• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 2,105 Views, 54 Comments

Digital storm - SeiryuofEast

Two siblings where coming back from school, but in the way home an unfortunate accident occur, and now both of them wake up in a new and unknown world, together they must find the way to get back home

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Chapter 6: The life in the farm

Canterlot's royal castle, throne room

Celestia's POV

I was sitting in the throne room after disscussing some issues with the nobles, after the nobles leave I was alone with the royal guards in their post. It had been a few days after we leave Ponyville and got my sister back at my side, I was fill of joy been reunited again with Luna and so proud of my student, Twilight Sparkle for doing such wonderful job in bringing Luna to her old self and finally knowing the mean of the friendship by befriend her friends that she meet in Ponyville, I know it that she will do the right decision.

From the other those pair of siblings were quite a mystery, in the milleniams that I have lived, I never see such of creatures. Being so different of each other but I can feel the bond that they had, just like my sister and I. They also seems to be true about what they had told us about their situation, but the little one, Lizzie, she seems to be hiding something, the moment when I saw her talking to the girls, it was like she really want to talk about something with them, but she hesiate in doing it, I was thinking in talking about this with Luna and see if she can investigate about this siblings in the dream world, I know that this is invading their privacy but I need to know exactly why is that behavior, but again, this is something that Luna and I shall discuss in another time.

And for how to help them to go back to their world, it will take time to do the investigation, the only being in this world that could help in this matter is no other than the infamous lord of chaos, Discord. If he wasn't so mean, he may help, but at moment he will remain sealed in stone until we could find a way to deal with his mischievous and tricking behavior, as for young Liz and young Jim, they would have to wait, I would like to have them here, living in Canterlot, but their decision was to stay in Ponyville and maybe that could be the best option, after seing how my ponies react to them I think I need to make the preparations if they come to Canterlot, the least what we can do right now is support them.

Suddenly a flash appear in the room and my sister Princess Luna was standing there smiling. Luna had go to Ponyville to help in the issue with young Liz's and Jim's house building, it seems that it was succeful by looking to her smile as she walk closer to me.

"Dear sister, the workers with the materials are already in Ponyville, is possible that in a month or less, the house for young Liz and young Jim will be ready for them." Luna said informing me about the situation.

"I'm glad to know that the things are going fine with that issue, how is everypony there? and how are the siblings doing in Ponyville?" I asked to my sister who nod to me.

"The things are ok in Ponyville they seem to be adacting to living with the siblings, as how those two are doing it, they are living fine in the farm for what young Jim has told me, young Liz will be starting going to the school of the town and it seems to be that Twilight Sparkle will be young Jim's tutor for the time been." told Luna to me.

"Those are great news sister, I was thinking in how to get them to visit Canterlot, I think I will invite them to the galloping gala." I inform to my sister.

"That's sound great sis, but don't you think how the nobles would react to them?"said Luna unsure about it.

"I thought in that too, so I will bring them here before the event day and prepare everything for those two and welcoming them, before the Galoping gala begin, in that way the nobles would not react harsh to them." I told to my sister.

"Maybe that could work, the nobles are still unsure about me, I can handle them but I don't think those children could, they already had enough troubles to even give them the harsh treatment of the nobles to the list." replied Luna to with good points about this issue.

"That's true too Luna, but the thing is that we don't know how much they have to stay in this world, if we can't find a solution to send them back to their world, at least we have to give them a place that they could call home in the worst case scenario." I told to Luna who nod in replied.

"I can see your point Celestia, still I can't still find forgiveness in what I had cause to them when I come back as Nightmare Moon." said Luna looking down to the floor.

"What do you mean sis, you still haven't told what happened at that time." I said to my sister preocuppied about her behavior as she walk and take a seat at my side in her throne.

