• Published 19th Oct 2022
  • 327 Views, 1 Comments

Around A World: Equus - Dragon Shimmer

  • ...

A little meeting

The dark blue dragon is trying to slash at Sunset, but the orange dragon manages to dodge all of them, despite being panicked. The dark blue dragon breathes ice at the floor, causing Sunset slips. He quickly jumps to stab her. Sunset breathes fire at the dark blue dragon. The dark blue dragon jumps back and breathes slightly.

"Stop playing around." The dark blue dragon points the sword at Sunset. "I don't want to fight like this."

Sunset closes her eyes and concentrates. "I'm sorry. But... that's all I can do. Plus, I didn't know your name."

The dark blue dragon bows to her. "My name is Frostbite. Wait, what are you..."

Sunset's wooden staff is on fire, then she waves it in the air. A dragon wing is flying toward him. Frostbite runs to it and slides under the wing but the wing explodes in mid-air. Frostbite coughs and looks around, but a fist punching into his chest makes him fall. The orange dragon starts sparking some electricity and electrocuting him. Sunset looks at her claws that are still in electricity, then she stares at the staff and sees it on fire. Sunset quickly throws it away.

Diana catches the flaming staff, then turns to the dark blue dragon. Frostbite is trying to stand up, but he quickly has to kneel and breathes. "What... What is that spell? I have never seen that spell... before."

"It looks like Blueberry is down." Diana flies to Frostbite. "I'm done with your guard."

"What?" Frostbite turns around and doesn't see his soldiers anymore. The ice dragon turns to the cat. "Where are they?"

"Knock them out and teleport to home. It's easy." Diana turns to the orange dragon. "Hey, can you tie this dragon up?"

Frostbite is trying to get up but he can't. The orange dragon pokes at his snout. "What for? I didn't want to kill him."

"Just a trade." Diana folds her paws. "Honestly, if that camp isn't there, I will teleport him with the guard."

"You...you..." Frostbite forms an ice spear and charges the cat, but his body doesn't allow him as he falls and coughs. "What do you want for my little sister?"

Diana grins. "I heard from her that you are not allowing her to have a friend." Frostbite catches me off guard. Diana continues. "Your father didn't allow her to train with the guard and your mother didn't allow her to do whatever she wanted."

Frostbite is trying to counter. "That... that's not true. I just want to protect her."

"End the conversation." Diana snaps her paws. "Do it Sunset."

Sunset nods and takes the rope, then ties him up with the claws forced to his back. Frostbite tries to struggle but his strength does not allow him to struggle anymore. When trying to tie him up, the orange dragon accidentally touches his horns, which makes him silent and stay still. After a while, Sunset sits next to Diana and watches the camp.

Matt and Icey are walking through the long hall. After dealing with wall monsters, they feel so exhausted. Inside the hall, many things look expensive to Matt, which makes him through he is going outside or something. After a while, they see a white alicorn with a crystal shard on the forehead. Icey looks around and sees many guards and archers guarding the alicorn, who is sitting on the throne.

"Weird." Icey rubs her chin. "This alicorn is just like Celestia."

"Have you met Celestia before?"

Icey nods. "Yes, but ... not so good." Icey's ear folds down. "It was just sparring between ponies and dragons."

"I see." Matt points at the crystal shard. "Now, that is our target. This can be called the heart of the dungeon."

"Got it." Icey forms the ice spear and looks at the ponies. "What will we do now?"

Matt sits down. "Take a rest." Then he pulls some meat and vegetables from his dimension pocket. "Can you make a fire camp?" Icey shakes her head. Matt picks some branches and gets some fire grass. "You know what is most important when raiding a dungeon?"

Icey gives him a smug. "Skill and teammates. I have raided some dungeons before... well... until my parents banned me from it… eh… but I wasn't allowed to fight."

"You are missing one thing." Matt takes out the pot. "Morale."

"What do you mean? Everyone will have good morale before doing the raid."

Matt sighs and starts cooking the food. "Have you ever stayed inside a very long dungeon? Like, have to stick two or three days inside it." Icey shakes her head. Matt takes corn. "When being too long in the dungeon, everyone will start feeling tired, then they will start arguing with each other."

