• Published 19th Mar 2022
  • 468 Views, 23 Comments

The Chef's cafe - vincent789

Twilight's life has finally caught on to the main story line of the show.

  • ...

A new octave to Octavia

It's Friday. One day after Octavia used a DJ set in a long time. And honestly she was still a bit ecstatic about it. It was the first time in a long time that she embraced who she used to be and who she is now. It gave her a different perspective of life. And after her own father's confession of his own embarrassment something which she totally overheard despite the music. Her heart was in a world of it's own.

On one hoof she is happy to finally gotten in contact with her own father. And at the same time, sad that she didn't listen at the time. however taking one look at Vinyl banished that thought. Had she not left her own home, she would never meet her currently sick roommate Vinyl Scratch.

Regardless, she woke up and literally jumped out of bed in excitement. And she hasn't been this excited, since she first touched a DJ set. Speaking of which, before going to bed. Octavia had grabbed an old looking treasure chest from the basement. Inside sat a bunch of items that she wished to banish by leaving them abandoned.

"Good morning." Vinyl said with a croaky voice.

This caused Octavia to turn around to Vinyl. Though slightly startled at the fact, she quickly composed herself.

"Good morning." Octavia said as she used a more upstanding tone. Although shaky due to her excitement.

"What is in that crate?" Vinyl asked curious. However she wasn't about to move out of her bed to check it out.

"This is the place I banished all of my items from when I was still with my family." Octavia admitted.

"I am guessing something good happened on my gig, huh?" Vinyl said as she sported a smile. Though she wasn't sure, due to her red cheeks from the flu.

"I touched a DJ set in the first time since I left my own home and family behind." Octavia said smiling.

"I see..." Vinyl said before falling back asleep.

Octavia smiled, she looked back at her chest. Before shaking her head. Now was not the time. Firstly, she needs to get some medication for Vinyl. And some breakfast.

So she did exactly that. She ate some breakfast and prepared some nice warm porridge. That she left on the stove to reheat later. She then left through the front door to head towards the small clinic inside of Ponyville. While walking she saw Derpy struggling with some letters. Which was unusual in itself. It didn't help that Rainbow Dash was staring at Derpy in the distance.... In a rather creepy manner.

Realizing that it might be a good idea to avoid letting Rainbow reach Derpy, she approached her. Before fully getting there, she noticed that the letter Derpy was holding was a different letter then normal.

"Hey Ditzy! What is the matter? You don't usually take so long to figure a letter out." Octavia asked while using Derpy's official name out of politeness.

"Ah. Octavia. It's just... technically this letter is for you... But you told me not to deliver certain letters to you, right?" Ditzy asked.

"That is correct. So why are you struggling to refuse a letter from reaching me?" Octavia asked confused.

"Well. This letter is written with a different writing style then those usually send from the banned place. So I thought, maybe this is from someone else than usually. But..." Ditzy said unsure.

"Can you show me?" Octavia asked.

"Sure thing." Ditzy said as she showed a letter with indeed a different writing style than usually.

"I see. This is indeed from a different pony. But it is from the usual place. Tell you what, just deliver it to my house. I will see whether or not this just needs to be erased. Alright?" Octavia offered.

"Sure... But I need your help first." Ditzy said as she looked around paranoid.

"Ah. You need to have some company right? The feeling of being stalked is currently rather noticeable isn't it?" Octavia politely said. While also focusing on Rainbow as if trying to send a message to go away. Either she didn't notice, or didn't care. But no response was given.

"Exactly! Wait do you know who it is?" Ditzy asked confused.

"Yes. I know a good way of getting rid of your stalker. But it requires the help of Fluttershy." Octavia said.

"Is that so. Then please help me get there without the feelings of paranoia." Ditzy pleaded.

"Sure thing. The medication for Vinyl is near Fluttershy's place anyways." Octavia said as she and Ditzy started to head towards Fluttershy's place.

