• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 625 Views, 4 Comments

Diary Of A Closet Romantic - Lunar Spice

I know I act cool... but I really like the sappy stuff

  • ...

Entry 30

Dear Rainbow,

How long have you felt like that? I honestly had no idea. I mean, I knew something was going on, but I never expected it to be something like this.

I... don't know what to say, really.

We've been friends for as long as I can remember. Sure, we've argued and fought, but I can't think of a time when we weren't friends.

When my parents passed, you were there for me to lean on. You didn't say nothing sarcastic or complained that I cried all my tears out on your shoulder. You... gave me something to be happy about again.

I guess I was a mite selfish when I should have been comforting you.

When your parents passed, I didn't really know how I could help. I just told myself that you needed time and space.

I guess I gave you too much of it, though. I'm real sorry about that.

I'm sorry about a lot of things.

I'm sorry for teasing you like that when I know now that it just confused and frustrated you.

I'm sorry for riding you to tell me the truth when it was making you uncomfortable. I value honesty, but not so much to hurt you while wringing it out of you.

I'm sorry for reading your journal. I thought there'd be something in here that would help me know how to help you. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't understand.

I'm really sorry for not recognizing the signs earlier. That you were lonely and that you had feelings for me. I should've been able to tell, but I guess I was just blind.

All those days you spent alone in your house... That would make anyone exhausted and lonely.

When Ma and Pa died, I locked myself in my room for days. I was grieving, but I also didn't want anyone to pity me. Is that why you spent so long in this house, stuffed up to the shingles in silence?

It must've been hell.

I never meant to hurt you. You are my closest friend, and I'd rather face a swarm of vampire fruit bats than hurt you.

Which is why I lied to you.

It tore me up inside and out, but I had to. If i'd told you how I really felt...

What I'm trying to say

The truth is

Shit, this is impossible.

I'm telling you the honest truth. I like you too, Rainbow Dash. Like as more than a friend.

I told you I knew I was attracted to girls about a year and a half ago. I didn't tell you how I figured it out.

You were always there for me, ready to challenge me to do better, telling a joke to help me feel better on bad days, and even just being there without having to say anything.

You make me want to be a better person. And I want to be a better person just to make you happy.

I wish I could have told you this sooner, but I was too chicken. It was never the right time.

Eventually, I started ignoring my feelings because I didn't think that someone as awesome as you would be interested in a down-home southern... me. I never felt like I was good enough.

It didn't help whenever you said you were 20% cooler than everyone else in the whole damn town.

Gosh, even though I'm not saying this to your face, it's still hard.

Rainbow Dash, will you go out with me?

Rainbow couldn't move. Her eyes blinked slowly, trying to make sense of the words she was reading.

The words she had written to her.

A shiver ran down her spine as she reread the last line, the question that she had been dreaming about for so long.

A wide grin split her face as she willed her body to move, grabbing her rain boots and helmet.

A loud peal of thunder crashed as Rainbow opened her front door. She didn't even know when she had written that.

Rainbow wasn't exactly punctual when it came to writing in her journal. Her last entry had been months ago.

She didn't even want to think about what's been going through her head since she wrote that.

The growl of Rainbow's motorcycle was drowned out by another roar of thunder. The rain was falling almost in sheets, but she didn't care.

She was on a mission and nothing was going to stop her.

The trees blurred past as Rainbow sped down the road. She knew the way she was going by heart. She had walked there so many times as a kid that she could probably get there blindfolded.

Although, with the pouring rain, she might as well have been blindfolded.

It didn't matter. No one else was on the streets, so Rainbow arrived at the farm in record time.

As she shut her bike off, she didn't even bother leaving it upright. Instead, she let it fall sideways into the growing puddle of muck. She'd have time to clean it later. It wasn't important right now.

She dropped her helmet next to the bike, mentally reminding herself to wipe out the inside before she left.

WIth her helmet gone, Rainbow's hair quickly slicked down to her scalp with the torrential rainfall. She was trembling, but more from excitement and anticipation than from the chill. Her clothes were plastered to her body, but she didn't care.

Forcefully shoving away all of her doubts and anxiety, Rainbow marched right up to the front door and knocked.

"I'll get it!" called a voice from inside. Even though it was faint, it still made Rainbow's heart skip a beat.

All too soon, the door opened, Applejack stood in the doorway, mouth agape at the sight. "Rainbow...?"

"Before you say anything," Rainbow interrupted. "I want to tell you something important."

She took a deep breath, ready to bare her heart, but stopped abruptly. Applejack had walked out into the rain and embraced Rainbow, who gladly returned the gesture.

Neither one knew how long they stood there, in the rain, resting in each other's arms.

Eventually, Applejack pulled her head back enough to look Rainbow in the eye. "Is this what you wanted to tell me?"

Rainbow shook her head, words failing her. As she reached up and cupped Applejack's cheek, the world fell away. She leaned in and, ever so gently, pressed her lips against the farmer's.

As the thunder crashed overhead, drenching both women, Rainbow felt happy. She never wanted this moment to end. This was the kiss that she had been dreaming of for so long. She half-expected to wake up in her bed, again tormented by dreams that would never happen.

But this feeling, Applejack's mouth against hers, her arms embracing her, even her natural scent of apples and cinnamon, were all real. Rainbow was sure of it.

As the kiss ended, they rested their foreheads together, breathless. Neither one wanted to move from their embrace. Applejack's arms wound tight against Rainbow's back, while Rainbow idly stroked Applejack's cheek with a thumb.

"...I thought you'd never read it," Applejack chuckled.

"I was a bit distracted," Rainbow whispered, not bothering to hide the smile on her face.

Applejack released Rainbow and stepped away slightly, grinning. "Would'ya like to come inside? It's a mite damp out here, and it might be nice to talk a bit," she looked back towards the door, still hanging ajar.

Rainbow laughed at the sarcasm, her first real laugh in a long time. Still smiling, she followed Applejack inside.

Author's Note:

So, this is the final chapter of the story. I know it's not exactly the same as the other chapters, but I thought this was a good way to end it. Especially after all the angst I put Rainbow through.

The point of the ending was to show that while I've been writing Rainbow as feeling all alone in this world, she has Applejack to lean on. This doesn't mean that her bouts of depression and anxiety will just disappear, but she will be more suited to handle them now with a support system. While I ended the story at a bit of a weird point (ending it before their conversation inside the house), I thought that having too much exposition would just ruin the whole thing. Rest assured, in the story they talk extensively about Applejack's feelings, Rainbow's feelings, the journal, etc. and eventually start dating.

They have plenty of things to worry about in their lives, but they have each other to lean on, so they'll be okay.

Please let me know what you thought of this series. I know I was a bit sporadic with uploads, both in time and in length, but I try not to force creativity. If you force it too much, you lose the spark that drew you to it in the first place. Then, it'll never get done.

Anyway, I'm relieved that this is finally over. I liked writing it, but it was taxing constantly having a negative point of view (for maximum angst, of course). While I did pull some aspects from real life, a lot of the scenarios were created just for this story, such as Rainbow's parents dying from a drunk driver and Applejack getting physical with Rainbow out of frustration in Chapter 27.

I know it's probably not my best story, but I'm happy with how it turned out.

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