• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 2,096 Views, 54 Comments

Digital storm - SeiryuofEast

Two siblings where coming back from school, but in the way home an unfortunate accident occur, and now both of them wake up in a new and unknown world, together they must find the way to get back home

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Chapter 5: The new start

Ponyville's outskirts, Fluttershy's cottage

Jim's POV

After what happened at the ruins of that old castle, it seems like Nightmare Moon has been defeated by these ponies as I don't see any trace of her, then the winged white unicorn light her horn and teleport everyone to outside the cottage that belong to this pony Fluttershy that Liz had mention to me before. At this place the entire group of ponies just stood there looking to me and Liz for a while, like expecting some explication until let out a sigh and I take a seat on the ground looking to the ponies in front of us.

"I think we should introduce ourselves...My name is Jim Summers, I'm fourteen years old and a six grade student." I said to the ponies.

"And I'm Lizzie Summers but all of you can just call me Liz for short, I'm a third grade student and I turn nine this year, nice to meet you all." said Liz smiling.

"Wait a minute you two..." said the purple pony with a horn as turns to me. "You are fourteen?! You are still a colt?! But you are so...And you voice sounds so...Mature." said the purple pony confused trying to understand my age, I think I had break her.

"Colt?" I said confused and curious.

"It means younger male Jim." explain Liz to me.

"I see, well first of all, my sister and I are not from this world, we had been...Transported to this world by some reason." I told to the presents ponies.

"What do you mean young Jim?" said to me the white winged unicorn curious.

I start to tell this ponies the situation that I have with Liz, of couse, omiting the part that this world was a tv show for little girls and tell them how was our come to this world of Equestria and how had been our lives these days. I could see the orange pony with a cowboy hat from before unsure in her feelings for us, sure we done something bad to her farm but it was merely for our survival, the rest of the ponies were sympathizing with us feeling pity for our situation, especially the winged blue unicorn, she looks guitly and ashamed for some reason.

"So, you two are from another world and possible universe?" ask Rainbow Dash as my sister and I nod in replied.

"Yeah and we were humans too, before we become like this." said Liz to the presents ponies.

" 'Uumans'? What's a 'uuman'?" ask the purple pony curious about us.

"To put it in short terms, humans are creatures familiar with the monkeys or apes, just with much less hair." I said to the purple pony.

"I see, interesting." said the purple pony with her right hoof under her chin looking down.

"Anyway, now that you all had hear our story, will you help us to go back to our world?" I ask to the ponies and the winged white unicorn took a step in front of me.

"Young Jim, I cannot assured you to send you back to your world yet, but I will be investigating in away to help you and your sister to return both you to your world." said this white winged unicorn with a warm smile.

"Thank you, er...miss?" I asked to this pony.

"Celestia, Princess Celestia ruler of Equestria..." said Princess Celestia as she turn to the winged blue unicorn. "Or shall I said now co-ruler." said Celestia with a warm smile.

"Sis..." said the winged blue unicorn smiling with a blush and then she look to me. "My name is Luna, Princess of Equestria and co-ruler with my sister Princess Celestia." said Princess Luna to me.

"Nice to meet you." I said smiling as I look to the rest of the ponies.

At that moment the six mares begin to introduce themselves, the purple unicorn was the first one, her named was Twilight Sparkle who is a student of Princess Celestia, Twilight was looking me with interest, I think she had a bomb of questions in her head to me but she hesitated in asking me for now. The next one was the pink mare, Pinkie Pie...This pony, man, what it she? She was jumping at sides of me delivering me hundreds of questions that my mind barely caught a few of them until the next mare stop her.

She was a white unicorn with a purple mane, named Rarity, I remember her, she was the pony who want to give me a make up, what was she thinking at that moment? That I would like that? Do I look like a clown?...Yeah the answer comes alone. First I said sorry for sticking out my tongue to her, looks like it was a bad taste from me, if the rest of the ponies of this world are so easy to offend like Rarity, then I will have to be more careful about it.

The next mare was Rainbow Dash, a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane, she acts so...Boyish, I think that she is the tomboy of the group, she was talking about how she is the fastest flier of Equestria, she said that she was training to become member of the 'Wonderbolts' as she call it...Whatever what that mean, she was fast for sure, I still remember how fast she was when she fly at me to give me that kick in my belly when we were at the precipice.

Then I look a side to the group and I see how slowy and nervous comes the other pegasus mare of the group, Fluttershy, she has yellow fur with and pink mane, she was the one that was pleading to me at the precipice, at that time I was a little rude with her, but the truth to be told, her puppy eyes were so strong, between she and my sister, I don't know who could be more...Cute, while using the pleading stare, right now she was a little unsure with me, Liz told me that she had befriends with her, so I try to be polite with her extending my right hand to her with my index finger and she give me her right hoof and she shyly touching my finger, she really lives up to her name.

