• Published 6th Aug 2021
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Get Him 3 - Lord Blackraven

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Chapter 15: Twilight "All Knowledge"...

Twilight All Knowledge…

Since Alex had been overcoming his nightmares about the ponies, he had been sleeping much better and waking up more refreshed. His energy had returned and he had taken to exploring the castle more. He had discovered the whereabouts of the library and had passed the time reading about the founding of Equestria and the ascension of the two sisters to the throne. He was astonished to learn of their power over the day and night and its orbiting celestial bodies.

“They have that kind of power??!!” He thought in surprise. “I hope I never meet them again! They are gods! They could easily turn me into a pile of ash with a single thought!”

More snows had come and the ruins were covered in a thick blanket of white. Hearthswarming would be present in a day or two.

Despite the chill in the air, once again Princess Luna took flight setting a course for the old Everfree castle ruins.

She was curious as to what new deviltry Alex had in store for the remaining four ponies.

Arriving at the castle at her usual time and slipping through the hole in the throne room roof while at the same time casting her invisibility spell upon herself, so as not to be detected by her young charge. She took notice of the fact that he was looking rather healthier and that the bags under his eyes had all but disappeared. He also was looking healthier and not so thin and gaunt.

She found him just readying himself for bed and crawling in his makeshift sleeping arrangements.

Once she heard him softly snoring she wove her spell and entered his sleeping mind.

“Alex?” she softly called. “I am here.” She whispered in her dream voice as she walked through the dream planes still unseen.

“As always Sarah. It is nice to know that my guardian angel is here for me.” Came his reply.
Luna smiled at his comment.

“It is time to deal with the one that has caused me the most hurt next to that moon pony.” He said tersely.

“Then let us begin.” As Luna began to weave her spell. A portal opened and Alex went through only to enter what looked like a library as far as the eye could see in any direction. “MAN!” He exclaimed. “I wasn’t far off naming her Twilight “All Knowledge Must Be Mine” Sparkle!”

Looking around he spied “All Knowledge” with her muzzle in a book as usual. As he walked up to her and looked at the book title. “All About Humans” The title read. “SHEESH! Talk about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder! This girl never quits!” He said in disbelief. “Well she is going to get the shock of her dreams” Alex said rubbing his hands together.

“Alex? What are you going to do?” Lunas ethereal voice came to him seemingly from everywhere.

“Just watch.” Was his reply. “Time to do a little Fahrenheit 451 on her.”

“I don’t understand. What does the temperature have to do with…….?” Luna suddenly got her answer.

Bursting through a door that looked like one of the never ending row of bookshelves, came a figure Luna didn’t recognize. Before Twilight could do anything it threw a rope around her neck and began to drag her out of her beloved library. At the same time another figure armed with some kind of containers on its back and a tube in its grip entered and to both Twilights and Lunas horror began to spray fire throughout the library setting all the books contained ablaze.

Twilight screamed in shock as her precious tombs went up in flames, then everything went black as a cloth sack was thrown over her head and she was forcibly dragged out.

The scene changed when the bag was lifted from her head as she found herself suddenly in a room with a chain around her neck and the other end chained to a wall. She looked all disheveled and at once tried to fire up her magic only to have nothing happen. She tried several more times only to have the same results. She couldn’t understand why this was happening until she reached a hoof up to her forehead and found nothing there.

After more frantic searching all over her head with both hooves, she came to the startling truth. Her horn had been surgically removed. Her magic was gone!

“No! No! No no no no no no!” She cried. “This can’t be! Where am I?! What happened to my horn?! What happened to my magic?!”

As if in answer, the door to her cell opened and her eyes went big as in stepped Alex.

“Hello Twilight.” He spoke.

Twilight backed up in fear and in a panicked voice cried. “Alex! What happened? Why am I here?”

Alex crouched down to her cowering forms level and looked her straight in the eye. “Why are you here you ask?” he replied. “ Why helping with your continued thirst for knowledge of course!” He said with a smile on his face. “I met a friend who decided to help me with my nightmares. You are now in my nightmare that you created for me only the situation is reversed! Fitting yes? Now you can experience it from my end. Isn’t that just …peachy?”

He then stood up and reached behind his back and produced a medal that looked like a Hoofbell Prize only slightly different.

“I want to thank you for your help in my getting this award Twilight.” He then turned to the cell door and opened it and walked out closing it behind him. “Good bye Twilight.”

“No Alex! Please don’t go! Don’t leave me here. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please! Please! Please! As her cries for mercy fell on deaf ears and everything faded to black.

Twilight Sparkle suddenly sat up in her bed with a panicked look on her face. She immediately reached for her forehead to breathe a sigh of relief when she found that her horn was still there.

She tried to lay down and go back to sleep but found that she couldn’t. The memory of her nightmare came crashing back full force along with the memory of Alexs’ nightmare that Princess Luna showed them and the reminder of the letter she had read from him shortly after his disappearance.

