• Published 19th Mar 2022
  • 468 Views, 23 Comments

The Chef's cafe - vincent789

Twilight's life has finally caught on to the main story line of the show.

  • ...

The Bubble Festival

As soon as Twilight and Ditzy leave the train, their ears get barraged with music. The train had some kind of sound silencer but the train platform does not. If Twilight ignored the sound for a moment, and focused her eyes. She could see lots of ponies carrying balloons. The balloons themselves had Ditzy's cutiemark.

Ditzy was still embarrassed but also took one good look around. She saw the same things Twilight did, but she also smelled coffee... Poorly made coffee. But coffee nonetheless. Ditzy looked at Twilight's face as she lit up in a slight worry. Since there were here on business, the crowds made things a bit difficult.

Twilight then used her coolheadedness and approached the nearest information center. "Madam, may I ask something?"

The girl behind the counter looked up and smiled, "Of course. That is my job after all."

"Is there a quiet route towards the 'True Gardeners'? We are here on business, but were unaware of this festival." Twilight asked.

"Ah. They were afraid of that. You see this elevator behind me?" The girl asked as she pointed towards the elevator entrance.

Twilight nodded, causing the girl to continue. "This leads to an hidden pathway towards the 'True gardeners' HQ. However just tell me the reason for your business to use it. And I will have to call it in."

"I see. Of course. My friend here, heard that you guys love coffee beans from the 'Bubbles company' and she is here to gift you a bunch." Twilight explained.

"A gift from which company exactly?" The girl asked.

"The Bubbles company." Twilight replied, causing the girl to look wide eyed at Ditzy.

"And she is?" The girl asked surprised.

"She is the CEO. Ditzy Doo. Someone you might know quite well." Twilight said smiling.

This caused the girl to gasp. "Have you returned to come home?"

However Ditzy shook her head, "I am afraid not. All I want to do, is to apologize for my behavior. Since running away without much notice might have been hard on my family. This bag of coffee beans is an apology gift." she stated.

The girl smiled warmly, "Believe me. You have no idea. They will be so glad to atleast meet you once more."

The girl then turned her head to Twilight, "And who might you be?"

"My name is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight introduced. Causing the girl to gasp a second time.

"Alright." The girl then turned on her microphone and said, "Boss. We got two SVIPs* coming your way."

Twilight heard a small gasp from the other side of the headphones that the girl had on. "Who?"

"Twilight and a super guest." Twilight answered.

The girl nods before relaying exactly that. "Oh my lord. Alright. Reason for coming?"

"Purely business. On behalf of the Bubbles Company." The girl replied.

Twilight could hear a gagging sound on the other side. "Alright. Give them the maximum treatment."

"No guards or escorts please." Twilight requested.

"They request no escorts or guards." The girl said.

Twilight could hear a sigh, "Alright. I will await them here." the pony on the other side said.

"Before you go," The girl said as the elevator doors open. "Please make sure to apologize to mom alright? She was hit the hardest and even fell into depression."

Derpy looked depressed at the news as she nodded and gave a quick 'oke'.

The girl smiled as she watched Twilight and Ditzy enter the elevator. And as soon as they are out of sight, she sighs. "Welcome back little sister." she said quietly.

While in the elevator that was going down, Twilight had a single question. "Was that one of your sisters?"

"Yes. Anna Marie Doo. My 6st oldest sisters." Ditzy said slightly pleased that she remembered.

"I see." Twilight said as the elevator grind to a halt. The doors open and revealed and mini-city below the main city. Twilight then proceeded to follow Ditzy as she guided her through the mini-city. Until eventually they reached the next elevator.

"This elevator goes straight to the SVIP lounge. And since it is the only one open, I assume they want us to take this one." Ditzy said.

"Alright. Lets take it then." Twilight said as she followed Ditzy into the elevator. And as soon as they are inside, the door closes automatically and they are taken up also automatically.

"Have you ever been there?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. I lived here for a long time you know. The SVIP is reserved for the best of the best. But I did host a party there once." Ditzy explained.

"I see. Well looks like we are here." Twilight said as soon as the doors open.

As soon as the doors were fully open, Twilight and Ditzy saw a massive army of maids awaiting their arrival. All of them were waiting in a row. With one of the most important managers at the end of the hallway awaiting her.

"Welcome to the True Gardeners headquarters." The manager shouted across the hallway. But he gasped before he was about to speak the second line of his speech the moment he sees Ditzy Doo.