"I remember what happen when I come back that day, I was inspecting the dream world before declaring my return at Ponyville and find the door of the dreams of young Jim, for some reason even with my powers I couldn't enter to his dream, so it caught my attention and I go to their camp in the woods. I treat them, I attacked Jim and even kipnapping young Liz. They already had to bear with the fact of being alone in a new world and I just caused more pain to them, they will never forgive my actions, I don't even know if I even deserve to have the title of princess." said Luna lowering her head in shame as I come stood off my throne and come closer to her.

"Oh Lulu, I didn't know you give them that kind of moments but, at least you are trying to redeem yourself by helping them in their situation, you are taking responsability for your actions, is the best that you can do for now for those two." I told to my sister as she look up to me with tears coming out from her eyes.

"But do you think that they could forgive me? After what I had done in the past, the first thing I do in my return is attacking a pair of innocent children and try to cause the eternal night!" exclaim Luna as she look to me with that sad and concerned expression on her face.

"Thrust is something that could be easily loss, specially if you don't have any kind of feeling of regret in your actions, something that cannot be apply with you Luna, you are really trying to make a better image of yourself, I'm not sure about how those children could react to you but I know that forgiveness is asomething that can be earn by your acts and how are your feelings in them, I'm sure that with time and patience, everypony will know how is your kindness and forgive your past, just like I do sis." I told to Luna who was looking to me smiling with tears coming out her eyes.

"Tia!" exclaim Luna as she jump out her seat to me extending her forelegs and caught me in a tight hug.

"I love you Luna." I simple said with a warm smile as I embrace her with my forelegs too.

"I love you too Tia." replied Luna sobbing.

We both stay like this for a while in our fraternal hug, as the time was passing but this moment of us was suddenly interrupted by a grumbling sound surprising us as my sister look down to my body, I was blushing ashamed as Luna couldn't resist the urge to laught of my embarassing situation.

"What about is we take this conversation with some dessert?" suggest Luna smiling to me as I nod in replied.

With that said, we leave the throne room as both of us decide to look for something to eat while we continue to discuss the issue with the Gala and how we could show young Liz and Young Jim to the public in Canterlot without the nobles trying to complain about them.

Ponyville, Sweet apple acres farm, morning time

Jim's Pov

It was a peaceful morning as I feel the sunlight enter to my "room" that was now the barn of the farm, as I was waking up I slowly open my eyes and let out a yawn as I take a seat on my "bed" made of straw to then scratching my back with my left arm for the itching feeling, it had been almost a week since my little sister and I start to live here in Sweet apple acres farm and already we got experience too much these days.

First there was the applebuck season as Applejack told us, that it was the time for te apples in the farm to be harvest, sadly her brother Big Mac got hurt and she was going to all the work alone and then a accident with with cows doing a stampede in Ponyville occurs and Applejack saves the situation and she was rewarded by her act, but she got more tasks to do while she was doing the harvest as well, she got her hands, or I mean hoofs tied in this situation, in the end Liz and I, along with her group of friends, we help Applejack in these issue and the applebuck season end in a success.

It had been a few days since then. As I woke up I hear the voice of someone coming closer to me, when I look to the entrance of the barn I spot Applejack standing there smiling to me with her dog Winona at her side moving its tail excited.

"Good morning big guy, you should prepare before Twilight gets here for your lessons." said Applejack to me smiling.

"Good morning Apple-ouch!" I exclaim as I trying to get up as when I hit my head with a wood plank of the ceiling.

"Jim are you ok?" said Applejack with a concerned tone as she walk closer to me.

"Yes I'm fine, it doesn't hurt much really..." I said rubbing my head with my right hand, I got hit just in the middle of my horns. "How's everyone, I mean, everypony?" I said correcting myself.

"These ponies pronouns are weird." I thought as I look to Winona coming closer to me and I move my left arm to scratch her head with one finger as she bark happily at me.

"Everypony is fine, granny have finished the breakfast, Bic Mac is getting ready for work and both Applebloom and Liz are preparing themselves for school." replied Applejack.

"Good, let me get ready to reunited with everypony." I said to Applejack who nod to me and leave.

