a little gray in fact.

"Nope." Applejack said wto me.

"Huh? Applejack are you sure? Rarity is acting weird." I told to Applejack who seems nonchalant about Rarity's issue.

"Strange? She's fine, Jim." said Applejack to me but there was something strange in her tone.

"Okay..." I said surprised so I change the subject. "Do you know where Twilight and the other girls are?" I asked to Applejack.

"Twilight and the others are still in Canterlot." Applejack answered to me with the same tone.

"Oh really? I thought that you guys would come back together." I told to Applejack.

"Just me and Rarity come back, Twilight and the others stayed to live in Canterlot." Applejack replied to me as if it were nothing what she just told me.

"How is that?" I asked to Applejack with a concerned tone.

"Is the truth, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to visit Cloudsdale, see you." said Applejack to me as she continued on her way to Sweet apple acres.

"But you're on your way to your farm." I said puzzled to Applejack.

"I said that." Applejack said to me as she walked away.

"It can not be true? Applejack is…Telling lies?” I thought worried seeing Applejack walking in the direction to her farm.

I don't have the slightest idea of what is happening, first Rarity acts strange and now, even though is hard for me to believe it, but Applejack, the pony I've known for so long who hates lies, was lying, something is not right here. At that moment when I was pondering what had happened, I turned around to see the path that follows to Ponyville, I was stunned with was now in front of me, Ponyville was head to toe, floating houses, clouds with brown rain and even birds flying upside down and that was just with what I can see from my position, I can't imagine the rest of Ponyville, from the shock I dropped my fish to the ground, what the hell was going on there?

"Did all the unicorns in the town got drunk and agree to cast random spells?..." I thought as I was watching at the mess that was now Ponyville.

"Well in one way or another, I won't find the answer here, I better investigate what is happening." I said starting my walk in the direction to Ponyville.

It didn't took me long to enter in Ponyville, or maybe I should say 'Randomville'? It didn't seem like the pony town I've been knowing from a long while, very few things reamained the same of it. After walking for a while and arriving at the now changed towncenter, the place where the mayor usually gives her announcements, there I began to feel impatient so I decided to do what perhaps anyone would have done in my place.

"Rainbow Dash!..." I yelled calling Rainbow, despite what Applejack told me, I know that she was lying, I feel that my friends did returned from Canterlot and they might be nearby. "Fluttershy!..." I yelled again but as with Rainbow there was no response. "Pinkie Pie!" I called Pinkie and the truth never expected that she did not answer my call. "Twilight!..." I yelled for Twilight but there was no response from any of my friends. "Where are the girls?" I said looking down feeling alone.

"Well, well, but what do we have here?" said a male voice that I never heard before.

Then I began looking for the owner of that voice until.

"Down here big guy..." said the voice again and when I looked down there was no one. "Oh what a fool of me, I mean upstairs." He said to me while he let out a slight laugh.

When I looked up, I was surprised, I saw a strange creature that seemed like a mixture of various animals, like a deformed chimera with wings and was... Sitting on a floating chair in front of table that was also floating with a tea set with cookies while looking down at me with a smile on his face with his yellow eyes with red pupils.

"Who or what are you?" I asked to him astonished with this being.

“Where are my manners? I am a draconequus, Discord, lord of chaos." Discord said smiling at me as he sipped his tea... With his right eye, I could see how he drank the liquid using his eyeball.

"Draconequus?" I said to Discord confused while looking at him drinking his tea in such bizarre way.

"That's right, now that I've told you my name, wouldn't you mind telling me yours?" Discord said to me while he eats a cookie, in a normal way at least.

"I'm Jim Summers." I replied to Discord while looking at him serious.

"Jim Summers? I don't remember creating a giant purple rabbit dressed as a clown, but I give you points for originality." said Discord to me.

"'Created'? Are you saying that all this is your doing?" I asked to Discord as I was suspicious of him.

“Amazing work, don't you think? I feel that one or two little thing is missing here and there, but soon you will see how beautiful everything will be as soon as my rest is over.” Discord replied to me.

"'Beautiful' you say? Is everything a meaningless mess and is that okay with you?” I said to Discord.

"What did you expect? I am the god of chaos, do you think that it should make any sense? I would say that everything is much better than how boring it was before of course, just like those six ponies.” Discord said with a grimace on his face to me as he took a sip of his tea.

“Six ponies? You did something to Applejack, Rarity and the others right? Return them to normal and Ponyville as well.” I said angrily raising my tone while pointing my right arm at Discord.

