• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 9,294 Views, 865 Comments

The Gemmed Satyr - The Rarispy

(The Gems Trilogy: Episode 2) Rarity is desperate to find her special somepony, but somepony else has a crush on her...

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Fluttershy's and Rarity's Struggles

H-hello. My name is… is Fluttershy.

I love all of my friends. Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie… But Rarity, has always felt like more of a friend to me. She’s sweet and kind, and she always looks out for me and stands up for me when others are bullying me. She’s my best friend and…

…and I love her.

Yes. I love Rarity. Not love like you love a family member or a cute little animal, oh no. I— well, you see, um… I have a crush on her. For a long time now, I’ve had a crush on her.

Not really for as long as I’ve known her. But, I’ll never forget the day we first met…

It was over eleven… or maybe twelve, years ago. I was just a filly then. Well, more a teenager, I guess.

It was on that faithful day, when Rainbow Dash had challenged those mean bullies to a race, which led to her performing a Sonic Rainboom. The day when me and all five of my other friends had earned our Cutie Marks.

I had fallen to the forest after being knocked over by the racing pegasi, and it was there that I discovered my special talent: caring for the animals of the land.

But, while the animals could make me happy for a while… the sun started to set, and it was growing dark. The animals all went to sleep, and I became lost, afraid, and scared.

Scared that I would never be able to fly back home, not with those puny wings of mine. My parents… I would never see them again.

I buried my face in my hooves and started crying. My mom always said that big girls don’t cry, but I didn’t care, because I thought I would be lost forever. And I probably would’ve been, if it wasn’t for…

That voice. Her voice.

“How exciting! Finally, my own Cutie Mark! Oh, I can’t wait to tell my parents, and… mmm?”

The voice stopped. I still didn’t look up. Not until I felt the hoof on my head.

“Oh, my! Are you all right?”

And then I looked up. And there she was.

A white unicorn filly, smaller than me but still looking down on me. Her smooth, short purple mane and those… those sparkling blue eyes.

“Hello, there. What’s your name? Are you lost?”

Helpful as she was… I still couldn’t bear to speak.

“I— Uh, I…”

“Don’t worry. You don’t need to be afraid of me.” She kneeled down to my level, and gave a warming smile at me. “I promise I won’t hurt you. Please, I just want to help.”

“My— my name is Fluttershy…”

“What was that?”

“My name is F-Fluttershy.”

“Fluttershy? What a nice name! Hello, Fluttershy! My name’s Rarity, and I’m glad to meet you!” She held out her hoof, still smiling. That smile. Those eyes. I knew even then that this was somepony I could trust. Without hesitating, I shook hooves with her.

“H-hi, Rarity...”

“Now we’re getting somewhere! But… what are you doing out here? I thought the pegasi lived up there, in Cloud-whats-its-name?”

“Clousdale. And… yes, I do live there, actually. But, well… these pegasi were having a race. I was waving the flag, but then I was knocked off, and I fell down here.”

“Oh… dear. You poor, poor thing. Oh, there must be something I can do to help you.”

“No… I’m fine. Just let me be, Rarity. I guess I’ll just make this forest my home now.”

She could’ve left me there all alone right there, and forgotten all about me. But instead, Rarity proved early on why she was chosen to be the Element of Generosity.

“No, I will not just leave you be! I’m going to help you get back home! But, how can I…?” Desperate for answers, she looked all around us. Finally, her bright, blue eyes fell on her Cutie Mark, and she gasped. I think that’s where she had the answer. “Fluttershy, pack your bags! I know exactly what I’m going to do to help you!”

She ran off after that. Well… except she didn’t. She could’ve run off and left me there to wait for her. But instead, she decided to be generous again. Always thinking of others…

“Oh! But until then, you’re welcome to stay with me for the night. I’ll just have to tell my parents what’s going on. Come with me!”

“Oh, Rarity… I can’t do that. You’re already helping me out enough. I really don’t want to be a bother—”

You, a bother? Nonsense! Come on!”

She had to drag me back to her parents’ house. But to her merit, I probably would’ve been too nervous to go on my own anyway.

The next afternoon, Rarity told me to wait for her in the same clearing. But eventually, it was starting to grow dark again. Just like last night. Lost. Alone. Afraid.

But still I trusted her.

Finally, she came back, but this time she had something extraordinary… a giant quilt. A giant quilt that covered almost the whole clearing, maybe even big enough to be seen from space!

After a few minutes, she finished setting it up. She stood on one corner of it to keep the wind from blowing it away, and told me to stand on the other end.

“Um, Rarity, I don’t… really understand how this quilt’s going to help me get back home!” I had to yell for her to hear me, something I don’t like to do very often.

“Why, Fluttershy! Haven’t you even read it yet?”

So I looked down at the quilt. What I saw was simply amazing!

It had a giant image of me at the top, with the words “LOST PEGASUS, PLEASE HELP” printed below it.

“What? Bu— But, how did…?”

“I sewed it myself! Didn’t I ever tell you that I’m a really good sew-er? With this message, you’ll get home in no time! And I’m staying here with you until you do! That’s a promise, Fluttershy!”

At that moment, Rarity gave me a new feeling, one I’d never had before. Hope. That feeling of having a friend, looking out for you. That feeling of having someone who cared.

We must’ve fallen asleep sometime after that, because the next thing I knew, I was being nudged awake.

“H-huh? What?”

“Miss? Are you alright?”

I opened my eyes to see a tall gray pegasus, one that I recognized as a volunteer worker up in Cloudsdale, staring down at me.

“Oh my goodness! Rarity, wake up! Look!” She woke up, and she too was amazed to see him.

“I got your message. Are you by any chance, Fluttershy?” Still too shy to speak, I just nodded quietly. “Oh, what a relief! Your parents have been worried sick about you! We’ve been searching all over for you! But we never thought we’d need to look all the way down to the ground to find you! What are you doing here?”

“Well… Um… I—” Rarity could probably sense then that I was too nervous about this stranger, so she showed her colors once again and spoke up for me. Her generosity knows no bounds.

“She told me that she accidentally lost her balance while she was watching a race, and fell all the way down here.”

“What, and you couldn’t fly back up there?” I could only make a timid meep in response. “Ha-ha! Sounds like Fluttershy all right! Alright, Fluttershy! Hop on my back and I’ll take you home!”

I should’ve hopped up without hesitating, but all of a sudden, I had a strange feeling. …I didn’t want to go back anymore. I wanted to stay. Stay on the ground, with the animals… with Rarity. But in the end, she knew what was best for me.

“Go on, then. Back home to your worried parents. And give them my best wishes!”

The volunteer pony turned to her. “What was your name again?”


“Well Rarity, I’d just like to thank you for helping us find this poor, misplaced pegasus. If there’s anything we at Cloudsdale can do to make it up to you, you just let us know!” Much to my fear, he took off towards Cloudsdale again. And it was strange. All this time, I had desperately wanted to go back home, but now that I actually was… I just felt sad.

“I will! Ta-ta, then! Goodbye, Fluttershy!”

“Good bye… Rarity. I really hope we meet again someday.”

“Me too! Farewell!”

Rarity was the first pony to ever go out of her way to help me like that like a friend. Well… unless you think about when Rainbow stood up for me earlier that day. But I still didn’t know Rainbow Dash that well back then.

And even when I did, she was always more of a sister to me, then a friend. It was Rarity who was the first to touch my heart.

She’s still just as kind and generous as she was back then. But now, she’s also a great fashion designer, and she’s so talented, so funny, so… so cute.

I can’t help but feel mesmerized every time I see her. She has such a beautiful figure. And her smooth, silky purple mane is just gorgeous, not to mention that tail. And she has such a pretty face. Her smile makes me want to melt into her arms every time I—

Oh! Hello! Goodness, I forgot I left the window open. Welcome to my cottage, Mr. Butterfly! Gee, what kind of butterfly are you?

Wait, I know! Those glittery brown wings… You’re a Gemmed Satyr, aren’t you? Oh, my! I haven’t seen very many Gemmed Satyr butterflies before! You look so pretty…

Huh? Where are you going? Oh, are you tired? Sure, go ahead and perch right on that… that picture.

That picture of Rarity. Hanging on the wall right above my fireplace. The one that makes me sigh whenever I look at it, but always makes me happy at the same time.

I need to tell her.

I say that to myself almost every day, but this time I really mean it. This is it, Fluttershy. You’re going to go straight to Rarity’s and tell her…

‘Rarity, I love you.’

“My fair prince, you’ve come!”

“Of course I have, my dear. Dragons, wizards, and mummies couldn’t possibly keep me away from my beloved. And now that I followed the butterfly and finally found you here, there’s something I’d like to ask you."

The princess gasped when she saw what the prince took out of his pocket. It was a sapphire ring, the shiniest in the land.

“Princess Amethyst, will you marry me?”

“Oh, yes! Yes, I will! Of course I’ll marry you!”

And so, the wish the princess had made to the butterfly finally came true. She married the stallion of her dreams, Prince Tanzanite, and they bought a house together in the kingdom of Aventurine, and had a baby filly.

And they all lived happily ever after.

My name is Rarity. But for the sake of formalities, you can just call me Ms. Rarity, or Miss. Or just Rarity if you really prefer. Anyhow, that was my favorite story when I was a filly. My mother would read it to me when I went to bed. The Speckled Butterfly, I believe it was called? Or maybe it was The Spectacled Butterfly. I honestly don’t remember.

But the matter is, I have a dream on my own. Ever since I was a little filly, I’ve always wanted to be like Princess Amethyst. To have my dashing prince arrive and sweep me off of my hooves, to live happily ever after in his loving arms.

And for the longest time, I thought I knew exactly who my fair prince would be. Him. Prince Blueblood, the Princess’s nephew. Oh! That handsome, extravagant blonde mane, to die for! And a smile that would melt the hearts of any mare. A pure gentleman who would treat his lady with the utmost class and humility… or so I thought, anyway.

But then, on the night of the Grand Galloping Gala, I finally met him. And I got to see upfront just sort of a pony he was.

A brute. A rude, inconsiderate, selfish noblepony who only cared about himself and just used me as his hoofstool the entire day, with not a single concept of manners in his thick skull of his.

Eventually, I became so wound up by his unacceptable behavior that I finally snapped, and showed him that I was not going to take his garbage anymore. I felt very proud of myself then…

Until I realized that my dream was now a sham. I no longer had my prince, and never would. I had my love reserved for Prince Blueblood throughout most of my life. Ponies that wanted to ask me out… And I turned them down… So many chances. And now, a meager history of romances looms over my shadow, reminding me of what a fool I was.

Sure, I have been on dates several times before, but nothing ever became concrete. It was always just one date or two, and then we never spoke again. I’ve never had somepony that I can truly call special, my special somepony in other words.

But that’s going to change now. If I want my prince to come, I’m going to have to get out there and find him myself! Sitting here in my boutique brooding will only further ensure that I’ll die alone and unloved.

With Celestia as my witness, I will have my special somepony by the end of the week. Watch out, Equestria. Because here comes RARITY!