• Published 19th Mar 2022
  • 468 Views, 23 Comments

The Chef's cafe - vincent789

Twilight's life has finally caught on to the main story line of the show.

  • ...

Tools and Food Part 1

After Nut Tree's confession, Twilight was on the return train to Canterlot. Normally she would plan out what to do, when she would get there. But after acknowledging Lunarium's mafia as allies, Twilight was a bit stuck. On one hoof, Twilight wanted to go to the industry district and make changes, on the other side, with Lunarium's interference, she would be unable to do much since Lunarium's mafia was incredibly capable and Twilight is simply one pony.

"Sigh." Twilight said out loud. She was staring out the window as she imagined what life in the industry district would be like.

"Is something the matter miss?" A young pony wearing a red dress and carrying old school cleaning equipment asked. The girl sat on the other side of the couch.

"I am just a bit lost that is all." Twilight admitted giving the girl a honest smile.

"Lost how?"

"A friend told me about the troubles of another. This another pony is an important pony. But there are so many forces interfering with him, that I wonder whether or not it worth the trouble."

"That is quite the dilemma you got." The girl admitted, "But if I were you. I would do whatever I would think is best."

"Let me add a little bit of context. The pony is in charge of the industry district within Canterlot. Right now the industry district is living in poverty, even worse than the slums or lower income district as it has been called. The situation has gotten so bad, that it attracted the Lunarium Mafia and Luna. But if nothing gets done soon, I fear for the health and safety of him." Twilight explained it roughly but not exactly.

"Ah. I know him. He sometimes comes by the temple where I work and live." The girl suddenly admitted. "So how bad is it."

"Multiple suicide attempts on his part. And his people are practically dying on the street."

The girl's eyes widen, "That is bad." she said while nodding her head.

"But I need to do something. The integrity of Canterlot depends on it. If the Slum Dwellers refuse to increase their status from slum to commoner. Then the system of commoners might collapse. Which will in turn hit the lower noble sector. This will essentially turn into a domino effect." Twilight continue to admit.

"What are you good at?" The girl asked out of nowhere.

"Uh... Pushing buttons to get others to do the hard work and cooking. With a touch of leadership." Twilight said with some hesitation.

"I see. Now I get it. You are... her. The chef he always looked up to." The girl said with a smile.

"I guess it was common knowledge. Regardless, do you now understand my dilemma?"

The girl nodded, "I do. But chef, I think you should just do whatever you like. If need be, make the industry district another group that would be in your debt."

Twilight blinked at that, "Be my influential self. Throw my weight around and show Canterlot that I can also lead the future of Equestria?"

"You got it. Now if you need anymore counseling, come by my temple." The girl said as the train began to stop.

"What is the name of the temple?"

"Hakurei Temple."

Twilight eyes widen, "That is impossible. That temple is connect-"

"It is." The girl interrupted. "Inside of Celestia's garden sits a small temple. Use the right spell, to enter the temple from there. Good luck." The girl then straight up vanishes in front of Twilight.

Twilight sighed again, "This is only making things more and more complicated. Does that mean we have demons among us?"

Twilight decided to drop the thought as she exited the train. And headed towards the Lower Income District as she would need to perform some royal duties as soon as physically possible. She mentally plans out what she would need to do. And while running there, she saw as some of the worst roads have already been removed and replaced with a very modern looking road system. Twilight was pleased, but right now her mind was elsewhere.

She needs to talk to her people right now. A situation that was spiraling out of control was occurring and needed immediate interference. Twilight rushed to the central district building within the Lower Income District and wasted no time when she got inside.

"Receptionist. I call forth an emergency meeting. There is a situation developing that require our immediate attention." Twilight ordered.

The receptionist nodded, "Understood. Head for the meeting room, I will send the message to all involved parties."

"Please do. Out line that this is crucial. Not emergency, but critical."

"Yes, your highness."

Twilight then rushed to the council room and awaited the groups to arrive. She took a seat in her special chair, and not a moment later, all of Twilight's people stormed the room. Her assistance host took a seat besides her. After making sure everyone is seated she slams down the hammer.

"This meeting is now in session."

"Your highness. I assume this meeting is in regards to the Industry district?" The forestallion predicted.

"You'd be correct. I got some new critical information that has changed everything."

"I see. How do you wish for us to help them?" The forestallion asked.

"Patience Forestallion. I have yet to even explain the situation." Twilight warned.

"I apologize. It's just, our people have been waiting for this order for a while now. They aren't blind, we are ready to assist however possible." The forestallion apologized.

"That is good to hear." Twilight said as she took to standing up to explain the situation. "To put it simply. Ponies inside the industry district is dying. Either due to starvation, dehydration or medical reasons. Their living conditions aren't making things any easier. And with some of the biggest employers being abusive employers. People are dying on the street and the head of the industry district is powerless to help them."

