• Published 19th Oct 2022
  • 327 Views, 1 Comments

Around A World: Equus - Dragon Shimmer

  • ...

The airship

"Shame that you can't win first place." Matt is looking at the paper. "At least you can come to Canterlot to have some cake."

"We need more things like that." Diana lies on the table and turns on the map. "And we have nothing to do here. So.. where will we go?"

Twilight, Spike, and Matt take the map of Equestria and look at it. Suddenly, Spike breathes out the letter. Matt pats his back as Spike enrolls the letter. The purple dragon rolls back and announces. "Celestis told me that there are plenty of dungeons around Crystal Empire."

Twilight stands up. "Dungeon? But there are none around it."

"Now they have. Plus, some dragons have already captured one of them." Spike rubs his chin. "Is this ice dragon of the north?"

"Ice dragon?" Matt stands up. "Okay.. how many dragons are in this world?"

"A lot?" Spike tilts his head. "They have a kingdom for dragons out there."

Matt is going to ask more but a knock on the door interrupts them. Diana comes to open the door and sees Pinkie Pie bouncing in front of her. The pink pony hugs the cat and asks. "Hi, Diana."

Diana pushes the pink pony. "Eh... what are you doing here?"

"I want to exchange the prize with you." Pinkie Pie takes the paper. "I want the ingredients to make a cake for the airship."

"Then why didn't you sell it instead of trading with me?"

"Nah. The material is more valuable to me. With that, I can make new recipes without any trouble." Pinkie Pie wraps her front hoof around the black cat and whispers. "And I know you need this. So it's a win-win."

"Wow, you are so dirty."

"Duh, I'm clean. I take a bath every day. Did you do that too?"

Diana turns away. "Can you show me your airship?"

"Of course. Follow me."

The pink pony bounces away. Diana takes the paper and follows the pink pony to see the airship. Matt watches the duo leaving, then he takes the binoculars and looks around. This time he has to steal something big.

Pinkie Pie is bouncing onto the airship. "Here you go." Diana looks at it and sees it is a big airship, which makes the black cat surprised. It has two sails set in its back. Diana flies high and sees it has a big bow and a big front that is enough to contain like 100 ponies.

The pink pony wraps her hoof around the black cat. "Interesting? Come on, I will show you."

Diana and Pinkie Pie walk inside the airship. There are two floors inside the airship. Each one has 6 rooms. Diana looks at the blueprint of the airship and sees this airship is keeping the airship floating in the air. An anchor and ropes to park this huge airship. Two engine rooms to make this airship and working. Diana turns away. "This airship... is too much for four of us."

Pinkie pie smiles. "Aww come on... at least you have transport. Look at it, it's so huge that if you want to have members join your group, they will have somewhere to stay."

"... Here you go." Diana takes the confirmation paper. "You can have it."

"Yay." Pinkie Pie puts the paper on Diana's paws. "Now please go to the document certification office there to confirm our paper, and you can have the airship."

"Weird... but cool. See you in the office."

Diana asks some ponies for the office but some of them want her signature. The black cat sighs as she manages to fly to the office. Going inside, many ponies are waiting for their papers. Diana has no choice but sits down and waits.

When she is reading the paper, some of the ponies are standing behind her. The first one commands others to take her away but Diana closes the paper and asks. "What are you going to do with me?"

The ponies are surprised, then they sit behind her and stay there without a word. Diana smugs and returns to read the newspaper. An old stallion comes to her and asks. "What are you doing here?"

"Just want to have an airship, Pepper." Diana flips the page. "Where is my license?"

"Here you go." The old stallion gives her a small piece of paper. It has her picture plus her information. "Now, you can bake and sell your cake without a problem."

"A magical cat, also very rude when meeting someone." Diana puts the license down. "Are you writing yourself here?"

"No. Because of your talking."

"Fair enough." Diana rolls her eyes and takes another paper to Pepper. "Can you help me with this?"

The old stallion reads the paper. "Hmm... airship, right? You want to own an airship."

"Why not? This one I got from my friend after trading the prize."

"Wow. Come with me." Pepper waves his front hoof to Diana and goes inside. "You will have to work with me for a while, Coal Cat."

"Not even close, Slime Pony."

Diana follows the old stallion to go inside. This will be long for a while

Matt is playing cards with Twilight, Spike, and Sunset. It took a long time to introduce how to play the card game with the orange dragon. Matt sighs. "So boring."

Sunset tilts her head. "What do you mean?" The orange dragon points at the bag behind him. "And what's inside that bag? I have never seen that bag before."

Matt rejects. "It's just my stuff."

Twilight frowns at him. "Show me."

"Ehm... maybe later." Matt stretches his body. "I have a date to someone."

Twilight is going to yell at him but a knock on the door interrupts them. Spike comes to open the door and sees Rainbow Dash floating in front of him. The blue pegasus looks at him and Twilight.

Rainbow Dash asks. "Can you have some time to talk to me?"

"Eh sure." Spike turns to Matt. "Hey, can you give us some time?"

Matt nods and leaves the wagon. Spike, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash sit down while Sunset goes inside her room and tries to practice her magic. The blue pegasus huffs. "Why are you joining this group?"

"Because we feel fine?" Spike tilts his head and pats Rainbow Dash. "Are you still not okay with us being here?"

"Yes." Rainbow Dash slams the table. "You two are staying with the most dangerous cat in the world. How can I do that?"

Twilight and Spike look at each other, then they laugh, which makes Rainbow Dash confused. Twilight taps the table. "We are fine because we know something about Diana, and you refuse to get to know about her. Like if I am not talking to you, how am I being your friend?"

Rainbow Dash is silenced by the question. Spike spins the pen. "And we agree that you will not come along with us. Not because of this 'we are not your friend' reason, it's because you are ... doesn't fit in this team."

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. "And why?"

"Because of your attitude." Diana kicks the door and goes inside the wagon, making all of them surprised. Diana huffs. "If you want to help us, please stay away from this place."

"I hate you so much." Rainbow Dash rushes at Diana but the black cat simply steps aside to dodge. "Did you use a brainwashing spell on all of them?"

Diana turns to Twilight and Spike. "Head up guy, we will work all day to move these kinds of stuff to new transportation."

Twilight tilts her head. "What's wrong?"

Diana smiles. "Pinkie Pie gave me her airship, in exchange for my price."

"Wow, but that makes sense." Spike stands up. "Let me call Matt to help us. You can deal with the problem, right?"

"I hope so." Diana glances at Rainbow Dash, who is glaring at her. "You annoy me."

Rainbow Dash points at Diana. "I don't trust you."

"So do I." Diana turns around. "Please teleport to home, it's past your bedtime."

Rainbow Dash is going to attack the black cat but she sees Pinkie Pie bouncing toward her. Rainbow Dash stops and turns away. "If any of them is injured, I will stop you."

"No promise." Diana folds her paw. "But I promise that they will live."

The blue pegasus nods and flies to the pink pony, then they head back to Ponyville. Diana goes inside the wagon and helps others to move the stuff.

After 8 hours of moving stuff from the wagon, Spike cooks the meal for all of them. Matt bites some meat. "Uhmmm... it's good. I thought we should hire a chef to cook for us."

"If we can get food every day, that will be cool." Spike sighs. "I will cook."

"Shame on you, Matt." Diana giggles. "How about you direct us to go somewhere we need? You have experience from a 'lost in the ocean' trip."

"Maybe." Matt pats Diana. "The sky and the sea are almost the same so I can show you the way, and I will drive this airship."

"Honestly, this is a very big airship." Twilight eats some salad. "I should help you to drive the airship."

Matt teases. "You know how to drive? This airship is like a ship on the ocean so I can drive it. But you, nah, I don't trust you."


Diana claps her paws. "Alright, we have plenty of room so we can choose one room for one of us. I will enchant this airship with Sunset."

"You sure? I... I nearly burnt the wagon." Sunset is shivering. "I don't think... I can help you."

"You will be fine, Sunset." Diana looks around. "We will use one room to store the food. Use the ice spell to make it like a fridge. One room for training and one room to do the meeting."

Matt points at the wagon. "How about the wagon? Many Everfree planks of wood can protect our ship."

"You, Spike, will dismantle the wagon. Twilight, learn this airship like your home. We will have to work all day. We will start tomorrow. Got it?"

Matt chuckles. "Yes, captain."

"I should buy some customs through." Diana stretches her body. "I'm done here. I will do my job."

After the meal, they start doing their job as fast as they can. The faster they do it, the better they can find the memory shard.