• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 625 Views, 4 Comments

Diary Of A Closet Romantic - Lunar Spice

I know I act cool... but I really like the sappy stuff

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Entry 26

I learned a lesson during these past couple weeks. Mental and emotional pain hurt just as much as physical pain. In fact, I think it's worse.

There are things that you can do to help physical pain. A pill, heat, ice, whatever to ease the pain. But emotional and mental pain? No pill or massage will ease that.

It takes a long time to ease that kind of pain. I think people forget that. Broken bone? Cast, ice, and pain pills. It'll be better in a few weeks. I still remember that from middle school. Stupid Bulk Biceps tackled me when I was trying to make a goal and broke my shin. To be honest, I'm lucky that's all he broke.

But a broken spirit or broken heart? No cast, no ice, or pain pill for that. And it can last so long. I don't even know how long this will last. I know I'm being overdramatic, but there's really no other way to describe it.

I broke down yesterday and went to see the doctor. I told her how I've been losing sleep and feeling really achy and stuff, but she just wrote me a prescription and that was it.

It's weird. Something I've been putting off for weeks is over in less than an hour. But my pharmacy is closed, so I can't get the medicine until tomorrow. I don't even know what it's for exactly, but she told me it would help.

I hate feeling like this. I hate being so weak that I have to rely on medicine to help me feel better. I should be able to help myself, damnit! I'm Rainbow Freaking Dash!

Not that that really matters.

I got the doc to write up a doctor's note for my work. At least this time, when I'm not there, it'll be official.

I wish I didn't have this sort of problem.