"Is... Is that you sis?" The manager said, his voice going from serious to shocked in an instant. The maids also stare shocked at Ditzy's presence.

Twilight clears her throat. Causing the maids and the manager to resume their speech.

"I heard that you are on behalf of the Bubbles Company. Princess Twilight Sparkle and Ditzy Doo. Is that correct?" The manager asked now that Twilight was closer to the manager.

"Yes. Ditzy Doo is the CEO of the company. I am merely here to oversee... other things." Twilight explained.

"Which is?" The manager asked confused.

"A reunion between family members." Twilight said giving a soft but warm smile.

"To tell you the truth, brother. I am here to apologize for running away from home. I just requested Twilight to be here, since she helped me out. And I... was really nervous to come alone." Ditzy admitted. She slightly drooped at the mention.

"And you chose to come back on your birthday?" The manager asked confused.

"About that. Ditzy has a different day of birth in Equestria. So she didn't mean to time it." Twilight explained.

"Ah. Well today you are our SVIP regardless. So let me get you to your room." The manager said, only for both Twilight and Ditzy to not move alongside him.

"No. I am not here to stay. I will apologize. Give my apology gift. Then go back to Equestria." Ditzy said in a way that allowed no refusal.

"Why?" The manager asked.

"She still has some obligations in Equestria. Like running the Bubbles Company. And some other... things." Twilight explained.

"No. Mother will not let you go." The manager said dismissive.

"Well too bad. I am not here to stay." Ditzy said slightly aggressive.

"But mother is already having a hard time without you. Please stay." The manager pleaded.

"No." Ditzy refused. Causing the manager to sigh.

"Another thing I forgot to mention is that she has her own family now. one adopted child, one of her own. And a husband. I doubt that she could leave them alone for very long." Twilight added.

The manager realized that Ditzy had her own family to look after. She had no time to play house with her mother. It made him sad, but he does understand what needs to happen.

"Then atleast see mother. She is still really sad." The manager said saddened.

"Alright. I can do that much. Come Twilight, it isn't far from here." Ditzy said knowingly.

"Certainly. After all you didn't carry that bag of five kilograms worth of coffee beans for nothing." Twilight commented. Twilight noticed the manager blink in surprise, causing her to nod in agreement.

While Twilight followed Ditzy, she noticed that the hallways slowly turned more and more grey. This was mostly due to the SVIP area to end, and the regular HQ for show instead. Eventually Twilight and Ditzy turn a corner to reveal a set of doors that would Princess Celestia to shame.

"These doors are special. My family truly believes in the nature god's existence. And since she is said to be a giant, these doors are to match her height." Ditzy explained.

"I understand. The nature god does really exist after all. She had roots going back to ancient Equestria. In fact, it is said that she was originally born near the place now know as Ponyville." Twilight explained, causing Ditzy to raise her eyebrow.

"Really? Where?" Ditzy asked skeptical.

"Princess Celestia believes that, that is why zap apples even exists to begin with. Since the Apple family placed their farm right on the holy land of the nature god. It also explains the exceptionally high quality of the apples on the farm. And why the regrowth rate is so incredibly high." Twilight explained.

"That actually makes somewhat sense. Fine, I will give you that much. But I doubt she lives here like my family believes." Ditzy stated.

"Hm. Although I do sense some of her powers here. It isn't enough evidence. I need more proof. Perhaps a statue of sorts. Or a church." Twilight replied.

"Alright. We should pass a statue of her before reaching my mother's home. She likes Asian decor, so her whole house is hidden among the trees." Ditzy stated before calmly continuing their walk to her mother.

After a while of walking through a seemingly abandoned plaza, the statue was in sight. But before Ditzy approached it, she turned around for a moment. Twilight noticed a clear sign of sadness in her eyes.

"What is it?" Twilight wondered.

"This place. It is the plaza normally used by workers to promote their goods. It was another reason why I left this family. As soon as my family got rich, they bought this plaza and kicked all the workers out. I had befriended many of them. To see them forced out, was incredibly saddening. Some of them even lost all their equipment, making them lose their livelihood." Ditzy said saddened.

"A show of power against the people. And you were strongly against it." Twilight hummed, "Something tells me, that you could have become a great leader."

"Mother offered me the position. But all I saw in her heart was the corruption from money and power. I chose to leave instead, not wanting to deal with the actions of my family. When she offered me the position, and seeing the hardship of the ponies, it was right there and then. That my choice was set in stone. I left a few days after." Ditzy explained.

"I see. Hm. Do you remember the names of these ponies? My... sisters might like some new workers. They are always searching for new talent." Twilight asked.

