• Published 6th Aug 2021
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Get Him 3 - Lord Blackraven

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Chapter 2: A Message From Beyond the Grave

A Message From Beyond the Grave

A few days later after the hunt that had turned so horribly tragic, Celestia was sitting in her throne room. Her meetings with the nobles finished for the day. “Why do I continue to put up with them?” she sighed. Lunas Night Court was just about to happen and her sister would be arriving at almost any time now. To be honest her mind wasn’t really on the happenings of her Day Court. It was on the events of a few days ago. She had arranged the Human Hunt. She had taken them all to Whitetail Woods. She had been responsible for putting Alex in danger and all for sport. Since his disappearance, she had taken this all pretty hard. Sure, she had sent out teams of royal guard ponies to find any sign of him, but each time they had returned empty hooved until she finally had to call off the search.

Celestia let out another deep sigh. Her heart heavy with grief.

While lost in her thoughts, Luna came through the throne room doors looking as sad and miserable as she herself felt.

“Good evening sister.” She said as Luna entered and approached the raised dais where sat the thrones of the two sisters.

“Hi” was all Luna said in return. Her head down and her muzzle almost touching the floor.

“Sister? Are you feeling well? Is everything ok?

“No. Everything is not ok.” She replied. “And you know why.”

All Luna wanted was a friend that didn’t know about her past and wouldn’t judge her. It was her wanting to have a fresh start at having a friend. Someone who would like her for who she was and not feel intimidated or any fear for what she had done or the fact she was a princess. Sometimes she just wanted to be treated as a normal mare and not royalty.

“Yes, sister, I know.” She sadly said in return.

A knock came at the throne room door. The door opened and a guard announced that a mail mare was here with a package addressed to them.

Curious as to why the mail was being delivered so late in the day, they bid them enter. The mail mare entered and bowed before the pony royalty before hoofing over the package she was carrying.

“What might this be about? She said. “Luna? Were you expecting a package?”

“No sister, I was not.”

“Neither was I.” Celestia said.

Thanking the deliverer, the mail mare bowed low again and departed without a word.

Celestia held the package in her magic turning it this way and that while Luna watched with growing interest. “What could this be?” She asked followed by “There is no return address? Curious.”

After a quick spell casting to make sure there were no dangerous magics or enchantments on it, she opened the package.

Inside the sisters were both startled to find some objects that were seemingly familiar looking but not made in Canterlot nor even in Equestria for that matter.

There was a book with an odd looking aerial machine on the cover. Upon opening it, there were diagrams of flight patterns and aerial maneuvers among other things.

Next, there was a fashion looking magazine full of human characters modeling what they guessed were the latest fashion designs for the humans to wear. Along with this was a drawing pad with all kinds of doodles and drawings contained within its pages.

“These things belonged to Alex!” Luna exclaimed “Why is it that they are being delivered to us, I wonder?”

Finally, there were six bits and a letter that said “From Alex.”

Celestia opened the letter and began to read. “Dear Ponies. If you are reading this…”

“Luna, I think we need to summon all who were present at the hunt. I think they need to hear this.”

Celestia summoned a quill and parchment and wrote “To My Faithful Student. Come to Canterlot at once. Bring all those that were present when Alex disappeared at your earliest convenience.”

She then rolled up the letter and with her magic, sent it on its way.

"To My Faithful Student…"

“Typical Twilight. Any time she gets a letter from Princess Celestia, she thinks to deal with some catastrophe and needs to bring a hundred books along.” Spike mumbled to himself as he watched Twilight run around the castle in a panic wondering what she needed to bring.

“OOOOOO SPIKE I don’t know what I need to take with me to our meeting with the princesses!” She said in a panicked state as she ran to and fro throughout the castle.

“Twilight calm down. You are doing it again.” Spike said.

“But I don’t know what the princesses want and why they called on us so late in the day!” She exclaimed.

“Twilight, calm down. Yes they did tell you what to bring.” Spike countered. He took out the letter from Celestia and cleared his throat. Sticking a pointed claw in the air he began. “To My Faithful Student Twilight. Come to Canterlot at once. Bring all those that were present, when Alex disappeared, at your earliest convenience.”

He spoke. “There is no mention of books, tests, scrolls, or something requiring the elements. Just all who were present at the Alex Hunt. That’s it.”