When I was alone, I have to go out the barn crawling cause my huge stature, luckily, Applejack and Big Mac help me cover my needs as I walk to a big butcket filled with water, when I finished washing my face I walk to the house and there was table outside with food on it, my breakfast was ready as I take a seat on the ground in front of the table. Then the front door of the house opened and Liz a long side with Applebloom come out wearing a pair a saddlebags on their sides, I smile to them and greet them.

"Good morning Liz, good morning Applebloom." I said to them.

"Good morning big bro." replied Liz.

"Good morning to you too Jim." said Applebloom to me smiling.

At first, Applebloom and I have a distant relationship since she was scared of me, luckily she befriend with Liz quickly and Liz help her to get more open with me and then she saw that I'm mostly harmless. Now I note that Liz was more happy than the normal, then I ask her.

"Are you ready for your first day on school?" I said to Liz who nod to me.

"Sure! After Twilight's lessons I'm more than ready to start." said Liz excited.

"I'm not sure why are you so excited about going to school Liz, is fun but not that much to be excited" said Applebloom to Liz.

"Well there I can learn more and made new friends." replied Liz giggling.

"I guess..." said Applebloom as she roll her eyes. " Anyway let's go, you don't want to late in your first day right?" said Applebloom to Liz who nod smiling in replied.

The girls said their goobyes to me and leave to school, when I finished my breakfast Applejack comes back to me and I held the dishes back to the house, well, to the front door, my arms barely fit to go inside the house. After that, I start to help in the farm's tasks that I can do, like helping Applejack with the pigs and helping Big Mac by carrying heavy stuff, then 2 hours had already pass and by that time at the entrace of the farm, I spot Twilight coming, smiling as she was walking to were I was as she was carrying her saddlebags, then I walk to her to greet her.

"Good morning miss Twilight." I said to Twilight.

"Good morning to you too Jim, and you can just call me Twilight, I'm not that old enough." said Twilight giggling a little.

"Sure Twilight." I replied.

"So are you ready for your lesson for today?" ask Twilight as I nod to her.

We both go to the table as Twilight get her books out her bags on the table as she look for the one with next lesson for me. Twilight has come yesterday and teach me about the equestrian alphabet and since I don't have a pencil bigger enought for me, todays lesson was about to read a story, again, my huge doesn't help in this situations and I can't handle a book with my hands, so Twilight help by turning the pages with her magic, so she have to seat in my right palm as she levitate the book in front of us. It wasn't so hard to understand since the book that Twilight choose for me was a fairytale with illustrations on it. ocassionally Applejack comes and stay with us for a while before she return to work, and we stay like that for a hour until then.

"So Jim...How is the world were you where living?" ask Twilight curious about it looking at me.

"Eh well, I don't know how to answer that, it looks similar to this world, just without magic and with more technology." I replied.

"Really? How's the technology in your world? can you tell me please?" said Twilight with a wide smile, she was very excited about this topic that she even put down the book.

"Mmmm, we have cellphones, moderns cars, computers, A.I and-" then I was suddenly interrupted by Twilight.

"Wait, whats a A.I?" ask Twilight curious.

"A.I is a term for artificial inteligence, for machines that mimic cognitive functions, one example would be the robots." I told to Twilight.

"Robots? Mimic cognitive functions? Wow Jim, your world sure it has interestings things, hey, don't you can show me how a A.I works? Or how to make one?" said Twilight very interested in this issue about the A.I.

"Eh Twilight I just know the term, I don't know how to actually do something like that." I explain to Twilight as I rub the back of my neck.

"Oh..." said Twilight a little disappointed. "Sorry Jim, I get excited when I hear about things that are unknown." said Twilight to me with a little blush on her face.

"No is ok, I mean, I would probably feel the same as you did." I said I as I laught a bit about the topic.

"Sure..." said Twilight with a better mood as she laught too. "By the way Jim, I didn't have the time to ask this but, you said that you were a human before right? Then what are you now? I never saw a creature like you in any of the books that I had read." said Twilight to me.

