• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 9,294 Views, 865 Comments

The Gemmed Satyr - The Rarispy

(The Gems Trilogy: Episode 2) Rarity is desperate to find her special somepony, but somepony else has a crush on her...

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Reaching Across

“I’m at such a loss, Golden. What am I going to do?”

Golden Harvest is one of my close friends, and one of the first ponies I started socializing with when I first moved to Ponyville. We’ve been friends since long before Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy moved here from Cloudsdale, or that big Nightmare Moon incident with Twilight Sparkle.

She supplies all of the town’s carrots, with her business, Carrot Top’s Carrots. However, she’s also a pony of very high-class interests, and a frequent customer of mine. We’ve always had a strong friendship… well, save for that awkward day when she discovered I was friends with her longtime rival Applejack, and the time that that show-offy braggart Trixie came into town, and turned my hair green.

To this day, Golden Harvest still refuses to un-dye her now orange-colored mane. Clearly, I must have hit a sore spot with her, so I try not to bring it up anymore.

But now, I had invited her to lunch at the Ponyville Café. To be brutally honest, I think I just wanted a friend to lean on.

“Aw come on, Rare, it’s not that hopeless,” Golden Harvest said. She put her hoof on my shoulder, as I lay face-down on the table. “There could be a stallion out there for you yet.”

I perked my head up at her. “How can you even say that? I threw all my chances out the window waiting for Prince Blueblood, and now that that ship has sailed, I’m completely out of options! I have no dating experience what-so-ever.”

“I thought you’ve been on several dates before.”

“Only those sort of go-with-it dates to please and humor some hopeful boys… But I’ve never been involved in a serious relationship, and I have no idea how to even start. I used to think my collection of romance novels had all the answers, but recently I’ve come to realize that they’re not such a helpful guide after all.”

It still brings guilt to me how much I frightened poor Sweetie Belle the day I confronted her about her crush on Spike. For a while, even after that dreadful Gala, I’d been confident that I could easily mend my losses and empty string of relationships. But now that I’ve decided NOT seek to my romance novels for advice anymore, I… I feel helpless.

“Golden, dear… you wouldn’t happen to have any ideas, would you? You’ve had a boyfriend or two, haven’t you?”

Suddenly, she spit out into the carrot juice she was drinking.

“I— Uh, boyfriends? Yeah, yeah! Of course I’ve had… boyfriends. Yes! I have been in love… with stallions… before! Uh-huh.”

She had a very… peculiar expression on her face.

“Are you… feeling warm at all, darling? Your face is turning red, and you’re starting to sweat.”

“Um… yeah! It must just be the heat.”

“Here, you can borrow my sunhat.”

I handed her the sunhat that I had been wearing. It was a light blue color, and I had placed a pink daisy inside its cross-stitched brim.

“Thank you, Rarity. Ever the generous pony, as always. I guess that’s why they call you the Element of Generosity. Anyway… there is one little place that I know you could probably try.”

“A little… place?” My mind immediately drew a rather venereal conclusion. “Oh, heavens. You’re not talking about one of those places, are you?”

“Huh?” She stared at me for a few second, then her eyes widened up, when she probably realized what I’d meant. “OH! Oh, no, no, no! Not like that, no! It’s more of a bar.”

“A bar, you say? You mean like the one that Berryshine’s cousin runs?”

“Oh no, not that one. Lovely as it is…” Her face was a brilliant crimson again. Maybe I didn’t make the sunhat wide enough… “No, it’s a place close to the edge of town, not that far from your boutique, actually. It’s called The Cobalt Flamingo.”

“The Cobalt Flamingo? I’ve seen that building before. I’ve always wondered what it was.”

“Well, now you know. It’s a popular bar house and entertainment center that’s only open in the after hours. If you’re not busy tonight, you and I can go together!”

I thought it over for a minute. A bar seemed to me like… a rather unconventional place to find a date. But, Golden Harvest knew best, I supposed. Besides, she said it was an entertainment center, so I figured that even if I was to not find somepony there, I could at least enjoy myself a little.

“All right. I’ll just find somepony for Sweetie Belle to stay with for the night, probably Fluttershy, and then it’s a date.”


“Ugh. 1:30 AM? When you said afterhours, you really meant it. This could be harmful towards my sleep patterns, Golden!”