And finally the last mare of the group, the orange with blond mane and with country accent, Applejack, looks like she have a conflict with her feelings in how to treat my sister and I, specially me. Applejack only said her name and go back to the group a side of Rarity as we look back to Princess Celestia and she said that we should go to the town now.

Ponyville town center

As soon as we entered in the town, the ponies with the sole sight of me immediately they locking themselves in their houses, closing doors and windows, Well at least they don't have pitchforks and torches to drive me away out the town like in the old monster movies. Princess Celestia then make a call to gather the town ponies together and introduce us to them for them to know that my sister and I were not a threat to the ponies, after that Pinkie Pie quickly organized a party for everyone in the town.

My sister decide to go and socialize with Pinkie Pie and the others while I just take a seat on the ground with a table in front of me full of food for me. I was eating calmly diferent types of dishes, sadly meat was not in the menu that was something that I expect, but I didn't know that this ponies could cook so well, even if their dishes were kind small to me the taste was indeed wonderful.

Then after a while, I could see the six mares gathered together were the princesses were and Liz was with them, looks like they Princess Celestia was talking with Twilight. When I finished my drink that was in a bucket, I walk to the group of mares as I come closer I saw the girls hugging Twilight with joy, it seems that Princess Celestia said something to cheering them as I reach to them.

"Oh young Jim, you have come in a good timing, we were just about to call you to discuss an important matter about your sister and you." said Princess Celestia with a serious tone to me.

"What do you mean Princess?" I ask curious.

"As you know already, you and your sister are still minors, both of you need a guardian, somepony that could take the adecuate care, education and protection for both, I was thinking in taking you two back to Canterlot." said Princess Celestia to me.

"Canterlot?" I ask again.

"Canterlot is the capital of Equestria, at that place is the royal castle where you two could live." said Princess Celestia with a warm smile.

"A castle? That could be great, right Liz?" I said as I turn to look my sister.

"Eh Jim, can you come with me?..." said Liz as she take a few steps away from the group and turn back to us. "Excuse us for a minute please." said Liz as she continue walking.

I look confused to Liz as I follow her until we were a few meters of distance of the princesses and the girls, until a that moment she stops and turn to look up to me with a serious expression.

"Liz? What's the matter?" I said to Liz.

"Jim, I don't want to go to Canterlot, I want to stay here in Ponyville." replied Liz.

"Are you sure? I mean, the princess said that we could live in a castle, we don't have to care about needs and more until they could find a way to send us to our home." I said to Liz.

"I know, but, I really don't want to go to that place, if we go it will be a lonely stay." said Liz to me.

"How do you know?" I ask to Liz.

"I have watched the show remember? Besides, the noble ponies at Canterlot are kind of...Jerks, specially a pony that I really don't want to meet." said Liz a little upset about this unknow pony that she is talking about.

"Ok, but what are we gonna do? We have to stay with someone in this town." I told to my sister.

"I know, Fluttershy, she was kind to me, I'm sure that she will gladly help us." said Liz smiling.

"Yeah she seems nice, but the problem is that I'm too big to live in her cottage, and we aren't going to live at the camp either, that doesn't mean that we are living with a caretaker." I told to my sister.

"That's true, but I'm think that living here in Ponyville could be better than Canterlot, please Jim, at least let's try it." said Liz pleading making her puppy eyes.

"Jezz, I'm starting to believe that this is one of your secret techniques as a Salamon." I thought looking to my sister's stare.

"Alright alright, but if we can't, we go to live with the princesses you understand?" I said to my sister with a firm tone and she nod smiling. Then we go back to the princesses and the girls.

"So, what you two have talked about?" said Princess Celestia, as I look to my sister for a moment and she nod to me and I turn back to the princesses.

"Princesses Celestia, we want to stay here in Ponyville." I told to Princess Celestia who looks suprised with my decision.

"But young Jim, where you two could live here? Both of you need the enough space and comfort." said Princess Celestia concerned.

"Well..." I said trying to think in something but we both know that she's right.

"Sister if you could let me, I may can help these childrens..." said Princess Luna smiling to her sister how look back and nod. "Young Jim, young Liz, to make my amends with both you, I will support you economically so both can live peacefully in this town." said Princess Luna with determination.

"What did she mean with 'amends'? I thought looking to Princess Luna.

"Good idea sis, I will too, in next weeks we shall send workers and the material to build a home for both of you..." said Princess Celestia to me. "And for a caretaker, I think I got the best ponies for the job." said Princess Celestia as she turns to look the group of the six mares.

