• Published 8th Aug 2022
  • 413 Views, 21 Comments

Iron Heart: Age of Iron - Adamverse

Rarity goes away on a trip with Fancypants, but the duties of a superhero follow her.

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Final Showdown



It must have been a good two hours before Rarity awoke from her slumber; secret identity or not, she had to get her helmet off. She pushed a button on the side of the mask and pulled it off; once she could see properly, she saw the girl sitting next to her.

“So, she finally decides to wake up.” Wallflower Blush states.

Rarity replied, “You’re still here are you?” The villain simply nodded back at her; the hero then asked, “Why didn’t you run away?”

Ghost pointed at the entrance of the cave, it had been completely covered by rocks; Wallflower said, “Blue Blood obviously didn’t want us to follow him. So I guess were stuck down here; together.”

After groaning, Rarity stood up and walked to the edge of the surface they were standing on; she then asked Wallflower something, “Was all this, just to get back at Fancy Pants for what happened to your parents?”

“Yeah, that’s what this was all about; if it wasn’t for him, they wouldn’t have died.” Ghost replied.

The hero stated, “I get that Fancy Pants wasn’t perfect back then, but no one asked your parents to play hero.”

Suddenly, Wallflower started laughing; Rarity turned to her and let her explain why, “Do you not hear yourself? No one asked you and your friends to play superhero; but you do it anyway.”

“We do it because it’s the right thing to do.” Rarity replied.

“Yeah, well my parents were doing the right thing; they were willing to do the thing no one else would.”

The two of them stopped fighting and sat back down, sitting shoulder to shoulder, they just stared at the rock wall in front of them. Rarity began thinking about things; the CMCs still in danger, Blue Blood going back to the penthouse to get Capper. Wallflower Blush thought about things to; like ‘how could she let herself get tricked by a chump like Blue Blood’.

In order to get rid of the silence, Rarity asked, “Your mask; how did you make it?”

“Doesn’t really seem like it matters now that you broke it.” Wallflower replied. She then explained, “But if you must know, it was a side project my father was creating. I found it in his workplace and thought it would be the perfect way to get around undetected. So I put it together and used it to seek my revenge; a plan that has greatly backfired.”

Ghost turned to Rarity and said, “Even if we do get out of here, it’ll be too late; Blue Blood has my entire army to command.”

That’s when another thought came to Rarity; Wallflower created these drones, which meant…

“If I could get you to the controls, or find how Blue Blood was commanding them, would you be able to shut them off?” the hero asked the villain.

Wallflower thought for a sec, she then replied, “Yeah, I guess I could.” Rarity had great big smile on her face, this gave her a chance to stop Living Laser and save Sweetie Bell. But Wallflower had something else to say, “But I would like something in return.”

Rarity replied, “What?”

“When the drones have shut down, I’m getting the heck out of there. You have to let me go.” Ghost stated.

The hero couldn’t believe this, she had spent days hunting this villain down, and she finally had her in custody; and now to save her sister, she had to let her go. Rarity didn’t want to do it, but she gave Ghost the answer she wanted, “Fine, it’s a deal.”

Wallflower Blush was happy to hear it; but when she turned back to the rocks blocking the only way in, she asked, “Now, how are we going to get out of here; you destroyed the only thing that could let us walk through walls?”

At this point, nothing was going to keep Iron Heart from rescuing her little sister; she grabbed her helmet and locked it back in place on her head. The hero then grabbed Wallflower Blush by the waist; the villain was confused at first, but her thoughts went away when Rarity ignited her thrusters and started flying in the air.

The hero flew right towards the rocks; before she hit them, she said to Ghost, “Keep your head down.” Ghost did as instructed and covered her head. Iron charged her rocket fist and punched right through the rocks and the metal door.

After flying around the tunnels for a bit, the two of them found the exit and shot out of it, like a bullet coming out of a gun.

Iron Heart then flew them both back to the penthouse; tonight, this ended, for good this time.

After flying a light-speed, Iron Heart and Ghost arrived back in Las Pegasus; the streets looked fine, but what caught their eye was the penthouse building ahead of them. Some kind of machine had been fitted to the top of the tower, and the building was surrounded by drones; they were flying around and guarding the apartment.

“Put me down on that roof.” Wallflower Blush ordered. Rarity did as commanded and put her on a rooftop beneath them. “You go deal with the drones, and Blue Blood; once it’s clear I make a break for the building and find where he’s put the control panel.”

Once Ghost said that, she ran for the fire exit and climbed down the side of the building; all Rarity could mutter was, “I hope I don’t regret this.” She then flew off towards the apartment.

As Rarity got closer to the building, something appeared in front of her; with a flash of purple, Living Laser was seen before her.

Blue Blood stated, “Welcome to the party. You are courtly invited to my coronation.”

“What are you talking about?” Rarity asked.

“My coronation; the day I’m crowned king of the world.” Blue Blood then laughed like the maniac he was. He then explained, “But if you want to try and stop me, please be my guest.” He gestured her to follow him; he began flying towards the penthouse, and Rarity rocketed after him.

When they got there, Iron Heart was quickly attacked by the Mark 4 Combat Drones; six of them flew right for her. Rarity had no choice but to fly away, there were too many drones for her to fight at once; she was chased as she did laps of the building, flying round and round the structure.

But it was time to put the weapons Capper gave her to good use; while being chased, Rarity turned to the drones and fired her five Smart Missiles. The five rockets hit the drones, destroying three of them; leaving just three more.

Once she’d done that, she kept flying away; however, the drones were learning. Instead of chasing her, they went round the other way and blocked her path. Just what she wanted, when the three drones appeared in front of her, she hit them with the Shock Blast; all three of them exploded into fragments of metal.

Iron Heart flew up to the roof of the building, she landed on the balcony of the penthouse; and was surprised at what she found there. Sitting in a metal cage, were the Cutie Mark Crusaders; when they turned their heads to see the hero, they were amazed.

“Whoa, it’s one of those superheroes.” Scootaloo stated as she grabbed the bars of the cage.

Rarity ran over to her little sister and blaster the lock off with her repulser; out of nowhere, when Sweetie Bell walked out of the cage, Iron Heart wrapped her arms around her and gave her a big hug.

Sweetie Bell said, “Um, nice to meet you to.”

“Oh, we’ve met before.” Rarity said back. She then pushed a button on the side of her helmet, her face plate lifted and reveal her face to the girls. “Hi Sweetie Bell.”

“Rarity…. Is it really you?” Sweetie’ muttered. “You’re a super hero.” She was beyond amazed, she hugged her sister in the armour again.

Unfortunately, the flash of purple energy from above them broke up the moment; Rarity let go of her sister and pulled her face plate down again. She motioned the CMC’s to wait here, they listened to her and stayed put; Rarity the jumped into the air and flew up to the thing on the roof.

Mounted onto the roof of the building, was a large generator-type machine; when Rarity saw it, it look a little familiar. Then she remembered, the blueprints she found at Ghost’s hideout; they for a machine like this, Living Laser’s secret project.

Suddenly, Blue Blood appeared before Rarity, he shouted, “Behold, my greatest triumph ever. The dawn of the age of the Living Laser!”

“You really are crazy, aren’t you, Blue Blood.” Iron Heart stated, intending to mock him.

“For the love of anything, get my name right!” he shouted back before firing a blast of energy at her. Rarity dodged the blast, and the battle between them began.

The hero and the villain flew towards each other, Rarity charged her rocket fist and Blue Blood charged his energy blast; when the two of them clashed, they were blown apart. Living Laser teleport away, leaving Rarity in the sky; she waited for him to reappear.

When he did, he hovered over her; he charged a blast and released it. But Rarity moved out of the way; when the blast missed her, she charged her fists again and flew up to him. Iron Heart rocket punched him four times before he teleported away again.

Out of nowhere, two Battering Ram Drones flew into the fight; compartments opened up on the drones and they began firing purple laser bolts at the hero. She flew out of the way, and delivered a powerful rocket punch to one of them; this sent the drone flying away before exploding. As for the other one, Rarity fired her smart missiles at it; blowing it up.

Living Laser reappeared, he began firing bolts of energy at the hero; she got hit by one which knocked her back. But that didn’t stop her from flying towards him and rocket punching him away.

Rarity decided to start conversation, “Be honest, Blue Blood; that whole thing with Fluttershy, that wasn’t love, that was just your ego wasn’t it?”

“Of course not; I was being the hero; I was saving her from a life with a nerd.” The villain replied.

“Oh, Adam is twice the man you’ll ever be.” Rarity said back.

The Living Laser appeared in front of her and shouted, “Do you not know who I am?! I’m the guy who can get any girl he wants; what gave her the right to reject me.”

Iron Heart replied, “I call it ‘dignity’.”

After saying that, Blue Blood was done with this; he generated a large energy ball. He threw the blast at Rarity and attempted to destroy her for good; but she moved out of the way of the blast and delivered one back, firing her Shock Blast at him.

However, before she could celebrate her win, a bolt of energy blasted her out of the sky; Iron Heart landed on the penthouse balcony again. When Rarity tried to get back up, Living Laser landed on top of her and stabbed his hand into the heart emblem on her chest; with a simple pulled, he pulled out the shard of energon that was powering her suit.

“Lights out, superhero?” the villain muttered.

Blue Blood then flew up into the air again; if her suit had no power, she wasn’t really a threat to him.

All systems were down, Rarity could barely move; her suit was heavy on its own. She was able to lift her arms up and pulled her helmet off, but after that, she was stuck. She laid on her back looking up at the sky; she could do nothing to stop Blue Blood.

She muttered, “Oh no.”

Living Laser pushed a button on his machine, the generator shot a beam of purple energy into the air; the energy created purple lightning in the sky. The lightning was draining all the power and energy from the entire city.

It was over, Rarity couldn’t believe it; she’d lost. She looked over at her sister and her friends, they were hiding under the picnic table Fancy Pants had on the balcony; not only had Rarity let this city down, she’d also let her little sister down, again.

Suddenly, flying from inside the penthouse, a little red drone hovered beside her; the drone then projected the hologram of Capper. He looked down at his friend, he couldn’t believe this was happening; what could he do to help?

The AI said to her, “Rarity, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I can do.”

But Rarity replied, “It’s okay, Capper; you tried, that’s more than anyone’s done.”

Capper placed his hand on the side of her cheek; to Rarity’s surprise, she could actually feel his touch. Capper leaned down to her and whispered something in her ear, something right from his core, “This always has, and always will, belong to you.”

Rarity swore she could hear music playing; but what happened next caught her off guard, Capper looked into her eye before placing his lips onto hers. The fashion girl’s eyes widened at first, but she closed then and leaned into it; once again, she could actually feel his touch.

Coco appeared next to the CMC’s, who were watching the whole thing; she noticed Capper’s body begin to turn to pixels and disappear. She couldn’t believe it, but he was giving her his power; giving his life to charge her suit.

While this was happening, it caught Blue Blood’s attention; he flew down from his machine and watched what was happening.

Scootaloo turned to her friends and said, “We should probably get down.” The other two nodded in agreement; they stayed under the table and covered their ears, they knew something big was coming.

When Capper’s body had disappeared completely, the heart emblem on Rarity’s suit began to glow again; her suit was charging up. All Blue Blood could mutter was, “Split my infinities.”

Out of nowhere, the Iron Heart suit released a giant EMP blast; the blast caused all the remaining drones flying around to explode and sent Living Laser flying up into the sky. After that, Rarity’s fully charged thrusters activated and rocketed her up into the air.

She enjoyed the moment of just drifting the sky, before she fell back down to the earth, grabbed her helmet and flew up again. She stopped and hovered in front of Blue Blood, she put her helmet back on and motioned the villain to come and get her.

Living Laser was beyond angry, she’d destroyed his drones and ruined his plan; the villain shouted, “No! I won!” he flew towards her, but she just flew over him and kicked him in the back of the head.

Turning to face him again, she stated, “You… are a snob.”

Blue Blood was complaining like a child now, “But I won!” he threw a bolt of energy at her, but she dodged it and blasted him with a repulser blast.

On the balcony, the CMC’s were watching the fight; they heard what Rarity had said to Blue Blood, Applebloom repeated, “A snob.”

The fight between the hero and the villain continued, Iron Heart began flying circles around Living Laser; they both got higher and higher until they were at the top of the tower. “And… alone.” Rarity said to him.

“Alone.” Sweetie Bell repeated.

Before he could react, Rarity kicked Blue Blood in the chest, pushing him away; he cried, “No! I won, I won, I wo….” Before he could finish, he felt a sudden pull; he looked down and saw he’d been caught in the energy current. As being made of pure energy, the generator was absorbing him.

Rarity looked at him and muttered, “Done for.” she just hovered there and watched him suffer the consequences of his actions.

Living Laser tried to act calm, he began saying, “No, don’t worry, I control the current; I’ll be fine.” But the generator began pulling him down.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders began chanting, “A snob, alone, done for!”

The villain was starting to get a little worried now, he said, “Hang on, I control this power; I’m in total control.” If only he knew how wrong he was.

“A snob, alone, done for.”

When it seemed like he wasn’t in control, Living Laser began begging for mercy, “Okay, I’ll stop being a villain forever; I’ll open an orphanage, I’ll save the rainforest, I’ll recycle.”

“A snob, alone, done for.”

Finally, there was no getting out of this; Blue at last decided to accept his fate, “I’m a snob, I’m alone, I’m…” the CMC’s finished chanting, and watched him in his final moments. “Done for.” Blue Blood crossed his arms across his chest and just let the machine take him; his body was absorbed by the generator, when that happened, it exploded. The energy from Blue Blood was too much, the machine overloaded and took Living Laser with it.

When the threat was gone, Rarity flew back down to the balcony; when she landed, her suit disassembled and she ran over to her sister. Sweetie Bell saw Rarity run to her; the pink and white haired girl opened her arms and let her big sister hug her.

“I’m so glad you’re okay.” Rarity said to her.

Sweetie Bell replied, “Thanks to you; you’re the superhero.”

Rarity looked over her shoulder, she saw Scootaloo and Applebloom watching the two sisters hug; she opened her arm and said, “Come here girls.” The two of them joined the hug, they all embraced each other and the victory they achieved.

However, the good feeling went away when Rarity saw what was on the floor; she let go of the CMC’s and walked over to the small device that had been drained of all its power. Capper’s drone, all its power had been given to Rarity Iron Heart armour; he was gone.

Tears began forming in her eyes as Rarity picked up the small drone; but that wasn’t all, walking out onto the balcony was someone else, someone not wanted here that much. Wallflower Blush walked over to Rarity, not looking as happy as she should now that they had won.

“I’m sorry about your friend.” Ghost stated.

The fashion girl looked up at Wallflower; in a disappointed tone, she said, “You can go. A deal is a deal; I won’t chase you.” Saying nothing else, Ghost just walked away; I don’t think we’ll be seeing the Ghost ever again.

Two days later

At the grand opening of Fancy Pants’ new music house, people from all over the city had come to enjoy the show. Fancy Pants had recovered from the jet attack and was now here tonight, welcoming guest into the building.

Rarity was inside, she was standing in the centre of the room and looking out into the crowd; it was time for the CMC’s to go on.

All the guests moved into the show room, the band came out onto the stage; Applebloom, being the band leader, introduced the act.

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen; our song tonight is dedicated to the superhero that saved our lives and this city.” Applebloom explained.

Scootaloo, being the drummer, tapped her sticks together and started the song.


Applebloom began pulling the strings on her guitar, Sweetie Bell mashed the keys on her keyboard, and Scootaloo began banging on her drums; the music they were making was incredible.

The farm girl began singing.

“She's a gal on a mission;

In armour of high-tech ammunition.”

Sweetie Bell then took over.

“Trapped on the edge of an endless game;

Her adult life will never be the same.”

“In a dangerous world she’s cool and smart…”

The whole band then sang.

“She's Iron Heart!”

“Iron Heart!”

Scootaloo then took over the solo.

“The heart of her power is within her;

No force will make her give in.”

The band started singing together again.

“When she's backed into a corner of uncertainty;

She takes the heat to next degree.”

“She's more than a hero, believe what you see.”

“She's Iron Heart!”

“Iron Heart!”

Applebloom took this chance to perform a guitar solo; even with just a few months of practice, she’d truly mastered the art of playing a guitar. The band began singing again.

“She's Iron Heart!”

“Iron Heart!”

“Iron Heart!”

With that, the song was finished; the crowd began cheering for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they were amazing.

Rarity was watching the whole show, she couldn’t be more prouder of her sister; so why did she still feel sad about something?