• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 1,048 Views, 22 Comments

Record of Events - BiniBean

This is based on the fanfiction "Forever Faithful" By Konseiga. Which can be found on fimfiction. Princess Celestia starts to write a journal, documenting the strange letters from Twilight Sparkle, who perished a month ago,

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Entry One: The Void

Author's Note:

AN: This is heavily based on fanfiction called "Forever Faithful" by Konseiga. I suggested you check out the original story to give the author support because their story is wonderful! I have done this before and called it by another title "The Beginning of the End." Which received a lot of backlashes because it was based on "Forever Faithful."

I am just writing for fun. I fully suggest you check out the original source. You don't have to read this story if you hate that it is heavily inspired by that fanfic, although I am attempting to make it as original in my own way as I can with some of the same elements.

If you would like to continue, knowing this information, then, please. Enjoy.

If the original author contacts me and asks that I take the story down, I will agree. I do not want to disrespect their work. They are a wonderful author.

Journal Entry One:

I, Princess Celestia of the Sun, am writing this as a place to sort out my thoughts. Privately. I will not speak to Luna or my advisors about this matter because frankly, I am having trouble believing it has even happened.

One month ago, my faithful student Twilight Sparkle perished in a storm just outside of Ponyville. There was a miscommunication with orders and scheduling in Cloudsdale with caused a large thunderstorm to pass over Ponyville at the orders of Weathermaster Misty Thunder. Whom, as of this moment, is currently in Cloudsdale prison. Awaiting trial for fraud and conspiracy against the crown.

Twilight, according to eyewitnesses and reports, was trying to save a young filly when a tree broke and came tumbling upon them. Twilight had enough time to teleport the filly to safety. Unfortunately, she didn't have enough time to think about her own safety before she was crushed.

It was awful. Her friends, from what I have heard, are still in mourning. They are going about their lives but the short time Twilight was in their lives greatly affected them. Luna seems to believe they will never recover. Especially, the element of Kindness. Fluttershy. She saw it happen.

That would traumatize even the strongest of ponies.

Luna has pushed her sadness deep within. I still have nightmares about Twilight. Sometimes I see her simply sitting in a dark void. She is always scared and confused. Desperately trying to use magic to escape. Calling out to me for help and I can do nothing but watch.

For some strange reason, I still expected to receive letters from her. Knowing fully well she is gone and dead. Buried six feet under in the graveyard of Heros in Canterlot.

Which, brings me to today.

I received a letter from Twilight Sparkle today.

I received a letter from a dead pony.

That should not be possible.

It isn't possible.

It can't be.

The fire it came in was strange. Usually, Twilight's letters came in green fire, delivered from her assistant Spike. Spike is currently living with Luna and I in the castle. He hasn't spoken to any of the Sparkles since the incident. He still believes himself to be responsible for her death. He blames himself because he wasn't there to protect her.

The fire was black. Which was very unnatural. No creature could produce black fire. No magic, unless very advanced, could produce black magic. Twilight wasn't interested in the manipulation of the natural elements of the world through magic, it could lead ponies to places too dark to explore.

The letter was simple.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I don't know if you will receive this. I don't know where I am. I am in a void? I suppose it is a void. I don't know what else to call this actually. I am surrounded by darkness. By nothing. Quite literally nothing. There is no ground. Yet somehow, I can stand and sit. It took me a while, I assume it has been a while, it feels like it has been a while at least. But I have been able to perform a simple bit of magic. Which, if you are receiving this, is obvious. If not, then I suppose this won't matter.

It is cold. So very cold.

It was cold during the storm too. I was going home from Fluttershy's cottage. We had afternoon tea and then some crazy storm from Cloudsdale hit. I don't remember much to be honest, Princess. I remember Fluttershy and a filly screaming. A loud crack. I think I pushed somepony and then pain and nothing.

Something hit me and now I am here. I am not in pain anymore at least. If you are reading this, please know that I will find a way out of this. I am your student after all. You taught me well. I will come back to Ponyville. I miss you and my friends. I miss my family. I miss my home. I miss Equestria.

I just need to find out where here is.

Your faithful student,

-Twilight Sparkle"

This is the letter I received.

It is her hoofwriting. It is her way of writing letters. I can almost hear her voice in my mind as I read it and then reread it but no pony can come back from the dead. There is a chance one could have been thought dead and not actually be dead.

But I saw her body.

I saw her lifeless broken crushed corpse.

I used every single medical healing spell I could in Ponyville General hospital and there was nothing.

Twilight Sparkle, without a doubt, died that night.

-Princess Celestia