• Published 9th Oct 2021
  • 541 Views, 6 Comments

G5 Movie Redux (rewrite part 2) - Norwegian boy

While trying to conducts test on a possible recipe for a teleportation potion, an alchemist by the name of Streak gets caught in an accident when something goes wrong in his lab. Only to find himself in a place he doesn't recognize.

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Zephyr Heights

While Sunny, Izzy and Streak was trying to find a place to camp for the night, Hitch was busy walking around the sheriff office telling his deputy what Sunny did wrong, which name is Sprout, who was eating some pizza.

“I told her. I told her. No more favours, no more bailing her out. She gave me no choice. No choice.” Hitch stop to look at Sprout. “All right. We need to arrest her and bring her back to face the full force of the law.”

Sprout was about to eat the pizza slice. “Question. When you say we, you mean…?”

“You and I.”

That got Sprout to drop the pizza slice he was holding with his hoof on his desk. “Uh, I’d…I’d love to, but, um, I just gotta clean up my workspace, get my papers in order and…” Sprout really didn’t want to go after Sunny and the unicorn.

Hitch saw that Sprout didn’t want to go. “You know what? I think you’re right. This one’s a job for Hitch and Hitch only.” He then waved his hair and smiled, sprout was relived. “All right, Sprout, you can stay here while I’m out dancing with danger.” He told Sprout while kicking the door with his hind leg. “Keep everypony calm, maintain the peace, be a pillar of strength.” He then shivered a little as he walk out the door. “Who am I kidding? Just try not to start a war while I’m gone, ok?” Sprout wasn’t too happy of what Hitch just said.

Then the door closed right in his face. “Oh, everypony loves Hitch!” Sprout said with sarcasm while rolling his eyes. “What does he have anyway?” Sprout then started to tear down pages of a calendar which had picture of Hitch “Sure, he’s got a perfect mane, shredded abs, paid off mortgage. So what? I’ve got stuff. I can do…” He wasn’t sure what to say. “…um, things.” He then tore down the calendar. “Like that.” He then walk over to a file cabinet to try and close the top one but then the bottom one open. “And that.” He then closed the bottom one. “And that.” But then the top one open again.

Then a pale pink mare with glasses entered, it was Sprout’s mother, Phyllis Cloverleaf. “Where’s Hitch? Ponies all over town. They’re terrified. They want answers.” She said to her son with panic in her voice.

“He went after Sunny. Another solo Hitch mission.” Sprout told his mother with sarcasm.

“Sugar cube, why the Sprout pout.” Phyllis asked her son as she lifted up his head with a hoof. “That’s great news.”

Sprout didn’t understand why it was great news. “It is?”

“Yes.” Phyllis saw a bag on the ground, so she pick it up. “It means that you are the sheriff,” She then placed the bag on her son. “at least for now.”

Sprout like the sound of that. “I am! Hey there. The name’s Sprout. Sheriff Sprout. What’s the problem filly? Don’t worry. Sheriff Sprout is here. Pick up that litter! Sheriff Sprout orders!” he said while showing off. Little did his mother that she had created a monster, a weird monster.

A new day had arrived, and Sunny was walking through a canyon with Izzy and Streak. Streak was walking a further behind the two mare, he got the feeling that they didn’t trust him and didn’t blame them, he had spy on the for a while and he had ‘forced’ himself on the journey to get magic back to Equestria. Yep, he had confirmed that he was still in Equestria, the girls told him last night which raised a question, was he in the future, past or another Equestria? Only time will tell.

“You know, not to freak you and Streak out or anything, but you do know pegasi can steal you luminescence, don’t you? “Izzy told Sunny. Streak had never heard about that before.

“My lumi-what?” Sunny had no idea what Izzy was talking about, nor did Streak.

“Luminescence. You know, like your sparkle.” Sparkle? “Your is… lavender.”


“And the happier you are, the brighter is shines.” Izzy said with a smile.

Sunny was about to ask about Streak but then they heard something over them, it sounded like someone was jumping. Sunny and Izzy became a little nervous while Streak tried to see what it was which was a little difficulty thanks to the fog. Whatever it was flew right in front of Streak and it scared the mares, it then flew over them knocking some stones down which made Sunny and Izzy to run. Streak managed to get a glimpse of the shadow, it was pegasus.

Sunny and Izzy counited to run as the pegasus followed them. “Hurry.” Sunny told Izzy. Then they came to a dead end, then they started to climb up the wall while the pegasus followed them.

