• Published 19th Oct 2022
  • 326 Views, 1 Comments

Around A World: Equus - Dragon Shimmer

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Cake competition

Somewhere in Equus, there is a black castle with many thunderclouds around. The thunder clouds always shoot thunder, making every creature scared when seeing it.

Inside the castle, there is a white starir-like creature sitting on the throne. He is wearing black armor and holding a staff. A magenta mare with a broken horn is walking toward him. She is wearing black armor. The mare looks at the king and reports. "Dear Storm King, our defense failed."

Storm King asks calmly. "How?"

The mare continues. "Our strategy was counterproductive. The village fought with them. Plus, they did a surprise attack in the heavy rain."

"I see." Storm King looks at a map. "Just let them have that village. It is just a small village with a small harbor."

"May I ask something?"

"Go ahead, Tempest."

"Why did they want to take that village? I suppose it is not simple." The mare turns to a soldier. "For me, they have something more in their mind."

"You are just too worried, Tempest. I have made an investigation about that village and see that the village is not of much value." Storm King raises his arm. "Now, command our city to produce the weapons and foods faster. We have an invasion to prepare. After a year, we will capture Canterlot"

Tempest bows. "As your command."

The magenta is going to leave the throne room but Storm King asks. "Why did you hate the princesses so much? I just want their magic, not their life."

Tempest stops and then keeps walking. "It's just a childish memory."

The magenta mare leaves the room. Storm King commands his soldiers to make tougher defenses on other weak cities.

Rainbow Dash is still angry with Diana when the black cat keeps saying rude things. Twilight rolls her eyes and goes to the cake competition to cheer Pinkie Pie and Diana. When the duo has just arrived at the competition, a dark blue pegasus with a yellow mane is running towards them.

The stallion stops and begs. "Princess Twilight, please help me." Twilight Sparkle steps back as the stallion coughs. "Sorry for my manner, your Majesty. I just want your help."

"And how can I help?"

"One of our judges was just sick. She had to go to the hospital so ... "the stallion spins his hooves. "Eh... can you be a judge, please?"

Twilight is going to deny it but Rainbow Dash stops her and whispers. "You can help our friend by being the judge."

Twilight glances at the stallion. "Give us a moment," the stallion nods. Twilight takes Rainbow Dash somewhere and sighs. "Are you serious? There is no way I can help my friends if their cake is terrible."

Rainbow Dash retorts, "I didn't mean that. I mean you can advertise Pinkie Pie's bakery to make her place better."

Twilight rubs her chin. "Maybe you're right but how about Diana?" Rainbow Dash turns away when hearing that name. Twilight rolls her eyes and comes back to the stallion. "I will help you."

The stallion bows to Twilight. "Thank you, Princess. Please follow me so we can prepare. Oh, my name is Blue Heart."

"Please lead the way, Blue Heart."

Twilight and Rainbow Dash follow the stallion to a big tent. When Rainbow Dash tries to step inside, the guards prevent her from going inside. Twilight smiles nervously and continues to follow the stallion to go inside.

Inside the tent, there is a blue griffin, a green dragon, and a pink crystal pony. Twilight is surprised when seeing different creatures in this festival. Twilight smiles and introduces herself. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you."

"Twilight Sparkle? The newest princess." The pink crystal takes the paper and rushes to her. "Please give me your signature. I am a big fan of yours." Twilight is confused at first, but then she starts signing the paper. The pink pony grasps. "Oh sorry Princess, I was too excited. My name is Cherry Rose."

"That's okay." Twilight gives the paper. "I've just come here for 2 days," then she turns to the green dragon. "You seem not like a normal dragon."

The green dragon turns around. "How so?"
I doubt that you even met one of them, princess."

"I met many of them, even Lord Torch." Twilight chuckles and raises her front hoof. "Anyway, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too princess." The green dragon shakes her hoof but he feels something go through his body. The green dragon releases her, then bows at her. "Green Magnet is ready to service, Princess Twilight."

Twilight smiles. "No need to be formal like that."

The blue griffin starts to talk. "So Princess Twilight, ready for the competition?"

"I'm ready... eh... who are you?"

The blue griffin bows. "Gengu. My name is Gengu."

Twilight nods. "Nice to meet you, Gengu."

Cherry Rose prepares some coats with the judge's signs on them. "Please wear this, Princess Twilight. You will need it."

Twilight nods and they leave the tent to prepare for the competition.

