• Published 5th Oct 2012
  • 3,145 Views, 124 Comments

Bleach: Equestria - PaleRider

Bleach storyline, performed by the MLP:FiM cast. Adaptations made by the author.

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Volume 1 - The Death And The Unicorn - Part 1

"Get up, Twili!”

Shining Armor's voice echoed throughout the corridors of the small house and into the quiet bedroom of his younger sister. The room was small and minimalistic, the owner clearly holding the opinion that furniture was a luxury that she didn't need: it had a single bookshelf full of various books, a tidy study table with nothing but an open notebook lying on it, a humble wardrobe and a single pony bed. The lavender walls were naked, besides the few signed posters of a popular musician, Vinyl Scratch.

Lying on the bed, covered by an azure blanket, a young unicorn moaned as the voice jarred her awake. She curled up into the blanket, cherishing its warm embrace as its fine fibres combed her lavender coat. She ran a hoof over her purple mane, idly tracing the pink strip of hair that ran down her fringe.

"Twili, don't make me come up there!"

Twilight Sparkle grunted and stretched her aching limbs, sighing contently as her joints popped. Still drowsy from the previous night’s sleep (or lack thereof) she struggled to peel her eyes open, but she didn't need to open them to know that her mane was a complete mess and her coat needed a good brushing.

Sighing in exasperation, she used her magic to lift up the blanket and force herself out of her bed. Twilight rubbed her eyes as they adjusted to the harsh sunlight pouring through the curtains, and ran her gaze over her humble abode, focusing on the clock hanging on the wall.

"Hmm, seven...” she mumbled, “At least I didn't oversleep." She yawned as she wondered what fate could have befallen her alarm clock. Glancing around she found she had thrown it on the floor when it had rung ten minutes beforehand. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at herself.

At least I set my alarm early... Well that, and Shining knows that I always stay up late studying.

Smiling, she rose from the bed and trotted lazily to the bathroom.

A few minutes of peaceful silence passed by as the unicorn organized her appearance. Twilight could hear the chink of plates and cutlery a floor below. She reemerged from the bathroom clothed in a school uniform. It was composed of a navy blue, short skirt, a white, long-sleeved shirt and a blue tie.

She grinned excitedly at herself in the mirror, and trotted towards the kitchen: a clean and simple room made of brilliant, white tiles that shone under the fluorescent lighting. Shining Armor stood next to a small oven, preparing breakfast.

“Thanks for the breakfast, Big Bro, but you're going to be late for work.” Twilight chuckled nervously as her eyes glanced at the kitchen clock.

He turned to her and smiled tenderly, “Don’t worry, Twili; I can spare a little time to take care of my little sister. The guys over at the police department aren’t a bunch of heartless.”

“On your first day?” she quizzed, cocking an eyebrow.

Shining grinned sheepishly and levitated a plate with a sandwich on it onto the table. Twilight sat down, picked up the bread with her magic, and began eating. Shining Armor perched upon a seat across from her at the table with a sandwich of his own as he began to eat it delicately. Twilight resisted an eyeroll. How does he always manage to be the gentlecolt, even when he eats?

"So, any news about the murders, Shining?" The mare asked in between mouthfuls.

Shining Armor sighed. He didn't want to talk about the situation with Twilight, but he knew her curiosity was greater than a child's and several times as persistent, and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to run from her questions for long.

"Not yet, Twili. Although I need to talk to you about that: this case looks pretty big, so I'm not sure what time I'll be back tonight. You'll be okay, right?"

Twilight suppressed another eyeroll, this time with less success, and nodded, “Of course.”

“So, it’s your first day at University.” Shining cheered, clapping his hooves. “Congratulations! How’re you feeling?” He quizzed excitedly, completely changing the subject.

“Yeah. I might be a little nervous, but it's so good to finally be going there; school was just so boring." Twilight complained, “The work was always far too easy, and they didn’t even teach teleportation magic!”

Shining smirked, "The dork of the family, indeed.” he muttered, “I think you'll like it there. I remember my first time at Uni." Her brother smiled as his eyes unfocused. "It's a shame I didn't keep in contact with many of my friends. That, and I was never any good with magic."

Twilight grinned at him. "Yeah, clear from birth I was the clever child..."

"Hey!" Shining pouted, feigning a hurt look, and the pair shared a small laugh. Twilight was always grateful for the time she spent with him, even if it was just a few minutes during their breakfast.

Before she'd even realized it Twilight had finished her sandwich, and Shining giggled at her surprised expression. Pouting, she got up from her chair and picked up her saddlebag of textbooks.

“See ya, Big Bro.” she said as chuckled mischievously. “Have a good first day.”

“Hey,wait up!” Shining cantered over and locked her in a tight hug. “Be good for me, Twili." Shining said softly. "You need to study less, you know; you always overwork yourself. I worry for you, Twi.”

"Don't worry, Officer; I'll be fine." Twilight chuckled. Her brother could be so protective sometimes. With a smile, she left the room, and departed for the campus.