"Oh! You were trying to get to the clinic? I see. After getting rid of my stalker. Perhaps I could get you some off on the price for the pills. Amethyst works there. With some explanation, I might be able to save you some bits." Ditzy said confident.

"That would be amazing." Octavia said with a smile.

Ditzy beamed suddenly, now that the paranoia was missing. "You look a lot happier suddenly. Did something good happen recently?" Ditzy asked curiously.

"Actually yes. I might have re-discovered my love for being a DJ." Octavia admitted.

"DJ Classical Horse. Right? I used to listen to your tracks while inventing new types of coffee." Ditzy said smiling.

"Yeah. I don't know why I suddenly lost interest in it though. Although I will not leave my Cello behind. It isn't wrong to try and pick up a different musical instrument once in a while." Octavia said beaming.

"I think it was due to peer pressure. Since everyone in your family played it, and you must have realized that you cannot catch up to them. Thus losing interest, and attempting to look out of the box. Which caused you to also fall in love with the cello." Ditzy said knowingly.

"Perhaps you are correct. Regardless we have arrived at Fluttershy's place. And for reference, it's Rainbow Dash that is stalking you." Octavia admitted.

"Ah. Then I see. Yes. Fluttershy will certainly be able to help." Ditzy said sounding a tad-bit confused but she knocked on the door regardless.

"Coming!" Fluttershy shouted from the other side of the door. As she opens the door she sees two smiling ponies on her front porch.

"How can I help you two?" Fluttershy asked, her tone quite shy. But not as shy, as meeting new ponies.

"Ditzy here needs help. Rainbow Dash has been stalking Ditzy. We don't know why, but she won't go away." Octavia said. Which caused Fluttershy's eyebrow to rise.

"Wow. I... I just got some nostalgia from that sentence." Fluttershy said mysteriously. She blinked with some wide eyes, before looking a bit grumpy at the mention.

"Are you telling me... she has stalked me before?" Ditzy asked shocked.

"Sadly, yes. Although if I told you the reason. I might lose a friend. Lets just say. She isn't doing this out of resentment." Fluttershy said as she gave Rainbow a hard stare. Causing her to flinch and fly off.

"Uh..." Ditzy said.

"She's gone. Don't worry. Something set off Rainbow. But don't worry. I will ensure that it doesn't happen again." Fluttershy ensure out of a sudden determined side of hers.

"Something tells me, you have dealt with this for a long time. Correct?" Octavia asked.

"Oh my word. You don't understand how much of a pain in the... Rainbow can be sometimes. Especially involving you Ditzy. Though probably not in the way you think." Fluttershy said as she nearly swore.

"Love?!" Ditzy suddenly shouted, causing Octavia to flinch slightly.

"Close. But not that to be exact." Fluttershy said softly before closing the front door behind her and flying off in the direction to where she knew Rainbow was probably hiding.

"Anyways. Atleast Fluttershy will keep our stalker at bay. Let's get that medication for Vinyl for now." Octavia said out loud.

"Yeah. Let's go!" Ditzy said suddenly a lot more relieved.

The rest of Octavia's walk was uneventful. She got the medication on a discount thanks to Ditzy and saw Twilight struggling with the large amount of guests. Before walking back home.

All of the small events that did happen were minutes apart. So when she got home, Vinyl was still sleeping and the porridge was still a bit warm. Even with stove off and without a lid. This caused her to warm it up a bit more and put it in a bowl. She then put the powder of the pills into the porridge as Vinyl will not otherwise consume it.

Before walking up besides her bed and attempt to wake Vinyl up. After some more shaking later, she just won't wake up. Starting to get worried, she made another trip outside, to quickly run towards Ponyville hospital for advice. And after telling them what happened. Vinyl was send to the hospital instead.

And after a few hours of waiting in front of one of operating rooms that held Vinyl. Nurse Redheart finally came outside.

"And how is Vinyl?" Octavia asked worried.

"We have good news and bad news. The good news is that it isn't the flu, but the bad news is that she is going to be longer stuck in a coma." Nurse Redheart admits.