"So that? This place is just the beginning and with those annoying mares out of the way I can do whatever I want" said Discord with a evil smile to me.

"Look, I don't have time to deal with you, now you just do what I told you or else-" I tried to say but I was interrupted.

"Or what? What are you going to do to me?..." Discord said to me as he snapped the fingers of his right hand and in an instant he made his table disappeared with the entire tea set and then he perched in front of me. "Did you know? Your aptitude bothers me, I think I'd better take care of you too, what do you say I turn you into a regular-sized rabbit?" said Discord with now an evil grin on his face to me.

After saying that, Discord moved his right hand pointing it at me, it surprised me and I immediately closed my eyes and covered with my arms before he do something, then I heard how Discord snapped his fingers against me and for a moment I thought he has done something to me, but when I opened my eyes and turned to Discord I noticed that nothing happened, in fact Discord was looking at me with a totally astonished expression on his face.

"How?..." Discord said looking his hand surprised, he then turns to a tree that was near us and Discord points his hand at said tree, again Discord snaps his fingers and the tree turned into a white umbrella with red strides of the same size of the tree. "I'm not out of shape, so why I-" Discord tried to say while looking at his hand but was interrupted.

At that moment while Discord was distracted, I took the opportunity and crushed him with my palms as if he were a mosquito from his waist to his head, only his lower extremities were visible as I crushed his body, as soon as I took my hands off Discord, I observed that he was so flat as a sheet after what I just did to him.

"Ok, I didn't expect that..." Discord said to me and with his left hand he puts his thumb in his mouth, then he began to blow and after a few moments his body recovered his normal shape. "Okay, that was very rude of you-" Discord tried to say to me as he turned to look at me but was interrupted again.

I must admit that I was surprised to see how Discord had recovered so quickly after crushing him with my hands, with more reason, I won't give him a chance to do anything and I quickly raised my right arm over my head forming a fist then I hit him on the head so hard I made him crash to the ground. Discord then stood there with his back against the ground as he rubbed his head from the blow he just has received.

Of course I wasn't going to leave things like that, before Discord knew it I approached at him with both fists raised and ready, a moment before Discord looked up at me, with a quite worried expression on his face realizing what was about to happen, I could swear to hear him gulps his saliva. Without giving him a chance, I began to hit Discord, crushing his body against the ground without mercy to the point of forming a crater with the shape of my fists, when I stopped, I saw how Discord's left hand was slowly rising and he pointed his finger at me like he was going to say something to me, just in case, I raised my left leg and stomped on Discord's body like if he was an insect.

Shortly after I moved my foot away and saw Discord totally crushed, he was like those Looney tunes cartoons. After a few moments, Discord moves his right hand and snaps his fingers and in the blink of an eye he disappears from the hole I made and reappears outside the crater totally intact, without any damage to his body and was cleaning the dust off his body.

“Ok then, Jim, isn't it? I think you went a bit too far with what you did to me just now.” Discord said to me without looking at me while he continued cleaning himself.

"Look, I don't like being rude..." I said to Discord, raising my right arm forming a fist at him. "So just do what I tell you and I won't have to-" but I was interrupted.

"And who said you have any authority here?" Discord said to me without turning his eyes and with a tone that I didn't like one bit.

Unexpectedly, before I could say any word, Discord turned around at me and in both hands pointing at me, his hands were holding white luminous spheres, he merged both spheres together and fired a great beam of reddish-yellow energy at my direction and ripped my right arm at the elbow destroying it and separating my arm on the spot, I won't lie saying that it didn't hurt, it was incredibly painful so much so that I knelt down and held what was left of my right arm with my left arm while moaning in pain.

"Not so rude anymore are you? It seems that the death ray did worked on you." Discord said to me and I noticed that he was smirking at me as he prepared to do his attack again.

Anger was building inside me as I saw Discord's stupid grin on his face, but before I could think in what to do, Discord again fired his lightning at me, this time hitting me in the stomach, making a hole in the process, the pain I felt was so much that I was about to faint as I felt tears running down my cheeks as I let out a loud a cry of pain.

"You know, I don't like being rude with others, but you left me no choice..." Discord said to me as he took a few steps forward preparing his hands with his lightning. "Get ready to go to the heavens of rabbits, big eared." said Discord to me getting into position.