"Well...I don't see why I shouldn't tell her." I thought as I look to Twilight's face as I let out a sigh.

"Ok, is a bit tedious but I try my best in explain to you what I am..." I said to Twilight who nod to me as I close my eyes and continue. "I'm what is call a digital monster, or digimon for short, the digimons are creatures that were born in a virtual space that was create by the data of the computers, the digital world. The digimons are beings that grow evolving to increase their powers and abilities, in my case I'm already in my max level of evolution, the ultimate level..." I said then I open my eyes and saw the face of Twilight full of confusion, as she trying to understand what I just told her, I think it was too much information for her. " Eh?...Twilight? Are you ok?" I ask concerned about her.

"Uh? Yeah is just that...Wow, I never I mean...A entire new world made of data? Is so..." said Twilight amazed, trying to find the words for all this topic as I decide to interrupt her.

"Calm down Twilight, let's try to take the things slowly." I said to Twilight who nod to me.

"You are right, what about is we finish the lesson for today? hehehe." said Twilight a little nervous with a little blush on her face.

I agreed with Twilight's decision as she retrive the books of that were on the table back to her saddlebags. By this point Applejack comes back with us and told me that we were going to the market to sell apples, so she ask me to help her carrying the apple carriage, so at this point the three of us depart to the town as Twilight coming with us, in the way Twilight wasn't even talking to Applejack or me, looks like she still processing everything that I have told her a while ago, when the three of us reach to Ponyville, Twilight said goodbye to us and that she will come tomorrow to the farm for the next lesson as she go to her home at the library, while Applejack and I continue our way to the market.

Ponyville's Schoolhouse

Lizzie's Pov

After we go leave the farm, Applebloom and I go to the school, it was a nice morning between the two of us in the way, when we reach to our destination in the class, Miss Cheerilee was waiting for us and greet us, since she was going to introduce me to everypony in the class, Applebloom was told to go first to the classroom as I go and wait in her office and wait until all student enter in the school. When the time comes, Miss Cheerilee comes for me and both of us go the classroom as she first stood there in front of all the students as I stay outside waiting for Miss Cheerilee's sign to enter. I will be honest, at first, I was excited to meet new ponies and possible befriend with them, but now I feel like that time in my 'old' school when I have to do a exposition with my friends in class, at this moment I would lie if I say that I wasn't nervous in this situation.

"Good morning everypony." said Miss Cheerilee greeting all the fillys and colts in her classroom.

"Good morning Miss Cheerilee!" replied the present ponies in unison.

"Good everypony, today I want you all to meet our new student, some of you may already know her..." said Miss Cheerilee as she look to me and nod so I can enter and I walk inside the classroom without looking to the young ponies and stood at her left side. "Everypony I want you to greet Lizzie Summer, she will be our new companion here, she also will be our first interspecies student, I hope everypony here could become friends with her." said Miss Cheerilee smiling as she lift her right arm to to the presents.

"Hi everypony, my name is Lizzie Summer, I'm 8 years old, nice to meet you all." I said introducing myself to everypony as I lower my head for a moment and when I look up to the ponies, they were staring at me with looks of curiosity and some were unsure by looking at me.

"Ok this is awkward." I thought as the rest of the class except for Applebloom were looking me like if I have a bug on me or something.

Author's Note:

Well, I'm back from the hiatus...And I feel that is time to do some time skipping already, I was thinking in doing it after the next chapter and go directly to before of Return of harmony begin. :twilightsheepish:

I have read the comments and looks like we got a winner for Liz next evolution, to be honest I was thinking about it and could be quite interesting, I will let everyone to guess what is going to be her perfect lv. :twilightsmile:

I also have a new image ready to change the cover, so it wouldn't be any confusion about if Jim is going to de-evolve at some point, at first, that was going to be the idea but the story changed so much to follow that plan.

I was also thinking in making more short chapters (like more than 2k but I don't know) but anyway, I hope that you like this chapter, let me know if I have done any mistakes. :twilightblush: