• Published 8th Aug 2022
  • 413 Views, 21 Comments

Iron Heart: Age of Iron - Adamverse

Rarity goes away on a trip with Fancypants, but the duties of a superhero follow her.

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Uncanny Valley

For me, the worst day would wearing the same outfit twice in one week, or maybe losing one of my favourite earrings. But now, this day just topped them all.

Nothing could be worse that the return of him….

“Blue Blood?” Rarity questioned.

The glowing villain hovering next to Ghost heard her and sighed in anger, “My name is not Blue Blood anymore, my name is Living Laser.”

Ghost then commented, “Sure, like that’s any better.”

“What was that?” the ‘Laser asked.

Iron Heart was beyond confused, the last time she saw this guy face to face was when he crashed Adam and Fluttershy’s wedding; and he was supposed to be on a one way trip to Rykers prison. The hero asked, “How are you here; you’re supposed to be in jail?”

The Ghost stepped forward and explained, “Did you not see the news from Canterlot City; two days ago, a prison convoy was halted in the streets and some inmates escaped. Living Laser was one of them; and his escape was all part of my plan.”

After Ghost said that, the villains flashed back to the day the convoy was transporting prisoners to Rykers; the break out wasn’t an accident.

Ghost was standing on the roof of a building, she watched the street below her; she could see three convoys full of prisoners, and in the sky was a helicopter, carrying a large prison container. In the villains hand, she held a sniper; her plan was to take out the pilots and cause the chopper to crash; but before she could, she saw something else.

Jumping onto the side of the large container, Ghost saw Spider-Girl shoot some web at one of the cables holding the container.

But once she did that, the container started shaking like crazy, right up until the helicopter crashed on its own. Ghost waited a few minutes, but it didn’t take long for Living Laser escape and meet with his partner on the roof.

“And that’s how we came to work together.” Ghost finished explaining. She and Living Laser were staring at Iron Heart, she was still confused about one thing though.

The hero said, “That still doesn’t explain how you two know each other.”

Living Laser took the lead on the explanation this time, “Ghost tells me she’s been planning this scheme for years, and when she saw my incredible powers on the news, she just had to recruit me. She visited me in the jail, and told about her plan; I was more than happy to comply, provided I got something in return.”

“And what’s that, Blue Blood?” Rarity asked.

Suddenly, a squad of drones flew above their heads; they weren’t glowing their usual shade of green, but instead, purple.

Blue Blood replied, “I get my own army of combat drones to play with.”

The villain then ordered the drones to attack, Rarity had no time to dodge the blasts; the drones released a powerful shot that knocked her away to the edge of the roof. With their work done here, Living Laser and Ghost both began hovering in the air and flying away.

When Rarity came to, she got on the comms to Coco and Capper; she said, “Guys, I think I might need a pick up.”

By the dawn of the next morning, Rarity woke up in her room, to the sound of machines tinkering with her armour. She got up and saw two orb-like drones flying around her suit and fixing all the damage that was done to it.

As the fashion girl got out of bed, she looked around to see if she was alone; right up until Capper appeared beside her.

“Good morning, Capper.” She greeted the cat with.

The AI replied, “Good morning, my dear; I hope you slept well after last night’s… activities.”

Rarity nodded to his statement, she went into her bathroom to get dressed, and when she came out, the drones had finished fixing the suit.

Coco then appeared in the room, holding her virtual tablet; she looked at the two fixer-drones and stated, “I thought I shut those things down.”

“I reactivated them, for work on the suit.” Capper replied.

Once that little talk was done, Rarity walked over to Capper and explained, “Do we have our next move?” Capper nodded and pulled up a virtual map of Las Pegasus, this showed them the entire city.

Capper began the briefing, “Okay, so we know where they got the designs for the drones; we also know that Ghost has a partner in all this.”

“Blue Blood.” Rarity stated.

Coco then pulled a file on Blue Blood’s criminal record, “Name: Blue Blood; AKA the Living Laser, rubbish name. In prison for…. destruction of private and public property, attempted murder and taking a hostage; oh, and he also has several unpaid parking tickets.”

“Okay, we get it Coco, he’s a bad guy.” Capper cut in. “The point is, we know how they’re building the drones; but what we don’t know is how. Luckily, I do.”

Both Rarity and Coco Pommel turned to the cat and said, “What?”

They let him explain, “When I designed those combat drones, I asked that we use really powerful metal; and here in Las Pegasus, there’s only one place that manufactures that metal. An old Roxxon mining company just outside the city.” He then showed them what he meant on the holo-map.

“Well then, darlings; that is where I go next.” Rarity stated.

Just before she could suit up, there was a knock at the door; Rarity knew it had to be one of the CMC’s, so she answered the door, without letting them in. The fashion girl opened her bedroom door and was greeted by her little sister Sweetie Bell; the girl wanted to ask her sister something.

Sweetie Bell started with, “Morning, Rarity; I was wondering if you’d like to help me and the girl rehearse our song this morning? I mean Fancy Pants’ music house opens in two days.”

Rarity loved Sweetie Bell, she really did; but Capper had just given her a big lead. As much as it broke her heart, she had to tell her sister that she couldn’t.

“I’m sorry, Sweetie Bell; but I’m afraid I have something I need to take care of.” The fashion girl explained.

“Oh, okay, nevermind.” Sweetie Bell started to walk away, but before she could leave, her big sister stopped her. Rarity took her sister by the hand and explained an idea that she’d just had.

“How about, tonight; you meet me outside Fancy’s new music house, and we’ll rehearse as long as you want. And I’ll be there for all of it.”

Sweetie Bell liked the sound of that idea, “Okay Rarity.” they both then hugged to seal the deal. “You’re the bested big sister ever.” The pink and white haired girl then ran off to tell her friends; Rarity then walked back into her room.

Now that she was alone with the AI’s again, they started to hatch their plan; Rarity explained the objective, “I’m going to the canyon to see if I can find and stop Ghost and Living Laser.”

Capper then remembered something he forgot about, “Oh, and before you go; I added something new to the armour, the Shock Blast.” The armour’s arm then lifted up slightly, a compartment opened on the arm and reveal a small blaster built into the suit. “Every blast will destroy a drone in an instant.”

“Amazing.” Rarity replied. However, Coco was a little worried.

After the suit was ready, Rarity began to suit up; the armour locked around her. Rarity moved onto the balcony and took off into the air, heading directly for outside the city.

Later that day, Rarity was flying through the canyons; at the other end of this gorge was the mine that Rarity was looking for. Capper and Coco were uploaded into the suit, they could see everything Iron Heart was seeing.

“Okay Miss Rarity, you should be coming up on the mine now.” Coco explained. “But be careful not to fly to high, the dust stop above us is blocking my long range censors.”

Capper then cut in, “And if we’re lucky, we’ll catch those two criminals a deliver them to justice.”

But Rarity replied to both of them, “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, darlings; we have to find them first.”

Once that was said, Rarity arrived at the mine; the area was covered with old machines, used for getting the metal out of the mine. Iron Heart could see the mine door was open, and the tools were all scattered around the area; someone had been here recently.

Suddenly, before the hero could do anything else; something trapped her where she stood.

Rarity was surrounded by glowing green energy chains; the hero looking up, and hovering in the air was the Ghost.

“Iron Heart! How did you know we were here?!” the Ghost demanded to know.

But the hero replied, “Let’s just say I’m good at what I do and I have good Intel.”

There was then a flash of purple, Living Laser appeared next to Ghost; he then said, “What is she doing here?”

Ghost replied, “It doesn’t matter, get back to work.”

“That’s right Blue Blood, go back to doing what your boss tells you to do.” Rarity said as an insult.

Living Laser didn’t like the comment, he shouted, “One, my name is Living Laser! And two, the working I’m doing here is for myself, no one else.” The villain then disappeared with a flash and then reappeared across the area; he used his power to make a box of some kind float up into the air.

Iron Heart muttered, “Stealing metal; it’s a bit poor for a villain of your standards.”

Rarity then noticed something through the visor of her armour, Capper was hacking Ghost’s energy, causing the chains to weaken. Rarity could see Ghost was struggling, the villain cried, “Hurry up, Blue Blood; I can’t hold her much longer.”

The chains then broke awake like glass, Ghost disappeared; Rarity looked up at Living Laser.

Capper then explained, “Blue Blood is levitating the container full of the metal; if he takes them up into the storm, we won’t be able to track him.” The hero knew what she could do; it would save the metal and she would enjoy it in the process.

Iron Heart shot up into the air and flew across the sky, she then charged her rocket fist; with one powerful punch, Rarity knocked Blue Blood away, making him drop the container. Rarity now had to stop the villain from trying that again; and the open mine gave her an idea.

Using the suits strength, Rarity was able to lift the container up and carry it over to the mine; once it was inside, she flew over and grabbed the large door. Using the thrusters on her boots, she was able to pull the doors closed; once they were shut, Rarity used her repulsers to weld the doors together.

“There, the metal is safe; now we can get the bad guys.” Iron Heart explained.

Capper replied, “Right you are, Rarity.”

The hero then began flying down another canyon, she noticed Living Laser fly down it, and it seemed like the only place Ghost could have gone.

And the hero was right, while flying down the gorge, she saw Ghost speeding away. The villain noticed Rarity coming after her and shouted, “Ughh! Blue Blood, you were supposed to handle her!” The chase was on, Ghost needed to get away, but Iron Heart wasn’t going to let her; so she flew after her.

But the chase ended when the two of them reached a dam; Rarity was just about to catch her, until the villain flew into the wall and disappeared.

“Give it Up Ghost!” Rarity said. “If you give up, I’ll make sure your cell in Rykers has a window with a view."

Suddenly, Rarity was wrapped in the energy chains again; Ghost appeared in front of her again and said, “Oh please; I rather die and take you with me, then let myself be captured.” With that said, Rarity broke free from the chains again; and the two of them started their epic battle.

Ghost started the fight by blasting Rarity with an energy blast made up of the energy chains, Iron Heart made the mistake of trying to blast it, but the blasts did nothing. The chains caught her in an energy cage; this allowed Ghost to slash at her with the claws she saw built onto the villain’s gloves.

When the cage went away, Rarity was able to fly away; only to find that Ghost had disappeared. But out of nowhere, an energy spear was thrown at her. Like before, it did nothing to her armour or body physically, but the pain she felt from it was real. More and more spears came out of nowhere; Rarity was able to avoid someone them, she was also able to see where they were coming from.

The armours scanners could see small particles coming from Ghost’s tech, this gave Iron Heart the perfect opportunity to practice using the Shock Blast. The hero aimed the weapon at Ghost and fired; the blast made her visible again and temporally stunned her.

Once she saw the opening, Rarity charged her rocket punch and flew towards Ghost. The hero delivered three powerful punches before Ghost came out of it and disappeared again.

The villain pulled the same trick again, throwing energy spears at Rarity; but this time, Rarity knew how to find her. Iron Heart looked around, saw where the spears were coming from and fired the Shock Blast.

The blast stunned Ghost again, this time when Rarity charged towards her, she grabbed her by the arm and threw her across the sky. The villain landed on top of the dam, Rarity flew up to meet her; she wanted to end this, now.

When the hero reached the dam, she saw Ghost lying on the ground; but what really caught her eye, was Ghost’s mask lying beside her. Iron Heart picked up the mask, she then looked down at the villain and stated, “It’s over Ghost.”

Ghost rose to her feet, she turned her head to Rarity, giving the hero a good look at her face; when Rarity saw the face, she muttered, “Wallflower Blush?”

It was her; the same girl that used a magical equestrian artefact to erase the memories of the Rainbooms that one time. But what Rarity could piece together was why she was here, or why she was the Ghost.

“You know me?” Wallflower asked.

Rarity needed to think of a quick response; but her thoughts were cut off when she was blasted by a powerful purple energy bolt. Living Laser hovered above the dam, he looked down at his partner and shouted, “What are you waiting for, let’s go.” With another flash of purple, he disappeared as quickly as her appeared.

Wallflower picked up her mask and put it back on, she then started glowing green before flying away.

Meanwhile, Rarity was on the ground, unconscious; on the comms, Capper was trying to get through. “Rarity, come in. Oh Rarity, come in.”