• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 625 Views, 4 Comments

Diary Of A Closet Romantic - Lunar Spice

I know I act cool... but I really like the sappy stuff

  • ...

Entry 2

Dear Journal,

What to even write about?

(Besides her)

I was getting a bit lonely today. Don't tell anyone.

I was tempted to go find someone to cheer me up or something, but I just ended up finding a tub of ice cream. Even though I'm a romantic at heart, I'm not the biggest fan of romance movies. So, instead I put on a B-rated horror movie.

In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have put that movie on.

It's one of her favorites.

It's something so stupid even though it's trying to be scary that you can't help but laugh.

...it's exactly what I needed.

I had a day to myself with no jobs to do and not a worry at all.

So why do I feel so miserable?

I want to go over and visit her, but she lives so far away. And she's busy all the time, so I only see her like once a month.

It's not enough for me.

I swear she's like a drug. Whenever I'm not with her, she's all I think about. When I am with her, nothing else matters. Not even me being the fastest or most awesomest or whatever.

If someone could ever capture the drug that just looking into her eyes gives me, I'd spend every last cent on it.

Yeah, if they could bottle sheer perfection, that's what it'd be.


I REALLY hope no one else reads this.

I know I act cool and that I don't like frou-frou stuff at all, but just once I'd like to be able to pamper her. To 'woo' her, as Rarity would put it.

I'd show up at her door, actually looking nice (putting some effort into my clothes, for once). I'd give her a bunch of flowers (I think they're called a bookay, or a boukwey? Ugh, well, it's not like anyone else is going to read this).

Then I'd overcome my nerves and ask her out on a genuine date.

Would she agree? ...or think it's just a prank?

Don't get me wrong, I loooove a good prank. I'll pull a huge prank any day of the week! But, I honestly think I'd be super hurt if she thought it was a prank.

Great, now even my ice cream isn't helping anymore.

I even got my favorite flavor, too. It's white chocolate ice cream with raspberry swirls and dark chocolate mini hearts. I don't think even my best friends know that it's my favorite flavor. I think I told them it was something like a chocolate fudge.

Bleh, I don't even know what to write about anymore. Either I'm rambling about something weird or I'm rambling about her.

Well, I guess that's what I got this journal for.

I went out earlier, to get to the grocery store near my house. I was tempted to get a few drinks so I could forget my worries, but I decided against it. I walked past the flower department and saw a few bunches of roses. Of course, I didn't stay there, just in case someone walked past and saw me.

But I still wondered about giving her some roses.

Would she like red roses? Yellow? Or maybe multicolored?

It didn't help that I saw someone there who looked exactly like her.

She was the same height, with the same hair, and the same beautiful eyes.

I had to walk away before I seemed super weird for just staring into a stranger's eyes.

And I still didn't get any alcohol. I'm almost glad about my self-control. Instead, I bought a bunch of candy.

Diet be damned.

Although, technically dark chocolate is healthy, right? But probably not as healthy when there's toffee mixed in.

Ugh, I'm just going to go eat some more.


Author's Note:

Today has sucked. That's all.

Side note, I actually do know how to spell 'bouquet', but I doubted that Rainbow did, mainly because I don't think that bouquets show up very often in Daring Do books.