• Published 9th Oct 2021
  • 541 Views, 6 Comments

G5 Movie Redux (rewrite part 2) - Norwegian boy

While trying to conducts test on a possible recipe for a teleportation potion, an alchemist by the name of Streak gets caught in an accident when something goes wrong in his lab. Only to find himself in a place he doesn't recognize.

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142 Questions for a Unicorn

While Streak ran out of Maretime Bay, Sunny and Izzy ran further into to town while the earth ponies ran away in fear of Izzy.

“Earth ponies are serious about games.” Said Izzy as she followed Sunny up a hill.

“They’re not playing, they’re terrified.” Sunny told Izzy as she ran.

“Oh, no. Of what?” Izzy asked as they took a left.

“You! You’re a unicorn. Earth ponies hates unicorns.” Sunny told Izzy as they ran down a hill.

“Really? That seems a little harsh.”

As both ponies came out of the alleyway they were bombarded by some green stuff that hit the ground on front of them which made them both to stop, some earth ponies was using some sort of catapults to throw the green stuff.

“Let’s go.”

Both ponies had to run in zig zag to avoid to get hit by the green stuff, the earth ponies who lived in town was still afraid.

Sunny and Izzy managed to get back to the main street where they meet and this time they had to avoid the traps on the ground, Sunny just ran past them while Izzy bounce past them and she was humming while doing it.

Then Izzy got distracted by a movie poster. “Oh, I haven’t seen this one yet.” And she managed to get herself trap by a trap.

Sunny walk towards the trap and then Hitch showed up. “All right, citizens, calm down. The threat has been neutralised. The unicorn has been captured. You may now cheer.” Hitch told then and the cheered.

Sunny on the other hoof, she started to walk towards the trap, she wanted to free Izzy and Hitch saw that. “Sunny! What are you doing?” Hitch asked her as she got closer. “Don’t even think about it.” Hitch said as Sunny reached for the button that would open the trap. “No, don’t you dare. No, no, no, no. Sunny!” She open the trap and Izzy was free.

“So, your name is Sunny?” Izzy asked as she was free and she was still her happy self.

That Izzy got out created a panic, again. Some earth ponies managed to get trapped in the trap that was meant for a unicorn.

Then Sunny and Izzy started to run towards the exit of the town. “Bye! It was nice to meet you all!” Izzy called out as she followed Sunny out of town.

“Deputy, to the lighthouse!” Hitch said to the red earth pony who was standing beside him.

The deputy didn’t really want to so he step on one of the traps that right beside him. “Oh, no, I appear to be trapped.”

Hitch let out a sighed. “You gotta be kidding me.”

While Sunny and Izzy had their little adventure in Maretime Bay, Streak had managed to reach the lighthouse and now he was breathing heavily. “I’m so out of shape.” He said while leaning on the building. “I wonder how long does two will take?” He didn’t have to wait long, he spotted both of them running towards the lighthouse so he headed to the back, and he found a window that was open, he could listen to them.

He watch as both of them ran in the door, Sunny was last and she slammed the door which made a picture go crooked, Sunny then ran back and fix the picture. Sunny then ran to the window Streak was listing from and closed the curtain, he really didn’t care about that as long as she didn’t close the window.

Streak had no idea what they were doing but then he heard Izzy speak. “Do earth ponies also like staring contests? Hmm!” Staring contests? Did they really have that? “You win. I blinked.” Streak could only wonder what they were doing.

Then Sunny spoke. “There’s a unicorn in my house.” There was also a unicorn outside her house, but she didn’t know that. “This is so cool.” Is it? Streak wonder. “Wait, no, it’s bad, very, very bad. What have I done?” It sounded like Sunny was starting to panic.

Then Izzy spoke. “Wow! I’ve never seen an earth pony before.” Streak thought that was a little weird, he guessed that they live separately. “We look exactly the same, except for this, of course.” She was probably talking about her horn.

“Oh, hey, be careful where you point that thing.” Why? Nothing can happened considering unicorns can’t use magic.

“Why?” Izzy asked Sunny.

“Well, I…um…sort of don’t want to get zapped with a wayward laser beam,” Streak couldn’t help but roll his eyes when he heard that. “but of course you know that already. You’ve probably been reading my mind this whole time.” Streak hit his head against the wall, this earth pony didn’t know squat about magic. “Isn’t it supposed to glow, by the way, or does that only happen when you levitate stuff?” Streak wanted to hit himself with a hoof right about now.

Izzy wasn’t sure what to say. “Well, actually…”

“Wait, don’t answer that yet. Let me get my notebook.” Book? What book? Streak wonder. “Ok. Wow. Ok, 142 questions for a unicorn.” 142? That’s a lot of question. “Question number one, where do you live?” Sunny asked Izzy.

“Bridlewood.” Bridlewood? Streak had never heard that name before.

“I knew it.” She did? “Do unicorn really live in trees? Do they eat pizza? If so, what toppings do they like? If not, why not?” Streak wished she would stop talking about food, he was getting hungry. “Can you actually fry a pony brains with a single horn zap?” Yes and no. Sunny then gasp. “Can you make this float?” Streak then heard something landed on the floor, just what is she doing?

Streak managed to open the window so he could remove some of the curtain so he could see inside. “No, but I can do this.” Streak then saw Izzy use her horn to balance a tin can on her horn, it look like she was trying to open it? She did, Streak saw the tin can land on floor and it was open, it look like beans. “Ta-da.” Izzy look happy that she managed to open the can.

Sunny look disappointed. “Wait, you don’t have any magic?”