Twilight walked through the streets of Ponyville. The small town was calm and tranquil, and yet everypony waved at her with wide smiles. Along the edge of the road small trees dotted between buildings. Twilight could feel the gentle breeze of nature and the calm setting of a rural location easing her nerves and washing away her fatigue.

I could definitely get used to this.

The lavender unicorn used her magic to levitate a book from the saddlebag at her side, and a quill from a small pocket. She opened the tome with care and began to write while walking, the quill making scratching noises as she took each step.

Today, I’m starting a new diary, because I’m starting a new life.

My name is Twilight Sparkle. Me and my brother Shining Armor moved from the capital, Canterlot, to this small town called Ponyville.
We had to come over here because my brother, a police detective, was transferred to help solve a case of a series of deaths that have so far baffled the police here. They suspect murder, but there’s no proof to suggest so; the victims had all seemingly dropped death with little or no cause.
But, despite this, I’m also pleased we came here; even though Ponyville is just a small town, its University of Magic has very high results and is renowned for graduating some brilliant minds.

Before the mare could continue with her scribbles, her attention was caught by a small filly in the corner of her vision under the shadow of an apple tree. The filly wore a faded yellow, simple dress, and a cute hat. Her eyes were focused on the tree above her, and a look of hunger crossed her face when she spotted an apple.

Another one.

“Hello.” Twilight said loudly as she trotted over, hoping catch the filly's attention. The mare smiled when the filly turned to her. She had a white coat which was as clear as fresh snow. Her hat covered most of her chalk-white mane, and cast a shadow over her eyes. Twilight could see a glint of sadness in those emerald irises.

“Who are you, miss?” the small mare asked with a small and timid voice, her face scrunching up into a confused expression.

“I’m just passing through here. What’s your name? I'm Twilight Sparkle.”

The filly turned her attention back to the apples, “My name is Flora Song.” she replied faintly.

Twilight glanced up at the apples, “They sure do look good. You want one, Flora?”

The small mare nodded slowly. Twilight smiled kindly, and used her magic to pluck one of the brilliant, red apples from the canopy above them, placing it on the ground in front of the filly.

“Here, eat. If you want some more, just ask.”

Flora Song slowly shook her head in negation, and let out a soft sob. When she looked up at Twilight again, tears were shimmering in her eyes.

“I can’t eat... I ... I don’t remember when I started trying to pick the apples from this tree, but I never... I never got one." The tears ran down her face is small rivulets. "The days passed and I started to notice that I never got hungry, or sleepy, or anything... I never got... I'll never get hungry, again.”

Twilight gave the filly an understanding smile, feeling her eyes grow hot, “I know.”

“People never noticed that I was here." The filly paused. "So how can you see me? How're you talking to me?”

Twilight sat down next to her. “I don’t know, either. I just can, and all the others like you since I was a little filly like you.”

Flora Song looked down to the apple on the ground and shivered, “Thank you.”

“Flora, I hope that someday you'll be able to go to a place where you can eat all the apples you want.” the lavender unicorn picked up another apple, and started to trot away from the tree. The small filly stared longingly at Twilight, and tried picking the apple with her hooves, but her hoof just passed through it.

“Goodbye, Twilight Sparkle.”

A butterfly flew over the filly, and landed on the tip of her nose, attracting her attention. It was as black as night.

“It seems I’ve finally found you, Flora Song.” said a male voice from behind the tree. The filly looked around and saw that Twilight had gone. The butterfly flew away as Flora began walking warily around the tree.

“Can you see me too?” she whispered.

Leaning against the tree on two hind legs, stood a tall, purple, bipedal creature. His eyes were closed. Flora's eyes ran over his long 'forelegs' and winced as they fell upon sharp claws where hooves were supposed to be. He wore a black robe, with a white strap around his waist. He smiled as the filly found him, his white teeth glowed in the shade.

A Dragon!.

“Yes, I can.” he said softly, running a claw over the green spikes running from the top of his head down his next and over his back.

“You’re different from the others. Are you here to take me to a place where I can eat some apples?” Flora looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with hope.

The dragon nodded, opening his draconic eyes. They glowed emerald in the shade.

“Yes.” he answered, a sad smile dancing across his lips. “But you have to promise me you won't be scared.”

“I promise!”

He kneeled in front of the filly, and, from his back, he drew a long sword. Flora couldn't help but gulp as he brought it near her. The dragon saw her reaction.

"Shh, don't worry, I won't hurt you."

He gently placed the hilt of the sword upon Flora’s forehead. Instantly, Flora felt all the nerves and pain of a hundred years ebb away as the world was bathed in blue light.

And then...


“Hmm, so somepony else noticed you too?” the dragon whispered softly.

Twilight gasped when the campus came into a view: a big mansion stood on the top of a hill, surrounded by the lush greenery of wild flora. It cast a intimidating shadow on the ground. The structure was in the middle of a great courtyard encircled by tall walls and a pair of heavy gates made of iron. They hung open, welcoming a large quantity of ponies, who were gathering in the vicinity to wait for the moment their school lives would commence.

