• Published 19th Mar 2022
  • 468 Views, 23 Comments

The Chef's cafe - vincent789

Twilight's life has finally caught on to the main story line of the show.

  • ...

Twilight and the corrupt stallions

Warning this chapter contain a little bit of strong language. You have been warned.
Twilight woke up rather early, considering it was a Saturday. But after going through the same process each and every day, she simply could not shake this new internal clock that told her to wake up at six O' clock. And she wasn't the only one, Spike's bed was empty and a piece of paper on the kitchen counter told her that Spike went back to the Dragon Kingdom for some royal business.

The word "Royal" reminded Twilight to fight her stance with Celestia later, today however was going to be focused on Ditzy's problem. The governing body and the postal office. And as she was walking into the restaurant to atleast prepare some tables and clean the floor once more. Someone knocked on the glass doorway that separated the terrace from the inside area of the restaurant.

As she looked at the door, she sees Rainbow AND Octavia waiting outside. Walking to the employee's exit, she walks outside to greet them both.

"Good morning. Your early, Dash. And why are you here Octavia?" Twilight greeted and asked with a raised eyebrow.

"So... remember Vinyl? Well she was spiked at a party. And now is stuck in the hospital. The ponies responsible were two stallions with white fur. Which is exactly the problem. They are both part of the governing body of Cloudsdale. Even though they are earth ponies." Octavia admitted.

"You tried to sue, and failed by default correct?" Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That is correct. They were ambassadors. Meaning that their actions go above the law." Octavia sighed.

"Yes. And that is not all. Their family has an insane amount of control in Cloudsdale. I did some research into our opponents and believe me. This is a bigger problem then I thought." Rainbow Dash added annoyed.

"I see. Come inside. We need to go over the list of problems. And the list of things working in our favor." Twilight suggested. Both Rainbow and Octavia nodded as they followed Twilight inside and took a seat near the couch.

"Alright. How about we start with you, Octavia. I have a feeling that Rainbow has a lot more to say then you." Twilight offered.

"You bet! Man, it was not hard finding issues." Rainbow agreed as she allowed Octavia to speak up first.

"Very well. First I talked to my lawyers about the duo and they instantly told me, that it is not possible to fight them in court. They simply have too much power. Their family is called, The white knights. They are of noble and part royal steed. Originating from outside Equestria. They started out as a small noble family. But after some kind of incident. They amassed in a lot of power. And are, according to my lawyers, impossible to be shaken from their position." Octavia explained.

"Hm. That last part might actually work in our favor. The whole, outsider thing." Twilight said thoughtfully.

"I agree. That might make it possible to actually shake them up." Rainbow agreed.

"What do you mean?" Octavia asked Rainbow.

"Well there is a law in Equestria that gives ponies greater power to fight families that aren't from Equestria originally. Among other laws. There is actually quite a bit to work with." Rainbow explained.

"But that requires the help of high ranking individuals! We don't have that!" Octavia dismissed.

"You don't. I do." Twilight said a bit louder. "In my childhood, I made connections with nearly every high ranking pony within Canterlot." she added after seeing their confusion.

"As in friendships?" Octavia asked slightly surprised.

"Yup. And help bring other countries closer to each other. Like the dragons and griffons. That was my doing." Twilight boasted.

"Really?!" Rainbow shouted shocked. Octavia also gasped at this new bit of information.

"Yes. I might be the greatest and best direct connection to the Equestrian council." Twilight admitted, though slightly softer as her more shy side showed itself.

"Okay. So having you as friend is incredibly beneficial, huh?" Rainbow teased.

"It can be, if you don't mind me destroying half of Ponyville that is." Twilight said smirking. Finally embracing her past.

"I stand corrected." Rainbow said gulping.

Twilight gave a genuine smile at both Rainbow and Octavia. Rainbow looked away, scratching the back of her head in embarrassment. While Octavia realized that this was both a joke and the truth, she simply gulped and looked more nervous.

"Anyways, I will deal with the corruption. However, I need more information. Rainbow, what did you find out?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow snapped out of her embarrassment and looked more serious, "Abuse of power, treason, abuse and worse. Their family is so evil, I do not understand why they still hold power. Ditzy is one of the many victims. There are entire lists of victims, though Ditzy is the one that has been hit the hardest. Their corruption is wide spread. But the two companies that are the most corrupt is the governing body and the postal office. However! Not every branch is touched by their hooves. The postal office in Ponyville is the only one, that hasn't been touched thanks to Trixie's interference. And within the governing body sits the mayor from Cloudsdale. He is known to have been fighting against this family the longest." Rainbow explained.

"So the mayor of Cloudsdale and the postal office in Ponyville are the only ones untouched. That is both terrifying and amazing." Twilight admitted shocked.