"Which is why we need to help them." Twilight shouted, "Normally this is not our task. But when peoples lives are on the line, I will break every law if I need to, to help these people. Just as I have done before as chef, I will do the same as princess. But I will need everyone's aid, in order to pull this off."

The forestallion and many of the other seats within the council smiled, "I never thought we would get to see that side of you again. Count us in." The forestallion admitted.

"Agreed." Everyone else shouted in unison.

"Alright. So this is the plan. We need a small diversion of builders helping us with this. Firstly, we need to establish a foothold within the industry district. Find a small empty section within the industry district, buy the land, and proceed to put a forward base there. Let's call it, 'The District interference unit' This unit will interfere with the business within the industry district."

"I see. That would give us some form political but also ground base information center." The stallion in charge of politics mentioned.

"Information is one thing. But the primary purpose of this unit is to ensure a safe and healthy transition from slum to commoner can take place. To ensure a safe and healthy living space. To create a list of white and blacklists in regards to abusive companies. And finally to create a proper communication line between us and the industry district."

"I see. That would make helping them much easier." The forestallion admitted.

"But that is a long term goal. Right now we need to help the people. Prepare emergency rations to be send to the industry district. Food, water and medication needs to be delivered as soon as physically possible. If they refuse, then ignore the governing body and bypass them. Go and help the people. That is our primary objective."

"I see." The stallion in charge of trade said, "I will begin make kits of food, water. We will ask the schools to begin the preparation of basic medical tools and medication in general."

"Do we have any guards?"

"We do. I am the stallion in charge of security. You want me to buff up the security between transport. Correct?" he asked.

"Yes. If we need to bypass the governing body, then we need to be ready to withstand potentially severe opposition."

"Alright. I will see what I can do." He said somewhat pleased.

"And finally, we need to make people aware. Use the news outlet to tell the truth of the current situation within the industry district. The good and bad. Tell the people of what our actions going forward are. We cannot offer them financial aid, but we can offer material aid. In the form of medication, food, water and in the rare case that it's required, people. But also knowledge." Twilight explained.

"I assume you want us to make books on work safety, basic resource gathering, basic food production, gardening and economics. Correct?" The professor within the council asked.

"Yes. Dominantly that. But also, we might need to give people aid. In the form of advice and counseling. This requires people and knowledge. Do you think you can make that happen?"

The professor nodded, "Yes madam. It will be done."

"Then I think we are set for now. If any citizen within the lower income district have any other good idea to assist them, then I would love to hear it. We need to do this together. Only together can we solve the current crisis." Twilight finished.

"Alright..." Twilight said as she finally took a seat, "With that out of the way, is there anything else that needs to be said?"

"Who are our potential other forces to watch out for?" The head guard asked.

"Lunarium and Luna."

"The mafia?! I see. Luna is also attempting to investigate it on her own, right? Fine. We will keep an eye out." The head guard said while nodding.

"Anything else?" Twilight looked around the room, "No? Alright. This meeting is hereby dismissed. Get to work everyone, we have a lot of work to do now."


Meanwhile Moon who was investigating the Industry district as well, noticed a sudden shift in behavior coming from the Lower Income District. As she glanced their direction, she realized that Twilight had made a move. A powerful move to assist the industry district as soon as she is able to.

"Interesting." Moon said as she was walking around in disguise. She headed from the industry district to the lower income district. She was curious about Twilight's action.

As soon as she got there, she saw Twilight's people prepared thousands of boxes filled with food and bottles of water. She also noticed a separate caravan prepare medical tools and medication in general. To add even more on top of that, she saw knowledge books being carried on top of a different caravan. All with the single destination to the industry district.

"Miss. Please don't stand too close to the caravans. There is a lot of activity going on there." One of the guards calmly warned the disguised Moon.

"What is happening? I just came down here to check what all the sounds was." Moon carefully asked.

"Oh that. Yes, Princess Twilight has decided enough is enough. She is currently going to assist the industry district without permission of the governing body within. That is also why there are so many guards." The guard explained, "From food, to medication to knowledge books. To placing a forwards control center within the industry district. They are really showing their incredible might. It's incredible. The citizens all over the lower income district want to assist. We are being overwhelmed with requests that want to help. It's incredible really."

Moon's eyes widen, "So they are helping without seeking a reward?"

"What are you talking about miss? Of course we aren't seeking a reward. We want to help the people. They are dying you know. Either of lack of medication, starvation or dehydration. I also heard that their living conditions are so terrible. I fear for their mental health. And putting abusive owners on top of that, and you got a crisis in your hooves." The guard scolded her.

"Now if you excuse me. I got some more work to perform." The guard left annoyed.