Twilight screeched to a halt upon hearing those words. She let out a deep sigh. “Your right Spike. Ok. Let’s gather the girls. I’ll get Rainbow and Fluttershy. I’ll have Dash send word to Applejack and tell her to bring the Crusaders as well. You get Pinkie Pie and Rarity and make sure they bring Sweetie Belle. Have them all meet at the castle to spend the night since the train is not running now. We’ll take the first one out of Ponyville at first light.

As soon as Celestias sun started to peek over the horizon, the ponies made their way to the train station. Rainbow Dash complaining about having to get up too early.

All present boarded the first train out of Ponyville destination Canterlot.

“I wonder what the princesses want from us so early in the morning.” Twilight said.

“I don’t know. Perhaps they have found new information on the whereabouts of Alex, darling.” Rarity replied.

“OOOO!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “If they found him then I can still throw him my “Goodbye Human / Hello New Pony Party I wanted to do!” She said excitedly.

“I hope he’s ok.” Fluttershy said quietly. For the rest of the journey to Canterlot, everyone was silent.

“THE FRIENDSHIP EXPRESS IS NOW STOPPING AT CANTERLOT STATION!” The conductor announced. His announcement breaking them each out of their thoughts.

Once they all had disembarked, they found two carriages waiting for them. Half boarded one while the remainder boarded the other. Soon they found themselves through the castle gates and disembarking. From there they were escorted up the steps to the receiving lobby and from there to the double doors of the royal throne room.

One of the doors opened and a guard announced to the two princesses, “Princess Twilight Sparkle and company.

“Please show them in.” Luna announced.

Twilight, the Elements, and the younger siblings all walked into the throne room and up to the base of the dais. All bowed before the princesses to which Celestia dismissed them with a wave of her hoof saying “Please. No formalities. There is no need for that.”

Twilight stepped forward. ”Princess, you summoned us and we got here as quick as we could. What do you need? Is there any news about Alex’s whereabouts?”

“Yes Twilight Sparkle. There has been some rather new developments concerning young Alex. But alas, his whereabouts continue to be a mystery.” Luna responded.

“Yesterday evening, we received a package by mail courier. In it contained some of the belongings of Alex along with a letter addressed to all of us.” She spoke at the same time gesturing to the small table to one side with Alex’s things set upon it. There was also a letter contained, with these, addressed to all of us. It was hard to read but easy to understand and very disheartening.” She said sadly as she levitated it over to Twilight to read.

Twilight grasped it in her magic and unfolded it. She cleared her throat and began to read out loud.

Dear Ponies

Dear Ponies.” She began but then noticed that the word “Dear” had been crossed out. “Ponies. I don’t use the word “Dear” in this letter because none of you are dear to me.”

If you are reading this, then it must mean that I am gone. If it were possible, I would take the opportunity to tell you all, to your faces, that I want nothing to do with you.”

All present gasped at what he had just said but she continued. “If any of you were to find me dying at the side of the road, I would not thank you for giving me a drink of water, nor for taking me to a hospital, nor even staying with me until I shuffled off my mortal coil. That being said, I will leave with as much of a clear conscience as I possibly can and say I am sorry for any harm I may have inadvertently caused since my arrival and to let you know of some things that I feel still have to be said.”

“Futtershy.” I am not an animal and I will not be put in a cage to be part of your zoo. I am a rational, intelligent, thinking person. To be put in a cage, to my kind, is to be a prisoner, a slave, or a criminal. We humans value our freedom above all else. You should know this. Have you ever been put in a cage or locked up, made a prisoner? If so, how did you like it? Yet you would to this to me?”

“Rarity.” I am not, and thankfully will never be, your “pet” I will not wear a collar or a leash and be paraded around simply to increase your popularity or social standing. Once a long time ago human slaves had to wear collars and chains. They were thought of as “things” and “property” not people. It took several hundred years for us to overcome that and it still rears its ugly head from time to time. It is considered an abomination! That being said, I also wish to apologize for falling through the roof of your home and for ruining your dress you were working on. Therefore I give you a fashion magazine from my world in the hopes that it might inspire you in your future projects.”

Celestia then levitated the magazine over to Rarity who took the offering in her own magic and looked at the cover. Her head dropped in shame as she recalled how she had viewed Alex as a possession instead of a person.

“Pinkie Pie.”

“That’s me!” Pinkie exclaimed jumping up and down excitedly. “I will never attend one of your parties.” Pinkie suddenly froze in mid-air for three seconds and then fell to the floor. Her normally poofie pink mane suddenly deflating and a look of bewilderment on her muzzle. “You were more interested in turning me into a pony, something I am not, and then celebrating it rather than one for me as a lost newcomer. If that’s the case, then I would not wish to attend any of your parties. No thanks. It’s not for me.” Pinkie just sat there in stunned silence for a moment (that being a first) as what Alex wrote sank in.

“Rainbow Dash.”

“AW YEAH! She said excitedly. He’s probably going to tell how awesome I am!” she said as she hovered in the air. “I will never be your toy. I am not a plaything. What you wanted to do to me, well, we have a word for that in my world. “A Bully.” A Bully is one who picks on others who are too weak or small to defend themselves. They find joy in harming and tormenting others. Totally uncool in the extreme.” Dash just fell out of the air where she was hovering unable to speak as the words of Alex sunk in deeply. “I-I’m not a bully am I? I can’t be as bad as he is making me out to be. I’m too awesome to be a bully.” Her usually brash bravado was snuffed out like a candle in a hurricane. Twilight continued… “Never the less I am sorry for ruining your flight routine you had been working on for so long. I have always loved flight and flying, but humans don’t have wings. Instead we have had to use our creative ingenuity to make up for it by flying by mechanical means, so, I will try to make up for it by loaning you this book on some of the greatest fliers called “pilots” and flight routines from my world. Contained within is the maneuvers for both airshows and for combat. I hope you will at least be wise enough to study what it contains within its pages. Remember, this book doesn’t exist anywhere else on the entire planet. You are the keeper of the only copy.

Luna levitated the tome over to Rainbow Dash as Twilight looked at it, eyeing it hungrily and eagerly. “Rainbow, when you are finished I would like to…NO!” Rainbow shouted. “But I just wanted to…NO! Twilight!” Rainbow Dash hugged the book to her chest and then looked down in shame. “This guy doesn’t have any wings and he was still better than I’ll ever be.”

Twilight sighed and then continued. “To the young trio. All I can offer you is some words of advice. Keep looking for your special talent thing you do and above all don’t be like the grown up ponies that you look up to. Be better than them.”

“Applejack.” Twilight read aloud. “Oh this ain’t gonna be good.” She said out loud as she pulled her Stetson down over her eyes and seemed to brace for some kind of invisible impact. “I am not some kind of performing circus freak you could use to make money off of. When I was brought into this world with nothing but the clothes on my back and a few possessions, I had nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep. It seems sad that with the millions of apples you have on your farm that you couldn’t spare two to a stranger who was lost and alone in a strange place. You charged me four bits for the two apples I took and when I couldn’t pay because I didn’t know what a bit was, much less have any, you decided you would humiliate me by having me perform to make you rich in order to pay off what I owed, so, here is six bits for your troubles even though you asked for only four.” The bits were levitated over to her as Twilight continued to read.

You might find this interesting, in my family tree, but way back about 200 years or so, I discovered a relative who would be my great (however many greats back) uncle by the name of John Chapman. Most don’t know him by that name. Instead they know him by another, Johnny Appleseed.

During the course of his life, it is thought that, he alone planted 100,000 square miles of apple trees. He did this so that the pioneers going west, searching for better lands and a fresh start to a new life, would have food along the way so that they wouldn’t starve in the wilderness. He never charged anyone money for them.” He is considered a folk tale hero and a legend.”

By this time Applejack felt lower than the belly of a snake. Only now realizing that exploiting him for bits had been more important to her than hospitality. Worse still, he had an apple heritage. To her way of thinking, she just might have tried to use a distant relative, a family member for profit. “The Flim Flam Brothers were better than she was right now.” She thought.

“Twilight-All Knowledge Must Be Mine-Sparkle.” Twilight frowned at this title. “I’m betting you have already lived up to that name and have lusted over the book I gave Rainbow Dash.

I despise you the most. “To my understanding, you were the private student of, and learned from one of the most powerful magic users in the land. You eventually became an Alicorn yourself, got a pair of wings, a crown, the Elements of Harmony, the praise of the world, and a castle, and that still doesn’t seem to be enough for you. Still you crave more. You didn’t try to befriend me, instead, you wanted to use me to claim even more glory for yourself! Even going so far as to change your appearance to look like a female version of one of my kind, all in an effort to trap and cage me so you could get another award to hang on your wall. You were more interested in WHAT I am instead of WHO I am.