"And that is only Cloudsdale. They apparently also hold power in the Equestrian council. Which I am not sure about, that could simply be a rumor." Rainbow admitted.

"I see... If that is true, then I am going to give their home country the worst death threat they will ever face. Either this family disappears from Equestria alongside their power. Or I am personally going to showcase my magic in their backyard... Wait! Where is their home country anyways?" Twilight asked after a bit of plotting.

"Apparently next to the Badlands, why?" Octavia asked scared.

"Nevermind then, I can sic someone far worse on their ass." Twilight said with a creepy grin.

"Who?" Rainbow asked concerned.

"A few nobodies that can change if I need them to." Twilight hinted, but added nothing.

"Well that is about all I gathered. The details are out there, but... I think this is enough, no?" Rainbow asked.

"Alright. So here is my improvised game plan." Twilight said as she closed in on Rainbow and Octavia.

"Octavia, can you do me a favor, and figure out, what type of poison was used on Vinyl. It might give me clue about where they get their resources from." Twilight requested.

"Can do. I have some connections, that might help as well. Should I ask their assistance?" Octavia asked.

"No. We mustn't let them suspect anything." Twilight dismissed.

"Alright. Leave it to me." Octavia said saluted, but waited until Rainbow got her orders as well.

"And Rainbow, to prevent my opponents from leaving or fleeing Cloudsdale. Create pirate weather around Cloudsdale. It will buy me some time." Twilight requested.

"Understood. Arr! Ye mate, that some dark clouds on ye horizon." Rainbow said as she imitated a pirate voice.

"Good. I am going instantly to Canterlot to do some internal investigation. And going to poke the hornets nest by leaking information on their wrongdoings." Twilight explained. "That is everything. Lets get to work."

As soon as Twilight said that, she went to work. Firstly, Rainbow flew towards Cloudsdale and Octavia towards the Ponyville hospital. While she walked towards the Ponyville postal office.

As soon as she entered, she saw nobody working there. Besides one more older looking stallions.

"Welcome! How could I you help you?" The stallion asked.

"I have some questions... that need some privacy." Twilight said suspiciously.

"Tell me the name." That stallion stated.

"The white knights." Twilight said. As soon as the name was released from her tong, the stallion's eyes widen to dinner plates.

"Alright. I cannot say much. But their family is using intimidation to get what they want. The only reason why we aren't corrupt is due to our involvement with Trixie. That is it. Please leave us be about that rest of that topic." The stallion pleaded.

"No. That is good enough. Thank you." Twilight said with a smile and left. As soon as she was gone, her face turned grim with anger.

'Not only are they using abuse as a way to get what they want. But also intimidation among other less good things.' Twilight thought angrily. Before using her magic to teleport all the way to Canterlot. Which she was capable of, but never did due to having no reason to do so.

She teleported all the way to Celestia's personal garden. Apparently right in front of Celestia as she realized. Since she was looking at her from the spot she teleported to.

"Well hello there. It has been a while hasn't it?" Celestia said pleasantly surprised.

"I agree. But sadly I am here for some rather... grim business. We need to talk Celestia." Twilight said serious.

At Twilight serious look, Celestia also turns serious as she nods. "Sure. Lets do it in my bedroom." she said as Twilight follows her to said bedroom.

After closing the door on the bedroom, Celestia took a seat at the office chair and asked, "So, business. What is the matter?"

"So, recently I found a great employee for my cafe. However she is bound to some... awful contracts." Twilight explained.

"I see. And while trying to get rid of them, you found something... bad, correct?" Celestia asked.

"Correct. Firstly, she is bound on a twelve million bits fine and an unbreakable contract with the postal office." Twilight explained.

"Who is it?" Celestia asked worried.

"Ditzy Doo." Twilight stated.

"So they went ahead and fined her anyways huh? I told them that she shall not be fined. Instead Cloudsdale is responsible for the damages. I guess they decided to slap it on her anyways." Celestia said disappointed.

"But that is not all. There is wide spread corruption going on. The white knights have corrupted nearly the entire postal office in Equestria and almost the entire governing body of Cloudsdale." Twilight warned.

"Shit. I knew giving them that much power is bad. But this is far worse. Twilight leave this issue to me. I shall get rid of it." Celestia said suspicious.

Twilight nodded but gave one final warning. "If this family hasn't been removed from power within three weeks. Then I shall give their home country a personal taste of my magic prowess and I will sic an old friend to finish the job, understood?" she said.

Celestia looked wide eyed at Twilight's literal death threat. Before looking serious at her, "I will not let you break our peace with them." Celestia warned.

