• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 2,105 Views, 54 Comments

Digital storm - SeiryuofEast

Two siblings where coming back from school, but in the way home an unfortunate accident occur, and now both of them wake up in a new and unknown world, together they must find the way to get back home

  • ...

Chapter 2: The encounter

Sweet apple acres farm

Applejack's POV

I stood there stunned with my family around while we still look down to the huge footprints on the ground. What could let such marks like those? A dragon? No that can't be, If it was a dragon we would have woke up with the rumbles that it could cause, and the footprints doesn't look like it belong to a dragon, they look more like paws, but what creature could done something like this? One thing that I'm sure about it, is that is pretty strong to tear those apple trees, there wasn't even trace of the roots in the holes.

"Sis what should we do?" said my little sister looking sad.

"I don't know, but I think I will go to visit Fluttershy, she may know what kind of animal is this..." I replied to Applebloom, then I look to the rest of my family. "For now we have to cover this before the rest of the family come for the Summer sun celebration." I said to them.

"Good said Applejack...* said my grandmother as she turn to my brother. "Big mac, go and get the tools, while Applebloom and I go for the apple tree seeds." Told Granny Smith to Big Mac.

"Eeyup." replied Bic Mac nodding.

"But what happens if whatever who took our trees comes back?" Applebloom asked me concerned, that question caught me off of guard.

"Well...Don't worry we will see what we can do, I go to Fluttershy's home, she may could help us in this issue, meanwhile you stay here and help Granny and Mac ok? I will be back soon. " I replied to my sister trying to reassure her.

Applebloom nod to me as she smile, trusting my words hoping a solution for this problem, as I do myself. After this I told my family to don't cover the footprints yet If I bring Fluttershy to see them, then I start to trot my way to Fluttershy's cottage I just hope that she doesn't have something to do today, while I was on my jorney to my friend's home, I noted on the ground the same footprints of the creature that had invaded to the farm.

Determinated, I follow the the direction where this creature has come from and I end up passing the crossroad to Ponyville. It seems that this thing has stopped infront of the town but didn't go any closer to it, I just hope that this issue don't go to the worst and we will forced to cancel the summer sun celebration, just to defend ourselves from this creature.

At this moment, I saw that the footprints were coming from outside of Ponyville. Maybe it really comes from the Everfree forest? Yeah it could be possible, something so big it has to be from that place, as I continue for a while I pass away the Evefree entrance and look that those footprints effectively were coming of that forest, but, I stood frozen when I saw that this thing has go to the same direction where I was going.

"Fluttershy!!!" I exclaim preoccupied by the security of my friend as I start to run to her cottage.

The sole idea of my innocent friend got attacked by this thing give me enough adrenaline to go more faster. By the time that I was reaching to her place, I got a relief when I saw that her cottage was intact, when I pass the little bridge to her home I quickly go in front of her door and knock it a few times, at this moment I was tired and panting while I wait for her, then I saw the door knob moving and a few seconds later the door was opening.

"Fluttershy thanks to Celestia that nothing happento...Aaaah!" I exclaim when I saw who welcoming me at the door, a big bear.

The bear just stood there looking me curious for a few moments and I didn't say anything neither, just to not alert this beast's animal instints. Just at that moment we both hear a voice from inside the cottage.

"Is everything ok Harry?" ask the voice of my friend Fluttershy calling from the inside of her home, by hearing her voice I left out a sigh of relief, knowing that she was safe.

"Fluttershy is me Applejack!" I shout from the outside of her home, a few moments later the bear go inside the cottage as my friend comes out.

"Good morning Applejack, what brings you here so early? Is everything ok?" ask fluttershy with her warm smile.

"Good morning to you too...Er, why do you had a bear in your house?" I ask curious, know that she take care a lot of animals but this is the first time that I saw her with a bear.

"Oh well, Harry come to my home last night, the poor guy was trembling of fear, even I had to sleep at his side to calm him, but he doesn't want to tell me what happen or even leave my house. I never had see him like this, I'm really worried about him. " said Fluttershy concerned looking back to the inside of her home where the bear was.

"That's too suspicious." I thought, thinking about what happened in the farm and the bear friend of Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, I come to your home this early because something bad happened at the farm last night." I told to my friend.

"Oh my, is everypony ok at your home?" said Fluttershy concerned about the well of my family at the farm, I deeply thank her for that.

"No everypony is ok, but, something had...Stole some trees in the farm." I told to Fluttershy, even for me is hard to tell that something like that could occur, but the reality is different.

"What? Sorry Applejack did you said that something stoled some trees in your farm? You are reffering to the apples right?" said Fluttershy as I look to her expression, it was something hard to believe I know and I don't blame her either.