"Princess Celestia, with all due respect, are you sure about it? I mean, we are-" try to said Twilight but she was interrupted.

"What are you saying Twilight? How hard can be this? Is a piece of cake." said Pinkie Pie excited.

"True, we can let them down now, we can take turns to watch them." said Fluttershy suggesting.

"If I could, I would let them stay at my boutique, but even if I move everything inside my home, there's not room enough for us." said Rarity.

"And I don't think that is a good idea to bring you two to my home either." said Rainbow Dash with a honest laugh as she rubs her neck.

At this moment the five mares got the same idea and look back to Applejack, who doesn't have say anything in this matter yet and now she has a unsure and nervous expression as she take a step back.

"Eh...Girls?" said Applejack almost in shyly tone looking to her friends.

"Applejack at your farm you can take care of them." said Twilight.

"But-" try to said Applejack but she was interrupted.

"And your farm had the enough space for both Liz and Jim." said Fluttershy.

"That's true but-" Applejack again was interrupted.

"If we use the barn and move the things inside in a proper site it could be a great place for them to stay, until their home is ready." said Rarity smiling.

"Maybe but-" try to said Applejack but this time she was abruptly interrupted.

"And we can have a 'temporary home' party!" exclaim Pinkie Pie.

"Girls please." said Applejack in an attend to get the girls her to listen her opinion but then she saw Princess Celestia approaching.

"Then is decided, Applejack, you will be in charge of both Jim Summers and Lizzie Summers for the next weeks until their new house is ready." said Princess Celestia with a warm smile to Applejack.

"I...I..." said Applejack looking to her friends then to the princesses and finally to my sister and I, until finally she sigh in defeated. "I understand, I will do the best I can." said Applejack to the presents.

"Thank you for assist us miss Applejack." said Liz as come closer to Applejack with a bright smile.

"He he, sure, don't worry." said Applejack trying to look away from Liz stare.

Ponyville's outskirts, path to Sweet Apple Acres

After the party, Liz and I help the ponies to clean the mess that was in the town until both Princesses decide to part away to Canterlot at their royal castle. When we finish cleaning the the mess, it was time for us to go to Applejack's farm so we said our goodbyes to Twilight and the rest of the girls as my sister and I go out the town walking closer to Applejack, she remain in silent all the time after we leave the town as she was in front of us, this was becoming too awkward for Liz and I, so I decide to go straight to the point with this.

"Eh, excuse me miss Applejack..." I said making her walk to stop. "Do you want to talk about something?" I said to Applejack looking to her back.

"What do you mean?" ask Applejack without looking to me.

"Miss Applejack...Do you have something bothering you?" I ask to Applejack.

"No." Applejack said in a neutral tone.

"That doesn't seems to be the case..." I said as Applejack turns to look at us, I could tell by looking at her face that she is very upset but she really don't want express her feelings, then I sigh as I said the next thing to say. "Miss Applejack, I can tell that you really want to say something at us, one thing that my dad told me once, that if you don't express how do you feel, you will regret it later." I told to Applejack and my words seems to work in her a she stood there stunned until her feelings finally overcame her.

"I see...You wanna know how I feel? Fine, I will tell you, did you had any idea how hard we work at our farm, pal? Tell me how do you feel when some cheeky thieves come to steal everything that you have been worked and put your heart in it for months?! Of course I'm upset about it, when that happen in my farm I promised myself to find a way to protect it and just at the moment when I found the culprit..." Applejack said pointing her right hoof at me. "I want to bring the rascal to the justice for what he has done, but later I learn that he was just a homeless child that need help, specially my help, I don't know exactly how to feel now. Do I have to be angry at him or I have to feel sorry for him? Is too much for me to think about it!" exclaim Applejack while tears flow on her cheeks as she lower her head looking to the ground sobbing.

"Wow...That's really something that I wasn't expecting." I thought looking to Applejack in that state, feeling guilty I walk closer to her.

"Miss Applejack, I...I'm don't wanna say that I'm sorry..." I said to Applesack who quickly look to me giving me a angry glare that almost make me jump as I gulp. "I mean, that even if I say sorry to you, it won't going to repair the damage that I had done, but if I'm going to live in your farm, could you let me help around to made my amends, if you want to of course." I said to Applejack waiting for her answer.

"I guess is an start." said Applejack wiping her tears, then I smile and extend my arms to her, she looks unsure but in the she comes closer to me and I trapped her in a gentle hug to my chest and we stay like that for a while.

"I'm really sorry for what I done to you miss Applejack." I said to Applejack who look to my face.

