• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 625 Views, 4 Comments

Diary Of A Closet Romantic - Lunar Spice

I know I act cool... but I really like the sappy stuff

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Entry 9

Dear Journal,

Well, today I kinda broke down. I didn't know what to do, so I locked myself in my house and baked.

Then I ate half of what I made.

I also ate some Halloween candy I already bought. It's only the first day of the month, but I've already decorated around the house. What can I say? I love October.

Even though I don't trick or treat anymore, I still look forward to October, especially Halloween. I'm probably just going to watch Nightmare Before Christmas while ignoring the kids that come up to my door. There really aren't a lot of kids around in my neighborhood, so there won't be a ton of trick-or-treaters.

Plus, a kid threw up on me when I opened the door last year. I really don't wanna have to go through that again.

I don't know what she has planned for Halloween. Or really what any of my friends have planned. Maybe I should plan something for all of us to do.

I heard about a ghost tour about an hour away from where I live. It's supposed to be super scary, where a guide brings you to 'haunted' places and tells stories about people who died years ago coming back and haunting people.

Apparently there's a house where, if you knock on the door, the ghost knocks back! It sounds awesome!

I'm sure that all the girls would get a kick out of it. Well, at least most of them.

Maybe I should dress up in a spooky costume and try to scare them as a prank!

I haven't been pranking much lately. I think my creativity is in a total rut. I just can't think of any good pranks. Either they're too small (like leaving cups of water out to confuse someone) or just too much work (breaking into someone's house and leaving baby powder everywhere).

Also, I'm terrible at picking locks.

I need to find some pranks that are easy (and not expensive) that aren't too much.

Of course, some of my friends are easier to prank than others. I really only need to say 'Boo!' to scare Fluttershy!

As long as I don't scare her too much though, I'm happy.

See ya