Twilight simply smiled, "Then I would hurry up, if I were you. Who knows, perhaps my magic will accidentally go out of control again." She said evilly.

This caused Celestia to genuinely gulp. "I will keep that in mind." she said surprised and a bit scared.

"Oh and tomorrow we need to talk about my royal status." Twilight added before walking towards an old friend.

As she walked through those nostalgic halls, she passed the employee canteen and the kitchen as such as she was walking to the barracks. To meet an old friend. The old griffon was actually walking into her direction, and although normally Twilight would let him pass, not this time.

"It has been to long, Vermouth." Twilight greeted the old griffon ambassador known as Vermouth Roux.

"Twilight. You are a lot taller than the last time I saw you. What is the matter?" Vermouth asked, giving Twilight an nostalgic smile.

"I am here on business. And I need someone to talk to... Its about the Equestrian Council. Do you have time?" Twilight asked with a polite smile in return.

"For you? Always. Come, my office is right here." Vermouth said as he points at the door Twilight is standing next to.

As Twilight entered, she spots another old friend, Feather Doo. Now Vermouth's personal bodyguard. She originally met her being clumsy inside of the employee's canteen. Those were some fond memories.

"So, the Equestrian Council. You need help? Is something dire the matter?" Vermouth asked more serious.

"What is your take on corruption within Equestrian soil?" Twilight politely asked first.

"Either none-existing or very well hidden. Why?" Vermouth simply answered.

"Then, what is your take on the The white knight family?" Twilight asked without missing a beat.

"Good ponies. Capable hooves... Don't tell me..." Vermouth suddenly asked realizing what Twilight was getting at.

Then Twilight deposited the papers that Rainbow had uncovered and gave it to Vermouth. He took one good look at it, and immediately gasped. "This is..!" he said shocked.

"A list of victims. Ponies that either were forced into labor or were used abuse of power upon. Particularly the pony at the end of the list is getting the worst of the worst." Twilight simply said disappointed.

"My god. A fine of twelve million and an unbreakable contract. This is horrible!" Vermouth said shocked.

"Yup. A fine that was actually issued on Cloudsdale, she has to pay it, by herself. While raising two kids, and getting payed the lowest pay any pony could ever receive." Twilight added for good measure.

Vermouth simply gasped, he also has a bunch of kids. He can't imagine such a terrible circumstances. And such abuse of power... he went from shock to anger.

"You want me to present this to the Equestrian council?" He asked.

"You could. But nothing will happen if you do so. Instead, spread this information with a bunch of information brokers in their country and let them spread this information. We most likely can't break them from here. However with enough internal pressure, they will eventually have no choice but to either cut back on their actions, or stop all together." Twilight suggested.

Vermouth's eyes widen, "That is brilliant. If their power only extends to Equestria, then when the people realize just how bad their own are acting. That might be enough. But if that doesn't work, then what?" he asked, hoping for a plan B.

"Actually if that doesn't work. Then simply spread it to these people." Twilight said as she specifically points at three pegasi.

"You mean their families, right?" Vermouth asked confused.

"Yes. This one is an heir to a powerful merchant that does most of his business with their country. This action alone could ruin their economy. And this one is friends with the royalty of the neighboring country, a peaceful but powerful country with an army that is easily able to crush their country. And the final one, friends some dangerous beings at the chaos point. Surely that one is a last resort, but all of them poses dangers for their country." Twilight explained as she basically states five different cards in front of Vermouth.

"You said four right? Who is the fourth?" Vermouth asked.

"Me. It would be real shame if my magic goes berserk once more." Twilight simply stated.

Vermouth's eyes went wide at the mention, then looked down on his cards. "You want me to make those moves? Why?" he asked.

"Because the griffons are still technically hostile with them. If they ever point their hooves at anyone, you guys won't mind it if they point at you. Since the griffons are still way stronger than their elites. And they know it." Twilight explained.

"Damn. They are fucked. I guess messing with the secret princess does that with them." Vermouth said as he gives an impressed smile towards Twilight.

Twilight simply gave him a polite albeit strained smile. "Hook, Line and sinker." she simply said.

"Very well then. Leave these cards to me. I will immediately begin pressuring them." Vermouth said as he stood up.

"Celestia is pressuring them from within the country. Luna and Moon is allowed to know. Do not tell Celestia this!" Twilight warned.

"I know. Pacifism." Vermouth nodded in understand before opening the door to let Twilight out. And closing it behind her. While Twilight walks away, Feather finally spoke up.

"Wow. She has gotten scary. But I am happy that she does this." Feather admitted.

"Why?" Vermouth asked curiously.

Feather gave Vermouth a sad smile, "Ditzy is my cousin. I fought in court against Celestia to prevent Ditzy from having to pay the bill. I guess I lost in the end." she said saddened.