Without giving me a chance, Discord fired his lightning at me again, but this time it hit me in the chest and unlike the previous shots, this one was much more powerful and ended up separating the upper part of my chest from my body, strangely, this time I felt no pain, time passed slowly as what was left of my upper body fell to the ground, my vision blurred and I vaguely heard Discord's voice mocking me, I didn't understand what he was saying but I knew he was mocking me for the tone in his voice, I finally fell to the ground and after a few moments I closed my eyes and lost consciousness.

Discord's POV

Well I finally put an end to this nuisance, I give credit to the rabbit, it had been a long time since anyone crushed my body in such a way, but with the beast out of the way, there is no one else trying to ruin my fun, no elements of harmony , "Princess Annoyance" and her silly sister are out of my way, there is nothing and no one that can change my plans to turn Equestria into a wonderful place for my chaos.

I began to stretch my body rattling every bone of my being, preparing to continue spreading chaos throughout Equestria, but then something quite strange happened, as soon as I turned to see the rest of the rabbit's body, I noticed that it was gone, no. there was not a trace of him on the ground.

"How?..." I said approaching the place where I have defeated him, making a magnifying glass appear to look better but there was nothing. "This is strange..." I said as I took out of my pocket my magic analyzer capable of finding any nearby magic fiber, but after a few moments of searching, it didn't show me anything. "There is no trace of magic in the air, apart from mine, what happened to that rabbit?" I said looking around for him with my eyes.

Suddenly something strange started to happen that took off of guard, the environment of the place started to turn dark with each passing second and not only that, my dear work that I had done to this boring town into a chaotic and fun place, was returning to its boring normal state until finally everything returned back to how it was, but something wasn't right, now everything was surrounded by darkness and a fog that gave me chills.

"What's going on here?" I said shocked while rubbing my arms to gain heat.

Shortly after, I felt that someone was watching me closely and when I turned around I noticed at a certain height a pair of very familiar bright yellow eyes in the mist that were looking at me. shortly after, the eyes came closer and the figure of the owner of these eyes began to appear, moments later, the being in the mist was none other than the rabbit that I defeated a while ago and was looking at me with a grimace on his face.

"You're still here, huh?..." I said irritated to the rabbit, seeing the rabbit looking at me with that smile it really bothered me. "Well, if I beat you once, I can do it again..." I said, preparing to give the rabbit another good taste of my magic, but something happened that made me sweat cold, my magic didn't appear, what is more, I didn't even feel it flowing in my body. "Oh no." I said now quite worried.

The rabbit then let out a laugh that put fear all across my body, I was going to prepare for the old escape option but the rabbit raised his right arm and on his palm he began to create a sphere from which I can feel an dark energy emanating from that sphere, then an attraction force began to come out that was attracting me to it, I tried to hold on to the ground but the power it has was too much for me that after a few moments it ended up lifting me from the ground and it ended up sucking inside the sphere through, the rabbit closes his hand trapping the sphere of darkness with me inside of it.

I don't know what he did but I feel my whole body squeezed, as if I were in a very narrow place. as soon as I noticed that the rabbit opened his hand I could see the light again and I noticed the dark energy of the sphere was surrounding my body, it was there when I realized that now my body was trapped inside that sphere, shortly after the rabbit moved me close to his face as if he wanted me to look at him grinning, I don't know what he's thinking, but something tells me that he doesn't intend to treat me nicely.

Without warning, the rabbit raised his hand, holding the sphere with me inside and threw it hard against the ground, when he gave me that beating before, I didn't felt it at all, but now that impact caused me severe pain throughout my body. The sphere that had me trapped bounced into the air after the blow it received on the ground, the crazy rabbit then gave another blow just as strong as the previous one with which I fell to the ground and then bounced again and continued like this, apart from the blows I could hear his laugh enjoying himself as he was treating me like a basketball.

"P-please...Please...I...give up...Stop...It hurts." I thought while tears came out of my eyes.

The devilish rabbit continued to play with me, I didn't know if he was listening to me or maybe he didn't even care about my pain, but maybe by luck or maybe because he got tired of this game, he released me from my tight prison to which my weak body fell to the ground, I could hardly move I was very weak, I barely turned around leaning my back against the ground trying to recover energy, but it was there that I saw the rabbit floating on top of the town raising its right arm.

In just a moment from the rabbit's hand he created some kind of spear of dark purple energy, it seemed as if he was holding a bolt of lightning. I already knew what this lunatic rabbit was planning to do with that lightning bolt and I wasn't going to let him throw that thing at me either, but I couldn't move, my body didn't respond after so many impacts I can only watch how that deranged rabbit laughed at me as he threw that lightning at me, it did not take long to reach my immobile being.