Izzy managed to climb up but when Sunny tried to reached the top, she fell. Sunny managed to grab Izzy horn and she was pulled up to safety. Then both of them breathed a sigh of relief but then a white pegasus burst through the clouds scaring both of them, the pegasus then did some lops around the stones and landed in a dramatic landing right in front of Sunny and Izzy.

Izzy gasp while Sunny spoke. “A real pegasus.”

The pegasus was surprised to see them both. “Whoa, a unicorn and an earth pony? Together? Ok, well, this day just got a whole lot more interesting.” She said in a female voice.

Sunny was about to asked the pegasus some question, but she couldn’t. “You know.” All three heard a male voice. “If you two are going to leave me,” They then saw a blue hoof reached the top, then they saw it was Streak. “you could have just said so.” He then tried to get but he had some trouble.

Izzy then walk over to him. “Here, let me help you.” She took his hoof and pulled him up. “There.”

Streak sat down on the ground. “Thanks.” He was breathing heavily. “I’m not as young as I was.” He then saw the pegasus. “Hah, I knew it.” He then pointed a hoof at the pegasus.

Before the pegasus could question what she saw, they all heard some hoof steps coming behind her. Then the pegasus ran to the edge of the mountain. “Don’t tell them you saw me.” She then jump into the clouds.

Then Izzy spoke “There’s no way we could! We don’t even know your name!” She had a good point. “She seems nice.” Streak wasn’t so sure.

Then they heard somepony shout, all three of them saw two pegasus wearing some armor. The green one was hiding behind the other one, who was female.

“Thunder, get it together!” She told her partner.

“But but that’s an earth pony.” Said Thunder.

“They’re harmless. They have very tiny brains.” Sunny wasn’t too happy to hear that.

Then Thunder saw the two unicorns. “What do we do about those two?” He asked his partner.

“Well, did you bring the shield?” She asked Thunder.

He had no idea what his partner was talking about. “What shield?”

“Didn’t you read the guard guide?” She asked Thunder.

“Yes.” He said with a small smile, the smile disappeared very fast. “Ok, no.”

His partner rolled her eyes. “Oh, fine” She then spread her wings as she walk towards the three. “I’ve got this.” Streak wonder what this shield was.

“This is humiliating.”

The two pegasus guards had brought Streak, Sunny and Izzy to an elevator which was taking them up the queen of Zephyr Height, Izzy was looking at the tennis ball she had on top on her horn, Streak was just annoyed, and Sunny wanted just to asked the Thunder some question.

“That’s creative.”

Streak couldn’t help but question what Izzy just said. “Creative? Izzy, they placed a tennis ball on our horn to prevent us for using our magic.”

Izzy look at Streak. “Does it work?”

Streak eye started to twitch. “No and it will not work. A tennis ball can’t stop our magic, it’s an insult to all unicorns.”

Then female guard, which name was Zoom, spoke up. “Nice try unicorn but I’m not falling for your lies, the shield is working.”

Streak look at Zoom with narrow eyes. “The only reason that me and Izzy can’t use magic is because the magic is gone, if I could use magic I would have scramble your brain.”

Zoom just snorted. “I won’t fall for your lies.”

Streak took a step closer to Zoom. “Then why are your legs shaking?” Both look at her legs and they were shaking.

Then he heard Sunny asked Thunder a question. “How far can you go?”

“Can you fly to the moon?” Izzy asked him.

“Do pegasi wear horseshoes or do they just weigh you down?” Streak had to admit it, Sunny had a wild imagination.

“Well, I-I do collect sneakers.” Said Thunder.

Then Zoom spoke up. “Hey, don’t answer anything. They could be spies.” She told him.

Then all three of them saw the wonder that was Zephyr Height. It was a city high about the clouds and both mares was amazed of what they say while Streak didn’t believe what he saw, he had never seen a city this advance before.

They heard someone speak. “Good morning, Zephyr Heights! It’s another beautiful day in this big city.” Streak saw where the voices were coming from and there was two ponies on a wall, they were big. “Looks like warm breezes and clear skies for tonight’s royal celebration!” Streak could only wonder what kind of black magic it was.

Then Izzy spoke. “Royal celebration? Ha! Talk about great timing!”

Then the female spoke. “Tonight’s royal bash for queen Haven will be stunning, but the jewel in the crown will be princess Pipp’s performance. Isn’t that right, Sky?”

“Oh, my, yes, Dazzle. And this just in, an exclusive vid from Pipp for all you loyal fans out there in ZH.”

Then Streak saw a new female pink pony who was wearing a crown. “What’s up, everypony? Big shout out to all my fans, the PippSqueaks. So tonight’s the night. I can’t wait to debut my new song later. It has a very special place in my heart, but not as much as you guys” That got all pegasus ponies to aw.

