• Published 19th Oct 2022
  • 326 Views, 1 Comments

Around A World: Equus - Dragon Shimmer

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Go to the dungeon

Spike and Twilight are walking through the market in Crystal Empire. To make sure no one will surround them, they cover themself with black coats. There are many things in the market that are being sold in many shops. Some of them are even rare items in Equestria. Twilight takes a look at a ring that the shop owner confirms is the magical ring. She sees all of them don't have much magic inside.

Spike slightly kicks at her. "Focus Twilight, we come here to ask about the dungeon."

"Come on Spike, these are magical rings or neckaches. I want to wear them."

Spike coughs. "Haven't you worn enough rings and neckaches since we are in our library?"

"Eh... yeah. But those are like..." Twilight gulps. "Horrible. More terrified than Amelia's training."

"Oh right, no more work." Spike pulls Twilight's front hoof. "We are going to be late here."


The purple duo is going to leave the market to meet Princess Candance. Suddenly, many ponies are stepping aside. The purple duo is standing with the ponies. After a while, Princess Cadane and Shining Armor come across the market while sitting on the cart with many guards. The crystal ponies bow at them. Shining Armor notices the purple duo in the black cape. He whispers to Cadance. "Cadance, we have some suspicious one here."

Cadance looks at the purple duo, then whispers to the guard. "Send two soldiers to watch them. If they do something suspicious, catch them immediately."

Two soldiers go under the cart and take off their uniform, then join the crow to watch the purple duo. Twilight and Spike notice the guard. They decide to go out of the crown and head to the crystal castle.

When the purple duo is standing in front of the crystal castle. Many guards are looking at them. One of them walks to them and asks. "Sorry, you can not allow me to go inside this place. What can I do for you?"

Spike answers. "We need to meet Princess Cadance."

The guard shakes his head. "Then you have to wait long outside. Princess Cadance is currently going outside." Twilight takes off the cape to show her face. Many guards are surprised. The guard coughs. "Sorry princess Twilight Sparkle, I.. didn't know you will come here."

"That's okay. It's my fault to come here without telling you anything." Twilight smiles. "So... where can I wait for Princess Cadance?"

"Eh..." the guard gulps. "I will lead you to a resting place. Please be patient."

Twilight nods and they lead Twilight inside the castle but they don't allow the purple dragon to go inside with her. When Spike reveals his face, the crystal pony guard steps aside. Spike goes inside with Twilight.

The blizzard has gone and Diana is playing the flute while waiting for some movement from the ice dragon. The blue dragon is going to catch her but the shadow ropes raised from her shadow pin her down. Diana turns to the blue dragon. "Not even enough."

Icey grunts. "How can you notice me? You just have a weak mana."

"Heh." Diana levitates the blue dragon. Icey is trying to get out of the bound. The cat asks. "Then what can you see from us?"

Icey lies. "Nothing." Diana's shadow ropes squeeze her tighter. Icey is struggling to breathe. "Oh right, I see you do not have much mana while that... humans have more mana than you."

Diana releases her. "Thank you." Then she points at her back. "Rub here please."

Icey huffs and starts rubbing the cat's back. Suddenly, a lot of ice dragons are above the airship. They are splitting to find their princess. Icey looks at the light blue dragon with ice halberd. "Hey, that's my brother."

Diana grins. "You see how many dragons are up there?"

Icey starts counting the dragons and realizes that the dragons are too much. "That... a lot."

"Good." Diana puts her paws on the airship. "Lucky that the airship has camouflage mode, or else we are in trouble."

"What are you doing?" Asks Matt. "Don't tell me.."

The ice dragons are looking around the Crystal Empire. To make sure the ponies inside the kingdom don't notice them, they fly high up to see easier. Suddenly, a big dark ball appeared in the middle of the air, making many crystal pegasi notice that. The dark ball disappears, leaving the ice dragons surprised. The pegasi are rushing at them.

"Fall back." The ice dragons quickly run away from the pegasi until the pegasi leave them alone.

Diana flies to the table and opens the hologram map. The red dot appears under the ground. Matt is struggling to stand up. "Don't do that again."

Icey is nearly vomit. "I... agree. My breakfast is nearly gone."

"All right." Diana turns to them. "Matt, Icey. Please take the memory shard for me."

"Why did I have to do that?" Icey looks down and sees some ice dragons guarding a dungeon. "What... don't tell me..."

"That's right." Diana grins. "This is my price. Nothing is free, right?"