It was a few seconds but I think I would have given everything to be sealed in stone by the elements of harmony, the pain I felt when that dark lightning impacted me was as if thousands of needles mercilessly pierced my body while I was being charred alive.

As soon as that torture ended, my body was now blackened by the burns I suffered, I was surprised to still be conscious after that immense pain that I went through for those few seconds, shortly after the rabbit descended to where I and was still looking at me with that grimace on his face, he seemed to be enjoying my torment which I thought would continue torturing me, however, he extended his long right arm and caught me in his claws, the rabbit then he raised his arm with me caught in his grip over his head, I saw his face that didn't look away from me and he was...Licking his lips with his tongue.

"Oh no...No no no no!..." I exclaimed and moved my hand and began to snap my claw in desperation." No! Why it do not work?!" I screamed in fear as this monster slowly lowered his arm close to him into his gaping mouth.

Being eaten by this rabbit, even Celestia would take pity on me after everything I've been through. I thought that it would be my end but unexpectedly something happened.

"Jim!" exclaimed the voice of a filly.

At that moment, the rabbit stopped dead, both he and I turned in the direction from that voice have come and there was standing a little furry dog with blue eyes that was wearing some kind of ring for a necklace and was accompanied by a baby purple dragon who was leaning down holding his legs, both of them were tired while panting but the strange dog didn't take his eyes off us.

Ponyville, Jim and Lizzie's house, morning time

Lizzie’s POV

"Oh how boring..." I said while lying on my bed while having a thermometer in my mouth, to which I turned to Spike who was next to me." Spike, how long has Jim been gone? He didn't say when he is coming back?" I asked to Spike.

"No, he said that he was going to do something for you and that he would come back after finishing it..." said Spike who took the thermometer off my mouth and checked it. "It seems your fever has dropped, I think you'll be able to get out of bed soon, Liz." Spike said to me while smiling at me.

"Great, do you think we can play or do something while we wait for Jim?" I asked to Spike, somewhat anxiously while smiling at him.

"For now, stay in bed for a while, I received a letter from Twilight and she said that they're back from Canterlot, it's very likely that they'll stop by to see how you're doing..." Spike said to me as he walked to the bedroom's door and turn back with me "I'm going to prepare something for you in the kitchen, I'll be back in a while okay?" Spike said with me to which I nod to him.

There I waited a few moments after Spike left so I could to get out of bed, I went down to the floor and began to stretch my legs, I really needed to move a bit, I don't know why but I feel that my body is asking me to do some exercises, for some reason I feel that I must not neglect. After that I went to the window to look outside for a while, I was suddenly surprised with what is in front of my eyes, I could see on the road that went in the direction of Ponyville a group of rabbits with extremely long legs walking as if nothing happened. They were like giraffes without a long neck, but it weren't just rabbits, I also saw a group of birds flying upside down, some pink clouds from which brown rain came out, small islands floating and that was just a little of what was happening outside.

"It can't be…How could I forget this? Discord has returned." I thought shocked as I looked out my window.

Before, what Discord did when he first appeared on the show seemed funny to me, but one thing is watching him on television and another thing is to see what he does in real life, now it just seems out of place and... It's harsh to see how the things I know and like are changing into this bizarre sight. Suddenly, without warning, a pig with wings crashed into my window, I have my window closed and luckily it didn't break it but it still made me jump back and I let out a surprised cry.

“Liz! What's going on?!... ”I heard Spike said behind me and as soon as I turned around I noticed that he was at the door of my room with a cup in his right hand, he then approaches to me. "Are you oK? Nothing bad happened to you?" Spike asked worried about me.

"I-I'm fine Spike, it's just that it surprised me that's all, something is happening outside." I told to Spike as I pointed my left paw at the window.

"Huh?..." Spike said as he walks to the window and looks outside. "What's going on?" asked Spike puzzled.

"I don't know what's going on, but we need to find Jim, Spike." I told Spike with a serious tone.

"I don't think it's a good idea for him to be out there alone with that mess happening..." Spike said to me, taking another look at the window before turning back at me. "I'm going for Twilight se we could go to find Jim." Spike said to me.

"Wait Spike, I'll go with you." I said to Spike walking to him.

"I can't let Jim run into Discord, who knows what he could do to my brother." I thought worried as I looked at Spike.