“Oh, relax, Rarity. Hasn’t anypony ever told you that you have to a live a little?”

Golden Harvest and I were walking down the road towards the Cobalt Flamingo, very very late at night, as I had just mentioned. The only attainable light was that of Luna’s moon, as well as the big neon flamingo we were coming up towards.

“I still think that’s an awfully odd name for a bar. Is there even such a thing as a cobalt flamingo?”

“Oh, ponies have come up with plenty of unusual names for their bars. Just ask Berryshine and she could tell you some really weird ones.”

I still felt a tad nervous. I could hear the noise from inside already, and I think it was putting me on edge. Golden held the door open for me, and I was greeted with quite a cacophony.

Loud music was blasting from inside, and the air was filled with the sounds of ponies cheering and socializing. It was all very overwhelming to me, but Golden didn’t seem fazed by any of it at all.

“After you.”

Reluctantly, I stepped inside. The person standing at the door handed me a glowstick, which I suppose would explain why everypony there was holding a glowstick. I’m not sure if there was a lighting problem or if they just always kept the place that dark, but in any case, the glowsticks were providing most of the light.

It was also as soon as I was inside that I could determine the type of music being played.

“Ugh. Rock music. How typical.”

“Yeah, but this is only soft rock. It’s acoustic, with traditional guitars and such. We actually just missed the hard rock hour.”

“Just as well. Even acoustic rock is too much rock for me. Is it too much to ask for just a simple piano tune?”

“Well, they do have jazz hour, if you can stand to stay for a couple of hours.”

“Guess I’d better get a drink right away, then.”

“Good evening, Miss Harvest. The usual?” The bartender had his black mane slicked down and spoke with a distinct Batlimare accent.

“Yes, please. What would you like, Rarity? You don’t need to worry about the price, it’s all on me.”

“Really? Well in that case, I’ll fancy a Swiss Pfirsich Flaum, please. ”

“Wow, you’re really trying to dig into my bits, aren’t you?”

“Oh… never mind. Should I try something smaller?”

“Aw, what the heck. You’re my friend. A Swiss Pfirsich Flaum for my friend, please!”

“Ah, a pony of very fine tastes, I see. Coming right up, madam.”

Needless to say, this response puzzled me. “Golden, you’re not… trying to set me up with this gentlecolt, are you?”

“No, not necessarily. … Why, do you like him?”

“For the record, my heart already belongs to somepony else,” he stated from the other side of his station.

“Oh. Sorry about that, Rarity.” She put her hoof on my shoulder again, trying to comfort me I think. I was about to correct her when he came back with my cocktail.

“Your Swiss Pfirsich Flaum, madam. And the sour carrot martini shall be ready soon, Miss Harvest.”

“Great! So, Rarity, even acoustic rock doesn’t shake it? I take it you’re not going to the concert this Sunday, then?”

“The Drifting Cattails, was it? No, I’m not planning on it.”

“Okay. Because I have an extra ticket and I’m still looking for somepony to go with.”

As the bartender got to work making our drinks, I spun my chair around and took a thorough look at my surroundings. The band playing was up on a stage at the far end of the room, surrounded by what must be deep-rooted fans, judging by their reactions and behavior.

All the ponies in the crowd certainly were a mix. Some appeared quite gentlecolt-like and were sitting at the tables, some with their special someponies. Others were party-goers that I had seen at Pinkie Pie’s soirees, flashing their glowsticks in tune with the music. They had their own special someponies as well…

Among the crowd, many ponies were not so much listening to the music as they were mingling with each other. I couldn’t make out any of my other friends, but Golden seems like the only type that would be at a bar anyway, so I shouldn’t be surprised.

Seeing all of this though just made think back to the bigger question: why was I even here?

“Um, Golden? I don’t mean to be rude, but… how exactly will I find my special somepony in this place?”

“Well, not by sitting here! You have to get up and go around! Socialize! Meet somepony! Invite them to dance!” She spun around and immediately looked excited. “Ooh, look! There’s Berryshine!”

I looked in the direction she was pointing. Indeed, that purple pony Berryshine was near the center of the room, dancing to the music. She looked fairly sober. How ironic, one of the only places I catch her sober is in a bar house…

Golden whipped back around to the bartender. “Hey, bartender! Cancel that carrotini and just make it two glasses of red wine!”


Golden had that look on her face again. Speaking of which…

“Darling, I can’t help but notice you seem to have a bit of a sweating problem. Are you feeling tense? You should really come to the spa with Fluttershy and I sometime.”

“Huh? Oh, no I’m fine.”

After a minute or so, the bartender came back with the wine. “Here you are.”

“Thank you! Well, I’m going go, um… mingle with Berryshine. See ya!”

And with that, she was gone. That was rather… strange behavior of hers. I quickly forgot about it though, when… well, when another pony came up to the bar. A stallion. A handsome stallion, at that.

He was blue in color with two buttons on his Cutie Mark. He had an absolutely gorgeous, white mane and tail, and two gleaming yellow eyes. He also spoke with a light Scottish accent.

“Oh, boy… Whenever you have a chance bartender, can you fix me up another peach martini, please? I have such a headache right now.”

“Sure thing, Mr. Down. Too much hard rock for you, again?”

“I was starting to think I wouldn’t survive it. I can’t stand rock. If it wasn’t for this acoustic stuff playing right now, I think I’d be fit to just leave right now.”

Maybe this is what she was talking about, I figured. Mingling. I grasped those words. If I wanted my own special somepony, I needed to speak up. This was my chance.

“I know how you feel.” He turned to me, surprised. Gotcha. “I’m not much of a rock aficionado myself. Even soft rock is too much for me sometimes. I’d much rather hear some…”

“…smooth piano jazz?”

What? Is he a mind-reader as well as a heartthrob?


“I’m only here for the jazz hour, myself. Decided to come in early, big mistake. This is my first time coming to this place.”

“Same here! I’ve been trying to find a date.”

“Oh, have you now? Well… may I inquire as to whom I am speaking to?”

“Rarity,” I answered, giggling. Much to my surprise, he then stood up and took my hoof in his.

“Well then, Miss Rarity, may I have this dance?”

“I— Yes! Yes, you certainly may, Mister…?”

“Down. My name’s Button Down.”

The next thing I know, it’s us near the center of the room now, dancing to our hearts’ delight. He’s a very smooth dancer, almost as if he was trained.

Eventually, all of the other ponies had started to back up and give us room. Seizing the opportunity, Button twirled me around before dipping me. It was a most rapturous moment. I glanced over to Golden at one point, whom was standing alongside Berryshine. Looking very pleased, she whistled to us.

“So, Miss Rarity, what do you do for a living?”

I turned back around to Button. “Oh, I’m a dressmaker. I’ve crafted exquisite designs and top fashions for both Ponyville and Canterlot.”

“I knew your name sounded familiar! Those were your magnificent dresses I saw in Hoity Toity’s showcase last year! 'Pinnacle of the Party', wasn’t it? I didn’t realize you lived here!”

“That’s me, indeed! You follow the fashion industry?”

“Of course! A bit of a connoisseur, I guess you could say. Professionally speaking, I work with buttons, make various crafts. I fix clothes, make toys, and work on my own little art crafts from time to time too. And I’ve been looking for the perfect town to open my shop in! The finance magazine I’ve read described Ponyville as a business venturer’s dream.”

“Businesses do flourish around here, yes. Ooh! If you were to open your shop here in Ponyville, maybe you and I could collaborate together! Well, maybe not so soon, but…”

“A partnership, huh? That… actually bears some thought. I’ll have to consider it.”

This is too fantastic to be real. A handsome fashion connoisseur and button maker, and I’m dancing with him! And he’s interested in the idea of a partnership!

Ooh! This could be it! This could be the one! My special somepony!

Just wait until I tell Fluttershy! She’ll be so thrilled!

“Now, another question. ¿Puede hacerlo? Can you do it? Can you really tell her how you feel, and give her your corazón? ¿Bien?”

"I can’t."

“Una vez más? I couldn’t hear you.”

"I can’t!"

“One more time?”

“I can’t. I just can’t! I’m too much of a scaredy-pony! I tried to confess to her this morning, and I couldn’t! I chickened out, just like every other time! I'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO TELL HER!”

Dissatisfied with dé Rosa’s words, Fluttershy turned off the cassette player and continued to lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Tears were welling up in her eyes.

After a few seconds, she stuffed her face in her pillow and started to weep.

As she wept, Sweetie Belle had cracked open the door and was peeking in, with a face of deep concern.