"Is ok, you really regret for that...And you haven't said that you don't want to say sorry to me a moment ago?" said Applejack with a smirk.

"In these cases, you have to said your feelings." I replied smiling as I put Applejack down on the ground.

"That's right, while you two be in my care both shall be honest with me ok?" said Applejack with a better mood to us.

"Yes mam." Liz and I said in unison.

"Good, oh yeah, if you two are going to stay in the farm, both of you can just call me Applejack ok?" said Applejack smiling as we nod and Applejack continue at the way to the farm.

"Well done Jim." said Liz smiling to me as she walk away to Applejack and I follow them closer.

After that we continue in the road to Applejack's farm, we finally reach to our destination and we saw Applejack's entire family waiting there. There was a lot of ponies here in this farm and at the moment they saw me, some of them go and hide while others were ready to start a fight with me, thankfully Applejack stop them before this go out our hands...Hoofs? well it doesn't matter anymore, the point is that Liz and I got to meet Applejack's family and she told them our situation and we end up in good terms with them.

With this issue resolved, Applejack's family help moving the things that were inside the barn so it could be a better place for us to stay. Thankfully, with all the ponies present it was a piece of cake, it only took us 2 hours to making the barn habitable for my sister and I, so for the rest of the day, we expend it in socializing with the family members, looks like the majority of the presents ponies were relatives that were going to their respective homes today.

The most important ponies here at the farm that we meet were: Granny Smith, she was Applejack grandmother, the first time I meet her I was expecting that she would have a heart attack the first moment she saw me, but instead she scold me and told me to never steal again, I give credit, she is a tough granny. The second one was Big Macintosh or Big Mac for short, he is Applejack's big brother he was a guy or I should say stallion of a few words, but he seems to be ok with us after we apologize. And finally Applebloom, Applejack's little sister, she seems to be the same age of Liz, she have been avoiding me since I had come to the farm, I think she fear me, something that in her perspective I don't blame her, I just hope that in time we could befriend.

When time from the dusk come, it was time for Applejack's relatives to go, as everyone gathered together including Liz and I at the farm's entrace, were they said their goodbyes, and let the six of us there waving to them as they leave. Then we go back to the farm while Applejack with Granny Smith both go to the house to make the dinner and Applebloom follow then closer, Big Mac instead accompanied my sister and I to the barn to finish the last details in the barn for us. Later on we eat together the dinner outside the house because of my big size and after that, Liz and I go to the barn to sleep.

A few days has passed that we start living in Sweet Apple Acres, Liz had get used to live in this farm, she seems to had befriend with Applebloom as the pair of girls play together, the filly was still a little unsure with me but as the time goes she will be more open with me. Me on the other hand, I had been helping in the farm for what I can do, like carrying the entire float with apples with one arm and go with Applejack at the marketplace in Ponyville.

In that place, Applejack suggets me that Liz and I should enroll to the Schoolhouse of Ponyville, and she was right, even if we don't know how much we stay in this world, we need to learn the common things to live here, sadly, I'm too big to enter at that building, so we go to our last resource, Twilight, we go to talk with her if she could be my tutor and help me to learn the basic knowledge of Equestria, things like how read, how to write and more, Twilight gladly accept my request so after that, Applejack and I go back to the farm and bring Liz with us to enroll her in the school.

When we go to the farm looking for Liz, the three of us return to the town at the Schoolhouse and we meet miss Cheerilee who was the pony in charge and teacher of the school. Miss Cheerilee doesn't have any problem with Liz studying here, in fact she could be first student from another species in the class, Liz after this, she was in her happiness state knowing that she will going to this school and get the chance to meet another ponies of her age.

As the three of us were getting back to the farm, we encounter in the way with Princess Luna, who has come looking for Liz and I to tell us that she has bring the constructors and the enough material to build us a home. Princess Luna show us the blueprints of different designs of houses, since there's could be the posibility that we be living with more ponies than one, we choose the house with the enough space for everyone to live in, then we decide to choose a place in a terrain between the outskirts and the town to built the house, in that way it could be more easy to everyone to come and visit us.

Later on in the next month our new house will be ready for us.

Author's Note:

No cliffhanger?...boo. :fluttershysad:

When I was doing this chapter I was assuming that this one would end just like a normal chapter, but at the end it feel more like a ending closing a part of the story. :pinkiesmile:

Now that the issue with Nightmare Moon was over, I think that the time to do time skipping has come, should I add the last episode of the season one before going with the issue with Discord? (With this I'm not saying that I will skip directly to the end of the season) :trixieshiftleft:

With that said, let me know if you liked the chapter and also if I had done any mistakes. :twilightsheepish: