• Published 8th Aug 2022
  • 413 Views, 21 Comments

Iron Heart: Age of Iron - Adamverse

Rarity goes away on a trip with Fancypants, but the duties of a superhero follow her.

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Uninvited Ghost

So Wallflower was the Ghost, I didn’t see that coming.

But now I had another question to answer, why was she doing this, and how is she doing this.

Rarity was still lying on the ground, the blast from Living Laser drained all the power from her suit and knocked her unconscious; so she was just lying there, no power, no solution, and no way of contacting her friends.

But suddenly, there was a flash of red; Capper appeared by the side of Iron Heart. He saw the state she was in, and wanted to help; so he stood up straight and whistled. Flying down from the sky, two fixer-drones came down and used their mechanical arms to lift up the suit.

Capper ordered, “Get her back to the penthouse, quickly.” The drones understood their orders, they were about to comply when Capper stopped them again. He walked up to Rarity and placed his hand on her face, “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

The AI disappeared into red pixels, the drone then did as instructed and flew Rarity back to the penthouse.

When Rarity came out of it, she found herself lying on her bed again; her suit was stood up beside her bed, and Capper was sitting on the end of the bed. When he saw her wake up, he placed his hand on hers; not caring that he was just a hologram.

He asked, “Are you alright, Rarity?”

The fashion girl tried to sit up, she replied, “Yeah, my head just hurts a bit.”

“Blue Blood hit you with a powerful blast of energy; if you weren’t wearing that suit, the blast might have killed.”

Rarity got up, she walked over to her armour; she looked into the eyes of the suit. She only had one thing on her mind, ‘Wallflower? Why?’ But her thoughts were interrupted when she felt something in her stomach, she hadn’t eaten in a while.

She turned to Capper and asked, “Can you keep an eye on the suit? I’m just going to get some breakfast.”

The AI nodded his head, complying with request.

Once that was agreed upon, Rarity left her bedroom; when she walked into the kitchen, she saw the CMC’s sitting around the table eating cereal. Rarity walked over to greet the three girls; however, the expressions on their faces weren’t as cheerful as they should be.

“Morning girls.” Rarity greeted.

Applebloom and Scootaloo said good morning back, but Sweetie Bell stayed quiet; Rarity walked over to her sister to see what the matter was.

The fashion girl asked, “Are you okay, Sweetie Bell?”

Suddenly, the girl turned to her sister and began giving out to her, “How could you?! I thought you cared, but all you seem to care about is yourself!” she then ran away before Rarity could get another word in.

It took a moment to piece it together, that’s when Rarity remembered what she’d promised Sweetie Bell yesterday. “The music house, the rehearsals; I completely forgot.” With all that happened yesterday, with Ghost and Living Laser; the stuff with Sweetie Bell had slipped her mind.

Rarity let the other girls finish their breakfast, but she ran after her sister; she had to make this right.

So the fashion girl followed the sound of crying into the room where Sweetie Bell was staying, Rarity found her sister crying into her pillow; she approached her carefully.

“Are you alright, darling.” Rarity asked.

Sweetie Bell got up and turned to her sister, “I’m sobbing into my pillow, while thinking about how you lied right to my face; so no, I’m not okay.” She went back to crying.

Rarity began explaining why this was happening, but without giving away her secret identity, “Sweetie Bell, I may not always be around, I might be busy sometimes; but your still my little sister, and I love you. I’ve just had this thing going on, this important thing; and if I don’t do it, things could happen. I just want you to know that I’m sorry, and that would love to hear you sing with your friends.”

After another few seconds, Sweetie Bell stopped crying; she sat up and sat next her sister. Before either of them could say anything else, the pink and white haired girl started singing…


‘I didn't know what you were going through;

I thought that you were fine.’

‘Why did you have to hide?’

Rarity then began singing as well.

‘I didn't want to let you down;

But the truth is out.’

‘It's tearing me apart, not listening to my heart.’

Rarity stood up and slightly moved away from the bed.

‘I really had to go.’

Sweetie Bell stood up as well and took over.

‘And I would never stop you.’

The two of them ended up singing together.

‘Even though it changed;

Nothing has to change.’

They both smile and continued singing, they were making amends.

‘And you can find me in the space between.’

‘Where two worlds come to meet;

I'll never be out of reach.’

‘'Cause you're a part of me so you can find me in the space between.’

‘You'll never be alone,

No matter where you go;

We can meet in the space between.’

Rarity led her sister out into the hallway, where she took the next verse.

‘There are no words left to say.’

Sweetie Bell then sang.

‘I know you gotta find your place.’

Then Rarity.

‘But this is not the end.’

And the Sweetie Bell.

‘No, you're part of who I am.’

Finally, they sang together.

‘Even if we're worlds apart;

You're still in my heart it will always be you and me.’


The two sister reached the top of the stairs and began singing their hearts out, Applebloom and Scootaloo could hear them from downstairs.

‘You can find me in the space between.’

‘Where two worlds come to meet;

I'll never be out of reach.’

(I'll never be out of reach)

‘No, 'Cause you're a part of me so you can find me in the space between.’

‘You'll never be alone,

No matter where you go;

We can meet in the space between.’

Rarity cheered, ‘Yeah.’

The two sisters hugged each other.

‘No matter where you go.’

‘No matter where you go.’

‘We can meet in the space between.’

The two of them hugged properly, Applebloom and Scootaloo walked to the bottom of the stairs and watched the two sisters hug; they then applauded the song they just did.

Scootaloo stepped forward, “I take this means you two made up.”

“Yeah, I just needed to be reminded that I have the best big sister ever.” Sweetie Bell replied.

Rarity chuckled before saying, “And I needed to be reminded that I have the best little sister.”

That’s when Rarity decided something, she said to the CMC’s, “You know what girls, grab your instruments; we’re going to go down to the music house and you girls can perform all day.” The three girls cheered, Rarity then shouted to Capper, “I’m just going out with my sister and her friends; we’ll continue when I get back.”

“Got it.” The AI replied.

All the girls then left the penthouse; they did what Rarity said, they spent the whole day at the music house.

Later that evening, when they all got home, everybody was too tired to stay up any longer.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders went up to their room, they waved goodnight to Rarity before heading up. Rarity was about to walk to her room, but she was feeling way too tired; so she decided to sit on the couch for a second.

“I’ll think I’ll skip dinner tonight.” She muttered before eventually dropping off to sleep.

However, the night didn’t bring much sleep; for the dead, they don’t sleep.

A sudden smash-noise woke Rarity up from her sleep; she looked around the room, the night made it pitch black. Not knowing what was going on, she called out to the AI’s for assistance, “Coco? Capper?” but neither of them responded.

Something felt incredibly off about all this, Rarity believed the safest bet would be to get to her suit.

Rarity walked through the living room to her bedroom where her suit was kept; on the way, she noticed something on the coffee table. The glass case that Fancy Pants’ revolver was kept in; the scary part was, the glass had been smashed and the gun was gone, so were all the bullets.

“Well, I guess I know what that smash noise was.” She muttered under her breath.

The hero quietly opened her bedroom door, she saw her suit across the floor; as she carefully approached it, she was stopped by something in her path.

Out of nowhere, Ghost appeared in front of Rarity; holding the revolver and pointing it at Rarity. The villain stated, “You should’ve woken up.”

Rarity replied, “So you could kill me in my sleep; no thank you.”

“I came her looking for the location of Fancy Pants; imagine my surprise when I find this, and you.” Ghost gestured to the armour, she had learned the truth. “If I’d have known you’d be such a thorn in my side, I’d have done more than just erase your memory all those years ago.”

The fashion girl replied, “Yeah, I’m still a little annoyed about that as well.”

Suddenly, without Ghost noticing; Coco and Capper appeared behind her, next to the armour. Without talking, the were arguing about what they could do to help; right up until Capper just got bored and pushed Coco into the suit, this allowed her to take control of it.

Ghost then held up the gun, “Nice antique, don’t you think?”

“Oh I agree, darling; but I like it better when it’s not pointed at me.” Rarity replied.

“I was going to save this for Fancy Pants; I always said his old weapons would be the death of him.”

Rarity moved forward and said, “He didn’t make that one.”

Coco then announced her presence, “But he did make me.” Ghost turned to the moving armour, she began shooting the gun at it, but the old bullets were bouncing off it. The suit then aimed its repulser and fired and beam of energy at Ghost, blasting her across the room.

Before Coco could attack again, Ghost was able to disappear.

“How did she get in here?” Rarity demanded to know.

Capper pulled Coco out of the suit and replied, “I don’t know.”

Before anyone could do anything else, a scream was heard from upstairs; Rarity completely forgot her suit and ran out of her room and up the stairs to see what was going on. When she reached her sister’s room, Ghost was already there; the CMC’s weren’t in the room, Rarity looked out the window and saw the three of them hanging in the air.

Living Laser was here to, he was holding the three girls in a purple electro-net; before Rarity could help them, Blue Blood flew away with the girls, they screamed before they were out of eyesight.

Ghost turned to Rarity and ordered, “If you want to see your sister and her friends alive again, you will stay out of my way and let me do what I have to do.” Ghost started to glow green before she flew out of the wall and flew away.

Rarity could not believe what had just happened, her sister… gone.