"No Fluttershy, the entire apple trees not even the roots were left in the ground, it really concern me and my family." I said to my friend.

"I see, but do you have any idea of what it was? It could help us to see how it's behaviors." said Fluttershy.

"Well now that you talk about that...Follow me, you have to see this." I told to my friend.

Fluttershy was a little unsure for what I have said to her as we both left the front of her cottage and walk to the road. Then I show to Fluttershy the marks of the footprints on the ground, when I look to her face she was more stunned and surprised than my family and me back at the farm.

"So, do you believe me now?..." I said this seeing to Fluttershy's face still looking down to the ground who only nod slowly. "Fluttershy, what do you think what could left such marks?" I ask to my friend who turn back to me.

"Applejack, I don't know If you gonna believe this but, the thing that go to your farm is...A rabbit." said Fluttershy trying to stay calm.

"What?!" I exclaim surprise. "Fluttershy I know how a rabbit looks, but this is not a rabbit." I said pointing my hoof to the footprints.

"I know but I live with my bunny Angel and this marks are very similars to the ones that he can make with it's paws, this footprints were made by rabbit's paws, only that these are..." said Fluttershy looking back to the ground. "huge." said my friend.

"Huge no, these are gigantic in comparation with a normal rabbit. Fluttershy what we could do? You see where this thing had go by looking to the direction of the footprints right?" I said to Fluttershy who in response nod.

"To the forest outside Ponyvi-" Fluttershy stopped when she realised what this mean. "Oh gosh! Applejack what I going to do? My little friends, they are not safe in the woods with that thing out there, and what If it comes to my cottage?" said Fluttershy worried, scared and hyperventilating, I come closer to her and put my arm on her back rubbing her slowly to help her relax a bit.

"Calm down Fluttershy, let's just think in what we know about this thing ok? Then at least we could come with a idea in how to deal with it." I said trying to reassure her.

"You are right Applejack ..." said Fluttershy recovering composure. "Well what I know by looking at the stride of this thing is that is bipedal." said Fluttershy looking down to the footprints.

"A giant rabbit that walk in two legs and eat apple trees." I said trying to sound convincing.

"Any other thing that you would know Applejack?" ask Fluttershy to me.

"Well for what it looks like, it comes from the Everfree forest, I saw the footprints coming of that place as they go to my farm and go pass this way to the woods." I told to Fluttershy.

"Wait, this thing didn't go closer to your home?" ask Fluttershy to me.

"Now that you said that, there was not footprints closer to my home, that thing don't even try to destroy the fence and before I come here, there was footprints who stops far from Ponyville too, don't you think that this thing could be avoiding ponies?" I ask to my friend who look back to the way to her cottage.

"It does seem to be that way, there was not footprints closer to my home either, If that's the case there could be two reasons why it do that..." said Fluttershy looking back to me. "One: It could be scared of ponies." said Fluttershy speculating.

"And two?" I ask wondering what could say Fluttershy.

"That thing could be very smart, and don't want to call attention." said Fluttershy.

"What?" I ask confused.

"A normal animal doesn't act in that way, It didn't destroy property, steal food and avoid any contact, If this thing comes from the Everfree as you said, is behaving too good to be a normal animal of that forest." explain Fluttershy.

"If that's the case Fluttershy, what can we do about it? The Summer sun celebration will start in two days, everypony is preparing for this day and the supervisor of princess Celestia will come tomorrow, is this thing shows up it will cause a big trouble to anypony." I told to Fluttershy.

"I think we should tell this to the town mayor and share what we know about this thing, maybe we could find a solution to drive away this creature off the town for a good time, that way this thing will left Ponyville on its own will for good." said Fluttershy.

"And I'm will told this to the rest of my relatives, they could help to make the farm secure for a time too..." I said to Fluttershy and I saw her sad and unsure expression on her face. "Fluttershy, we are going to tell this to the rest of our friends too, they may help you." I said to my friend.

"Wha-what do you mean Applejack?" said Fluttershy as she try to hide her face with her hair.

"Look, If I could, I would offer you a place to stay in the farm, but with the family coming today I don't thing I couldn't do it, but, we could ask to our friends for help, I know that they could help you in this." I said with a warm smile to Fluttershy.

"Thank you Applejack." said Fluttershy as she come closer to me extending her arms and hug me and I hugged her back.

After that, Fluttershy and I go to Ponyville so we could disscus this issue with the mayor and find a possible solution with this creature, in that way we could continue with the preparations for the Summer sun celebration. It took us a hour to discuss this with Mayor Mare, but in the end, Fluttershy propused a good idea that everypony could try in the nights to maintain the creature away from the town, Then with that plan in mind, the two of us go to talk to our closest friends: Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, with the five of us reunited, we got to the conclusion that Fluttershy will be staying with Rarity, she doesn't want to go to Cloudsdale with Rainbow Dash because she be too far from Ponyville and Pinkie will be busy in this two days.