Vermouth smiled, "She has made a powerful friend. She will be fine." he said happily.

"Yeah. Yeah she will be. Anything I can do for you, by the way?" She asked serious.

"Yes. Prepare my long distance Communication orb. I need to have one long conversation." Vermouth requested.

"Understood. Its ready in five minutes." Feather said as she quickly went to work.

Meanwhile Twilight was basically sightseeing the barracks since literally nopony was stopping her. Even though her mere presence is banned there. And although she was spotted by every recruit the place ever had, she was never kicked out. Primarily since her banishment was only known by commanders and higher.

"Um. Can I help you?" One of the anxious recruits asked her.

"Yes actually. Where is Pride Keeper?" Twilight asked.

"In that building right there." The recruit points at a bunker with a massive metal disk on top of it.

"Thank you." Twilight said as she casually walked towards the building and enters it, by trying only one password. Since she had no password, she guessed one. Which was instantly the right one.

'Who in their right mind has set their password to be one, two, three, four?' Twilight thought shocked.

After wandering the building a bit, avoiding all manners of combatants. Until eventually reaching the door that held Pride's name. She gave it three knocks.

"Who is there?" Pride's voice sounded from the other side of the door.

"Someone that shouldn't be here." Twilight simply answered. And after three seconds, the piston door opens. Revealing Pride looking confused.

"How did you get in here?" Pride asked confused.

"Recruits didn't know I was banned. And someone set their password to one, two, three, four." Twilight said deadpanned.

Pride instantly looked embarrassed, "Yeah that password is mine." he said scratching the back of his head. Twilight merely sweat dripped at the mention.

"Can I come in?" Twilight asked politely.

"Technically no. But since your here, fine. Come on in." Pride said slightly annoyed. Letting Twilight pass and enter his personal office.

"Nice place you got here." Twilight simply stated as she took a seat on the couch.

"No you can't have it. So many ponies use that... joke. It is no longer funny." Pride said annoyed.

Twilight simply raised her eyebrow at that, not quite understanding it. And also not realizing that he broke the fourth wall with that one. "Alrighty then. I am here to give you some information you might like." she said.

"Hm?" Pride said he took a look at the papers that Twilight placed on his desk.

"Good luck sharing that information." Twilight simply said before teleporting away.

Pride looked at papers and was first stunned then shocked then angry. And instantly pushed this information in front of the Equestrian council.

What Twilight had now done was attack the White knight family using three different methods. Using Celestia to put royal pressure upon the family operating within Equestria. Using Pride to place the information in front of the Equestrian council and thus pressuring their actions within Cloudsdale and finally using Vermouth the pressure the country responsible for these ambassadors. Hook, Line and Sinker.

Meanwhile Twilight was back in Ponyville to inform and speak with Rainbow and Octavia.

"Twilight you have return! I got the medication knowledge. But it was poison from within Equestria." Octavia mentioned.

"I had feeling that, that was the case. Still its good to know, that we simply need to crack down on those sellers. I will send a letter to my brother about that. And what about you Rainbow, how were the pirates?" Twilight said smiling.

"I somehow managed to single hoovingly annoy the entirety of Cloudsdale since those clouds actually blew into Cloudsdale. Causing mass panic and a crazy amount of damage. But, this forced them to stay in Cloudsdale. Having to deal with an angry crowd and the damages aren't going to be fun." Rainbow admitted, "But I say, totally worth it!" she added proudly.

"Good. Operation Hook, Line and Sinker is also complete. The bait has been set, now its only a matter of time." Twilight said also proudly.

"Good work everypony. The project was a success. Now lets hope that we face no repercussions." Octavia said while praying silently.

"And if you do, send them to me. I will take care of any stragglers." Twilight said serious.

"Alright. Before I go home, I need to apologize to Ditzy. Then I am going home. And Octavia, do keep making DJ music. I am a big fan." Rainbow said before flying off.

"Welp. As Rainbow said, I am working on a new album. I need to go. Have a nice evening." Octavia politely said before also walking off.

"Goodbye." Twilight said as she walked off. She then walked back inside an made a quick dinner for herself. She then laid down on her bed and yawned a single time. Before instantly dozing off.

Author's Note:

Yes that title is a reference to Daring Doo. Since this is a combined strike, Twilight (Daring Doo) and her partner Rainbow Dash (side-kick) vs The governing body and the postal office. FIGHT!

And yes she used politics. It's super effective. So effective in fact, that I haven't seen the effects yet.

No but in all seriousness, this chapter was a lot of fun to make. A lot of nostalgia for me, since most of the ponies you see in this chapter are from the first book.