• Published 9th Oct 2021
  • 540 Views, 6 Comments

G5 Movie Redux (rewrite part 2) - Norwegian boy

While trying to conducts test on a possible recipe for a teleportation potion, an alchemist by the name of Streak gets caught in an accident when something goes wrong in his lab. Only to find himself in a place he doesn't recognize.

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The Heist

After getting the supplies so Izzy could make a fake crown and they made it, they waited until it got dark and Pipp’s performants. While Zipp distracted the paparazzi and the guard, Streak and the two mars managed to sneak into the castle. Once inside they had to avoided the guards there, then Zipp open the door to the backstage to the throne room and they were in. They moved behind the throne and saw that there was many ponies there, this was not going to be easy.

While Streak and the girls was getting in position, Zipp was up in the balcony with her mother.

“I hear you paid our guests a visit.” The queen as put on makeup.

“Pipp told you?” Zipp asked her mother.

“Oh, you know she tells me everything.” She stop using the powder brush. “I wish you could tell me more. You’re going to be queen one day. You’ll wear the crown. And trust me, it’s heavier than it looks.” She then used the brush again.

“Actually, there is something I wanted to tell you. The unicorns don’t have any magic. I think it’s tied to why we can’t fly...”

Her mother cut her off. “Zephyrina! I don’t know what silly ideas those two unicorns put into your head, but we have a duty to protect our citizens. Pegasi are happy enough knowing that we royals can fly.” Yeah, by lying to them. “Why would you want to disrupt things?” The queen asked Zipp.

“Because it’s a lie.” Zipp said with some anger in her voice.

“It makes them feel safe. Oh, one day you’ll understand. Your sister does.” Then Pipp came ‘floating’ in. “Oh, and here she is now.”

Pipp was practiced her voice. “Me-me-me!”

Then the queen spread her wings. “Showtime.” Then they all got ready to be lowered down and while they did... “Remember to smile!” The queen told her daughter. Zipp didn’t like it at all.

Streak saw that Zipp and her family was lowered down on wires and it made him sick, he couldn’t believe that the pegasi had sunk this low. Sunny and Izzy gave each other a nod to get to work while Pipp started to sing.

While Sunny and Izzy tried to swap the crown, Streak keep a look out for trouble and he also watch the show and every time he did that he had to keep himself for throwing up. Sunny managed to switch the crown without the queen noticing, then they and Streak headed for the exit, Sunny open the door but there was a guard there so they closed the door. Once they turned around they could see the queen’s dog staring at them, then it growled at them. Sunny and Izzy ran while Streak was just calm as ever he just watch them run off, the dog was right behind them. “That can’t be good.” He ran after them.

They ran to another door and Sunny open it but there was Hitch with a mustache and some fake wings. “Sunny Starscout, your under arrest…” Sunny just smack the door in his face. Then the dog came running and it managed to snatch the crown from Sunny’s bag.

“Did that dog just steel the crown?” Asked Streak as he arrived. Sunny and Izzy ran after the dog while Hitch came into the door, he didn’t notice Streak. “Great, it’s the sheriff.” He then ran after the girls.

Hitch wanted to run after them but then he saw Pipp fly through the air and he couldn’t believe it, then his butt started to move to the music, he decide to focus on the task and that was to arrest Sunny and bring her back to Maretime bay.

Sunny and Izzy was still running after the dog when some guard walk in and they had to hide, Streak also saw the guards so he stop. He hide with the girls. Then Sunny saw that the dog was on its way back to the queen, the dog sat in front of the queen with the crown in its mouth and that saw Zipp. Zipp ran down and tried to take the crown from the dog’s mouth, it kind of work, the dog had now the crystal and it ran away and Zipp followed.

While Zipp was following the dog, Hitch had managed to find Sunny, Izzy and Streak. They moved backwards and hid behind some curtains but they were not alone, there was a pegasus there who was controlling everything. “Oh! It’s the prisoners!” He then ran away screaming. Then the girls started to chase him around something that look like a table to Streak.

Zipp was still chasing the dog who still had the crystal in it’s mouth, then the dog ran into Hitch’s leg and it drop the crystal. The dog and Hitch look into each other eyes and the dog fell in love with Hitch right away.

Back to Sunny and Izzy. “It’s ok, don’t be scared.” Sunny tried to assure him.

Then Izzy open her mouth. “I’m not going to fry your brain, ok?” Streak slap a hoof on his face when he heard that, he couldn’t believe that Izzy just said that.

The pegasus wasn’t convince and he accidentally push a button on the control panel which made the lights filcher a little and then Hitch was in the spotlight, literally. Hitch had no idea what to do and the crowed was just confused, he then started to dance and sing which Sunny and Izzy saw on the monitor, Streak had trouble contain his laughter.

Over them. “What’s happening?” Pipp asked no one in particular as she float over the crowed.

Hitch keep on dancing and the Zipp came and she saw the crystal on the ground, the pegasus that they had corned? Was still afraid and he jump on the control panel while bulling a lever which send Pipp on a ride, Zipp was trying to grab the crystal and she managed to do it, she decided to find the others.

Pipp was out of control and the pegasus who was watching over her ran out from his hiding place, screaming.

Zipp approached her friends. “I got it.”

“That’s terrific, can we leave now?” Streak asked them all, they then ran towards the exit.

Then Hitch notice them. “Freeze.” That made them stop and the rest of the pegasis saw them. "It’s the prisoners!” Said one of Pipp’s fans. Then Pipp came flying and managed to knock of Hitch fake wings. “Another earth pony!!" Said another pegasus, Hitch then ran after Sunny and the others leaving the dog very sad.

Pipp on the other hoof had other problems, thanks to nopony controlling the wires, she was out of control and eventually ended upside down so eveypony in the throne room could see that she was faking it all. Then they started to talk among themselves that they couldn’t fly and that they were fake, some of them started to take pictures. Zipp stop for a moment when she saw her sister hanging in the air which made Sunny to bump into her and the crystal fell out of her bag, Zipp eventually followed the others but she was a little conflicted.

Once they were out of the castle they ran through the street of the city and into an alleyway while they heard the sirens in the distances, one there could relax a little. Hitch decided to hide behind some barrels.

“Ok, I think we lost them.” Said Hitch as he look out from the barrel. Then a little mouse hug his leg.

“Hitch, what are you even doing here?” Sunny asked her friend.

“Arresting you. And saving you. So, you know, a little bit of both, actually. You’re welcome.” He told while trying to shake off the mouse.

Then Streak snorted. “Your doing a great job Stich.”

Hitch then pointed a hoof at Streak. “Hey, my name is Hitch and I didn’t talk to you unicorn.” Streak just rolled his eyes.

Then Zipp step forward. “Oh, gee, thanks. But we don’t need any saving. Ok?”

“And you are?”

Izzy wanted to answer. “Her mother is the queen!”

Hitch eyes widen when he heard that. “Wait a minute. So that means you’re a princess?”

“Huh, look at that. The sheriff just became a detective.” Said Zipp with some sarcasm in her voice, Hitch was just lost and Streak was laughing.

Then the big tv made some noise and a pegasus mare appeared on it. “Breaking story. Zephyr Heights is in turmoil tonight after the shocking revelation that the royals cannot fly.” They could see Pipp hanging up said down in a picture beside the mare.

Then they saw some young ponies. “Pipp used to be my favorite.”

Then they showed a little older one. “If we can’t trust our own royalty, who can we trust?” She told the reported.

Then a stallion grabbed the mic. “I blame the unicorns and the earth ponies. They ruined everything.” Sunny felt a little bad when she saw it all.

Then mare was back and she was handed a note. “This just in. Queen Haven has been arrested for being a phony pony full of baloney.” That made Zipp gasp.

Then they showed the queen being escort by two guards. “No comment, and no photos! Ok, one photo.” She then posted for one.

Then Streak spoke. “This is what’s happened when one lies,” Everyone look at him. “everypony turns against you.” He had a point. Streak also had to admit that the queen was kind of sexy, he didn’t know why.

Then Hitch spoke. “Anypony care to explain?” He asked them all.

“We had to get the crystal!” Sunny told him. “Look.” She decided to show Hitch the crystal but it was gone. “Ho, no, no, no, no, no.” She started to panic a little. “it’s not here.”

“Seriously?” Said Zipp.

“On the bridge side, we had fun losing it.” Said Izzy in her normal happy tone.

“We have to go back.” Said Sunny.

Zipp. “But it could be anywhere!” That was a good point.

“Maybe she got it.” All of them had no idea what Streak was talking about and then they saw him looking at someone, it was Pipp and she was walking towards them and she didn’t look happy. “Well, this should be interesting.” Said Streak with a small smile.

“Somepony seriously needs to explain why this thing was so important that you had to ruin my whole show over it.” She said while holding out the crystal.

Then Zipp walk over to her sister. “Trust me, it was.”

Zipp tired to take the crystal but Pipp pull it away. “You left me hanging there in the spotlight. Now everypony knows we can’t fly.” She said with some sadness in her voice.

Then Pipp phone made some noise. “A warrant is out for the arrest of the princesses.” Said the mare.

Then the queen spoke who was in jail. “Pipp! Zipp! Save yourselves.” She then smiled when the picture was taken.

“What?! This isn’t happening. This is so not happening!” She then started to panic.

“This is what happened when ponies is lying.” Streak mumble to himself.

Sunny heard him so she poked him with a hoof. “You’re not helping.” Streak just rolled his eyes, again.

Zipp then tried to explain to her sister why they did need the crystal. “Pipp! Forget about all that. We think we can bring back magic, but we need that crystal.”

Pipp was not convinced. “Have you lost your mind?”

“Please. This might be our only chance.”

Pipp didn’t look convinced at all so Streak step in. “Listen kid, you have no reason to believe us but if you give us the crystal and we managed to get magic back to Equestria, then you and your family don’t have to live a lie.”

Pipp didn’t mind lying to ponies but there was sometimes she wished she could fly for real. “Are you telling the truth, you realty think you bring back magic?” Streak nodded. “Fine! I know a way out. Come on.”

Pipp ran in the direction she came from and everyone followed her but not Hitch, he wanted to arrest Sunny. “What? Wait! You can’t just…” No one listen to him. “Bit I’m a sheriff!” He just grunted.

Streak decide to talk to him. “Listen Stich, you have two choices, you can stay here but if you do you would probably get arrest.” Hitch didn’t want that. “Or you can come with us and try and get magic back to Equestria, I really don’t care what you do.” Streak then ran after the girls. Hitch let out a groan as he followed them.

Author's Note:

Another crappy chapter to a crappy story. But don't worry, as soon as it finish I am going to delete it.