• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 1,049 Views, 22 Comments

Record of Events - BiniBean

This is based on the fanfiction "Forever Faithful" By Konseiga. Which can be found on fimfiction. Princess Celestia starts to write a journal, documenting the strange letters from Twilight Sparkle, who perished a month ago,

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Entry Nine: The Headlines

Entry Nine:

Over my long life, since the invention of paper, shortly followed by creating a newspaper, I have hated the Headlines. The overdramatic titles that would catch any ponies' attention irritated me since it began. Especially when it involved the love lives of Luna and myself. Or lack of Love life as the Newspapers have taunted.

This morning I woke up to Raven holding a newspaper in her magic, the Headline was the first thing I saw.

"Another Element of Harmony is Dead. Are we doomed?"

I certainly had a sinking feeling we were. I am probably overreacting but the events of today weren't helping my lack of hope. I had to arrange a press conference. I was at the Entrance of the Castle before I even had my first cup of coffee. With flashing cameras and reporters yelling for answers to their questions.

I had to tell them it was a suicide.

I wasn't exactly lying. But I wasn't exactly telling the truth either.

The reporters and citizens sprouted conspiracy theories. Luna marched up to the podium and did what she was good at, shutting the public up. One short speech later about having some respect and morals made every pony look away in guilt.

I soon left after that. Choosing to lock myself away in the castle like a coward. I decided it was time I figured out how to make Twilight stop. I have a basic idea of how she does it. Magic. Magic must play a large part in how she can do that. Magic is how this started. Magic is what allows her to communicate with me.

I reentered my study, which has a bookcase of special books relating to the physics and theories of magic with unnatural spells. But my study was a mess. Well, it is more of a mess than usual.

Because there was a small baby dragon standing in the middle of my study, clutching the letters tightly in his claws with his back turned to me. My files and folders had been ripped open and thrown all over the room in what seemed like a frantic dash to find what he needed.

I opened my mouth to speak. I was angry, I was scared. I was scared because he was holding HER letters.

"She told me you were lying to me."

At that point, Spike turned around. Anything I was going to demand died when he glared at me with a new type of hatred.

"Why would you lie to me? Twilight isn't dead. S-She spoke to me...She told me you were lying and here is the proof."

He dropped the letters to the floor.

"Maybe I should join her. Her and Pinkie." He mumbled to himself.

"Spike, you have become delusional. Twilight is dead. She is dead."

Looking back, not the best idea. Not even a moderately alright idea. I should have been nicer. I shouldn't have dismissed it too easily. But I was running on adrenaline, anger, and fear. All those make you do stupid things.

Spike took a step forward to exit the room. I spread my wings to block his path out. I was determined to not let him leave that room until he understand why he was wrong. Why he shouldn't follow Twilight and Pinkie. He was just a baby dragon. He has so much to live for.

Then he smiled. A genuine smile. It disturbed me. I was going to ask why he was smiling when I felt a sharp pain on the side of my head and everything went to black.

When I woke up, I woke up to Luna standing above me with visible concern. She demanded to know why I was hurt. I was bleeding with a cut on the side of my head. I shook her off, saying I simply tripped, again, a dumb response. But I was more concerned as to where Spike went.

I asked her. Luna immediately took a few steps back and didn't look so sure she wanted to answer the question. She said we needed to lower the sun and raise the moon. I checked the time from the clock in my study, she was correct, as usual. So as I stumbled onto my study balcony, I asked her again.

"Spike jumped from his balcony. He is dead." She bluntly informed me. Trying to end that topic as fast as she could. She took a sharp inhale of breath before she looked back at me. I was struggling to move the Sun at this point. Her blunt answer made me nearly drop the sun.

"He told me you lied about Twilight Sparkle before his...fall."

I tried to not seem weak. Inside I wanted to scream and unleash my pent-up emotions but I can't. I just can't. Because I have to be perfect. I can't show extreme emotion. Hostile emotions. I held the sun as I slowly lowered it below the horizon.

"I did not lie about Twilight."

"So Twilight hasn't been sending you letters from the afterlife?"

So now she knows. She looked sad. Sad, not just because of Spike, but because I lied to her. I, once again, kept her out of important events. She took my silence as a yes. This is true, but I would have liked to respond verbally. She nodded as the Moon lifted into place and the sun disappeared. Our horns' magic died down. She sighed and kept her head down.

"That's what I was worried about. Always keeping secrets. One day it's going to get you killed, Tia."

"We can't die from old age, Luna."

"I didn't say you would die from it. Secrets kill even the best of us." Luna mumbled. Tears fell from her eyes so she flew into the air to avoid me seeing her in such a state. I stood on the balcony a little while longer. Unsure of what I was supposed to do next.

Then the letter appeared.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I am sorry for hitting you earlier. But you were in the way of my plan. You, of all ponies, should know what it is like to be lonely. To be alone. You tried to stop Spike from joining us. I admit I resent you a bit for that. But I will get over that. I took a chance with what I can do. I had to try so I slammed my magic into you. I am surprised it worked, to be honest, but it left me feeling very drained. I barely managed to drag Spike back with me before I collapsed.

I am better now. A bit weak. But I must continue. I am feeling a bit impatient for more. For more friends. For more of a society. For my "life" to be normal again. I want it to be the way it was before.


Your Faithful Student,

-Twilight Sparkle."

I will be spending the rest of the night researching.

-Princess Celestia