Then a new voice spoke up and it was a little louder. “SUNNY STARSCOUT.” Then it was some feedback. Streak recognized that voice, so he walk to a corner of the lighthouse, and he made sure that they couldn’t see him as he poked his head around the corner, he saw that it was the sheriff with a red earth pony who had something on his head, it look like a horn? “Sunny Starscout, I know you’re in there with that unicorn. Come out with your hooves up and surrender.”

“Yeah, you’re completely surrounded.” Said the red earth pony. Streak saw no pony around, was this pony serious or not?

“Will you let me do my job?” The sheriff told the red one. “You are under arrest.”

Streak then went back to the window to see what Sunny and Izzy would do. “This is bad. How sneaky are you?” Sunny asked Izzy.

“Eh, medium sneaky.” What’s medium sneaky? Streak thought.

Sunny then smiled. “I can work with that. Ok, I’ll distract them.”

“Pff! Relax! I’ll talk to him.” Then Izzy walk out the door.

“No, no.” Sunny was too late to stop her.

Streak then headed to the same corner to see what would happened. “Hi, guys. Now, I know what you’re thinking.”

Those words made the red pony to freak out. “Argh! She’s already reading our minds!” He then started to run. “Quick, before she fries our brains.” This pony was afraid for nothing.

“What are you doing? Where are you going?” The sheriff asked the scared pony and while he did that, Sunny and Izzy deiced to run for it. Streak watch as they ran and decided to follow them, he didn’t want to talk to ponies who was just afraid.

“To get reinforcement.” The scared pony told the sheriff.

The sheriff was a little surprised. “We have reinforcements?” The sheriff then saw that the unicorn was gone. “Huh? Oh, come on.”

Streak followed the two mares at safe distance, he didn’t want them to find out that he as following them yet. He could barely hear what they were saying.

“You don’t have magic?” Sunny asked Izzy as they ran.


That made Sunny to stop so Streak stop to. “No magic?” Sunny said while sitting down, she sounded disappointed.

“If it makes you feel any better, we did have it, but that was many, many, many moons ago. It just, poof, disappeared.” Izzy told Sunny while walking around.

Streak had listen to what Izzy said and he could help but wonder what happened, magic just don’t disappeared. To be honest, he had no idea how magic in Equestria worked, if he still was in Equestria.

“Everypony thinks the pesky pegasi had something to do with it, but oh… Oh, hey, you look kind woozy. Are you ok?” Izzy asked Sunny.

Sunny got up. “Huh… I am on the run with a unicorn who has no magic. What are we going to do?” Then Izzy did something Streak didn’t expect, she sniffed Sunny. “What are you doing?” Sunny asked the unicorn which was a good question.

“You don’t smell.”

“Thanks. Wait, what?” Sunny was just confused.

“I was told all you earth ponies smell like rotten sardines, but you do not.” Izzy told Sunny.

“Just how long have these ponies lived apart?” Streak asked himself.

“Hmm!” Izzy then saw a butterfly and started to follow it.

“What else do unicorns say about earth ponies?” Sunny asked Izzy

“Oh, just that you’re lazy and not the brightest crystal in the forest.” Streak agreed with that last part, he have meet many earth ponies who aren’t very smart.

“Charming.” Sunny said with annoyance.

“No, just those three. So, what’s the plan?” Izzy asked a good question, what are they going to do next.

“Wait, I got it.” Said Sunny as she walk over to Izzy. “Izzy, we are going on a quest to Zephyr Heights.” Zephyr Heights? Another name Streak hadn’t heard before. Sunny then took out a book from her bag and placed it on the ground, she then pointed her hoof on the book.

“The pegasus city?” Really?

“Yes. We need to find out what happened to your magic and bring it back. They have magic. Maybe they can help.”

Izzy wasn’t sure about this plan. “But the pegasi are bad news.”

“What if you’re wrong about them? Earth ponies were wrong about unicorns.” Not every earth ponies thinks that. “They could welcome us with open wings.”

“But what if they don’t?” Then Izzy started to sing?

Streak didn’t listen to their singing, he was more focus on what they said. If the magic in this land was gone how could the pegasi have magic? It doesn’t make any sense to him. Also, where is the magic? If the is really Equestria then why didn’t Twilight Sparkle do something? The better question is, where is she? She is an alicorn and they can live for six thousand years, is he really that far in the future?

Streak manage to follow them as the sang and walk/ran at the same time, he hated when ponies started to sing, he thought it was pointless. While following them Streak saw an earth pony up in the air, he saw that he had some balloons strap around his waist, one could wonder why.

When they were done singing, they had reached a mountain where Zephyr Heights were. Streak decided to introduce himself to them. “Excuse me.” That Streak spoke made the two mare to jump, both of them turn around and saw a blue unicorn. “If you two are done with whatever you were doing, I would like to join you two to bring back the magic to this place.”

Sunny was just confused, she couldn’t help but wonder who this unicorn was and how he knew about that the magic was gone. “Who are you and how do you know all this?” She asked Streak.

“I have been following you two ever since you left Maretime Bay.” He told her.

“You have been spying on us?”

“Spying is such an ugly word, I would say gathering information with you knowing.”

Sunny didn’t know what to think about this unicorn. “Izzy, do you know this unicorn?”

Izzy shook her head. “Nope, I have never seen him before. His not from Bridlewood that’s for sure.”

“No I am not. Look, I need magic to get back home and you two are probably my only hope so I’m going to follow you to Zephyr Heights whether you like it or not.” He then started to walk towards the mountain. “By the way, my name is Streak.” He told them as he walk past them.

Sunny and Izzy may not like it, but they got a new traveling pony.

Author's Note:

Wow, it's a new chapter.