"But why? It had all the symptoms of a flu." Octavia asked confused.

"Ah. It seems one of her drinks at a party was drugged with a powerful version of sleeping pills. Her attempts at staying awake from it seemed to be the primary cause as to why she moved and behaved like a flu. It is simply a side effect in case it is ineffective on the target." Nurse Redheart explained.

"So how much longer do you think? And do you roughly know when she took the pills?" Octavia asked.

"About one month. And I actually do. I think I was there when was drugged. But was too drunk to do anything about it. It was Wednesday at a party filled with white colored stallions. I think she was arguing on your behalf. More I do not sadly know." Nurse Redheart explained.

"Thank you. Please take good care of her. I am going to seek my lawyers and get a case going against those stallions." Octavia stated.

"Please do. I prepared a statement for you to take to court. Good luck!" Nurse Redheart said proudly as she hoofed over her statement among other pieces of evidence for the court.

"Good. Anything that will create a head start is good." Octavia said as she headed out.

Meanwhile back at Twilight's cafe. Twilight had been unable to get another musician forcing her to replay some older songs instead. When suddenly Ditzy took a seat at the bar.

"Hey. How has the day been?" Twilight asked.

"Bad. I actually gained the balls to ask my boss about my own contract and he said it was a security measure placed by the supreme court. When I told them, that I knew that the supreme court has no such power. They kicked me out. And gave me double to work for the day. Luckily all of them were practically next to each other. But still. Why are they binding me so?" Ditzy said depressingly.

"Don't worry. Tomorrow me and Rainbow are going to investigate exactly that. I have connections going up all the way to the supreme court and above. While Rainbow is going to investigate Cloudsdale side of things. All you need to do, is wait patiently. I am known for my prowess regarding Female employment. And I will flex it as much as I need to." Twilight said proudly.

"I would be happy. If it wasn't for the fact that Rainbow stalked me." Ditzy said giving a small smile.

"She what?!" Spike shouted in the background. Twilight could hear Spike stomping down and into the bar.

"Rainbow Dash! The deal is off!" Spike shouted firstly, then he approached Ditzy. "Let me explain-" he was about to do exactly that, when Twilight closed his mouth using her incredibly powerful magic to keep it shut.

"No. Tomorrow, Rainbow dash was going to apologize for her cold behavior to you. Among other things. And we aren't in the position to talk about this. But to put it simply, Rainbow invested a lot of money into you, willingly. But when you didn't pan out the way she hoped. She got angry. And became cold as a result. Now that she's aware of the real reason you didn't pan out, she wants to help you." Twilight explained.

"How so?" Ditzy asked.

"One word, coffee." Spike answered anyways. Although a bit muffled due to the magic. Right as he said that, Twilight released her magic on Spike.

"Ah. She is a fan. Isn't she?" Ditzy said as she finally understood why this was happening.

"Yes. But the rest is going to explained tomorrow. So while you are here anyways. Want something to drink?" Twilight asked.

"Uh. I didn't bring any money." Ditzy admitted.

"It will be on the house. But only once, so make it count." Twilight said.

"Then just give me a Sex on the beach cocktail." Ditzy asked.

"Oh. That is a good choice. And although I am not allowed any alcohol. I have tried that one. It's good." Spike admitted.

"Sure thing." Twilight said smiling as she grabbed one of the more summer glasses.

She then filled it with ice, she then poured 40 ml of PeachTree, 20 ml of vodka, 40 ml of orange juice and 20 ml of cranberry juice into the glass and stirred in carefully. Before adding a final touch of orange slice as garnish. And then placing the drink in front of Ditzy.

"One Sex on the beach. I hope it is adequate." Twilight said as she went back to cleaning the glasses.

Ditzy took one sip and gave a small moan. "It's exactly as I remembered." she said smilingly.