As Alex exited the door to Twilight Sparkles nightmare cell, he stepped through the dream portal into the dream plane once again.

“And now for one more.” He said out loud. “Sarah, Let us go to the apple pony. What was her name Applejack was it?”

“Yes Alex.” Came the reply. “Two nightmares in one night Alex. I must say I am surprised!”

“Yes, I want to be done with this. Open the way to her dreams.”

A portal opened and Alex stepped through into the dreams of Applejack.

Alex was about to start but suddenly stopped as he looked at her asleep. She was tossing and turning mumbling in her sleep and muttering that she was sorry over and over.

“Sarah? What gives? It looks like she’s having a nightmare already.”

Luna, still invisible to Alex, looked inside at Applejacks nightmare and soon realized what the problem was.

“Alex, look on the nightstand next to her bed and you may see why.”

Alex did as he was bidden and noticed six golden bits sitting there.

“I see six coins. So what?”

“I believe those are the six coins are the reason. Do they hold any meaning to you?” Luna queried.

“Not really. Wait a minute. Are those the six coins I “willed” to her after I disappeared?”

“I do not understand Alex.” Luna asked. “What does six bits have to do with her nightmare?”

Luna knew the answer already but she still wanted to hear it from Alex.

“When I first arrived here, I had no food, no shelter, no money, and only my back pack and the clothes on my back. I didn’t know where I was, or how I got here. I stumbled onto her apple farm and because I was hungry I took two apples from one of her farms trees. She found me and charged me four bits for the two apples. I didn’t know what a bit was much less have any, she decided she was going to capture me and force me be a trained sideshow freak to draw in ponies and make her rich. In essence she was going to make me pay for those two apples for pretty much the rest of my life. I stated that I had an apple heritage in my family ancestry.”

As they continued to watch Applejacks nightmare unfold, Luna spoke. “I think that explains her nightmare.”

“How so?”

Luna began to then tell Alex about Applejack and her element. “Miss Applejack is the living embodiment of Honesty. The Element of Honesty if you will. Her conscience is getting to her for how she treated you upon your arrival. Her conscience is being honest with herself as her guilt for your mistreatment eats at her.”

Alex turned away from the scene and began to walk away.

“Alex? Where are you going?” Luna asked wondering as to his sudden departure.

“Let’s go Sarah. I can’t do this anymore.” He stated. “I just can’t.” As he continued to walk away from the portal.

“Alex? What is wrong?” Luna queried. Concern in her voice.

“Sarah, I wanted to punish those ponies for all the harm and torment they were so kind enough to bestow upon me. I didn’t do anything wrong! I felt that I was being punished and they were punishing me for just being me! I wanted justice! I wanted to make them pay! But this is not justice. This is revenge borne of hate. I don’t like the way it makes me feel inside.”

Luna was absolutely stunned at this sudden turn of events! She silently strode beside him marveling at this young human and the wisdom beyond his years he possessed. She admired this human boy and felt a small sense of pride in the fact that out of the millions of humans on his home world, that she had chosen him but at the same time great guilt for how she had gone about bringing him into her world and especially wanting to turn him to stone to protect him. With all the thousands of years she had been around, how could she have been so unfeeling and stupid?



“There are still two more ponies that should be seen to.” Luna suggested with some trepidation. Wondering if he had any plans for her and her sister.

“The princesses you mean?”

“Yes. What do you think should be done about them? They contributed to your torment as well did they not?”


“W-what? W-why?” Luna asked. “They should be punished too don’t you think?”

“Probably. Just not by me.”


“If you want my honest feelings on the matter, I found some books in the castle ruins library.”


Alex let out a heavy sigh. “Did you know they can actually move the sun and moon?”

“I had heard rumors that it was so.” Luna smiled.

“The sun doesn’t move. My world orbits around the sun by itself and moon moves on its own around my homeworld. So does the weather. There is no magic of any type in my world. It moves on its own too. To have that kind of power you would have to be a god.”

“The princesses?They could easily turn me into a pile of dust with a single thought… or worse. Just make me go away and I’d be powerless to do anything.”

“They terrify me.”

Lunas head fell upon hearing these words.

“It’s been very lonely these past years. Well, with the exception of you. It’d be nice to have a friend and to not fear for my life any more.”

“Don’t give up hope Alex. Things are bound to change… for the better.”

“No. Better that I fade away quietly when my time comes. It’s just safer for all parties concerned.”

“Sarah, I’m tired. I just want to go home and go to sleep.”

In the white planes of the dream realm, Alex walked silently. Luna, still unseen, silently beside him. No words were spoken.

He suddenly stopped and lay down as his dream bed seem to materialize around him.

Soon he was asleep.

Author's Note:

It looks like Alex has suddenly had a change of heart. Also it seems like Celestia and Luna wont be getting their comeuppance either. OR maybe they are because Luna, as always reports to her sister on the nights events. Once they both realize that he is terrified of them because of their power, it might be necessary to try a different tac to put him at ease enough to trust them.

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