Then one shout out. “We love you so much, Pipp!”

“Ok, guys, I love you lots. Got to go. Pipp, Pipp, hooray!”

Most ponies said the same thing, Izzy to and the two guards. Streak on the other hoof. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

Then the elevator reached the top. “Move it.” Said Zoom to them. “You betcha.” Izzy answered and they started to walk.

While they were walking, Sunny notice something about the pegasus that was walking below them. “Do you see anypony flying here?” Streak also thought it was strange that the pegasus wasn’t flying.

“Oh, they have a castle.” Said Izzy as they reached the castle. Streak wasn’t impressed by it, he have seen bigger.

As they walk through the castle they eventually reached some doors and when they open, they could see throne with three chair on it, there were more guards.

“Wow.” Sid Izzy.

“Bow before our queen.” Said Thunder to them all.

Then some more guards started to play some trumpets, then the guard bowed and then a little white dogs with wings walk in.

It took a few seconds before anyone spoke. “Is this a joke?” Streak asked while looking at the dog.

Izzy on the on other hoof, bowed. “Your majesty.” Streak just rolled his eyes of what Izzy did.

Then light appeared over the dog, and it started to bark, Streak and the girls look up and what they saw was three pegasus, who was flying. Streak recognized two of them but not the one in the middle, she look older, she was probably the queen. The queen was pink and was wearing a crown and some sunglass but what Streak thought was strange that they were all flying, how can they when the magic is gone?

All of them landed on the floor and Streak saw that the pony they meet before look kind of sad? He wonder why. Sunny then gasp while Izzy said hello to her new friend which saw that and became a little worried, she shook her head and Izzy closed her mouth. Pipp was holding something in her hoof that Streak had never seen before.

Then the queen spoke. “Guards, state your business, and make it quick. We’re on a very tight schedule today. Before the celebration, Cloudpuff needs his pedicure, Pipp needs to rehearse and I need to practice my laugh.” She then try to laugh out loud, it was bad. “Hmm. Still not right.”

Then Zoom spoke. “Your highness, we found these intrudes in our territory.” They step aside so the queen could see Sunny, Izzy and Streak.

The queen tip her sunglass to have a better look at them, she then gasp. “Two unicorns and a earth pony in Zephyr Heights!” The queen was now worried

“We have them under control, your highness.” Said Zoom.

“and we deployed the shield.” Said Thunder.

Streak couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “For the love of all that is holly…” He then placed a hoof over his face.

Then queen started to panic. “Is this an attack on the night of our royal celebration? Why are you here? Who sent you? Nopony must know they’re here.”

Then Pipp spoke up while holding a flat thing in her hoof. “Check it out, PippSqueaks, live from the castle I’s a real earth pony and two unicorns. I know right?” Streak had no idea what was happening.

Then the queen took it. “There’s nothing to fear. Those nasty little ponies have been captured. Your queen will protect you. Shut it off.” She then tossed it back to Pipp.

Sunny was about to asked the queen some question but Streak beat her to it. “Are you serious?” All eyes were on him now. “Nasty ponies? You don’t even know us.”

Zoom wasn’t too happy that he talk to her queen. “Hey, show some respect to queen Haven, she is a great ruler.”

That made Streak to raise an eye brown. “Really? Are you sure she isn’t a falls ruler?” That got everypony to gasp.

“What are you doing?” Sunny asked Streak.

Streak pointed a hoof at Haven. “This queen just insulated us by calling us ‘nasty ponies,’ she doesn’t know us and she is talking about us like we are a threat because she believe we are, which we are not.”

“I heard enough. Guards! Please escort these ponies to the dungeon until I can question them properly. And confiscate the earth pony book and the blue unicorn bag.”

Zoom was about to take Streak’s bag but he wasn’t about to let that happened. “Touch my bag and I will break your hoof.” Zoom back away in fear.

“Are you trying to create more trouble unicorn?” The queen asked Streak.

Streak didn’t want that so the tossed the bag to Zoom who managed to catch it. “If I find out that you have look in my bag, you and I are going to have a trouble, got it?” He told Zoom with some anger in his voice, Zoom just nodded. They also took Sunny’s book.

As they were guide out of the throne room. “Did she just say dungeon?” Izzy asked as they walk.

“What ells could go wrong today?” Sunny asked.

“You know Sunny, when somepony say that thing usually goes wrong.” Said Streak.

Author's Note:

This story isn't going so well as I hope and here's the best part, I don't care. I'm going to finished it anyway.