Ditzy smiled and shook her head, "I believed so too. But they refused. Despite being kicked out, they had fallen in love with this country."

"Making them adapt, instead of feeling betrayed. Correct?" Twilight asked.

Ditzy nodded, "Instead they followed the family into the agriculture sector."

"Honestly, they might be much better off now." Twilight commented.

"I agree. But I wonder if my leaving had anything to do with that." Ditzy replied.

"Kind of, yes." The manager from earlier stated as he appeared from behind the wall.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"When Ditzy left the family. Most of the members were shocked. Nopony had ever left the family since the great war that divided this county. They left due to their dissatisfaction with the country, mostly due to corruption." The manager explained, "So when sister left the family. Many within starting to question why."

"Who exactly?" Ditzy asked curious.

The manager smiled, "Most of your sisters. But also, grand father. The head of the main family at the time. He asked, "Why is it that my most youngest grand daughter would leave after being offered the position directly below me?" Your mother was confused as well."

"But the girl at the information counter had the answer. "Because we bought that plaza, Ditzy lost many friends in the process. She probably saw that as an act of corruption." Anne said serious." The manager explained. "The look grand father had on his face said it all. He was shocked. He truly believed that the plaza was scaring you. But instead it was now causing you great harm."

Ditzy gave a sad smile, "It did at first. But those ponies were oh so kind. I requested many jobs from them. But also just advice. They were great ponies."

The manager nodded, "Most of your sisters agreed. They noticed the initial fear, but saw no fear afterwards."

"So the fact that most of those ponies now work in the agriculture sector is no coincidence." Twilight commented.

"Exactly. After the incident that caused you to run away. The family back-paddled. They firstly apologized in public about this incident. And later would offer all the ponies that lost their livelihoods, jobs. Including some pocket money as apology." The manager explained.

"But, they didn't stop there. Did they?" Twilight said smiling.

"True. They had hoped that you were watching. And would return to the family. When that didn't happen, they realized that your investigation into Equestria had another meaning. You fled to our neighbors. As soon as they realized that, they knew that you wouldn't simply go home anymore. Much to mother's terrible sadness." The manager said as she drooped slightly.

"Your mother felt as if she betrayed you and herself. Thus doing everything in her power to get you to go home. When that failed, she lost hope." Twilight added.

"True. But she wasn't one to lose hope that quickly. She remembered that you loved gardening and coffee. So she made it her life goal to see that future to the end. Turning the country in a great agriculture kingdom." The manager smiled, "After that, she showed her true self. She is an amazing gardener, and an even more amazing barista."

"But her gardening skill cannot beat Ditzy's Bubbles coffee beans." Twilight smiled.

"Exactly. Although mother didn't see the connection. Most of the council did. They immediately realized that only one pony would call their company Bubbles. Would be you." The manager also smiled.

"It was then, that they realized. You have made a family of your own. A place for yourself. And a way of living as well. And in order to support you. The company would do their hardest to always buy your coffee beans, even if nobody else would. It was the only way they knew how." The manager explained.

"I see. I will visit mother and meet those executives before going home." Ditzy said beaming.

"They would like that." The manager said before walking off to warn them.

"Feeling better?" Twilight asked, a soft smile on her face.

"Yes. Let's go. And Twilight, I don't care about that statue. Let's get this over with." Ditzy said smiling.

"Alright." Twilight said as she followed Ditzy. 'But in all seriousness, that statue does have her magic. And fresh at that. Yes I do believe that she is actually here somewhere.' she thought as she passed the statue.

"Halt! I will let Ditzy in her. But not you." The guard said right as Twilight was about to enter passed the special gateway.

"I will enter with Twilight. Or I will turn around right here. Your choice." Ditzy warned annoyed.

The guard flinched, she knew that Ditzy wasn't joking. Twilight meanwhile sighed, "If you want, I could put a anti-magic collar on my horn."

"I have one!" The guard said.

"Won't work. I need a special anti-magic horn collar. Otherwise I will break it." Twilight said shaking her head.

"Guard, allow her to pass without a collar. She is alright to enter without." Someone said out of nowhere.

Ditzy jumped, but Twilight smiled. "So I wasn't wrong when I sensed that statue. You really are here, huh?"

A green colored alicorn appeared before Ditzy and Twilight, she was smiling. "You really are the famous Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you, my name is Apple Green. I am the current nature god."

"Well that does again explain why she chose an apple farm as the holy ground." Ditzy commented.

