• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 1,048 Views, 22 Comments

Record of Events - BiniBean

This is based on the fanfiction "Forever Faithful" By Konseiga. Which can be found on fimfiction. Princess Celestia starts to write a journal, documenting the strange letters from Twilight Sparkle, who perished a month ago,

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Entry Fourteen: The Last Element

Entry Fourteen:

At this point, I was just waiting for another body to be reported. This morning I travelled to the Everfree Forest very early in the morning. I had begun raising the sun just as I touched down near the castle. I first checked the castle itself. Part of me hoped that maybe Fluttershy survived and hid inside the castle itself for protection. Although, I doubted it. There was no sign of Fluttershy.

I flew into the sky to scan above the tree line for large cliffs. There were quite a few around the castle, which is to be expected. The surrounding cliffs were one of the reasons that location was picked for the castle. For protection. I chose the area closest to the swamp. I landed in an area just outside a clearing against the cliff wall. I didn't dare look down in private fear that I would see Fluttershy's body.

I started to trot towards the clearing. Within moments, moments that were far too quick, I reached the clearing. The first thing I noticed was the blood. There was a trail of blood leading to her body. Dried blood had pooled around her. As I got closer, I noticed there were animals around her body. Animals who had their head bowed in mourning.

I watched as bunnies, bears, snakes, rodents, and all types of creatures were around her body in respectful silence. Some birds from the branches on the tree line flew into the air with some flowers in their beaks, they softly dropped them onto Fluttershy's mangled body to cover the ugly parts of her injuries. I began slowly moving forward again. They all looked towards me for a moment.

I expected them to all scatter at the sight of another pony. They didn't. They parted to let me through, leading to the body. I began to slowly follow the path. Soon, I was in front of Fluttershy's body. Her throat had been ripped open, her wings were barely wings anymore. She had deep claw marks on her hoofs, stomach and back. Parts of her mane were coated in blood.

I felt something hug one of my front hooves. I looked down to see a white bunny, specifically Angel Bunny. He wouldn't let go. The bunny wouldn't let go. I eventually held Angel Bunny to my chest as he shivered. I gently picked up Fluttershy's body with my magic.

The rest of the animals followed me as I traversed back into the forest. I laid Fluttershy on my back as I used my magic to protect them against the dark creatures of the forest. Although I didn't need them to, the animals lead me back into the border of the Forest. Just outside Ponyville.

Near Fluttershy's cottage.

Her Cottage, despite her mental state, when she was alive, was still inhabited by her animals or animals from the forest. I saw her animals moving about inside through the cracks that she hadn't managed to cover up with wood in her windows. I saw the birds moving about the birdhouses in a mad dash to try and find Fluttershy.

Some animals who had been with me, who came from the cottage, left the group to run towards the house. Screeching and roaring, including Fluttershy's bear about what I assume, happened. The animals inside the cottage poked their heads, the birds left their birdhouses to fly towards me. They stopped when they saw Fluttershy's corpse on my back. When they saw Angel Bunny being held close against my chest.

They started to detach the locks Fluttershy set up against the door. They started to push me towards the cottage as a signal. I was ushered into the dark messy cottage. I lit up my horn to ignite the candles littered around the room while grabbing a quill, ink and a scroll from her desk. I walked up to her bedroom which wasn't difficult to find. It looked like no pony had been in there for weeks. I gently laid her down on her bed.

The animals entered the room, allowing as many in as they could.

They watched me as I began writing on the scroll. It was a letter to the Ponyille Mayor. Notifying her I was at Fluttershy's cottage, relaying a brief...rewriting of the events and how I suspected Fluttershy died. That she and the appropriate authorities were to meet me at Fluttershy's cottage as soon as possible.

I quickly sent it away with my magic. I sat at her bedside. For...A long time. Maybe two hours. The animals never left. Angel Bunny went between crying on Fluttershy's bed while clutching her hoof to clutching my hooves before falling asleep wrapped against my wing.

I finally moved after two hours. My body felt heavy and stiff. I moved downstairs to her kitchen for food for the animals. Thankfully the animals with the little energy they had left, directed me to the food they needed. I set up the food and placed them down for them just as a frantic hurried knock was on the door.

I opened the door slowly with my magic as I re-entered the living room. Mayor Mare, two of the guards I sent from Canterlot to patrol Ponyville for extra security, and two cops from the local police station in Ponyville burst through the door.