With that concluded, I say my goodbyes to my friends and go back to the farm and explain to my family of what we are going to do. After the noon, the rest of my relatives have arrived to the farm and after the greetings we told them about the problem that Ponyville and the outskirts closer to the town had, at first they were atonish by this news, but after a while everypony agreed in help us with this issue.

"Now, we only have to wait and see what could happen tonight." I thought with this plan in our hooves.

Outside Ponyville: Forest

Jim's POV

At the next morning, I was starting to wake up when I noted the light of the morning enter to my 'room', when I open my eyes slowly still feeling sleepy as usually, I let out a yawn before I look with more detail my 'bedroom'. Just then I saw the stone ceiling instead my room's ceiling, I was surprise by this for a moment when I saw my body, but I quickly remember everything that happened yesterday as I got calm, at that moment I saw resting on my belly my little Salamon sister still sleeping under my hand, she looks so cute there in her peaceful sleep, I would let her sleep more but I feel the urge to pee, so I decided to wake her.

"Yeah, It was not a dream." I thought, then I look to my sister who's peaceful sleeping, but it was time to wake her up.

"Liz? wake up, it's time to get up." I said to my sister rubbing her back.

"Nooo...Don't wanna go to school mommy." replied Liz still sleepy as she rub her head in my belly getting more comfy.

"Come on Liz, I have to use the toilet." I said insisting with her.

"Jim?..." she said as she move her head starting to wake up. "What are you doing in my room this earl-" try to say Liz until she look to my face "Ahhh!" scream Liz scared backing up on my belly.

"Hey take it easy Liz, is me, remember what happened yesterday." I said try to calm her down.

"Jim?..." she said recovering her composure as she look her surroundings, then she turn back to me. "It was not a dream?" asked Liz.

"Sadly not, good morning Liz." I said smiling to Liz.

"Good morning to you too Jim...Eh, sorry for screaming." said Liz looking down sad.

"Is ok Liz, is not your fault, is I was in your place I would scream too." I said laughing a bit.

After that I put Liz on the floor, told her to wait me inside the cave while I was going to use the 'toilet'. When I go out the cave, I look around and find some bushes closer to my left, I walk to them and prepare myself to do my 'job', at this moment I noted how 'Jim Jr' was coming out from my crotch, I was happy to know that I still had my male license. After I finished my job in this bushes I walk back to the cave where Liz was waiting for me, I was going to grab her and put her back on my head, but she told that she feel better than yesterday and want to walk for the moment and it was true, I cannot see any bruises in her body, it was her wounds had health while she was sleeping, she then go to some bushes to do her needs and when she finished, she walk to me.

The both of us decide to eat a few apples that was left from the passed night, our rations of apples were running out, soon I would have to find any other source of food for us or I will be obliged to steal more trees from that farm, both Liz and I dislike this idea. Maybe we could try and plant some apple trees here, we still have the apple cores with the seeds in it. saddly that will take time unless we have somekind of magic power that could growth trees.

"We could find the help of a unicorn Jim, they have magic that can help the trees grow." said Liz looking to me.

"Maybe, but we still need to find the way to talk to the ponies without getting them startled when they saw me." I replied to my sister.

"But I may be able to talk to them, I'm harmless and innocent." said my sister confident.

"Too harmless Liz, that's a risk that I wouldn't take." I replied in serious tone.

"But, what's If I was stronger?" asked Liz looking with those sad eyes begging to me.

"Why did you have to become more adorable than when you were human?" I thought trying to look away but it was hard with those puppy eyes of my sister.

"Fine, I will help you in a training so you can defend yourself." I said in my defeat to my little sister.

My sister was jumping in joy for my answer, I told her that it wouldn't be easy, because I only know how exactly were Salamon's techniques but she agreed to do everything in this matter and that's how my day in training my sister begin. First I told her to try the attack Petit punch, which consisted of attacking with her front paws simultaneously, I got down to the ground and put my right arm infront of her so she could use it as a practice target. Liz then start her training as she stood in two legs and charge to me punching my arm with her front paws steadily and she continue like this for a good time.

Liz's POV

I was doing my best, after what Jim told me I was more eager to do this training, being able to defend myself equals to meet a pony. I was punching my big brother arm trying to do this 'Petit punch' as he call it, practicing this as the time passed, I don't know what time was at this point, we don't have a watch with us, but I'm pretty sure of two things, I was getting bored and hungry, meanwhile Jim was more bored than I was by the look on his face, so I decide to stop this.

"Jim, can we stop for now? I'm getting hungry." I ask to my brother.