"To think you can get the people's help to such a degree... you are amazing sister." Moon said impressed. But a frown quickly appeared as well, "Now what do I tell Luna...?"

After watching the caravan prepare for a few more hours, Moon finally headed back to the castle to report. Moon walked through the walls, heading to Luna's thee room. As soon as she opens the door, she sees Celestia and Luna enjoying some cakes. Celestia also walked around the industry district, but very early in the morning.

"Moon! You have returned. How was the outing?" Luna asked.

"I have a status report of great importance. Twilight has made a move." Moon stated.

Celestia and Luna instantly stopped eating the cakes. "What is she doing?" Luna asked.

"She is preparing to place a forward base inside the industry district. And also preparing emergency aid rations. Both of which are happening right now, without a moment of delay." Moon explained.

"Wow. She has moved fast!" Celestia admitted pleasantly surprised.

"Yes. The people of the lower income district has begun a full blown search and assist mission. Without permission of the governing body inside the lower income district." Moon explained, "That is also why there is heavy security active around the caravan. They expect potentially severe resistance from them."

"Any response from the industry district?" Luna asked.

"They are totally unaware." Moon replied.

"No warnings?! That is..." Luna shouted shocked.

"From the way they are armed. And from information that is passed around. They expect potential resistance from you, Luna. And from the mafia, Lunarium." Moon added.

Luna and Celestia's eyes widen at that. "What?!" They both said shocked.

"They see you as potential threats, but they see the Lunarium as serious threat. Since Twilight hasn't forgotten the actions that mafia performed on her in the past."

"I guess that makes sense." Celestia said with a deep sigh. "I guess I will have to request that they back off."

"Guards!" Luna shouted.

"Yes your highness?" Two Lunar guards appeared.

"Weaken our physical presence inside the industry district. But keep a close eye on them regardless."

"About that..." One of the two guards started to sweat a little.

"What is the matter?" Luna asked worried.

"It seems the industry special guards are currently fighting our people. We are unsure why, but that is the current problem." The other guard admitted.

"Hm... weaken our presence everywhere else. I will head to the scene immediately." Luna ordered.

"Yes madam. It is near that bakery, by the way." The guard added.

Luna nodded as she watched the two guards depart. "Welp. Duty calls. I will see you two later." she then teleports out of the room.

"So... I guess you can eat the rest of the cakes. I need to communicate with my secret forces firstly." Celestia said as she stood up.

"No can do. I need to keep an eye on Twilight's forces. So, good luck with that you two." Moon said as she turned around and made a quick exit.


After their discussion, several days had passed, which meant that Twilight's caravan preparations were complete. The builders were still busy collecting resources in the meantime. Placing such an important facility requires great preparation. Which would normally take months, but due to the seriousness of the situation, most of the work was placed on the smart people. They did the paperwork, while the build team got ready to begin operation immediately.

While they were gathering, the stallion in charge of trade created the perfect contract deal with Nut Tree. Though Twilight was not sure what the deal was about exactly, she trusts her people. So she didn't question it. Instead, she was busy trying to get the right information out to news stations across Equestria.

And finally, after only three days of preparing, the caravan departed. Twilight decided to take that moment to give the head of the Industry district an heads up. She walked to her personal communication orb and broadcasted the spell towards the central office of the industry office. After a moment of waiting, the communication went through.

"Hello, you are speaking with secretary of leader that controls the industry district. How may I help you?" The voice of a tired sounding pony came through.

"Yes. My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. I want to-" Twilight tried to introduce, but the secretary interrupted her.

"Listen... I am really busy right now. Please skip the small talk, what do you need?" The female pony on the other side rudely asked.

Twilight sighed, "Your boss." she quipped back.

The secretary sighed as well, "I know. For what." she replied as if it wasn't a question.

"You know what. Buck this. Listen, you can hang up. But I will say what I want anyways. Let this be a word of caution. MY people is coming to give away food, water, medication for free to the people. We do not care, whether or not you accept or not. We will Forcibly, give you that stuff. Whether you like it or not." Twilight explained annoyed.

"Okay." Could be heard on the other side of the communication as the connection gets cut.

Twilight sighed again, "Welp. That is my heads up. If they don't care, then we will not listen to them either. Forestallion, begin the operation. I give them the heads up."

"One that didn't care. I see... Alright. I will tell the security. That if need be, we will lock them in their own central building." The forestallion stated.

"That sounds like the winds of Foreshadowing." Twilight said as she felt some wind blow over her mane.

The forestallion gave a small sad smile. "Yeah... I fear for the worst."

"Me too... Me too."

Author's Note:

If you know the reference of "Hakurei Temple" then you are a god gamer.

Also the title might be a bit confusing. But all will be explained in due time.