"No Liz, you are just recovered from your fever, you must stay here." Spike said to me.

"Please Spike, I'm really worried about Jim." I said to Spike as I begged to him to and I a few tears coming out of my eyes.

"Eh...I...Liz you..." Spike said to me as he tried to look away from me but it was clear that he couldn't, until "Agh fine, you win Liz, but you're going to stay close to me, ok? First we will go for Twilight so we can look for your brother.” Spike said to me with me in a serious tone to me which I nodded in response with a small smile on my face.

Ponyville, Twilight's library, noon time

After leaving the house, Spike and I go to Ponyville, being careful with all the strange and rare things happening in the town of course, we reached to the library but sadly we didn't find Twilight there, both Spike and I decided to get back outside but at the moment opened the front door, something unexpected happened, the town was back to its normal state, did Twilight and the other girls defeated Discord already? But there was something wrong here, the town looks darker and now there was a strange mist around.

"What is going on now? Is getting cold here." asked Spike looking around astonished while rubbing his arms.

"I would like to know too Spike, I-wait..." I said when suddenly I feel something. "Spike, I can feel Jim's scent." I said to Spike while I was sniffing the air.

"Jim's scent? You mean he is here in the town?" asked Spike looking at me.

"Yes...I can feel him all over the place..." I said continuing smelling the air. "Wait, I can feel his scent stronger at that place..." I said to Spike as I was pointing with my paw to a direction in front of me. "Let's go Spike." I said to Spike as rush into that direction.

"Wait Liz! Don't go there by yourself!" exclaimed Spike to me as I heard his steps running behind me.

"Sorry Spike, but I have a bad feeling about this, I need to find Jim." I thought worried as I keep running.

At that moment, I follow Jim's scent around the town, it was too strange that it was all over the town but luckily it was stronger at the site I was following as Spike was behind me keeping track with me. As the two of us were on the way, we soon discovered that Jim's scent was at the town center, when reached to that place, we found a shocking scene in front of our eyes, there was Jim who was holding over his head with his hand a beated and burned Discord who desperately was snapping his fingers as Jim opened his mouth, he was going to eat Discord.

"Jim!" I exclaimed to Jim as I was panting.

The moment Jim heard my voice, he stopped just at the right when he was about to drop Discord into his mouth, he then turn around to look at me. his eyes were glowing and he looks scary, but a few moment after he saw me, he suddenly drop Discord to the ground as he then move his hands to hold his head and Jim began to groan in pain as he got on his knees, at these moments all the mist around was moving to Jim's body and it being sucked into his body, he was like a vacuum cleaner until all the mist dissipated into his body, all the darker tone around the town was vanished, I don't understand what happened but right now I'm most concerned about Jim as I run to his side as Spike follow me to him.

"Jim!..." I exclaimed worried about my brother. "Are you ok big bro?" asked to Jim who looks down to me.

"Li-Liz?...What happened?...I..." Jim try to said, he seems confused and looks tired.

"Calm down big guy, try to rest a-" try to say Spike but he was interrupted by a loud and familiar voice.

"Discord!" shouted the voice of Twilight in an angry tone, calling our attention.

When we turned around we saw Twilight standing there with Applejack and the others, they were holding the elements of harmony glowing, at that moment I noticed Discord that he was crawling trying to get away of here, he seems too weak at this moments but he got really scared the moment he saw Twilight and the others getting ready to blast him with the elements.

"You will pay for what you have done today, Discord." said Twilight upset to Discord.

"No wait! Can we talk about-" try to say Discord desperate but he was interrupted.

At that moment, Twilight and her friends began to float as the six were shining in rainbow colors and after a few seconds they shoot at Discord with the elements of harmony as the chaos lord try to cover his body in vain, covering his entire body without a way to escape from that attack, soon the bright light of the elements fade, leaving behind a Discord now sealed back in stone, when Twilight and her friends after sealing Discord, they run to us.

"Jim, are you ok? What happened?" asked Twilight worried to Jim.

"I don't know, I was fighting that Discord guy, when I...I really don't remember what happened after." replied Jim to Twilight he indeed was confused.

"Jim do not remember that he was about to eat Discord? I think that is better to not say what he was going to do to Discord." I thought looking at Jim, I'm very concerned about him.

"What? Did you fight Discord? Are you hurt Jim? He didn't do anything to you right?" asked Twilight worried to my brother.

"No I think I'm fine Twilight." replied Jim to Twilight.