"That's... not bad, right?"

Matt takes some meat and vegetables. "The worst is... they will start killing each other."

Icey gulps. She remembers her soldiers feeling tired and starting arguing when they finish a quest in two or three days outside. Icey takes a peek inside the throne and sees the alicorn is just sitting there doing nothing. The blue dragon feels that it will be triggered when someone is inside.

Icey lies on the ground. "How long do we have to wait?"

"A moment." Matt turns to the blue dragon. "Actually, I just want to ask more about your kingdom and stuff." Matt pours some water. "How is your kingdom?"

"Good I guess." Icey sighs. "My kingdom is ruled by my father and he is a good one."

"How can you be considered a good ruler?"

"Well, he always helps our kind for more development and wants to stop killing around. All he wants is to unite all kinds of the dragon." Icey huffs. "But he is afraid to lose me so much so when others want to challenge me, he wants to deny it."

"Eh..." Matt shakes his head. "Can I ask you why?"

"One of our cultures is when a dragon beats an ice dragon, he or she can touch our horn and claim us. Our horn will change color after that." Icey raises her claw to stop Matt from asking further. "To make it clear, all of the ice dragons want to remove this culture but the magic inside us doesn't allow us, it is just like a curse."

"Hmmm... I can ask Diana to remove this thing. Even though she is not good at... curing someone." Matt takes bowls. "What happens if you go against this 'culture', like you are not gonna die, don't you?"

"Well, our hearts will be frozen and we can't move for a long time, not even an inch."

"Sounds worse than dead." Matt huffs. "How is your father doing?"

"Not good for a fire dragon because they just have a new ruler, but she won't show up for a while."

"One last question." Matt gives her the bowl of soup. "Why did you tell me about this stupid culture?"

Icey sips the soup. It tastes good for her. She silences for a while before answering. "Honestly, I trust you. Plus, you are a human, right? So... yeah."

"I can talk to Spike and he will claim you, idiot." Matt bonks his sword at Icey's head. The blue dragon glares at him. "First rule, don't spoil your weakness in front of someone you just met."

"Yeah yeah, I was careless." Icey sips another soup. "At least you cook well."

"Eat up. We have a crystal to take."

Icey and Matt enjoy the soup as they keep talking with each other.

Twilight and Spike are walking through many bookshelves. Tons of books are displayed on the bookshelves. The purple alicorn tries to get one of them but it disappears when she touches it. The books and papers keep flying by themselves like butterflies.

Spike looks around in amazement. "Is this a nice memory of her? Sounds like someone I know."

"Stop your teasing." Twilight jumps on the bookshelves. "If this is a library, there must be librarians."

"That's ridiculous, you know this is not a normal library, right?"

Twilight facehoof. She completely forgets that this is a dungeon, meaning everything can happen inside it. The purple duo is walking through the large books zone. They see a little filly in there with the crystal shard.

Twilight frowns. "Too easy. Something is not right here."

Suddenly, many giant books are dropped on the purple duo. Twilight and Spike jump aside but another book is opening for them. Spike kicks Twilight out, then jumps on the book before it closes. Twilight tries to blast at the fillyisbeing blocked by another book.

The book starts opening and spills paper on the purple duo. Spike waves his claw and breathes fire to follow it, creating a firewall in front of them. Many arrows are flying in front of them. Twilight quickly form a shield to block them all. Spike takes a look and sees they are all paper.

A giant paper axe is floating in the air and starts to slam at Twilight's shield. It make her shield crack as the purple alicorn try to keep it remained. Spike gets out the shield, forms a fireball behind him, and denotes it. The purple dragon flies fast through the firewall and tries to get the crystal shard but a paper wall is rising from the ground to block the purple dragon. The wall wraps the purple dragon and becomes a rope to tie him up.

"Spike." Twilight glares at the filly and then rushes to her. Many paper snakes are rising from the ground to bite her but she manages to dodge them, then she slams into the ground. A magic circle appears on the ground and creates purple smoke.

The filly looks around through the purple smoke, then she forms a giant paper fan to blow the smoke away. No sign of the purple alicorn. The filly looks down and sees Twilight is trying to get the crystal shard. The filly manages to catch her hooves, but her horn is shining and yanks the crystal shard off.

Twilight sighs in relief and she looks at the crystal shard. The bookshelves and filly are slowly becoming white dust. Twilight sits down and breathes. "I thought... I will never make it."

"Can you help me please?" Twilight turns to the voice and sees Spike is still in the rope. "I can believe that this paper rope will not disappear." Twilight levitates the purple dragon and leaves the room, causing Spike to struggle. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Revenge for my sandwich." Twilight puts her face near Spike. "That's your punishment."

Spike rolls his eye and the duo starts leaving the dungeon with the crystal shard.

Matt steps forward to the throne. To make sure they won't hurt a lot, Matt asked the blue dragon to create an ice shield. The guards start pointing their spear and aiming the arrow at him. 'Celestia' watches the human for a while, then she waves her hooves. The guards start charging at him and shooting arrows.

Matt quickly slams the shield on the ground and hides behind it. The swordsman takes his broadsword and plugs it into the ground. The pony guards slowly step forward the shield. 'Not even rush to try to break this shield.' Matt takes out the small sword and daggger. 'What is this dungeon?'

'Celestia' stares at the shield for a while. The white alicorn swings her sword to the left and hits the ice spear. Icey is surprised when the alicorn manages to spot her. The blue dragon is trying to get up but the levitation stops her. 'Celestia' looks at the ice dragon for a while, then she slams Icey on the ground, walls, and roof repeatedly. A dagger flies to 'Celestia' and slashes her cheek. 'Celestia' turns to the shield and steps forward while slamming Icey.

The guards are looking for the swordsman as he is not behind the shield. 'Celestia' starts using the spell to spot the swordsman and finds that he is beneath her. The white alicorn tries to jump away but the hand manages to catch her hoof, then a full body of human rise from the ground and headbutts her face. His arm quickly yanks the crystal off.

The guards start disappearing, along with 'Celestia'. Matt catches Icey, then puts her down. The blue dragon has many bruises on her body. Matt rubs his head. "You ... okay there?"

"Not so much." Icey gets up. "Being a throwing ball is not a pleasure."

"All right. So... Can we go out."

Icey nods. The duo goes out of the dungeon. When they are just stepping out of that place, many dragons point the spear at Matt. Icey realizes that they are her soldiers. A dark blue dragon with a crown is walking forward and commands. "Get my daughter back immediately."

Matt takes his sword out and prepares to charge. Suddenly, a voice from behind them says. "You may put down all the weapons."

All of the dragons turn to the voice and see a black cat floating in the air with a dark blue dragon with gray horns being wrapped by the shadow rope. Frost Ice is surprising. "My son... what's happened."

Frostbite is trying to answer but the shadow rope wraps around his snout to prevent any word from him. Diana grins. "Hello there. I am the one who sent you the letter."

"What do you want? Release my son immediately." Frost Ice points at her. "Or else."

"You are not the one who can talk here, my king." Diana forms a dark blade and puts it near Frostbite's neck. "How about a trade?"

Frost Ice balls into the fist and grits his teeth. "What... Do you want to?"

"My swordsman in there and your abandoned daughter." Diana plays with her whisker. "Poor thing. Thank you for making her suffer so I can brainwash her."

Icey is going to say something but Matt raises his arm to stop. Frost Ice lowers his sword. "What... Do you mean?"

"You should know more than everyone else, Your Majesty." Diana takes an hourglass. "You got one hour."

Frost Ice and his soldiers are starting to discuss with each other. All of them advise the king to accept the trade because Frostbite is playing an important role in the kingdom. The king looks at his daughter, who is still covered in red stripes, and sighs. He doesn't have a chance to say sorry to her.

Frost Ice walks toward the guard to step aside for Matt and Icey. Icey is surprised by this action. 'Does... he still ...' Her face is looking down at the ground and sighs. 'I need to get out of here.'

When the duo walks past Frost Ice, he looks at his daughter with an emotionless stare. Matt shakes his head as Diana facepaws. Diana starts levitating Frostbite and whispers. "If you want to meet us again, be stronger, or else it will be hopeless."

When the trading is done, Diana quickly teleports them to go back to the airship before the guard can do anything.