Some Princess of Friendship you turned out to be, or maybe you are just that, but it only applies to creatures with four legs and fur coats.”

“You know, If you had just tried to befriend me first and then asked, instead of deceiving me, I might have very well said yes to helping you with getting your award.

Twilight suddenly realized what he had written was true. Wrapped up in her continued thirst for knowledge and praise, she had utterly failed to live up to her station and calling. The Princess of Friendship. Tears started to come to her eyes as she felt the utter disappointment of that failure sink in.

Now Alex was gone and she had no way to make it up to him.

“Twilight. Please continue.” Celestia spoke softly. “I believe there is still more written. There are still two ponies left.” Twilight cleared her throat and wiped the tears from her eyes before she began again.

“Celestia.” Since I cannot collect on our agreement if I was to let you hunt me, I release you from said debt. In a way I am glad of this current situation. Now you cannot invade and conquer my world which was your nefarious plan…” The other ponies present looked on their sun goddess in shock and horror.

Celestia bit her lower lip and looked away but said nothing. Twilight continued. “…You cannot invade and conquer my world which was your nefarious plan should you be the one to win the contest. With my absence, the magical thread you said still connected me to my home is now gone. My world may not be as magically advanced as yours, since my world doesn’t have magic, it would still be safe from the likes of you! Add to that you should thank me for saving the lives of many of your subjects you would have sent to their deaths should your plan have been implemented. My world has a very long and bloodied history of war, with weapons that could wipe out entire cities in a single flash of light and a roar of thunder. Just imagine one of your largest cities and all its inhabitants gone, dead.

Every stallion, mare, filly, colt, and newborn foal little more than ash, all in the blink of an eye and all for your “greater glory.”

I am mortal. You are immortal and you will have to live with the thought and memory that, despite your best efforts, I bested you. All of you, and therein lies MY immortality!

Celestia looked away in shame. “Conquering his world was never my plan. I only wanted to try to establish peaceful relations with his people. I didn’t want war. Maybe if I had told him, he might have understood.” She sadly said.

Twilight continued.

“And now for the architect of all my misery. Luna. You tore me from my home, my friends, my family, everything I had ever known and all for what? So you could turn me to stone. Make me into a bird toilet. You know, just because you are a princess, doesn’t mean you can take whatever you want or that you are entitled to it, just because you wear an expensive head ornament.”

“The drawings in my drawing pad are for you. In them you might see through my eyes, just what I think of you. Not just you, but ALL of you. Pay particular attention to the stories told of the snake woman named Medusa and the water demon, and what they did to people and to children.”

Luna grabbed the sketch pad in her magic and began to flip through the drawings. She saw that Medusa was a beautiful human female, she guessed by human standards, How the gods punished her for her beauty by turning her into a gorgon with a mane of flowing snakes, and how just looking at her turned humans into stone statues. She then looked at her own flowing mane and saw the similarities. She then continued on to the drawings of the water demon and how ugly and horrifying it looked as it swam to the bank of its pool. Then how it transformed itself into a beautiful white mare. The next picture denoted a lost little human colt maybe no more than five years old. The following scenes showed the boy climbing on its back, the monster jumping in its pool with the boy, bubbles rising to the surface, then nothing, then a slight stain of red on the waters surface.

Luna dropped the pad with a horrified look. “Is that how he saw me? Am I still the monster I was? Has nothing changed despite my best efforts? I just wanted a friend who wouldn’t see me like this and yet I have failed again!” She cried. Luna began to sob. “I’m still a monster! I only wanted to show him my world and keep him safe. I never wanted to hurt him. I AM still a monster!”

Celestia put a wing over her sister. “We were ALL monsters Luna. Not just you. He was the first of his kind to appear in our world and rather than treat him as an honored guest, he went to his grave thinking we were worse than King Sombra and Crysalis combined. Now he hates out entire country just because of us.”

“And we can never make it right.” Twilight said sadly.

The last lines summed it all up as he had written it all in the Ancient Equestrian tongue.

“I was an hungered, and ye gave me naught to eat. I did thirst, and ye gave me naught to drink. I was alone, cold and scared. A stranger in a strange land, and ye took me not in.”


Author's Note:

Alex really gave it to them all with both barrels didnt he!

Shall I continue?

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