"Perhaps you will like it with this. Again, consider it on the house. It is going to be a dish that is going to be served in the summer. One Mediterranean salad. Which contained watermelon by the way." Spike said as he places the plate in front of Ditzy.

"Oh! Looks good!" Ditzy said as she took a bit. "And tastes amazing!" she added.

Twilight took one look at the salad before looking back at Spike. "Less pepper and less sauce next time, alright? Also you forgot to add the cheese." she said.

"Crap!" Spike said before running back into the kitchen. "We are out of cheese! We will need to buy some tomorrow." he added later on.

"Yes. But Spike, go to bed! Tomorrow will be a hard day for me. But it is a day you can finally use to explore Ponyville. So use it." Twilight practically ordered.

"Yes princess!" Spike shouted before running up.

"Princess?" Ditzy repeated.

"Ignore him. That is... another status I carry. Though I do not agree with it." Twilight admitted.

"Like Celestia?" Ditzy repeated once more. Her eyes getting larger by the moment.

"Do I look like I rule Equestria?" Twilight asked, upon seeing Ditzy shake her head. "Well there is your answer. No." she simply stated.

"So more like. A joke?" Ditzy asked.

"Yes. A joke. Just like Celestia is a joke and Luna is a joke. We are all jokes.... that was sarcastic by the way. And to answer your question. As long as I don't get special treatment. Then the answer is. Yes, I am a princess just like Celestia." Twilight finally admitted. Though unhappily so.

"Uh... Am I wrong in thinking that you do not like the status?" Ditzy asked.

"You aren't wrong. I am still salty. They forced the status onto me, while I was knock out cold from magic over-usage." Twilight admitted.

"I like Princess Celestia and Luna and Moon. But if they treat you like so, I do not like any of them in such a regard." Ditzy admitted annoyed.

"Well look at the bright side. With my status. I can help ponies like you. That are in trouble. In ways only some could hope to dream off." Twilight said annoyed.

"I don't quite understand. Why do you not like it?" Ditzy asked once again.

"It feels as if I am getting additional burdens from it." Twilight admitted.

"Twilight. If life was fair, then I wouldn't be stuck with these wall-eyed eyes. If it was fair, I would be a famous barista by now. And yet here I am. Stuck on an unfair contract, working a day job at Cloudsdale Postal Office. Caring for two other ponies and being stuck paying a massive fine. And yet, I still do not give up. If you really don't want the Princess status then fight for it. I certainly still am. Despite my everyday work, I am still not happy. And I will continue to fight the system until I break free." Ditzy explained wisely and determined.

"But..." Twilight said with wide eyes.

"It's simple Twilight. Don't give up. Keep trying. And perhaps you will lose the status. But you can only do it, if you try to do so." Ditzy said poetically.

"You're right. But I fear that giving up this status will make me lose my friendship with Celestia, Luna and Moon. I don't want to lose my friends." Twilight said worried.

Ditzy gave Twilight a smile, "If your friendship is decided on your status, then are they really your friend? Aren't they just using you at that point?" She asked.

"I..." Twilight said as she realized what needed to be done.

"It seems that you have figured it out. Come on, you will be fine. Just stand straight and look Celestia in the eye. And tell her that you honestly don't want your status. And if they refuse to remove it, then fight for it." Ditzy said as she finished her cocktail leaving Twilight alone to think.

'I guess I have been feeling so stressed and stuck for so long, that I forgot that all together that in order to improve you need to fight for it. I have become complacent, haven't I?' Twilight thought as she then suddenly smiled brightly, 'I think Ditzy is going to be a fine addition to the team.'

Author's Note:

This is the rare time I change POV for this story. Though it didn't matter. Octavia is an important character moving forward. Alongside Ditzy. And of course Vinyl. However she is just being used to move the plot along in this chapter.

Since keeping Friday blank felt... wrong somehow. Anyways this was actually rather refreshing. Since I try to stick with Twilight all the time.

Also this weekend will be very, very busy for Twilight. Helping Derpy and removing her status. Ooh boy, two very important chapters are coming up!