Twilight snorted, the alicorn deadpanned. "Well that was merely accidental."

Twilight laughed loudly, much to the alicorn chagrin. "Oh god. Moon would love to hear that one!" Twilight shouted.

"Please don't tell her. She will rub that one in!" The alicorn said embarrassed.

"Alright, alright. I am merely joking. Don't worry. Moon is already fully aware of that one anyways." Twilight laughed, causing the alicorn to facepalm.

"Anyways, I am not here for that." Twilight suddenly stopped laughing as she turns more serious. "I am here to help Ditzy meet her mother once more."

"I know. Your mother is in the garden. She is awaiting your presence, Ditzy. And you might want to call her queen. Since she is now the queen of this country. For now, anyways." The alicorn warned.

"I will call her mother and nothing else." Ditzy said annoyed.

The alicorn was taken aback at Ditzy's annoyance. She thought that perhaps, Ditzy had already forgiven her. But that doesn't seem to be the case. "I am sorry." she said.

"You gave her a touch of power and nearly caused her to fall to corruption. Do you really think that is so easily forgotten? Vine?" Ditzy asked using her nickname.

The alicorn flinches before drooping, "I understand." she said before walking off saddened.

"Ditzy?" Twilight asked confused.

"Apple Green. Or Prickly Vine as I call her. Is the official queen of this country. And I do not like the fact that she basically forced the queenship upon my mother without the family consent. And without her own consent for that matter." Ditzy growled.

"And yet, this country seems to be flourishing under her rule. Am I wrong in that?" Twilight asked more serious.

"Of course. But not without a price. My mother." Ditzy disagreed.

"False. Your mother is merely a puppet in this country. As you said yourself. Apple Green is the real queen. Which means, your mother is playing the role of maintainer, not ruler. She is making sure that the citizens are living their best lives. While Apple Green is overseeing the more difficult problems." Twilight explained.

"Oh? So why did my mother fall into corruption then?" Ditzy argued.

"Because such position is still really difficult. As maintainer, you need to maintain the country, by implementing new laws and improve existing ones. That is a lot of power, to be allowed to simply change the law because one does not like it." Twilight explained, "And yet she did not do that. Because you reminded your mother of the dangers of power. Power is a double edged sword after all."

"What?" Ditzy said surprised.

"You showed your mother that power could also push ponies away. When you left after fearing that your mother fell to corruption, it became a wake up call. You reminded her, that power and corruption are part of the same coin. And if she isn't careful, others could leave as well. Thankfully you did this early on in her maintainer position. Allowed her to still take her action back. And making her aware of her own power in her own family." Twilight explained.

"You saved her, basically." Twilight smiled.

"Is that true, mother?" Ditzy asked as she rounded the corner.

Ditzy's mother slowly turned around and smiled, "It is good to see you again, my daughter." she calmly said.

"Is that true?" Ditzy asked once more, tears appear next to her eyes. As the weight of the past slowly got lifted.

Ditzy's mother smiled and nodded, "Yes. You have saved me more than you will ever know."

Ditzy dropped the bag besides her as she jumped in her mothers hooves. Hugging her tightly as both sides cried in each others arms. Twilight shed some empathy tears in the background as she watched the two hug it out.

"After Ditzy's mother fell into depression. She replayed Ditzy's actions in her mind. It was then that she realized her own corruption she hadn't even noticed at the time." Apple Green stated next to Twilight.

"Realizing her mistake. She set out to set things right, right?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. She went out on a journey, without telling me. Forcing my own duties back onto me." Apple said as she approached Twilight.

"When in reality, she merely searched herself. And asked herself, why do I want this power?" Twilight added.

Apple nodded, "She went back home. Looked in the mirror and asked, "Why?" Over and over again. Until she remembered. "I want to help this country I love so dearly. I want to make this country, a country other will be jealous over.""

"When she returned. Not only did she search for her daughter. She also began implementing changes you hadn't thought of." Twilight stated.

"Turning a country that was in stalemate. To one that is blooming and flourishing. In ways I though was impossible. By using that, which I was destined to be. Agricultural past and future." Apple smiled.

"Making this country one of the only ones out there, not ruled by corruption." Twilight smiled.

"Besides Equestria." Apple and Twilight finished. They both smiled at each other, as they watched the heart warming scene before them.

Author's Note:

* Special Very Important Person.

This chapter took a while to construct. But I am very happy with this chapter. Closing lose ends, and nearly finishing Ditzy's blast to the past. Only one more chapter. Until the end of Ditzy's arc.