• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 9,294 Views, 865 Comments

The Gemmed Satyr - The Rarispy

(The Gems Trilogy: Episode 2) Rarity is desperate to find her special somepony, but somepony else has a crush on her...

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Rainbow's Faith

“But— But— What are you doing here, Rainbow? Fluttershy said you were visiting your mother in Cloudsdale!”

“Yeah, I was! Until I heard about what happened between you and Fluttershy! You wanna tell me what’s going on here!?”

“Heard about— how did you hear about that incident from all the way in Cloudsdale?”

“What do you mean, how? Through that little thing you like to call “gossip”? Everypony in Equestria must be talking about it! At this rate, you’re probably going to be on the front page of those tabloid magazines you like so much!”

“But, but I don’t understand. How did they… even find out?”

“Well I was just taking a stroll through Stratus District when I heard these two ponies chatting about ‘some purple-haired fashion designer priss from Ponyville who chewed out her best friend when she told her she loves her in front of a whole crowd of ponies’. As soon as I heard this story, I told my mom that I had to make a quick visit to Ponyville, and here I am!”

“A whole crowd? That’s ridiculous, I never saw any crowd.”

“That’s what Twilight and the others said. Apparently, they were in the crowd, and they saw the whole thing happen too!”

“Hmmph. Well, what do you want? I assume you’re here to tell me to go find Fluttershy and apologize to her. Well, I was already go—”

“Not just that! I want to know how you could be such a jerk to let her down like that! What were you even thinking?”

“Let her do— What are you even talking about? First Sweetie Belle was saying that, and now you? ‘Let her down’ how? Was I supposed to laugh at her silly little prank or what?”

“You could’ve at least s— wait, what? Prank? What prank?”

“You don’t even know? I thought you just said you heard all about it! Fluttershy decided to show up while I was in a state of grief and despair, only to mock me and my terrible record with stallions, by kissing me and saying she can be my special somepony! Granted, I let my stress get the better of me and acted perhaps a little bit out of turn, but Rainbow, surely you wouldn’t be happy if Fluttershy just waltzed up to your house and did that to you! …Or would you?”

“Oh my goodness, Rarity. I can’t even believe this…”

“I know! Fluttershy’s my best friend, and one of the nicest ponies I know. Why would she suddenly be so insensitive enough as to—”



“You heard me. That wasn’t a prank. When she said she loved you and wanted to be your special somepony? She really meant that.”

“Rainbow Dash, stop being so silly. Why would Fluttershy be in love with me, much less want to be my special somepo—”

“Because she’s been telling me about it for the past two and a half years!”

“She— W-What?”

“Yeah! Maybe not even two weeks into living here in Ponyville, Fluttershy came to my house and told me straight out, ‘I think I might have a crush on Rarity.’”

“Bu— but…. WHAT!?”

“And you know what I told her then? I said, ‘You should just tell her how you feel.’ Two and a half years I’ve been telling her that! Nice to know that the whole time, I was leading her to absolute heartbreak and insensitiveness!”

“I don’t… I wasn’t… I didn’t mean t—”

“Flutershy wouldn’t just joke about something like that, Rarity. That sounds more like something I would do.”


“AHH! Rarity, hey! Get off of my leg! You’re getting tears all over me!”

“I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings! I… I thought she was pulling some kind of joke! OH! What did I do, Rainbow!? WHAT DID I DO!?”

“Aw, come on! Cut it out! You’re going to make me cry too!”

“What do I do, though? I have to go over and apologize, but… what else?”

“I… I don’t know, Rarity. I don’t know much about this kind of stuff. Just… just please go over and talk to her. I really hate seeing her like this…”

“Right. I will. Thank you for telling me, Rainbow.”

“Yeah. No problem… Oh, and Rarity?”


“Listen up. Fluttershy’s like a sister to me, and I don’t like to see other ponies go around breaking her heart. So, whatever you do… just please be careful.”

The pressure’s on.


“Fluttershy, are you home?”

“GO AWAY! I don’t want to see you, and I know you don’t want to see me!”

“Please, I just want to talk! Just please let me in!”

“Talk about what? About how I’m a sick freak who should just be locked up in here forever? Or that I’ve ruined our friendship forever, and how could I do this to you? Oh, I know! You’re here with a super-handsome stallion, hoping to help set me ‘straight’!”

“Fluttershy, I made a mistake! I didn’t mean to yell at you like that! I was… I thought that you were just joking around!”

“Joking around? Joking around!?”


“Whoa. Fluttershy? Oh my stars, you look awful!”

“How could you think I was just ‘joking around’!? I love you, Rarity! Why would I be joking about that? That sounds more like something Rainbow Dash would do!”

“I-I know…”

“I loved you for years Rarity, for years! And you never saw it! You were so busy trying to find a stallion for yourself that you never realized, no matter how many times I tried to tell you, that the pony who loved you more than any stallion in Equestria was standing right in front of you!”

“I know that now… and I’m sorry.”

“Is that all you can say? After you ripped out my heart, threw it on the ground, and ripped it into a million pieces? Besides, you don’t really mean it. I know you probably still hate me for being… you know?”

“A mare-amorer? Fluttershy, I would never hate you. You’re my friend, my best friend…”

“…but you don’t love me back.”

“Oh, Fluttershy… I really, really don’t want to disappoint you. But you know I don’t like mares…”

“I know that. I never… I never needed you to love me back. It’s just… just…”

“Just what?”


“It just hurt… to keep those feelings inside. All I wanted was to let you know how I feel about you… so that the hurting could stop.”

“And all I did was make it worse… Oh, Fluttershy! My poor old friend… if I promised to be more sensitive to your feelings, do you think you could find it in your heart to forgive stupid old Rarity?”

“Well, I-I don’t know…”


“I-I’ll think about it. Just… can I please be alone for a little while longer?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you.”

Rarity… no matter what, I still love you.