Icey grunts. "I am feeling that you are going to do something with me."

"I don't know." Diana looks at Matt. "Ready, Matt?"

"Ready." Matt thumbs up. "This parachute will make me lane safety." Diana points at the blue dragon. Matt waves his hand to reject. "Leave her alone."

"I am going to upgrade this airship a little bit. Icey, please take Matt to your dungeon. He is light, don't worry." Diana cracks her neck and goes inside. "Hey Sunset, we have a job."

Icey grunts and starts to carry the human to the ground. The human is surprised very lightly, just like a bubble. Icey lands on the tree and watches the guards walk around. Matt counts like three guards guarding the dungeon. The blue dragon decides to jump down on the ground, despite Matt trying to stop her.

One of the guards looks at Icey and asks. "Hey, that's our princess." The guard is running to her. "Princess, your father is looking for you. Wait, what is that..."

Icey delivers a punch into the guard's belly to knock him down. Two guards are surprised, but they rush at her with their spears. The blue dragon quickly jumps on the guard's head and punches his back. The other guard tries to grab her but she ducks and quickly delivers the punch to his chin. Not wanting the guard to recover, Icey punches at his body repeatedly, then delivers the final punch, making the guard slam into the tree and knocked oig

The guard that is lying on the ground is trying to get up. "Prin…cess." Then a force on his head knocked him out.

Matt rubs his hand. "Brutal. Not even with your people."

Icey grasps and looks around. "How... How can I do that? I didn't know I am that strong

Matt puts his finger on the red stripe on Icey's face. "Look like Diana empowers this painting. How cute! But your attitude before... I don't know."

"Well... I always spare with the guard."

"That explains a lot. But why do you ..."

Icey raises her claw to stop him. "Shall we go in? I have been inside this dungeon before."

Icey and Matt start going inside. In the bush, a guard is watching them. He quickly left the position to report to the king.

Frost Ice is walking around the room. He wants to know if his soldiers manage to find the princess. Leafy is writing some papers. Suddenly, a soldier rushes into his room. Frost Ice turns around. "Why are you rushing this room?"

The soldier stands up. "King Frost Ice, I found our princess. She is going inside with a weird creature."

"Really? Let's go to our dungeon. I need to get her back as soon as possible." The light blue dragon takes his axe. "See you, honey. I will get her back."

"Hold up. Wait a minute." Leafy taps the feather pen. "Soldier, did anything different in our princess?"

The soldier nods. "Yes. She had some red stripes on her face and body. When we saw her, she attacked us and knocked others down. Luckily, I hid in the bush all the time so that I could come here."

Leafy nods. "I see. Frost Ice, come there quickly as fast as possible. I know what this Diana tends to do."

Frost Ice leaves the room and quickly calls the remaining soldier. He also sends one of them to call back his son.

Twilight and Spike are looking at the map in the room. There are also some marks on it. The purple dragon picks the symbol up. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor enter the room. Cadance and Twilight quickly do the 'ladybug' song and laugh.

Cadance asks. "Why are you coming here without telling me anything? I am so worried when you and Spike decide to leave the library."

"Eh... It's a long story." Twilight taps the hoof on the table. "Anyway, we want to ask you about the dungeon that you have found."

Shining Armor sits next to his sister. "Why are you so interested in dungeons? It is not a place you can research."

Twilight answers. "I and Spike will come there because it has something that... umm.... important for us."

Cadance feels curious. "And what is it? Can you tell us?"

"Ummm... I rather keep the secret." Twilight smiles nervously. "Because.... you know... I don't want anyone in danger."

Shining Armor huffs. "Fine. I will lead you to one of the dungeons."

"I heard you found three." Spike turns around. "Right?"

"Yeah but... '' Candance points at the dragon figure. "One of them is captured by the dragon."

Twilight and Spike are going to leave the room, but Shining Armor stops them. "Where are you going? Don't tell me you are going to step inside the dungeon."

Spike nods. "Yes, we are going to do that."

"No..." Shining Armor shakes his head and waves his front hooves. "I won't let you do that. It's dangerous inside."

Twilight counters. "It will be more dangerous when we won't go into that."

Shining Armor is surprised at Twilight's answer. The purple duo leaves the room but Shining Armor stands forward for them. "All right, let me come with you, and some guards."

Twilight smiles. "Maybe a little safer."

The purple duo and Shining Armor leave the castle and go to the dungeon. They don't know what the dungeon will be.