They scared some of the animals, Mayor Mare realized what they did and quickly ordered them to be careful. They all bowed to me and asked where Fluttershy was. I gestured upstairs. They all carefully rushed upstairs to identify the body.

After a few moments, the cops rushed out to get back up. A guard left, at my permission, to notify Canterlot and my sister what occurred. I went back upstairs to find Mayor Mare sitting at Fluttershy's bedside. The other guard stood in the corner of the room. Looking unsure on how to comfort the Mayor or deal with the situation he was dealing with. He must have been a new guard by the way he was sulking in the corner.

I sat silently next to the Mayor. None of us spoke a word for a few moments.

"I-I can't believe they are all dead."

Fear. Fear clouded my thoughts. All dead.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Her face twisted from sadness to confusion, to a realization, before she was back to deep sadness. She opened her mouth to respond but paused for another moment before finally answering.

"When I received your Letter, Princess. We...we were at the Apple Farm. Granny Smith found Applejack deep within Sweet Apple Acres. A tree had collapsed onto her. Crushing her to death."

I was too late. I was too late to save any of the elements. I thanked the Mayor, I informed her I had to return to Canterlot. She nodded and replied she would handle the affairs of the deaths, much like she had already begun to handle the other element's death.

I detached Angle Bunny from my wing, placing him against Mayor Mare. I told her she needs to find somepony to take care of Fluttershy's animals. She nodded and whispered she would handle that first after the body was taken away. I nodded, said my final goodbyes, and headed downstairs.

I said goodbye to the animals, most had fallen asleep by that point. I teleported from the cottage, back into my study. It was as if she had been waiting for me to teleport back into my study when a letter from black fire dropped onto my desk and I trotted over to it.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I killed Applejack. I really killed her. I brought her over. It worked! I admit I had become more annoyed and agitated at the whole crying and not believing me thing whenever I had to bring one of my friends over. So today I tried to see if it would work even if they were unwilling. It was a very risky plan I had. But I never got anywhere in my life if I didn't risk. That is the thrill of experimenting! Of finding new ways to improve.

Applejack has always been a very stubborn pony. She would probably be the toughest to bring over I imagined. The practically perfect pony to test this on. So I crossed through the window deep within Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack was kicking a nearby tree with clear rage behind it. I called out to her. She stopped for a moment, she squinted her eyes at me before continuing her motions as if she hadn't seen me at all. Muttering to herself about how she must have been hallucinating.

I told her I was real and that the rest of our friends were waiting for her in the Afterlife. She turned and started yelling at me. Yelling how I was nothing but a hallucination, Twilight was dead. Dead and never coming back. How it was Twilight's fault that the rest of them died. How she wished she never met Twilight. How she never met me.

Wonderful. Full denial. Just what I needed.

Do you remember when I hurt you with my magic? Maybe you do. I was very weak as I told you afterwards but I still had enough strength to bring Spike back with me. Applejack started crying as she kicked the tree harder and harder. Not even noticing that Apples weren't falling into her basket anymore.

I shot a weak beam at the tree. Applejack froze in surprise as it slammed into the tree. Breaking apart and slamming into her body. Crushing her torso. Soon blood poured on the ground around her and blood began choking her as it filled up her lungs. She tried to speak to me as I walked up to her. Eventually, her body went limp and her soul floated out slowly, before she knew what was going on, I grabbed her by her tail and jumped into the window to our new home.

It took some work to get her inside. Rarity, Spike and Rainbow Dash had to help me pull her in when she began to struggle as we entered.

Now, all my friends are here. But it still feels empty. Incomplete. We don't have enough ponies here, we need more excitement. More details. Somepony else. We need the rest of Equestria. We need a government. We need night and day. Since I now have this new ability.

I have the perfect pony I can bring in next. You.

You have been alive for many moons, Princess. No pony is meant to live forever. But don't worry, I have no interest in running this new land. That will be all up to you when you get here.

See you soon!

Your Faithful Student,

-Twilight Sparkle"

No. No. She won't kill me. Not like this.

I am heading to the Catacombs. This...This might be...my last entry. If Luna finds this, and I am gone, sister, I am sorry. I am sorry for what I have done to you. I am sorry I let this happen. I am sorry I wasn't strong enough. All my notes, books, research, and letters are in the Catacombs Library.

I am so sorry.

If I am successful in this. I will burn this book.

I will never take another unicorn as a personal student again.

-Princess Celestia

Author's Note:

Hopefully, only one more chapter to go! I have to draw a new cover before I finish this though so it might be a few days. I hope everyone is excited for the final chapter (or chapters!)