"Well I'm getting hungry too, the problem is that we are getting out of food." Jim told me.

"Mmmmm..." I was thinking for a moment when I look to the river and got an idea. " I know Jim, let's go fishing." I told to Jim.

"What? Look Liz I would love to eat some meat too but, I don't think that in that river are enough fishes for us." said my brother.

"Don't worry, I know what to do." I said assuring him with a smile while he look me confused.

I know that Jim don't know anything about Equestria unlike me, so I told him to follow the way of this river, if i remember correctly, Ponyville only have one river with two directions, one to the north and the other to the west. Jim put me back on his head to conserve energy as we follow the direction in the river that was going to the town, Jim was concerned for taking this way but I assure him that in this way we shouldn't encounter with any pony.

As we continue thru this forest following the river to the north, we end up entered to the shore of a big lake. This place was closer to Ponyville, I remember it from the chapters in the show were the protagonists come to this shore to have fun, surely we could catch enough fishes. Jim put me down on the ground as he look back to the woods and walk to a 'small' tree, Jim tear it off of the ground and with his hands he take the branches and roots off the tree, and after a few moments, he turned the tree into a wood spear with his bare hands, I didn't know that he was able to do that.

Jim then enter in the lake until the water reach to his knees with his spear in the right hand, he then took position pointing with his left arm to the water. I was curious looking to my brother as he stood there waiting in the water, there was something in his eyes while he was doing this, after a few moments, my brother throw his spear to the lake hitting something, when he go to retreive it, in the tip of his spear was big dead fish in it as he come back to where I was while I was looking him amazed, he then drop the fish to the ground and I walk to it.

"Wow Jim, that was awesome, this fish is even bigger than me..." I said touching the fish with my paw. "Where did you learn to do this?" I asked looking back to him smiling.

"I don't know, it was...If I had done this before." replied my brother looking confused as he look to the spear in his hand.

"Well you were amazing there, If you catch more fishes like that, we won't have to worry about the lunch or even the dinner." I told to my brother with an calm smile and he simplily nod and go back to the water to continue fishing.

The time continue and my brother got to catch enough fishes for the lunch and dinner. He go and grab another tree and with his hands destroy it into pieces and then made with them a bonfire to cook some of the fishes, It was strange, the fishes doesn't have any condiment and still they tasted good, after that Jim put me back on his head and grab the rest of the fishes for tonight's dinner and we go back to our "camp".

Jim told me to continuing practicing the 'Petit punch', this time with a tree while he said that he was going to train too, Jim said that he want to know and learn how to float. That would awesome to see, I wonder If he will fly too, in that way he could give me a ride in the skies.

As the time pass, I was still doing this boring punches to the tree infront of me, I was so bored and tired of punching this stupid tree, why is so hard? But I have to, this is for meet the ponies that I been watching for a long time. Determined with that thought, I feel something in my paws before I charge my attack to the tree, at that moment, my paws move so quick releasing several punches to the trunk of tree causing it to crack with the marks of my paws.

"I made it!" I exclaim excited and try it again in another tree with the same result.

"Jim I finally...Oh." I said to my brother when I look back to him and find that he fell asleep while he was still sitting on the ground.

Jim told me before that he was going to meditate, he said that maybe he could find a way to float by doing this, I never expect that he would end up falling in sleep. I was bored and I had learn how to use the Petit punch, I think I can defend myself for now, so I decided to explore a bit in this forest around our camp, I start walking tru the bushes and looking around the trees, it was a view a lot better than the Everfree.

I saw the birds on the branches chirping and a pair of squirrels that were looking me with curiousity. I lift my paw to them saying hello, but they only look to each other confused, I think they never have see something like me, so I pay no attention to the squirrels and follow my path in this forest, then I encounter a bunch of bushes infront of me and I try harder to go tru them pushing my body in those bushes until I finally go out of them but I end up falling to the ground on my belly making some noise.

"Who's there?" said a familiar female voice as I look up to the owner and she turn to my direction.

"Oh gosh! It can't be...Is her." I thought looking surprised a nervious to certain yellow pegasus mare with a pink mane looking down to me.

"Who are you little one?" ask Fluttershy with curiosity as she walk closer to me.

Author's Note:

Another cliffhanger :pinkiehappy:

There's was some ideas that I was having If Liz evolve to adult level around the story, those are:

Gatomon/Tailmon: The typical adult level of Salamon.

Darcmon: The angel digimon that appear in that Digimon Frontier movie.


Nerfertimon: The coolest choice of the three because it can fly, shoots a laser and summons a stone at the enemy and for those who don't know, Armor lvs counts as Adult lv too, probably I will go for this choice.

Anyway I hope that you have enjoyed this chapter and If I made any mistake please let me know about it. :twilightsmile: