• Published 8th Aug 2022
  • 413 Views, 21 Comments

Iron Heart: Age of Iron - Adamverse

Rarity goes away on a trip with Fancypants, but the duties of a superhero follow her.

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Rock Bottom

Ghost had Sweetie Bell, and her friends….

I was ready to throw in the towel, she’d beaten me. It was times like this I could have really used my friends help.

Rarity sat on the couch of the penthouse, two hours ago, two super-villains had broken in and kidnapped her little sister. The fashion girl’s eyes were filled with tears; the one person she was supposed to look after was now in the hands of two lunatics.

In the other room, Capper and Coco were staring at holo-map, trying to find any trace of Ghost, Living Laser or the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Coco turned to the cat and said, “Come on, you’re the one whose come up with all the locations; surely you’d know where to find them.”

Capper replied, “Ghost has to have based herself somewhere she can build the drones; but all the factories and warehouse have been decommissioned and turned into something else. I’ve got nothing."

Before the two AIs could continue working, Coco looked out the door and saw Rarity on the verge of crying again; she was about to walk out and talk to her, but Capper stopped her. He gestured that he’d go talk to her; so he left Coco to work and walked out the living room.

The cat sat down next to Rarity, he couldn’t comfort her physically, but he tried to talk to her. “I’m sorry Rarity; if I’d been a bigger help, maybe we would have stopped Ghost before this happened.”

Suddenly, out of instinct, Rarity went to hug Capper; but her arms passed right through him. “Oh, sorry.”

“It’s okay. Are you okay?”

Rarity replied, “I’m just so worried about her; she’s out there with those two. And Ghost knows who I am, she could go after everyone I care about.”

Capper then said, “I promise, we are not going to let them hurt you or your family or friends.”

“Thank you, Capper; for everything.” Rarity said back.

But he responded with, “It’s nothing; I’m just a computer system, doing what I’ve been programmed to do.”

Not liking what he just said about himself, Rarity said to Capper, “No, darling; Fancy Pants may have built you to be helpful and build his weapons, but you’re special. Everything you’ve done to help me, that all came from you; not just some programming.”

Capper replied, “Thank you; it was nice to hear you say that. Because if I’m being honest; the time we’ve worked together….” He was hesitant to continue, “I’ve actually grown quite fond of you.”

Rarity was surprised to hear him say that, she smiled at him, and he smiled back. The fashion girl said, “Well, you’re rather dashing yourself, Capper.”

The two of them continued smiling at each other, they both began leaning towards each other; just before their lips touched, Coco walked into the room and interrupted them.

“Rarity, Capper; I’ve got something.” The two on the couch moved away from each other and stood up. The female AI asked, “Did I interrupt you?”

“No.” Capper stated.

“Not at all, darling.” Rarity replied.

The two followed Coco back into Rarity’s room, she pulled up the holo-map of the city and explained what she had found. “When Rarity was able to pick up Ghost’s mask on the dam, I was able to run a quick scan on the piece of tech; now I am able to track its unique energy trail. And I tracked it all the way to a cave beyond the mining company in the canyon.”

Rarity asked, “Out of all the places she could go; why build her base in a cave.”

“Because it’s not just any cave; in that very cave, a group of people were taken there and forced to build machines. These machines would counter Fancy Pants’ drone inventions.” Coco explained.

Capper then said, “I remember; the group was run by a married couple. What were their names….” He thought for a sec, “Sunflower Blush and Wildflower Blush. They believed that Fancy Pants building weapons was wrong, and they took it way to far trying to stop him.”

“Wait, ‘Blush’? Their last name was ‘Blush’?” Rarity asked.

Coco ran a quick search, she then found something, “They were the mother and father of Wallflower Blush.” Coco then searched again, “Until one day, while they were testing one of their inventions; something went wrong and it set off an explosion. They both didn’t make it.”

Rarity replied, “Ghost said she wanted justice and revenge; she blames Fancy Pants for the death of her parents, that’s what this is all about.” Rarity then turned to her suit, “Time to be a hero.” She stated.

The fashion girl was loaded into her armour; once she was suited up, she walked over to the balcony; after activating her thrusters, she shot up into the sky and flew out of the city again. This time, she was determined to end this, once and for all.

Iron Heart entered the cave, the lights from her eye provided some illumination, but not enough; the entire cave was deserted, the ground was covered in old machine part and dried up oil stains. The hero moved through the passenger ways and cave tunnels, after all the walking she did, she found nothing.

However, the search came to an end when one of the tunnels led her to a large cave area; but this cave had been modified, turned into some kind of underground bunker. Rarity spoke into the comm, “This must have been where the Blush’s stayed and lived.”

She was right, there were army beds to the side and work benches in the middle; Rarity heard Coco say, “But my report says that at least thirty people were working there; why are there only two beds here.” Rarity looked over and noticed she was right.

“These tunnels go on for miles, I’m sure there are other rooms here.” Capper said, joining the conversation.

Rarity decided to look around the room; however, the thing in the corner really caught her eye. It was a suit of armour, a suit of weaponised armour; the hero asked, “What is that?”

Capper replied, Man-Droid Armour.”


The AI explained, “It was Fancy Pants’ first weapon invention; a suit of armour as powerful as a fighter-jet. But after about a month after its construction, the company believe that people were still at risk; so they scrapped the only prototype and designed the Combat Drones instead.”

Iron Heart said, “I can’t believe I never knew about this.”

“How do you think your friend made your suit; some of the parts in your armour are the same as the Man-Droid. Your friend must have ordered some of the parts from our company before we stopped building weapons.” Coco said.

“And you didn’t think to ask what she wanted the parts for?” Rarity asked while laughing a little.

The cat AI replied, “Oh yeah, that would have been a good idea.”

After admiring the suit, she turned away from it and saw something else; this was truly a clue to the villains’ location. Placed on one of the work tables, was Ghost’s mask; Rarity walked over to get it; she picked up the mask and had a good look at it.

The hero spoke to the AIs on the comms and said, “Guys, I’ve found something.” Before her friends could respond, someone grabbed Rarity’s shoulder and spun her around. Rarity was now face to face with Ghost herself, the villain snatched the mask out of Iron Heart’s hand and put it on.

“You shouldn’t take what’s not yours.” Ghost stated.

Rarity held out her hand, ready to fire a repulser and said, “You’re one to talk.”

Before Rarity could fire, Ghost went into phase mode and stuck her hand into Rarity’s chest; the hero was struck by the sudden pain in her chest.

Ghost muttered, “Go ahead, blast me away. But if you do, I’ll rip out the heart I have a good grip around.”

“You’re bluffing; if you go solid, my armour cuts your hand off.” Iron Heart responded with.

The villain had an idea, “Then how about a trade; you put your hand down, and I’ll stop crushing your vital organ.” Rarity put her hand down and Ghost took her hand out of Rarity.

Once Ghost moved away from the hero, Rarity was able to reactivate her repulsers; in an angry tone, Iron Heart shouted, “Where’s my sister?!”

“Safe, for now.”

Ghost then pulled something off her belt, a grenade; she threw it at the cave entrance. Once it hit the rock, it triggered a small explosion; the cave began to collapse, blocking the entrance.

Rarity said to the villain, “Well done, now we’re both trapped.”

“Are you sure about that?” Ghost replied. She then activated her phase mode and ran through the wall; the hero tried to blast her but she got away before the shot could hit her.

When Rarity was left alone in the cave, Coco contacted her and quickly explained, “Uh, Rarity; I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but now that cave has been sealed, it’s only a matter of time before the oxygen runs out.”

Iron Heart replied, “Then I better get out of here, darling.” Rarity moved towards the rock wall; once there, she charged up her rocket punch. With one powerful blow, Iron Heart punched through the rocks and blasted her way to freedom.

No way was she going to let Ghost get away, so she activated her thrusters and flew back down the cave; hoping to find the villain she was after.

After several minutes of flying, she reached a door; a big metal one that looked like it had been sealed up. But that wasn’t going to stop her, nothing would stop her getting her sister back; she activated her repulser and cut through the locks on the door. Once she was through, Rarity grabbed the two door pieces and pulled them out of the way.

But then suddenly, without warning; Iron Heart was trapped in an energy cage. Ghost appeared in front of her, the villain stated, “You are just full of surprises, aren’t you, Rarity.”

“You’ll find I have plenty to give.” The fashion girl replied.

Without Ghost hearing, Capper contacted Rarity and explained something she’d want to know, “Hey Rarity, I added something new to the armour; something to get rid of these energy cages. An EMP blast. Simply close your fists, charge up your repulsers and then open your hands to release it.”

The iron hero did exactly that, she closed her fists and powered up the repulsers; and when she opened her hands again, the EMP blast shattered the cage and knocked Ghost back against the wall. The villain then phased through the wall to escape; Rarity was going to run after her, but her suit suddenly felt heavy.

“Sorry, I forgot to tell you; the EMP takes up a lot of power, you’re going to need to recharge your suit before you can take on Ghost.” Capper stated.

Luckily enough, just ahead was an exposed power cell; the cell was behind a sheet of glass, using her metal hand, Rarity punch through the glass. She then grabbed the power cell, Capper began absorbing the energy into the suit.

The suit was now fully recharged; however, whilst absorbing, the suit picked up something else as well. Capper was able to access Ghost’s private network, on the files he’d got were plans and blueprints; they were plans for a power energy generator, one that could drain power from an entire city.

“Are you seeing this, Rarity?” Capper asked.

Rarity replied, “Yeah, why would Ghost build something like this.”

Coco then replied, “I don’t think she did, the file is labelled under, ‘Don’t Tell Ghost’.”

The hero and the AIs thought nothing of it for, they still hand to find Ghost; Rarity decided that flying wouldn’t be a good idea at the moment, Ghost would hear her coming.

So Iron Heart just wandered the tunnels, right up until she walked into a large room; probably the biggest one in the entire bunker. Surrounding the room were large generators, they were filled with powerful energy; the energy signature matched the stuff Ghost uses to power her mask and drones.

Without warning, an energy spear was thrown across the room and struck Rarity’s armour; when the spear disappeared, the hero looked up and saw Ghost flying around the room. After she activated her thrusters, Iron Heart flew up after her.

Ghost cried, “This is the last time to interfere with me.”

“You’re right, because this is the last time you’re going to get away.” Rarity replied.

The villain started the fight by charging up an energy cage and blasting it towards Rarity; but the hero learnt from the past, she dodged the attack and blasted Ghost with her repulser. The blast temporally stunned Ghost, allowing Rarity to punch her with her rocket fists.

After being knocked away, Ghost flew back up again; but Coco came up with an idea.

“Rarity, those generators are conducting negative energy at the moment.”

The hero replied, “So?”

Coco explained, “And right now, Ghost’s tech is running on positive energy; if can knock her into those generators, the energy will cancel out hers. Or to put it simply, it will take away her power.”

Rarity liked the sound of that, she did exactly that.

While Ghost was still recovering from the punches, Iron Heart was able to fly up to her, grab her arm and throw her across the room; Ghost crashed into the generator, the energy began zapping her. The generator exploded and Ghost disappeared.

“Coco, where is she?” Rarity asked as her suit scanned the room.

“I’ve got her signal, she’s trapped.” Coco replied. She gave Rarity the signal, she flew up the location; Ghost was stuck in the wall. “Her phasing tech is malfunctioning; if she goes solid in the wall, she’ll die.”

Iron Heart reach out her hand and said, “Give me your hand.”

“No, I rather die.” Wallflower Blush replied.

“Yeah, well that’s not happening, darling.”

Rarity grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the wall just before it was too late; the hero then raised her fist, as if she was going to punch Ghost. The villain held up her hands in surrender, but it didn’t look like Rarity was going to show mercy.

The hero said, “This is for taking my sister.”

“Wait, no wait.” Wallflower begged. She closed her eyes, expecting to get hit really hard; but nothing came, just silence. Ghost opened her eyes again, she saw Rarity’s hand in front of her face.

Iron Heart explained, “Yeah, I’m not like you.” Rarity then reached for Wallflower’s mask, “But I will take this.” She grabbed the mask and crushed it in her hands. Wallflower watched her life’s work shatter into fragments; she looked back up at Rarity in anger.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done? I planned this for two years.” Wallflower stated.

“Well, you’ll have plenty of time to think of new plans. In Rykers Prison.” Rarity replied. She grabbed Wallflower by the arm and called Coco on the comm, “Coco, call the police; tell them I’ll be stopping by to drop something off.”

The AI replied, “Well done, Miss Rarity; it’s over.”

Suddenly, without warning; a flash of purple appeared before the two girls. Living Laser hovered above them; Ghost actually looked happy to see him, she thought he was here to save her, but she was wrong.

“Blue Blood, hurry, get me out of here.” Wallflower Blush ordered; but this just made Blue Blood chuckle.

Living Laser replied, “Yeah, I don’t think so; you’re old news Ghost, out of the picture.” Ghost didn’t understand, what was he on about. “Let me explain; I’m double-crossing you. To be fair, I was done with you once you gave access to your drones; now all I need is a way to manufacture more.”

Iron Heart then stated, “Well good luck with that.” She said sarcastically.

“You’d think that, wouldn’t you; Ghost told me it took months for her to figure how to actually build the drones, she completely looked over the fact that Fancy Pants already had one. The AI that created them in the first place.” Blue Blood explained.

Rarity then realised what he was saying, she quickly got on the comms to Capper to warn him, “Capper; Blue Blood is coming for….” Before she could finish, Living Laser blasted her and Wallflower to the ground.

Before Blue Blood vanished in a purple flash, he muttered, “Now, to rule the world.” With a flash of purple light, he was gone.