• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 9,294 Views, 865 Comments

The Gemmed Satyr - The Rarispy

(The Gems Trilogy: Episode 2) Rarity is desperate to find her special somepony, but somepony else has a crush on her...

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Speaking honestly, my home has never felt so empty before. Stepping inside, it was almost hallowing. Nothing but a big space full of…

…full of loneliness.

Absolute loneliness.

“I’m sorry that things didn’t work out today, Rarity. I guess I wasn’t a good enough assistant—”

“Twilight… please don’t go blaming yourself. You didn’t do anything wrong. In fact, you were a fine assistant today. You did everything I asked you to and you did it well, darling. I couldn’t thank you enough.”

“Thank you Rarity, for giving me the opportunity to learn more about dating. Though, can I ask you about something? That outburst you made…” Oh, dear. I had been hoping she wouldn’t bring that up.

“Oh… just forget about that, Twilight. All of this frustration from not being able to find my stallion has, well— put me a little bit ‘on edge’, to be blunt. I was getting very agitated, and… I said some things that I shouldn’t have.”

“Oh, yes. I know that. It’s just…. Now I’m curious to know, is that really your opinion on ponies who love ponies of the same gender?”

I sighed. “I can’t deny that the whole notion of it truly does bother me, but…” For the first time since I stepped inside my house, I turned around to face Twilight. “I try not to seem so bigoted. I really do.”

“Oh, r-right… I—”

Then it hit me.

That’s right. Twilight was concerned about my feelings towards that subject because…

“Oh, Twilight. I would never hate you for it, or any of our friends.”

“How did you—”

“At the picnic, remember? You told us all about the filly you had a crush on when you were young, remember?”

“Oh, right.”

Without even thinking, I went over and hugged her. “You’re my friend, Twilight. You should be able to date whoever you want to date. It doesn’t matter what anypony else thinks.”


I put down my saddlebag, still thinking about what had happened. It was all looking very bleak right now.

“Um, Twilight?”


“If it’s alright with you, I think I’d like to be alone right now… to think.”

“Of course. I’ll be at home if you need anything. See you later, Rarity.”


And then I was alone again.

Alone… and lonely.

For once, I’ve been completely drained of ideas. I have none. The idea of speed dating was my last resort… and even that failed.

Am I just doomed to never find my special somepony? Isn’t there anypony out there? Anypony I can love, and be loved by in eternal bliss? Anypony at all?

My eyes drifted over to the sewing machine. It sat on the table, dying to be used.

“Hmm… well, perhaps making a dress will help me feel better.”

An hour later or so, it was almost finished. It was a simple garment admittedly. Just a quick piece I was doing on a whim, with no commissioned order or any specific ideas of what to create. I made it a deep green, since that was the closest fabric available to me.

As I held it up in the air to admire it, the door opened.

“Rarity, I’m home.”

It was Sweetie Belle. And she looked a tad more despondent than she usually did coming home after a long day.

“Hello, Sweetie Belle. You were out a little later than usual. A lot of Crusading, today?”

“Well… not really. I was actually hanging out at Twilight’s house. …With Spike.”

“Ooh, really!? What were yo—” But then I stopped myself, and winced up. I’m trying to remember not to do this sort of thing. “Err, never mind. I won’t pry any further.”

She didn’t say anything after that. She just went upstairs and into her room for a little while.

As I was hanging the dress up into the closet, she came back down again. She still had that same look on her face.

“Sweetums… what’s wrong?”

“I kind of, um…” She had her head down as she talked to me. “I kind of wanted to ask you something.”

“What is it?”

“Why do you hate fillyfoolers so much?”

Suddenly, I stumbled on myself and fell into the cabinet, knocking down several garments in the process. Her sudden question… well, caught me off guard a little bit. Definitely wasn’t expecting it.

“S- Sweetie Belle! Why would you ask such a question? That is not an appropriate subject for a filly of your age to be discussing!”

“Why not?” she replied, looking at me with a confused expression. “Miss Cheerilee taught us about coltcuddlers and fillyfoolers in school, so why can’t I talk about them now?”

“Miss Cheerilee taught you about them?” I replied back in disbelief. “Well… I’m going to have to have a talk with her about finding more appropriate topics...”


I could tell then this wasn’t going to be something I could shrug off easily. For whatever reason, she was really desperate for an answer, and she wasn’t going to leave it alone unless I gave her something proper.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and turned to face her.

“First of all Sweetie Belle, don’t call them ‘fillyfoolers’ and ‘coltcuddlers’. ‘Mare-amorers’ and ‘stallion-swingers’ are the terms more generally considered appropriate.” But I wasn’t going to tell a little filly, much less my little sister, why ‘fillyfooler’ and ‘coltcuddler’ are inappropriate terms.

“And secondly, I don’t hate them. My feelings towards them aren’t that strong. However, I do find it hard to accept them.”


“Can we not talk about this any further, Sweetie Belle? You wouldn’t really understand.”

“Huh? Why not?”

“You just— wouldn’t! Okay? Now please, just forget about it.”

I thought she was finally going to drop the whole subject, until… she pulled the card.

“You know sis, you told me a while ago that I wasn’t going to understand what it means to love somepony until I was older.”


She called my bluff. That truly was something I had told her before. And just a week ago… she had proven me wrong about that.

Damn, that filly is too clever.

“Okay, Sweetie Belle. Here’s the gist of it. You see, things are different for you now. But when I was your age, it was much simpler. Mares loved stallions, and stallions loved mares, and that was all there was to it. Then suddenly, this whole idea comes out that… ‘Oh, guess what! Some mares actually love other mares, and stallions can love other stallions too!”

I took a second to breathe. I could feel my voice getting louder, and didn’t want to make another outburst.

“And between the rumors that Princess Celestia herself is a fillyfoo— I mean, mare-amorer, and Ponyville becoming the first town in Equestria to legalize same-gender unions… Evidently, some ponies are accepting it better than others. And… I’m trying to accept it too.

But it’s hard to let go of everything you thought you knew as a foal. Especially after all the stories Mother read to me about the lovely princess finding her prince. …There were never any stories about the prince going to save another prince, or the fair maiden, finding her happily ever after with another fair maiden.”

I stopped for a second to look at Sweetie Belle again. She didn’t say anything. She must’ve been trying to take this all in.

“It also doesn’t help when a mare asks you out on a date, before even asking you what your preference is. You think just because I don’t have very good luck with stallions, and love to wear makeup and do other girly things all the time, that I’d be much happier with a mare? What an insult! That doesn’t mean I’m a mare-amorer like you, it’s just WHO I AM! I… I…”

Deep breaths, Rarity. Deep breaths. Look how much you’re scaring poor Sweetie Belle.

I cleared my throat. “Anyway… so, yes. Relatively speaking so, I try to remain tolerant towards them, especially since some of my friends believe they have those sorts of feelings too.”

But just then, something occurred to me.

“Sweetie Belle… exactly why are you so curious to know how I feel about mare-amorers and stallion-swingers?”

Puzzlingly, she started to show clear signs of nervousness when I popped that inquiry, and started scratching the back of her head.

“OH! Um… well, I— uhh, no reason! No reason, really! But uh, there is something else I was going to ask you. So, hippo-thitically speaki—”

“You mean ‘hypothetically’, Sweetums.”

“Right. Hypo— Hippothe— Hyp— Okay! What would you do if, say… one of your closest friends in all of Equestria, were to, just as an example, tell you that they liked mares, and then asked you out on a date?”

“Well, I— wait, what?”

That was a rather, bizarre question. And it was a weird one to think about. I should’ve asked her back why she was wondering this of all things.

“What would you do if one of your closest friends asked you out on a date?” she repeated.

“Well… I don’t, I’m not sure. I don’t think of my ‘closest friends’ would just reveal their sexuality to me and then just ask me out just out of the blue like that…”

“Yeah, but if they did, then what would you do?”

“Well, I— I guess I would take them up on the offer and go on that date.” I wasn’t sure what other sort of answer to give, for such a strange question. “Though, it wouldn’t be a romantic thing. I would do it simply to humor them, and find a way to let them down gent—”

But when I turned around again, she was gone.

“Hello? Sweetie Belle? Where did you go?”

I.. still don’t know what that whole thing was even about.

Author's Note:

Since I know people might get confused about the way I use terminology in this chapter, I guess I should explain.

I've never liked the terms 'coltcuddler' and 'fillyfooler'. I know they're considered the "official" unofficial pony-equivalent to lesbian/gay in this fandom, but the thing is... they sound more like sexual terms to me. "Filly fooler"? Considering what "fooling" means in the language of love...

Anyway, that's why for this fic, I'm using my own terms, namely 'mare-amorer' and 'stallion-swinger'. I know I likely am making it more complicated than it should be, but... I just really don't like to use 'coltcuddler' and 'fillyfooler'.

Also, if you recognize where the line "You’re my friend, Twilight. You should be able to date whoever you want to date. It doesn’t matter what anypony else thinks." is from, I will love you long time.