When they are just going outside, all of the competitors are wearing the chief costume. The competitors are standing with a group of two or three creatures, except Diana and Pinkie Pie. They start staring at them without any emotion. The purple alicorn gulps and takes a deep breath to make her stay calm.

Blue Heart grins and steps forward. "Everypony, today we have a special judge, Princess Twilight." Everyone is clapping for her. Blue Heart raises his front hoof as the ponies stop. The blue stallion grins. "For that special, we decided to change the challenge this year a little bit."

The competitors murmur a little bit. The doors are opened and many ponies are waiting for them. The competitors are shocked when they see that. Cherry Rose steps in front of them. "You got two hours to sell cakes for our customers who are waiting out there. Plus, you have to make a big cake for the judges. Anyone who has magic is only allowed to use levitation. That's all."

Green Magnet adds. "One more thing, anyone who tries to cheat will not join this competition next year."

The competitors gulp. Gengu steps forward. "To be a good baker, you have to make your customers satisfied, including us. Now, you have 30 minutes to prepare the cake for selling. Begin."

Everyone starts making a cake while Diana just looks around and flies up. The black cat sees many ponies waiting outside. Diana lands on the table and makes the kitchen tools float, making the competitors around surprised. The tools start doing their job by themself.

Pinkie taps her chin for a while, then she starts baking at a high speed. The other competitors watch them as they start to work.

The green dragon looks at them and asks Twilight. "They make everyone watching them, don't they?"

Twilight smiles. "Don't worry. Even if that is my friend, I will judge the same as anyone else."

"I see." Green Magnet smiles. "I'm quite impressed with your friends."

"Just don't do any harm and we will be good." Twilight glances at him. "You are not a fire dragon, aren't you?"

Green Magnet steps away from the purple alicorn. "How... how did you know?"

"Some experience." Twilight turns to her friend. "I may ask you later."

When 30 minutes is over, the ponies start running into the competitors and trying to buy the cake. When they see Diana's cakes, they avoid them immediately because their shapes of them look so terrifying to them. Diana just takes a sip of coffee on the table while the levitation spell is following her order. "What a nice day. I love this." She looks at Pinkie Pie and the pink pony is serving her customers while making the big cake. Diana smiles. "You okay there, Pinkie?"

"I'm fine." Pinkie laughs and keeps serving her customers at high speed. "I have never had so much fun like this before. You okay there?"

"Just another day for chilling."

"Okie." Pinkie throws her cupcake at Diana. "Good luck."

Diana tastes her cupcake and it is better than before. The black cat opens the book of magic and the levitation spell is finishing the big cake for the judges. To make sure the customers won't touch the big cake, Diana just cover the cake with the big glasses and the black cloth.

After one hour, the judges start investigating the competitors. Twilight looks around and sees Pinkie Pie is doing so well despite working alone. Diana is making the big cake because no one will come to her spot. The other judges are just amazed at the cat's magic.

The black cat is giving a family of griffons her cake for free. Green Magnet comes to Diana's spot."How is it working? Looks like you are dead."

Diana chuckled. "Then I will rise from the grave and become a necromancer to haunt this competition."

The green dragon laughs. "I love this attitude. I am afraid that necromancers will not exist. Because you may fail in this part."

"That's why I am focusing on the second part." Diana stabs the stick through the 'eyeball'. "Wanna have some eyeball cake? I need to judge and improve."

"Sure. The first improvement is improving your look." Green Magnet takes the 'eyeball' and puts some bits on his table. "Thank you for your cake. Some tasting is not bad

Diana nods and continues to make her cake. The green dragon spins the cake and eats it. It is better than he thought. Cherry Rose asks. "How is it?"

The dragon replies. "It's so good. I am waiting for her big cake."

Gengu shudders when seeing Diana's cake. "You mean... those body parts of creatures are good? You're sick."

Cherry Rose comes out with the tomb cake and eats it. The crystal mare bounces many times before talking. "Yep. I am waiting for the big cake."

Twilight turns around. "I will check others' competition. See you in one hour."

"See you, princess."

Twilight walks around the competitions. Many competitors are struggling to serve the customer while making the big cake. Twilight keeps walking around for a while to check others competitors. She also buys some cake from the competitors, all of them, to make the fairest judgment. Twilight sits inside the tent, puts the cakes on the table, and is careful to put numbers on them, then she starts eating.

When she is eating, she finds some of them have magic inside. The purple alicorn carefully notes the cake that has magic because this is the flavor-changing spell. Removing the spell and tasting it again, the purple alicorn is nearly vomiting because of the taste of those cakes. "Oh right, I'd rather eat Diana's cake than this fake beautiful-looking cake."

When it's done, she leaves the tent. The purple alicorn sees the customers forming a big line in front of Diana and Pinkie Pie. They want their cake so much.

The bell is jiggled. Blue Heart comes to the micro and announces. "Alright, everyone stop please, we have an announcement." The blue pony pulls the paper. "We have to close this zone. I'm glad that you enjoy this festival. See you next year."

Some of the customers feel sad but they have to go outside. Green Magnet steps forward and claps his claw. "All right, let's see what your best cake is."

The first group starts pulling a shortcake. Twilight glares at it and pushes the shortcake out. "I assume this cake has the magic to change the flavor."

The group is shocked. "What... What do you mean princess?"

Twilight turns to the blue griffin. "Gengu, please take out a magic measuring tool to check this cake, please."

The blue griffin bows and goes inside. After a while, a ruler that has mercury inside is taken out. Gengu puts it near the shortcake and the mercury inside is starting to rise. All of the judges glare at them

"See you in the next two years." Green Magnet smashes the dishes. "Please go home."

The first group leaves the zone. Twilight sighs in relief. "Next."

After tasting all of them, the judges have scores for competitors. Some have scored ten, some have thirty. The highest one is thirty-six. Cherry Rose calls. "Next." Pinkie Pie bounces to the judges while pulling a cart to carry something big that is covered by a big white cloth. The crystal pony tilts her head. "What is this thing?"

"A surprise." Pinkie Pie pulls the cloth out. "Tadaa."

The pink pony reveals a large cake of hers. It is shaped like many creatures playing in the park. The judges are amazed about the cake. They start to cut pieces of cake and taste them. The cake makes them want to eat again.

"Wow. It's so good." Cherry Rose eats another one. "I can eat this one all day."

"Me either." The dragon is eating the cake. "I want to book these cakes so much."

"Hope that you ever have an address." Twilight gives him a smug. "Right?"

Green Magnet slightly kicks the purple alicorn. Cherry Rose nods. "I don't think we need to talk more."

The judges raise the 'ten' boards. Pinkie Pie bounces furiously and starts bouncing away. "Next."

Diana comes to the board with a big cake. Like Pinkie's cake, Diana's cakes are covered by a big cloth too. Green Magnet teases. "Hello necromancer, how is your day?"

Diana counters. "Hello uncle, I'm good and ready for a raise."

The other judges are holding their laughter. The green dragon feels embarrassed and changes the subject. "All right, what did you bring to us?"

Diana pulls out the cloth and reveals a big cake. That cake shaped like a mare is crying and falling while the firefighters are trying to fight against the burning house. The judges are silenced about this cake. Cherry Rose asks. "Why did you do this kind of shape?"

"Crush the emotion." Diana turns to the competitors and sees some of them even crying when seeing the cake. "Just nothing. This is my improvisation. I like those tears from those competitions."

"Evil." Comments Twilight. "You are just evil."

"Call me a demon if you like, Twilight." Diana smiles, takes the firefighter, and gives it to Twilight. "Even if you remove these ponies, the 'picture' will still be the same."

The judges start cutting the piece of cake. It is so good. Twilight hates to admit this but this cake is as good as Pinkie Pie's one. She turns away and eats the cake. Cherry Cake asks. "You shouldn't make these cakes like this."

"Why not?" Diana spins the folk. "This is my style, and I am not a clone."

"Good things." Cherry Cake raises the 'nine' board. "Honestly, if this is a brighter shape, I can't choose between you and Pinkie Pie."

"What about now? The taste."

Cherry shakes her head. "Still Pinkie Pie. The emotion makes my taste worse than before."

Blue Heart raises a 'ten' board. "Tasty cake. I love that. About the shape, if someone has gone through like this mare in the cake, he or she can't even eat this."

"I agree with Blue Heart." Green Magnet raises a 'nine' board. "Your style is just like a witch who is making some evil potion."

"Heh. I like that praise." Dian folds her paws. "What about you, Twilight?"

Twilight raises a 'ten' board. "I hate you sometimes, Diana."

Diana tilts her head. "Oh, why are you not dividing that board by ten?"

"If I could." Twilight sticks the board on the table. "I think I have nothing to say."

"Thank you." Diana wears the chief custom off and turns away. "This costume makes me look like a liar."

Diana comes back to the competition zone. The winner has been announced. Pinkie Pie wins the competition with a big airship waiting for her. Diana has a paper to use every cake material from Canterlot in one year. The competition is over.