Retrieving a book from her bag Twilight began reading as she passed through the crowd, the book held firmly in her magical field. As she passed through the centre of the crowd, Twilight couldn't help but notice a few eyes falling upon her. Pushing the thoughts of the judging gazes to the back of her mind she continued straight towards the mansion. She caught a glimpse of the gargantuan tower at the center, which housed an impressive golden bell. Benches were dotted along the perimeter of the path, and were shaded by large trees. Already, different social circles had laid claim to several.

A huge flock of mares and stallions were reuniting in the courtyard. Two cobalt stallions, clearly twins, wore camouflaged berets. They towered over their peers, looking menacingly like bodyguards for a much smaller, light blue unicorn with a flowing, silver-white mane and purple eyes. The trio were clearly the centre of attention.

The ones gathered around her were muttering to each other, but the lavender unicorn gave them no mind and walked past the crowd.

“Hey, you!” called a voice. There was no doubt about who it belonged to.

Twilight continued walking, ignoring the baiting voice.

The mare raised her eyebrows, shooting Twilight an unimpressed look. in two swift motions, she clapped her hooves, and the two big stallions from before stood in the way of Twilight. She stopped and glanced up at them, her face still buried in the book.

“Can I help you?” Twilight asked, a frown forming on her muzzle.

“Yes, you can! You’re a freshman, are you not?” said Trixie, appearing between the two stallions with a teleport spell.

“Yes, first day is today.” Twilight replied curtly, “Is there a problem with that?”

"Oh, really?" She responded slyly, and glanced around expectantly at the crowd that had gathered around them. As if on cue they broke out into chatters of laughter. The light blue unicorn let off a grand and egotistical chuckle of mockery.

“At least that takes some of the guilt off your shoulders.” “she said, a grin dancing over her lips, “Well, introductions are in order. You stand before the great, the powerful, the one and only Trixie! The most mighty and magical unicorn at this college!” She announced grandly, puffing out her chest, rising her body, and shaking her hooves for added effect.

“So?” Twilight replied with an unimpressed tone.

Trixie gasped, looking like she’d just been slapped. Restraining her her irritation, she spoke again.

“You must introduce yourself of course! And also pay your respects by bowing down to your superior!”

The lavender mare sighed, she looked to Trixie and bowed her head slightly, “My name is Twilight Sparkle. Are you happy now? Can I go to my class?”

Trixie shot her eyes to the crowd again, who promptly resumed their snickering. Trixie looked back at Twilight, her arrogance reinvigorated. “Now this is better. So you are a unicorn, what magic do you know? Do you hope to be as skilled as the Great and Powerful Trixie?” She demanded.

Twilight boredom etched itself deeper into her expression. She teleported herself behind the trio, and continued walking.

“None of your business." she grumbled.

The crowd gasped, this time without cue from Trixie. The mare, herself, widened her eyes in surprise. She let loose an frustrated growl and teleported in front of Twilight. With a swift kick, Twilight's book went sailing through the air, landing on the grass a few metres away from the pair.

“You dare walk away from Trixie!?” she hissed.

Twilight grimaced, “I think somepony has a little attention problem here.”

A white beam of magical energy hit Twilight and sent her flying through the courtyard. Trixie's horn smoked slightly, and she wobbled uneasily. Twilight lay on the grass groaning. However Trixie's spell did nothing to dowse her rage. “You don’t understand do you? I’m the boss at this college! Nopony here does anything without my permission. Nopony here dares defy me!”

The crowd froze in awe, and gasps and whispering filled the air. Trixie's breathing was loud and laboured.

And then all was silenced by a laugh. Twilight Sparkle rose from the ground, and idly brushed herself down with a hoof.

Thank goodness I cast a ward, or that might have stung.

Still smiling she stared Trixie straight in the eye.

“Well,” Twilight said calmly, “I think some things are going to have to change, then.” Twilight said calmly. Before anyone could comprehend what she had just said, Trixie was sent flying through the air. Her body collided with the mansion wall, causing a small crack in the stonework. She was out cold before she hit the floor. Twilight’s horn sizzled from the bolt of energy she had just sent hurtling across the courtyard.

The crowd didn’t make a sound. Their wide eyes spoke for them.

“Boss!” one of the twins yelled, not even bothering to hide the alarm in his voice. His sibling nudged him with his hoof, eyeing daggers at Twilight. “Get her. We gotta recover the boss' reputation!”

The first stallion turned his head, and both stallions nodded at the same time. They charged in Twilight’s direction, attempting to hit her with a head bash, but the deft unicorn simply teleported herself out of the way of the blundering stallions. Appearing behind them, she used her magic to levitate one of the them into the air.

“Sorry guys, nothing personal.” she said softly, launching one of the twins against the other, the simplistic action sufficient enough to knock both of them out cold.

The crowd was unsure of whether to be overjoyed or fearful; nopony ever, in the history of the university, had been able to challenge Trixie and her gang, and win.

Ignoring the crowd, Twilight continued walking towards the school building, levitating her book in front of her once again.

I think I've made my first impression.