"I see, I'm glad that you seem ok, but it was very irresponsible of you Jim, don't you know what Discord could have do to you? He could mess out your entire life." said Twilight scolding my brother.

"It could be dangerous so don't ever do that again, ok?" said Fluttershy concerned to Jim.

"I say the same Jim, don't rush out to deal with something or somepony that you don't know." said Applejack to my brother.

"I...I'm so sorry, it was unreasonable from me going against Discord." said Jim apologizing with Twilight and the rest.

"Oh come on girls, leave him alone, look, the big guy took care of Discord, giving us time while Twilight was solving our problems, that's really cool of him." said Rainbow dash to the group.

"I don't approved your actions Jim, that was careless from you, but still, you indeed were brave to face that trickster of Discord." said Rarity with a small smile to my brother.

"That's right, what about if we prepare a party to celebrate that everything end up well and the meanie of Discord is back in stone?" said Pinkie Pie suggesting to everyone.

"Well..." said Twilight rubbing her neck to Pinkie Pie.

"Please, please please Twilight." said Pinkie Pie to Twilight, as she was looking at her with tearing puppy eyes.

"Ok, fine, if Discord is sealed, I suppose that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will come here, I think that it could be nice to give them the good news along side with a welcome party." said Twilight in defeat while rubbing her neck.

"Yay!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie with joy as she was jumping while Twilight rolled her eyes smiling.

"Very well everypony, let's get everything ready." said Twilight to everyone.

After that said, everyone began with the preparations for the party, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna did come and congratulated everyone for stopping Discord, they then ordered to the guards to take back Discord's statue back to his place as the royal sisters stayed to celebrate with everyone, Jim do not remember that he was about to eat Discord, I don't understand what was happening with him at those moments but one thing for sure, I believe that is better for him to not know about it, I don't know why but I feel that is something that should be forgotten, while I was at the party I go with Spike to have a small talk with him.

"Spike? Can ask you something?" I told to Spike feeling a bit down about this.

"What is, Liz?" replied Spike to me.

"Do you saw what Jim what's about to do to Discord?" I asked to Spike.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about it, what happened to Jim, Liz? When I saw him, I could swear that he was about to gulp Discord." said Spike surprised to me, looks like that he forgot about those events with the party.

"I don't know Spike, but Jim doesn't see to be aware of that, so I want to ask you if you could keep this secret in between us?" I asked to Spike.

"I...I don't know Liz, maybe something is happening to Jim, I think that we should talk about it with Twilight and the others." said Spike unsure to me.

"Please Spike, don't tell this to anypony, do it for me please?" I begged to Spike, doing my best to convincing him.

"I...I...Liz..." said Spike try to look away, but the moment he turns I move to his field's view until he sighs. "Fine, I ain't going to say word about it to anypony." said Spike in defeat to me.

"Ok thank you so much Spike!" I exclaimed with joy to Spike as i hug him.

"Hey what are friends for?" said Spike to me laughing a bit as he hugs me back.

After the party, everyone go back to their homes to rest in peace without nothing random and bizarre pop out of nowhere, still, I hope for what happened to Jim with his encounter with Discord, do not happen again.

Author's Note:

After a long hiatus here's a new chapter, again I will rush the things out for the next chapter, I really don't want to do filler chapters so I suppose that you guys might know what is going to happen for the next chapter :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 4 )

I genuinely had forgotten how scary Cherubimon is when he goes full virus body...had to look up part 3 of the film...forgot how OP he was compared to Frontier.

Both are really powerful, in the ova he was able to go back in time of his surroundngs(and anyone close to him) and the frountier one was really badass fighting two ultimate level digimon at the same time

To be fair it's not actually very impressive. Both were NEW ultimates while he was a highly experienced one. It was essentially the same scenario as Wargreymon and Metal Garurumon vs the Dark Masters all over again. Inexperienced forms vs experienced.

His viral form in the film on the other hand essentially only had a single weakness, the Kokomon on the inside. Heck during the fight it sorta redirects the evolution lights with its hand straight at Davis and Willis, hinting that Kokomon within was sabotaging the virus controlling it all along. If it wasn't the fight would've went alot harder.

Still, I rewatched the battle on frountier and still was impressive for the time, on the ova there was still the fact that there wasn't really strong opponents for him, he easily dealed with the armor digimons while Seraphimon and Magnadramon were...Meh, it could have be cool watching him fight and show more skills on the ova, but he was more playing and he can't be blame, his enemies were already weakened by him hehehe

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