• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 1,046 Views, 22 Comments

Record of Events - BiniBean

This is based on the fanfiction "Forever Faithful" By Konseiga. Which can be found on fimfiction. Princess Celestia starts to write a journal, documenting the strange letters from Twilight Sparkle, who perished a month ago,

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Entry Three: Traitor to The Crown

Entry Three:

I have neglected to write for two days. Why? Well, Twilight has not written a letter since my last entry. Up until this afternoon. The guards have only just returned from Ponyville, bringing with them, Twilight's notes and research. She had many books, notes and unwritten letters hidden in the basement of her Library. It seems, according to her unsent letters addressed to me, that she had started to experiment with trying to see beyond our reality. To cross into different dimensions. She had gotten this idea when she found a book inside the castle of the two sisters, detailing theoretically magic that Starswirl once worked on.

I, was once, his student before he disappeared. Going off to fight the Pony of Shadows. I briefly remember him mentioning needing to use the elements to banish whatever...that thing was...to another place. Twilight, has concluded, he was banishing it to another world.


Strange name.

She didn't get far before she was killed. Perhaps...

No. Twilight is dead.

The guards haven't found any evidence to suggest anyone else is sending me these letters. Maybe, if Luna and I worked together we could end this awful incident. I have neglected to inform her of what has been going on. Although by the suspicious looks she has been giving me, I assume she knows something is wrong.

Speaking of the letters. I received another one shortly after lunch. Thankfully, I was alone in my study. I didn't read it until a few moments ago. The information inside is...Disturbing to say the least.

Dear Princess Celestia,

It is truly amazing the amount of progress one can achieve when they have the basics of magic down. In my case, the basics of how my new world works.

Yes. New World.

I have come to the conclusion that it will be impossible for me to go back to my old life. As a living, breathing mare. I suppose I should explain. Any good student always explains how she came to the final answer.

I have managed to be able to mostly pop things into existence with my magic in this void. I also began to see a light. If I focused enough on it, it would grow bigger. Brighter. I could hear sounds of what I remember life to be like. Ponies laughing. Ponies talking.

But I was afraid.

Silly, isn't it?

I have been sitting in silence for...who knows how long...a month according to the newspaper maybe? And the first time I can hear the sounds of normality, I chose to not press forward. Not to find out how to rejoin the normal world.

It felt like a few hours later when I decided to retry. I decided I would simply watch the light and listen. Listen to life. I was curious to see if I could pick up on the voices of my friends or not.

First I heard Prince Blueblood arguing with Fancypants about some sort of lawsuit against Fancypant's family. Fancypants threatened him back, saying something along the lines of "I know what you did to the education system. You stole money from the crown. You know what happens to thieves."

Blueblood didn't respond. Then, Fancypants continued.

"You killed her didn't you? You bribed that Weathermaster. What was it? A million bits? You know what happens to traitors of the Crown."

Blueblood stayed silent for another moment. I had always known him as the sort of pony who would not keep quiet, mostly when it came to his looks, which were average at best but he didn't seem to think so. Comes with fame I suppose. I wanted to see more. So desperately. So I focused on the scene that I had conjured in my mind. Soon, it began to appear. Slowly. Blurry. But soon it was a full picture.

Fancypants was in a dark corridor with Blueblood. He was smirking as Blueblood gave him a cold stare. Then Blueblood replied.

"Watch your tongue."

Why was Fancypants scared?

Fancypants gulped. He didn't look quite so sure of himself before he replied with;

"You wouldn't dare."

Blueblood simply trotted away. No boasting about his apparent victory. No useless comment about his looks. No...Nothing. It was unnatural. Fancypants didn't show his fear but it was clearly there in his eyes. He looked around for a moment before trotting away at a fast pace.

If I am to believe what Fancypants said is true, then who did the Weathermaster kill?

Was it somepony in the factory? Is that why the storm hit Ponyville?

I really wish I knew if you received these letters. I feel so alone and confused. I am worried about you, Princess. I am worried about my friends. I am worried about Fancypants. I really wish I could discuss this matter with you. I will investigate.

Your Faithful Student

-Twilight Sparkle.

I do not know if this is really Twilight spending me these letters. The conversation she described is not something she could have easily made up. Why would she lie to me? Why would anypony make up this information?

A million bits?

My next task will be to investigate Blueblood's part in the Education system.

I was a fool. I thought my nephew would have at least enough sense to care about young fouls and fillies in Canterlot who need to be taught skills to improve Equestria. To become better ponies.

I have known bits had been mysteriously missing whenever the monthly budget for each system came in. I had been planning on starting an investigation when the storm hit Ponyville. After that, I got distracted. Having to calm everypony when the main element of Harmony dies is not a useful task. Trying to convince Spike to join into society again is not working.

Perhaps Blueblood knew I was planning to look into the matter before the storm.


I can never let him know these letters exist.

I don't think he could handle that information right now.

-Princess Celestia