• Published 6th Aug 2021
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Get Him 3 - Lord Blackraven

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Chapter 17: Lunas Update

Lunas Update

Luna flew home to give her morning report to her sister on the nights events and how Alex had been doing.

It was still dark outside and there was still a few more hours before she would have to lower the moon and make way for her sisters sun. She decided it might be best to get a little rest before meeting with Celestia. The griffon delegates would be coming to discuss treaties and negotiations tomorrow afternoon. Typical politician stuff. It was always boring as usual and Luna hated politics. It was one of the many things that made her hate being a princess. Sometimes she just wanted to be a regular mare. Still, it was her lot in life and it was her duty as a princess and co leader of her nation and she took her duties very seriously.

“How is our young friend Luna?” Celestia asked. As she landed on the throne room balcony. Celestia had been waiting there for her sisters return. Well, so much for sleep.

“He is doing well Celestia." She answered as she landed, her hooves making nary a sound on the marble flooring."The gifts we gave him were badly needed and he was very grateful for them. He was just like a young foal. So filled with innocent wonder and happiness. It warmed my heart.” Luna said with a smile. “Apparently there is a similar holiday in his world like ours. He called it Christmas. They sing carols and exchange gifts. They even decorate trees like we do.” Then Lunas head bent down a little as she seemed to be deep in thought.

“What is it Luna?”

“As I was leaving he thanked me but almost said my name instead of the name he normally called me by. I think he suspects more than he is letting on. He is a very perceptive pony.” Luna said while staring off into the direction of the Everfree.

“Luna? Is there more?” Celestia asked noting the thousand yard stare in her sisters’ eyes.

“Yes there is sister. He knows of our magic and the powers we hold over our respective charges. Just as I thought I was gaining his trust once again, this happens. He sees us as gods Celestia, he told me that the sun, moon and even the weather in his world all move on their own. His world has no magic! None at all! His world has no control over its celestial bodies and that the only one that could is a being he calls God. Therefore he sees us as actual gods that could snuff out his very existence with a single thought and he would rather die by his own hooves than face us.”

Celestias face was one of shock and horror. “Luna! That just can’t be! We would never use our powers in such a way!"

"I know sister, I know. But do not forget the nightmares he had about us. We are still terrifying in his eyes."

“This is very troubling news.” Celestia said very solemnly. “And speaking of our charges, it is time.”

The sisters both walked back out onto the throne room balcony. Each one took a deep breath and let it out in a heavy sigh. They both closed their eyes and tapped into their respective magics and began their work.

Once finished, Princess Luna excused herself and retired to her chambers to get some much need sleep before the gryphon delegates arrived.

Although she was tired from her nights work her mind could feel no peace. The revelation that Alex was even more afraid of her and her sister was very troubling. It had never occurred to her that her ability to control the night and its orbiting satellite could be so terrifying when viewed by another. It simply was her and her sisters’ duty nothing more. Without the balance her and her sister maintained, all life on Equis would cease to exist! Luna thought as she drifted off into a restless sleep.

2:00 arrived and the griffon delegates had arrived on time. The meetings and negotiations went off without a hitch. By around 5:00 pm the meeting was concluded and the gryphon delegation paid their respects and left the throne room. All parties concerned seemed happy with the outcome.

As they were leaving, Celestia called out. “Frodor Greyfeather. Would you kindly remain a moment longer? There is something my sister and I wish to discuss in private with you.” The old griffon stopped and turned around with a raised eyebrow. His large eyes reading what he could of any tell-tale signs on the faces of the two alicorn princesses.

He looked calmly over his shoulder and said some to his cohorts and then approached the thrones of the diarchs.

“How may I serve the crowns of such beauty before me?” he said with a grand bow.

Both Celestia and Luna giggled at his overly exaggerated display of manners.

“Oh please! Really you are too much at times my old friend!” Celestia said between giggles.

The old griffon chuckled merrily with them.

Celestia then cleared her throat and her demeanor took on a more serious look. “In truth, I have need of your advice and perspective. Since you are not a pony, we need your views on a troubling matter that has come to our attention.”

Celestia and Luna both told the griffon about the stranger they had met and the events leading up to this moment. How he had constantly eluded capture and faking his death to be left in peace.

“Frodor, Alex is still in hiding today because he fears us. He would rather kill himself than come before us!” Celestias expression wasn't quite as neutral as she perhaps thought it was; he could see how disturbed she was. “And I will freely admit that we don't…. can't understand that. And as we are responsible for the safety and security of both him and our subjects, I need to understand…. I have to know how his mind might work, how he might react to things, to properly judge him as to how we might set his fears to rest.”

The old griffon listened quietly and patiently. “I understand,” he said quietly, not quite able to keep his voice from hitching a little upon learning of this fantastical tale. “Well...,” he began rubbing his chin with his fore claw I... I can't exactly speak for him, of course, but I can conjecture a little. Given how much effort he put into escaping and staying free, I think it's clear that he values his freedom above just about anything else - maybe even above his own life, if forced to choose between the two. When he saw you, your highnesses, he may have believed that you had come to destroy him because you saw him as a threat to your ponies.” he saw a brief look of shock cross both alicorns faces, almost too quickly to catch “and so decided that, absent any chance of survival, he could at least give himself a swift death by his own claw rather than potentially suffer a slow one.”

Celestia and Luna were both silent for more than a minute, gazing down at the floor, while Frodor watched them with an expression of concern. “I see....” Celestia said quietly. “Frodor, as you aren't a pony so perhaps you can give me an unbiased opinion... could we truly be seen as so terrifying, so merciless, to a creature unfamiliar with us?”

“Knowing what you can do, but not who you are? I'm afraid so, your highness', and quite easily too, I might add. I do not mean any disrespect, but knowing that you have complete control over a giant ball of fire in the sky and the moon and stars, has probably done more to get potential enemies to the negotiating table than anything else. Let us face facts. How hard would it be for you to allow the sun to stay over a particular area where a potential enemy might be amassing for an attack?” He then looked at Luna. “Or to hold the moon in place thus changing the ebb and flow of the tides to prevent said attack?”
It actually hurt Frodor to say that; he liked the alicorn sisters. But the honest truth was the only thing that he felt would help in this situation. “Though, Your Highness’, I'll also say that anyone who does get to know you at all understands that, for all your power, you're two of the gentlest and most understanding creatures to walk this world.”

“You flatter us, Frodor.” Luna said, a ghost of a smile decorating both Princess's lips. “But thank you for your insight and honesty. Your help has been invaluable, and we truly appreciate all you've done.”

“It was my pleasure. Now If you no longer have need of my services, I will take my leave.” The griffon said with a bow and promptly turned and left the princess’. Just before he walked through the throne room doors, he stopped and looked over his shoulder. “Should you ever resolve your particular situation in a favorable way, I should like to meet this young Alex you spoke of. He sounds like a fascinating creature!”

“Should it happen so, we would be most happy to do so old friend.” Luna responded in kind. And with that the griffon ambassador turned and left.

Author's Note:

After all that work Luna has put in, now another problem seems to have reared its ugly head.

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